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This paper presents findings from an exploratory study into a science teacher education initiative that seeks to build the foundations on which novice teachers can begin developing their pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). The initiative involved the use of Content Representations (CoRes), which were originally developed as part of a strategy for exploring and gaining insights into the PCK of expert science teachers. As the student teachers explored existing CoRes the course lecturer saw potential for more effectively developing their PCK through engaging them in constructing their own CoRes for new topics. When given the opportunity, student teachers found the task challenging and their lack of classroom experience and experimentation proved to be a limiting factor. However, the contribution such a task could make to their future PCK development remained a distinct possibility in the lecturer’s view. In the following year she carefully scaffolded the learning prior to CoRe construction such that the student teachers could more readily access relevant knowledge when attempting such a task. Their resultant CoRes and comments indicate that with appropriate and timely scaffolding the process of CoRe construction does have the potential for PCK development for novice teachers.  相似文献   

This paper describes procedures by which two types of measures of Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) were developed and validated: (a) PCK Survey and (b) PCK Rubric. Given the topic-specificity of PCK, the measures centered on photosynthesis as taught in high school classrooms. The measures were conceptually grounded in the pentagon model of PCK and designed to measure indispensable PCK that can be applied to any teacher, in any teaching context, for the given topic. Because of the exploratory nature of the study, the measures focus on two key components of PCK: (a) knowledge of students’ understanding in science and (b) knowledge of instructional strategies and representations. Both measures have established acceptable levels of reliability as determined by internal consistency and inter-rater agreement. Evidence related to content validity was gathered through expert consultations, while evidence related to construct validity was collected through analysis of think-aloud interviews and factor analyses. Issues and challenges emerging from the course of the measure development, administration, and validation are discussed with strategies for confronting them. Directions for future research are proposed in three areas: (a) relationships between PCK and teaching experiences, (b) differences in PCK between science teachers and scientists, and (c) relationships between PCK and student learning.  相似文献   

PCK情感维度初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自Shulman提出PCK后,其概念不断地丰富和拓展,从PCK到PCKg再发展到TPCK,但是PCK理论对教师情感维度的关注一直很缺失。对于PCK和教师情感的关系,有研究者提出了"情感生态"的概念。情感生态就是教师关于教与学的情感,是教师知识生态系统里不可分割的一部分。情感生态有着不同的水平,与PCK的情感维度形成交叉的关系。情感生态的提出对PCK的研究具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

数学课程改革从2001年开始启动,2004年全面推开。任何教育改革都需要首先了解教师在课堂教学时使用了什么样的知识,而PCK(pedagogical content knowledge)作为学科教学知识,对教师的教学有着深远的影响。  相似文献   

This study tested a hypothesis that focused on whether or not teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) is a necessary body of knowledge for reformed science teaching. This study utilized a quantitative research method to investigate the correlation between a teacher’s PCK level as measured by the PCK rubric (Park et al. 2008) and the degree to which his/her classroom is reform-oriented as measured by RTOP (Sawada et al. 2002). Data included 33 instructional sessions of photosynthesis and heredity videotaped with 7 high school biology teachers. Each session was given a score on both the PCK rubric and RTOP by two independent raters. Results indicate that PCK score is significantly related to RTOP score in terms of both total score (r = .831, p < .01) and sub-component scores (ranging from r = .616 to .805, p < .01). Implications for science teacher education and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

王干  张婉 《化学教学》2016,(12):24-28
对大学化学师范四年级本科生和本科化学师范专业毕业3年内的新手化学教师进行了有关PCK的问卷调查和访谈.结果表明:化学师范生PCK中各组成部分呈现不均衡的发展状态,化学师范生PCK的发展受内外部多种因素的共同影响,化学师范生PCK的生成路径是内化基础上的转化.  相似文献   

摘要:教师的学科教学知识对个性化教学方式的形成起着至关重要的作用,它既是教师形成个性化教学方式的知识基础.又是引导教师理解学生的关键因素。教师在建构个性化教学方式过程中需要以“对话”的方式不断丰富学科教学知识。  相似文献   

