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Web‐based learning is becoming prevalent in science learning. Some use specially designed programs, while others use materials available on the Internet. This qualitative case study examined the process of acquisition of integrated science process skills, particularly the skill of controlling variables, in a web‐based learning environment among grade 5 children. Data were gathered primarily from children’s conversations and teacher–student conversations. Analysis of the data revealed that the children acquired the skill in three phases: from the phase of recognition to the phase of familiarization and finally to the phase of automation. Nevertheless, the acquisition of the skill only involved the acquisition of certain subskills of the skill of controlling variables. This progression could be influenced by the web‐based instructional material that provided declarative knowledge, concrete visualization and opportunities for practise.  相似文献   


It has been established by previous researchers that changes in the wording of multiple‐choice examination questions can significantly affect pupil performance. In this study recent ‘home’ General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and ‘overseas’ General Certificate of Education (GCE) papers were examined for questions in which the language could be simplified, and modified questions were prepared. When performance on the original and modified forms of the questions was compared for a sample of British school pupils, no statistically significant difference emerged. When performance on the same questions was examined for a sample of pupils for whom English was the second (or third) language, there were significant differences in their performance on modified and unmodified versions of the questions.  相似文献   

Action research is suggested as a way to engage teachers in curriculum development and the betterment of teaching practices in schools based on educational research activities. As in other educational domains, action research in science education is employed with both aims to better understand and develop teaching practices and to contribute to teacher continuous professional development. A variety of methodological approaches using action research in science education exists, from more technical toward more emancipatory interpretations. The range of educational settings and goals for which action research is performed is also quite broad. The purpose of this analytical review of the international available literature is to provide an overview of the main aspects in applying action research in science education.  相似文献   


Science education in most non‐western societies is modelled on that of the west. Considering that science is a culture which westerners produced, we cannot but infer that science must be a foreign culture for non‐westerners and that science education in such a society must have some characteristics different from thoseof science education in a western society. In this essay, a model for a rationale of science education for a non‐western society is proposed, in which science and traditional culture can be seen tobe in conflict.  相似文献   

This study explores the impact of a cryogenics‐based enrichment programme, which involves demonstrations that use liquid nitrogen, on attitudes towards science and the learning of science concepts. The findings presented in this paper are based on a sample of 214 fifth‐grade students from two schools in Singapore who had their enrichment lesson in a subzero‐temperature science centre. Overall, the students viewed science as more enjoyable and acquired more interest in wanting to pursue science careers after experiencing the cryogenics‐based enrichment programme, but no remarkable and conclusive change was detected in their perceptions of the social implications of science. Significant knowledge gains were also detected among the participants. The programme did not have any differential impact on students of either gender and from two learning streams, both cognitively and affectively.  相似文献   

Educators agree on the benefits of adaptive learning, but evidence-based research remains limited as the field of adaptive learning is still evolving within higher education. In this study, we investigated the impact of an adaptive learning intervention to provide remedial instruction in biology, chemistry, math, and information literacy to first-year students (n = 128) entering a pharmacy professional degree program. Using a mixed methods design, we examined students’ learning in each of the four content areas, their experience using the adaptive system, and student characteristics as related to their choice of participating in the intervention. The findings showed the adaptive learning intervention helped address the knowledge gap for chemistry, but the same effect was not observed for the other three content areas. Math anxiety was the only student characteristic that showed a significant relationship with students’ participation. While the students reported an overall positive experience, the results also revealed time factor and several design flaws that could have contributed to the lack of more student success. The findings highlight the importance of design in adaptive learning.  相似文献   


After reviewing the uses made of concept maps in research, as an aid to instruction and as a form of assessment, the problems of scoring maps objectively are discussed. Maps created de novo by 15‐16 year‐old pupils, before and after their introduction to Mendelian genetics, are used to investigate the properties of a scoring system based on that developed by Novak et al. (1983). The maps have been scored separately for a number of features ('branching’, ‘general to specific’, ‘closed units’, ‘terminology’, ‘relationships’ and ‘ hierarchy ‘) and compared with performance on genetics examination‐type questions. The components are not all independent, and do not have strong relationships with performance. The limitations of analytic methods of scoring concept maps are discussed.  相似文献   

