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The development of children's ideas about others' difficulties in learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, Professor Ann Lewis, of the School of Education, University of Birmingham, reviews the literature and current research on pupils' perceptions of others' difficulties in learning. She focuses, in particular, on three strands: children's perceptions about other people and their traits; children as 'naïve' biologists, attempting to explain growth and development in others; and children's responses to and use of cues based on achievement and ideas about ability. In a wide-ranging discussion, this article explores work on theory of mind and notes the different ways in which children explain learning difficulties in others at various ages. In her conclusion, Professor Lewis makes three key points: there is a need to supplement experimental work in this area with good quality, classroom-based studies; more effort should be devoted to finding ways of accessing children's views and perceptions in authentic and reliable ways; and staff working in inclusive classrooms are ideally placed to contribute to the development of research in this area.  相似文献   

自然主义教育理论是西方教育历史上的一个重要理论,名教育家夸美纽斯、卢梭、裴斯塔洛齐等人都在他们的时代背景下,从不同角度论述了自然教育理论的含义,阐明了“教育必须适应儿童身心发展”的深刻道理。这些思想对于当前的教育实践改革仍有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the interaction between children's observations of light and shadows and their developing theories in the context of a series of lessons in a third-grade classroom. Detailed analysis of videotapes of the children's discussions of their investigations into light and shadows led to the finding that the children's observations of light led to the development of a limited theory about light that was largely useful in explaining classroom investigations. However, this theory of light was less helpful in helping them understanding shadow phenomena and was too limited to explain out-of-classroom observations of light and shadows.  相似文献   

用PowerPoint制作平抛运动的演示课件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍应用PowerPoint 2003 制作平抛运动的演示课件,给出了详细的制作过程和方法,课件效果较好,制作过程简单易学,对于只学习过PowefPoint的教师不失为一个较好的方法.  相似文献   

沈卫 《物理教学》2020,(5):56-58
在解决抛体运动问题时不仅可以沿水平竖直方向对初速度进行正交分解,也可以沿任意相互垂直的方向进行正交分解,既可以分解速度也能够分解加速度。本文将结合相关实例对如何在抛体运动问题中合理有效地选择正交分解的方向与分解的形式进行分析探讨,以便于在具体问题的解决中得以推广应用。  相似文献   

吕艳坤 《物理教学》2020,(4):15-16,6
基于斜抛运动最大抛射角的角平分线总结三点结论,通过三种解法加以证明,建构以物理知识和科学方法为中心的科学思维体系。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of conceptual change-based instruction and traditionally designed physics instruction on students' understanding of projectile motion concepts. Misconceptions related to projectile motion concepts were determined by related literature on this subject. Accordingly, the Projectile Motion Concepts Test was developed. The data were obtained through 43 students in an experimental group taught with learning activities based on conceptual change instruction and 39 students in a control group who followed traditional classroom instruction. The results showed that conceptual change-based instruction caused significantly better acquisition of conceptual change of projectile motion concepts than the traditional instruction.  相似文献   

当下教育理论研究与实践中的历史感缺失已日益成为制约教育理论研究和实践健康发展的瓶颈之一。这种历史感的缺失主要表现为:(1)历史知识的缺失;(2)历史意识的缺失;(3)历史情感的缺失等方面。  相似文献   