Science   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在科学上没有平坦的大道,只有不畏劳苦沿着陡峭山路攀登的人,才有希望达到光辉的顶点。There is mo royal road to science,andonly those who do not dread the fatigu-ing climb of its steep paths have a chance ofgaining its luminous summits.Science  相似文献   

一、由教师的抱怨和困惑所引发的思考 开学初,去听一位年轻教师的课,讲到四项基本原则时,该教师先让学生齐声朗读,然后在黑板上画了一个屋顶和四根柱子,并解释说“四项基本原则是我国的立国之本,犹如房子的四根柱子,缺一不可。”望着学生似懂非懂的眼神,他又加了一句“懂了吗?”“懂了!”学生应付道。“不懂也没关系,反正是开卷考!”坐在最后的一位男生小声地嘀咕着,声音虽小,但还是引起了其他学生的哄堂大笑。在下课前的课堂练习中,有一半学生把四项基本原则和改革开放的地位混淆了。  相似文献   

教师的专业发展需要有效的知识增长和更新的机制,核心问题就是发展他们的PCK,教研点评应当指向教师PCK的提升。沪教版初中化学"组成物质的化学元素"课堂实录及点评揭示了应围绕研究学科课程的知识、教学策略的知识、学生的知识、自主学习的知识和教学评价的知识等方面,通过对话与互动,促使教师逐渐形成自己独特的学科教学知识。  相似文献   

大学英语教师PCK的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
PCK是学科教学知识的简称,开展大学英语教师PCK的研究对大学英语教师学科教学知识的成长具有重要意义。本文探讨了大学英语教师PCK的内涵,指出了大学英语教师PCK存在的问题,提出通过教师个人自主构建和学习共同体构建等方式完善大学英语教师的学科教学知识。  相似文献   

一、由教师的抱怨和困惑所引发的思考开学初,去听一位年轻教师的课,讲到四项基本原则时,该教师先让学生齐声朗读,然后在黑板上画了一个屋顶和四根柱子,并解释说四项基本原则是我国的立国之本,犹如房子的四根柱子,缺一不可。望着学生似懂非懂的眼神,他又加了一句懂了吗?懂了!学生应付道。不懂也没关系,反正是开卷考!坐在最后的一位男生小声地嘀咕着,声音虽小,但还是引起了其他学生的哄堂大笑。在下课前的课堂练习中,有一半学生把四项基本原则和改革开放的地位混淆了。  相似文献   

<正>一、由教学困惑所引发的思考开学初,听了一堂公开课,面对的群体是三星级学校的学生,主要内容是共价键的形成与分类.当讲到乙炔中的碳碳三键形成的过程时,该教师在没有任何图示说明的情况下,随即设问学生成键情况,然后直接告知学生,其中一根是"头碰头"形成的比较牢固的δ键,另外两根是"肩并肩"形成的较易断裂的键,望着学生茫然的眼神,他又补充道:"就像是西游记中孙悟空的三打白骨精,只有最后一棒才是最厉害的,这三根键中  相似文献   

On Acknowledging PCK’s Shortcomings   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

教师的专业发展需要有效的知识增长和更新的机制,核心问题就是发展他们的PCK,教研点评应当指向教师PCK的提升。沪教版初中化学"组成物质的化学元素"课堂实录及点评揭示了应围绕研究学科课程的知识、教学策略的知识、学生的知识、自主学习的知识和教学评价的知识等方面,通过对话与互动,促使教师逐渐形成自己独特的学科教学知识。  相似文献   

<正>1引言:PCK概念的内涵这一概念最早由斯坦福大学教授Shulman(美国教育研究会主席)提出,他认为构成教学的知识基础有7类,其中的"学科教学知识"逐步成为教师知识的重心与核心.学科教学知识是"Pedagogical Content Knowledge"(简称为PCK)的翻译,也有些研究者将其翻译成"教学内容知识"或者"学科教育知识".2010年上海的中学生与全球47万名中学生共  相似文献   

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