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The purpose of this study was to diagnose the misconceptions held by pre-service physics teachers about force and motion. The secondary aim of the study was to detect whether misconceptions vary according to gender, educational level, and culture. The study was conducted with 79 student-teachers attending to one of the largest faculties of education in Turkey. Force Concept Inventory (FCI) was used to diagnose student-teachers’ misconceptions. FCI is a conceptual test consisting of 29 multiple choice items. Each wrong choice for each question reflects a specific misconception about the force and motion concepts. Data from the study was analyzed by using frequencies, t-test, and ANOVA for making comparisons according to gender and years of education. Results of the study showed that student-teachers of physics hold very strong misconceptions about impetus and active force. No significant differences were found between male and female students’ scores on the concept test. The results also showed that misconceptions about force and motion decreased through the years of education. However, they did not disappear completely. Findings of the study are very similar to the other research findings conducted on the subject in other countries. Student-teachers’ conceptions about Newton’s Third Law, on the other hand, were significantly better than those observed in other research done in other countries such as the US and Finland.  相似文献   

新型液体饱和蒸气压测定装置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了对原有液体饱和蒸气压测定装置的全新改造设计思路和方案,使用该装置以静态法测定了水在60~100℃内不同温度的饱和蒸气压值,并根据测定的数据计算得到了水在这一温度范围内的平均摩尔汽化热和平均摩尔汽化熵。结果表明:该装置具有测量精度高,设备运行稳定,实验安全可靠等特点。  相似文献   

本文对“液体饱和蒸气压的测定”实验的改进进行了全面的研究。研究结果发现通过对该实验各部分的装置进行改进后,不但使整个实验过程的操作变得简单,易于学生掌握,而且还提高了实验结果的准确度,从而提高实验结果效果。  相似文献   

介绍了简易动态法替代平衡法测定液体饱和蒸气压的实验装置,它具有操作简便,现象明显易观察等特点,数据重现性好。可大大缩短实验时间,提高实验效率。  相似文献   

The study examined into the relationship between gender and students' misconceptions in science. Two different groups were treated with two different teaching strategies, namely, teaching strategy 1, which is basically didactic in nature, and teaching strategy 11, which incorporates students' misconceptions and applies the Generative Learning Model. Two groups of secondary three students (N=26,27; randomly sampled), underwent 6 weeks of instruction, with the respective strategies mentioned above. Each group consisted of male and female students, the numbers of which resulted from the grouping based on their academic achievements. A constructed and validated diagnostic instrument was used as a means to measure the effectiveness of these two teaching strategies. The findings showed that gender differences did not relate well to students' misconceptions in science. The implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

师范类女大学生是大学生中的一个特殊群体.当今市场经济就业体制下,个人主观方面的原因已成为女大学生产生就业心理困惑与矛盾甚至心理压力的根本原因.因此,分析原因并提出适宜的对策,有利于使女大学生改善择业观念和态度,以更加积极的姿态应对当前客观存在的就业形势严峻的局面.  相似文献   

Science & Education - The teaching of the phenomenon of radioactivity is considered a key ingredient in the path towards developing critical thinking skills in many secondary science education...  相似文献   

当前,大学生结构性失业的现状表现为:一方面,大学生存在供大于求的现象,大学生供给超过了经济增长带来的对大学生的需求;另一方面,在经济体制改革和产业结构调整过程中,由于大学生自身素质和技能不能适应,出现大量岗位空缺,产生结构性失业,导致大学生失业率上升.造成当前大学生结构性失业现状的原因很多,其中,高等院校的专业设置和课程设置不合理、大学毕业生素质结构落后、应聘大学生人数增多、企业招聘条件抬高、大学生对就业的期望值过高、区域差距和城乡差异的存在等,是造成大学生结构性失业的主要原因.要解决这些问题,应重新审视高等教育扩招政策,调整培养层次和专业设置,注重构建合理的知识结构和能力,加强就业指导,畅通就业渠道和自主创业,积极组织实施大学生志愿服务西部计划等几个方面,并据此制定解决大学生结构性失业的基本对策.  相似文献   

大学生文化创新能力的内涵、构成和培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生文化创新能力主要指在学校进行科技发明、文学艺术创作等方面的基本能力。从创新的动力系统、认知系统、个性系统、行为系统等有机构成来看,大学生文化创新能力应该包括并突出自我认知能力,理论思维能力,生活体悟能力和创作表现能力。高校要围绕文化创新能力的培养,进一步加强思想政治教育,改革教学方法,积极开展社会实践,鼓励大学生开展创新活动。  相似文献   

多媒体教学存在的误区及应对策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
阐述了多媒体教学的涵叉,指出了教师在多媒体教学的认识和实践上存在的误区,提出了以精、简为原则,突出教学主题,使艺术性、教育性和科学性有机统一以及变“线性结构”为“非线性结构”等应对策略。  相似文献   