There are presently two major bodies of literature that focus on the development and growth of educational systems. The first examines the historical expansion of schooling, with particular emphasis on industrialized countries. The second concentrates on planning for future educational expansion in countries that currently are less educationally developed. In this paper, an overview of theoretical perspectives on the historical expansion of schooling and an overview of perspectives that guide planning for future expansion are presented, and the relationship between the two sets of perspectives explored. It is concluded that these two bodies of literature presently exist, for the most part, as separate bodies of knowledge. Greater communication between individuals engaged in historical research and those involved in planning for future expansion is urged. Specifically, it is suggested that greater efforts be made to explore how studies and theories of historical expansion might provide insights that would contribute to more effective planning for the future expansion of schooling in less educationally-developed countries.
Zusammenfassung In der Forschungsliteratur gibt es derzeit zwei Hauptströmungen, die schwerpunktmäßig Entwicklung und Erweiterung der Erziehungssysteme behandeln. Während die eine die Erweiterung des Schulwesens historisch unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Industrieländer untersucht, konzentriert sich die andere auf die Planung zukünftiger Erweiterungen des Schulwesens in Ländern, die z.Zt. im Hinblick auf die Erziehungswissenschaften weniger weit entwickelt sind. In diesem Bericht wird ein Überblick sowohl über theoretische Perspektiven der Erweiterung im Schulwesen aus historischer Sicht als auch über Perspektiven gegeben, die der Planung zukünftiger Erweiterungen zu Grunde liegen. Darüberhinaus wird die Beziehung zwischen diesen beiden Komplexen von Perspektiven untersucht. Abschließend wird die Auffassung vertreten, daß diese beiden Forschungsströmungen z.Zt. weitgehend als getrennte Wissensbestände bestehen. Zur besseren Verständigung zwischen denjenigen, die in der historischen Forschung tätig und denjenigen, die mit der Planung zukünftiger Erweiterung beschäftigt sind, wird geraten. Es wird vorgeschlagen, größere Anstrengungen zu unternehmen, um herauszufinden, wie Untersuchungen und Theorien über die historische Erweiterung klärend beitragen könnten, wirksamere Planung für zukünftige Erweiterungen des Schulwesens in pädagogisch weniger entwickelten Ländern durchzuführen.

Résumé Il existe actuellement deux larges courants d'écrits portant sur le développement et la croissance des systèmes éducatifs. Le premier examine l'expansion historique de la scolarisation en plaçant un accent particulier sur les pays industrialisés. Le second se concentre sur la planification de l'expansion future de l'éducation dans les pays présentemment moins développés en matière d'éducation. Cet article présente un examen des perspectives théoriques sur l'expansion historique de la scolarisation en même temps que celui des perspectives qui guident la planification pour une expansion future; on y explore également la relation entre ces deux ensembles de perspectives. L'article aboutit à la conclusion que ces deux courants d'écrits existent, en garde partie, comme deux domaines différents de connaissance. Il est fortement conseillé de tisser des liens plus étroits de communication entre les personnes engagées dans la recherche historique et celles concernées par la planification de l'expansion future de l'éducation. Il est spécialement suggéré d'entreprendre de plus gros efforts pour explorer la façon dont les études et théories sur l'expansion historique pourraient donner un meilleur aperçu d'une planification plus effective de l'expansion de la scolarisation dans les pays les moins pourvus en matière d'éducation.

This article summarizes a small-scale investigation into 10- and 11-year-old children's perceptions of how the attitudes and values of different times in the past are reflected in historical writing for children. The research involved observation, reading and discussion of historical stories written at different times in the past about a particular period and character in the distant past, familiar to the children from their history lessons. The study investigated how children interacted with these texts in order to derive meaning from them. This article analyses the strategies children used and how they began to unpack the complex, multiple layers of meaning in ‘history stories’ by first examining the material properties of their texts. It considers how these material properties influenced the children's understanding of the texts' contents. It also seeks to discover whether young children are capable of comprehending the broader meanings of texts, beyond a literal reading of them, and how they explore texts critically in terms of their ideology. Findings suggest that able readers between the ages of 10 and 11 are indeed able to understand how ideologies are transmitted in such texts written for children, how these ideologies are conveyed to the child reader, and how they differ from the values and attitudes of the present.  相似文献   

This article describes children's views of what English will be like in ten years time. Children from year 2 (6–7 year olds) and year 6 (10–11 year olds) took part in a study which involved discussion, writing activities and interviews. It was found that, on the whole, these children saw English in the future as being a balance between traditional methods of teaching and learning and technological innovations and advancements. For these children, technology will become an essential part of their education and their lives outside school.  相似文献   

8-year-olds', 10-year-olds', and adults' concepts of mental activities involved in acts of knowing were examined in an attempt to gain insight into developmental changes in underlying theories of mind. Subjects rated the similarity of how the mind is used in a variety of common activities, each of which primarily involved either memory, comprehension, attention, or inference. Analyses of conceptual structure revealed 2 developmental changes. Between 8 and 10 years of age, children came to see the most important relation among mental activities to be the degree to which they involved memory. Between 10 years of age and adulthood, Comprehension and Attention first appeared as distinct, coherent concepts. At all ages, Memory and Inference were seen as distinct types of mental activities. These findings suggested that a sophisticated understanding of the representational nature of the mind might not be acquired before the latter part of middle childhood and might be mediated by an understanding of the central role played by memory.  相似文献   