Many learners hold traditional beliefs about mathematics that can hamper their learning in the discipline. To address this issue, a “history-based” intervention program entailing problem-solving and writing activities that instigate cognitive conflict was implemented. Data sources were pretest and posttest scores of a 12-theme questionnaire designed for this study called “Prospective teachers’ beliefs questionnaire about mathematics learning” and written reflections of prospective teachers. The survey of the prospective teachers beliefs related to the nature of mathematics and the way it is learned, taught, and practiced showed a great majority of them failed to hold progressive beliefs. Fortunately, the intervention program has helped the prospective teachers revise and correct their beliefs, thoughts, and understandings. Study of the prospective teachers’ written reflections and observations of their oral presentations during whole-class discussions strengthen the results of the quantitative study.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of an informal science outreach programme built around theories of identity formation and self-efficacy on middle school girls’ science affinities. A lottery-based, randomised control trial was used to identify programme effects on four science affinity outcomes: science interests, efficacy with science, science attitudes, and science identity. A multivariate analysis of variance demonstrated that programme participants scored higher than their control group peers on weighted composite of post-programme affinity indicators. These results suggest that informal science education may offer a venue through which to support the formation of science identities and efficacy in girls. Implications for including psychosocial support elements into science classroom pedagogy and science education standards are discussed.  相似文献   

Many education institutions and teachers are recognizing and applying online learning and related educational technologies to help students achieve satisfactory learning performance. Due to the free entertainment on the Internet that may distract students’ attention from online courses and with the purpose of developing students’ teamwork abilities, the author in this study adopted team-based learning (TBL) and co-regulated learning (CRL) to develop students’ involvement in a blended computing course. The subjects in this study were 111 first-year students from three classes taking a compulsory course titled ‘Applied information technology: data processing’. The first group (G1, which received online TBL and CRL) and the second group (G2, which received online TBL only) were the experimental groups. The last group (CG), which received the traditional teaching method in a blended learning environment, served as the control group. The results in this study indicate that students who receive the online TBL have significantly higher involvement than those without. However, the online CRL does not contribute to better development of students’ involvement in the implementation of TBL. The insights for teachers who plan to adopt e-learning, and the reasons for the ineffectiveness of CRL, are discussed in this study.  相似文献   

This paper analyses and suggests possible technological innovation strategies in higher educational institutions in Africa. The paper describes management issues in the implementation of eLearning with particular reference to its usage in higher education abroad and in Africa, and also suggests appropriate approaches for technological innovation of higher education in Africa. The major findings of the paper, which are based on three case studies, suggest that eLearning needs to be implemented within a strategically developed framework based on a clear and unified vision and a central educational rationale. The findings further highlight the importance of using a combination of strategies – top–down, bottom–up and inside–out – during the diffusion process to attain coherence, collegiality and ownership. The process of technological transformation is not a smooth translation process but one of dislocations, dilemmas and uncertainties and it is an art to effect change and sustainable technological transformation since people are central to this transformation process.

L'innovation technologique et les stratégies de management pour l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique: L'Harmonisation du réalisme et du l'idéalisme

Cet article analyse et suggére des stratégies d'innovation dans des établissements d'enseignement supérieur en Afrique. Il décrit les problèmes de management qui pose l'introduction du e‐Learning avec une référence particulière pour son usage dans l'enseignement supérieur à l'étranger et en Afrique et suggére les approches appropriées pour l'innovation technologique dans l'enseignement supérieur en Afrique. Les résultats principaux exposés dans cet article qui sont fondés sur trois études de cas suggérent que le e‐Learning doit être introduit dans un cadre stratégique fondé sur une vision clariment unifiée et une rationalisation centrale de l'éducation. De plus ces résultats mettent en évidence l'importance de l'utilisation combinée de plusieurs stratégies : stratégies autant en bas, de bas en haut, d'intérieur et d'extérieur pendant le processus de diffusion afin d'aboutir à la cohérence, la collégialité et la possession. Le processus de transformation technologique n'est pas un processus de translation sans à compris mais un de dislocation, de dilemmes, d'incertitudes et c'est un art de procéder au changement et à une transformation technologique soutenue puisque les hommes sont au c?ur de ce processus de transformation.