大学生社会实践是大学生思想政治教育的主要环节,也是素质教育、能力培养的重要形式。论文阐述了大学生社会实践的内涵、意义和特点,分析了当前大学生社会实践活动存在的问题,并从社会实践纳入学校实践教学的体系、建立稳定的大学生社会实践基地、构建“三结合”的实践平台三个方面提出建议。  相似文献   

随着网络技术的发展,大学生网络犯罪的案件呈上升趋势,成为政府、社会、学校关注的重要问题.大学生网络犯罪主要具备智能型、多样性和隐蔽性的特点.往往集中表现为危害网络安全、盗窃他人财产、开办淫秽网站及网络欺诈等违法行为.针对上述特点应以预防为主,从技术、管理、教育、法律等多方面对大学生进行教育,培育良好网络道德,以实现对大学生网络犯罪的有效预防,促其健康成长和成才.  相似文献   

Amit R Morarka 《Resonance》2018,23(11):1259-1272
The article demonstrates the condensation of water vapour under pressure and at room temperature, using a disposable syringe and an ambient light source. The small amount of trapped water vapour inside a syringe along with the air is compressed manually to one-sixth of its original volume. The compressed water vapour inside the syringe can be easily seen in the form of a white condensate on the inner side of the transparent, circular wall of the syringe. The condensate cloud can be observed in the atmosphere by releasing it in the open air while holding the syringe in front of a light source over a dark background. This model can be used as an analogous experiment while explaining the concept of condensation of gases under pressure–from school to postgraduate students.  相似文献   

Louis Goldman 《Interchange》1993,24(4):397-408
Current practices of multicultural education are based on some unsound conceptions of the nature of culture. Especially unsound is the notion of cultural relativism which claims that it is inappropriate for a given culture to be judged by the standards of other cultures. But all cultures can and should be judged by the standard of how well they allow their members to adapt to the circumstances in which they exist. These circumstances include nature and, increasingly, other cultures. The core error is the belief that cultures are integrated systems, which is based on an organic metaphor which discourages piece-meal criticism and leads to a romantic embrace of the totality of a culture. Rather than fostering an identity with, and celebration of, dysfunctional cultures, multiculturalism should encourage maximum interaction of all elements of a society and the forging of an emergent pluralism.  相似文献   

写会议消息看似简单,写好较难。目前在会议消息写作中仍存在选择角度不佳、深度不够、言之无物、标题平淡和导语缺乏新意等误区。写好会议消息应从精心选取角度,注重深度挖掘、认真制作标题、力求写好导语和创新表现形式等方面入手,把会议消息写得更新、更活,达到更好的传播效应。  相似文献   

为使学生接触专业科研前沿,更好地培养其科研与创新能力,将LNG储罐瞬态蒸发率研究内容引入到实验教学当中,开展了基于FLUENT的LNG储罐瞬态蒸发率仿真实验研究。利用FLUENT进行仿真实验,可直观呈现LNG储罐在不同充满率、不同环境温度、不同内径尺寸下LNG蒸发率的变化规律,便于学生理解LNG蒸发规律。通过该教学和科研相结合的仿真实验,提高了实验教学效果,有利于提高学生的仿真能力,激发学生的科学探索精神,培养学生运用实验手段解决科研问题的能力。  相似文献   

A physics textbook for the 8th grade was analyzed, in particular the section on the interaction between electric current and magnetic field. The textbook is written in the Macedonian language, but is translated into Albanian, Serbian, and Turkish, which provides an opportunity to influence a larger population of children, in a larger ethnic area. Errors are found from both a didactic as well as from a physical point of view. The authors create many sources of misconceptions. The questions at the end of the chapter are of low level, according to Bloom’s taxonomy. They are of the first and second levels mostly. In very rare cases, third-level questions can be found. The proposed experimental activities do not follow the safety precautions and are therefore dangerous to perform. Risk assessment of the laboratory activities is proposed.  相似文献   

There is a common perception that Asian students relyupon rote learning and prefer passive forms oflearning, though, this appears to be incompatible withevidence of their high levels of achievement. Thisapparent dichotomy is explained by showing thatmemorisation can occur in conjunction with theintention to understand. It could also result fromstudents learning material by heart because theyperceive that is what the course and assessmentrequire. Evidence from over 90 action researchprojects is used to disprove the common assertionsthat Asian students prefer passive learning and resistteaching innovations. It is argued that motivationdisplayed by Asian students is not well described byconventional definitions in psychology textbooks.Courses which provide good career preparation are asource of motivation but it is not an extrinsic formof motivation which depresses intrinsic motivation.There are high levels of achieving motive, but itfrequently has a collective nature rather than beingindividual and competitive.  相似文献   

为贯彻落实国家全民终身教育和人力资源强国战略,《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》作出了创建国家开放大学的重要规划。针对开放大学创建中存在的电大翻牌说认识误区,需分析其产生的原因,进而研究消除认识误区和以电大为基础创建开放大学的相应对策。  相似文献   

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