美国大学对学生发展理论的研究有着近百年的历史。美国学生发展理论包括个体与环境、社会心理、认知和价值观和整合型理论四个基本类型。这些理论分别从社会学、心理学、生态学等角度来解释学生成长和发展规律,理论研究的重点逐步从着眼于学生发展的某一特定方面转移到学生的总体发展上。近二三十年来,由于学生群体的不断变化,美国对女性学生、同性恋学生以及其他弱势群体学生的研究逐步增加。学生发展理论深刻影响了美国的学生管理实践,为学生宿舍管理、学务咨询、心理咨询等重要的学生事务管理领域提供了理论指导。  相似文献   

中国历史上灾荒频仍,晚清时期自然灾害更是频繁发生,其中尤以光绪年间为重。张之洞为官就处于这样一个时代。频繁发生的灾荒以及在灾荒影响下的民生困苦情形使得张之洞内心深处受到极大震撼,由此直接造就了张之洞的备荒赈灾思想。这一思想的主要渊源有:经世致用思想、天命主义禳灾论和古圣先贤救治灾荒的成功经验等。该思想的内涵则主要表现为:珍重生命的以民为本思想、注重实效的实用主义思想、防患于未然的未雨绸缪思想和不分畛域的顾全大局思想等。  相似文献   

人口消费观念、消费模式成为影响可持续发展战略至关重要的因素,要实现社会的总体可持续发展必须转变消费观念、改变消费模式。  相似文献   

Sixty-four 8-year-old boys and girls from urban and rural settings and representing different races and socioeconomic status backgrounds responded to questions about the nature, causes, justification, and alleviation of poverty. Much of what the children said indicated that they had not yet internalized prevailing adult norms and values about the poor in our society. A substantial proportion spoke in ways suggesting forces apart from the individual as causing poverty. Nearly all believed that poverty was not fair. Justifications offered by the children included disavowing economic inequality, or speaking in terms of basic needs or what should or ought to be. A majority mentioned philanthropy or societal change as a way to end poverty. Findings also lend support to the claim of social representations theory that concepts vary as a function of social factors. Future research should employ a design that acknowledges interacting variables to investigate systems of meaning in children's understandings about poverty.  相似文献   

儒家文化一直被视为中国传统文化的主流。而儒家文化自唐宋以后又被概之以“孔孟之道”。这样,孔孟两个思想家之间的判别便被泯没了。但事实上,二者在思想倾向、学说内容上的差异却是巨大的,二者对中国历史的影响也是不同的。  相似文献   

学习理论的发展与学习创新   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
自古以来,关于知识的来源及其获取的方法,一直存在着经验论与唯理论之争,这些争论后来成为20世纪学习理论两大流派——行为主义和认知主义的哲学基础。建构主义是学习理论从行为主义发展到认知主义以后的进一步发展,它为当今时代学习创新提供了许多有益的启示:在学习目标上,变知识传输为知识建构;在学习方式上,倡导自主、探究、合作学习和情境学习;与此相适应,在教学上,也要从知识传授向全面促进学生的学习转变。  相似文献   

Social identity and the development of children's group attitudes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study assessed predictions drawn from social identity theory (SIT; Tajfel & Turner) concerning the acquisition of young children's intra- and intergroup attitudes and cognitions. In a minimal group study, 5- and 8-year-old children (N = 258) were arbitrarily assigned to teams that varied in their drawing ability (social status). In addition, the study varied the extent to which the children believed they could change teams (social mobility) and whether the team had additional positive qualities beyond their drawing skill (social change). The children subsequently rated their liking for, and similarity to, the ingroup and the outgroup and the extent to which they wished to change groups. Consistent with SIT and research with adults, the results indicated that children as young as 5 years of age were sensitive to the status of their social group, and that ingroup status has important implications for both their desire to remain group members as well as their perceived similarity to other group members. The extent to which the findings provide support for SIT and the intergroup similarities between adults and children are discussed.  相似文献   

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