Technologische Innovations‐ und Umsetzungsstrategien für höhere Bildung in Afrika: Realität und Idealismus aufeinander abstimmen

Dieser Beitrag analysiert technologische Innovationstrategien und stellt Vorschläge für deren Einführung in höhereren Bildungsinstitutionen in Afrika zur Diskussion. Das Papier beschreibt Managementangelegenheiten bei der Umsetzung von eLearning unter besonderer Berücksichtigung seiner Anwendung in der höheren Bildung im Ausland und in Afrika und schlägt auch entsprechende Ansätze für die technologische Innovation im Bereich der höheren Bildung in Afrika vor. Das wesentliche Ergebmiss dieser Arbeit, die auf drei Fallstudien beruht, ist, dass eLearning innerhalb eines strategisch entwickelten Rahmens, basierend auf einer klaren und einheitlichen Sichtweise und einer zentralen bildungslogischen Grundlage eingeführt werden muß. Die Befunde heben weiter die Wichtigkeit hervor, eine Kombination von Strategien zu verwenden: Top‐Down, Bottom‐Up und Inside‐Out Strategien während des Ausbreitungsprozesses, um Kohärenz, Kollegialität und Eigentumsrechte zu erlangen. Der Prozeß technologischer Transformation ist nicht etwa eine sanfte Überleitung, sondern von Verfremdung, Dilemmata und Unsicherheit begleitet. Es ist eine Kunst, Änderung und nachhaltige technologische Transformation zu bewirken, da ja die Menschen das zentrale Element dieses Transformation-sprozesses sind.  相似文献   

The ARIADNE European projects (1996–2000) developed tools and methodologies for producing and managing ‘pedagogical elements’, storing them in knowledge pools and building and supporting training curricula. These tools were in wide use around the world, both in academic and corporate sites, at the end of the projects. The ARIADNE Foundation was therefore created to exploit and further develop these tools and concepts. As a not‐for‐profit‐oriented association, members contribute according to their nature and capacity. The Members' community (75 members from 20 countries in 2002) has to respect a philosophy based on cooperation between educational bodies, with the motto ‘Share and reuse’. Active members create learning objects stored in an internationally distributed knowledge pool system. Indexing with clear and precise metadata helps to retrieve appropriate documents to reuse them.Enseignement collaboratif avec des 'objets p´edagogiques' dans un contexte international et sans but lucratif. L'exemple de la communaut´e d'ARIADNE Les outils et m´ethodologies d´evelopp´es dans le cadre des projets europ´eens ARIADNE (1996-2000) ont pour objectif de cr´eer et g´erer, `a travers un r´eseau de viviers de connaissances, des ´el´ements p´edagogiques multim´edias. Ces outils sont toujours utilis´es `a travers le monde. La Fondation ARIADNE a ´et´e cr´e´ee afin de poursuivre leur d´eveloppement. La Fondation ARIADNE est une association internationale sans but lucratif : les membres payent une contribution annuelle en fonction de leur nature et de leur capacit´e financi`ere. La communaut´e d'utilisateurs (en 2002, 75 membres de 20 pays) doit respecter une philosophie bas´ee sur la coop´eration entre les acteurs de la formation `a travers le principe de 'Partage et R´eutilisation'. L'indexation avec des m´eta-donn´ees claires et pr´ecises aide `a rechercher les documents r´eutilisables.Gemeinsames Lehren mit Lernobjekten in internationalem Rahmen ohne kommerziellen Hintergrund. Das Beispiel der Ariadne-Gemeinschaft Die europ¨aischen Ariadne-Projekte haben Werkzeuge und Methoden entwickelt, um gemeinsame Wissensquellen f¨ur Lernobjekte und Kursunterlagen zu erstellen und zu bewirtschaften. Diese Werkzeuge werden weiterhin weltweit benutzt, sowohl im akademischen wie auch im Wirtschaftsumfeld. Zum Ende des Projekts beschloss die Ariadne-Gemeinschaft, diese Werzeuge und Konzepte weiter zu nutzen und auszubauen. Die Ariadne Gemeinschaft ist nicht gewinnorientiert. Die Mitglieder tragen nach deren Art und finanziellen M¨oglichkeiten einen niedrigen Jahresbeitrag bei. Die Benutzergruppen m¨ussen die auf Kooperation basierende Grundphilosophie einhalten: 'Teilnehmen und Wiederverwenden'. Die Ariadne Plattform basiert auf einer gemeinsamen Wissensquelle (Knowledge Pool), welche die Lernobjekte verwaltet. Indexierung und genaue Meta-Daten helfen, die zur Wiederverwendung geeigneten Dokumente aufzufinden.  相似文献   

In Space, relations, and the learning of science, Wolff-Michael Roth and Pei-Ling Hsu use ethnomethodology to explore high school interns learning shopwork and shoptalk in a research lab that is located in a world class facility for water quality analysis. Using interaction analysis they identify how spaces, like a research laboratory, can be structured as smart spaces to create a workflow (learning flow) so that shoptalk and shopwork can projectively organize the actions of interns even in new and unfamiliar settings. Using these findings they explore implications for the design of curriculum and learning spaces more broadly. The Forum papers of Erica Blatt and Cassie Quigley complement this analysis. Blatt expands the discussion on space as an active component of learning with an examination of teaching settings, beyond laboratory spaces, as active participants of education. Quigley examines smart spaces as authentic learning spaces while acknowledging how internship experiences all empirical elements of authentic learning including open-ended inquiry and empowerment. In this paper I synthesize these ideas and propose that a narrative structure might better support workflow, student agency and democratic decision making.  相似文献   

In this paper the authors utilise findings from the Economic and Social Research Council‐funded InterActive Education project to present a characterisation of the sub‐culture of school music with Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in England. They consider the opportunities and challenges ICT presents to the teaching of primary (ages 4–11) and secondary (ages 11–18) classroom music through an investigation of the perceptions, personal philosophies and pedagogical styles of seven teachers with whom they worked over a period of three years. Their work is underpinned by Goodson and Mangan’s definition of subject sub‐culture and they draw on Shulman’s notion of ‘knowledge bases’ in order to categorise and discuss the data. Through the identification and elaboration of key themes, the authors provide a snapshot of the emerging sub‐culture of music and ICT in schools.  相似文献   

This article provides a citation analysis of Lave and Wenger’s work on ‘communities of practice’ and ‘situated learning’ over the period 1991–2001. The data relate to educational research in the UK, although comparisons are made with the USA. The findings indicate that although the text was incorporated and heavily used within educational research over the period of the study there were very few citations that could be identified as cumulative. The discussion considers the value of using citations as an indicator of quality within any research excellence framework and argues the case for taking a broader, more qualitative approach to assessing research quality in the social sciences.  相似文献   

The "reproduction theory" was conceived and born in the research into educational inequalities in Western countries. Famous as the theory is, when it is to be applied in the research into education in China, a few factors must be taken into consideration: the subjects investigated must be educational inequalities that have come into being in the context of China; a shift in theoretical approach and expression is needed, with the Functional approach as the dominant research method; in terms of the standpoint of the researcher, whose academic mission and realization of social ideals should be closely and fully integrated; in terms of research method, the principle of combining both the macroscopic and microscopic approaches and analysis on the basis of actual facts should be adopted so as to effectively analyze and solve the problems plaguing the education of China and to promote the localization of the western reproduction theory in China.  相似文献   

This review of 30 years of research in small rural schools in Sweden includes projects focusing directly upon rural education and rural schools, reports from national agencies, and official statistics. Two main foci were found: (i) the quality of education and pupils’ academic performance, and (ii) the economics of running schools in different types of demographic areas. A concordant picture stands out: (a) there are no indications that small rural schools do not provide an equally good education as other schools, but (b) the higher expenditure per pupil and decreasing population in sparsely populated areas increases the risk of school closures. The importance of the small rural school to the community receives peripheral attention at best in this body of research.  相似文献   

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