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Research in science education has recognized the importance of history and philosophy of science. Given this perspective, the study was designed to develop a framework for examining the way in which chemistry textbooks describe the kinetic theory and related issues. The framework was developed by a rational reconstruction of the kinetic molecular theory of gases based primarily on the interpretations of Maxwell and Boltzmann, by historians and philosophers of science. Another aspect of the framework was based on an analysis of freshman chemistry students' performance on gas problems that required the use of algorithms or conceptual understanding. Subsequently, 22 textbooks were evaluated using a framework consisting of six criteria. Results obtained showed that most textbooks lacked a history and philosophy of science framework and did not deal adequately with the following aspects: (1) Postulates of the kinetic theory were speculative and played the role of simplifying assumptions, considered to be the rule in science rather than being the exceptions; (2) Based on these simplifying assumptions, the theorists built a series of tentative models that progressively incorporated the behavior of real gases; (3) Similar to other research programs in the history of science, Maxwell's was based on inconsistent foundations; (4) Development of the kinetic theory had to compete with chemical thermodynamics, a rival research program; (5) Maxwell and Boltzmann facilitated our understanding of gas behavior beyond the observable hydrodynamical laws, by explaining the internal properties (e.g., molecular collisions).  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are: (a) elaboration of a history and philosophy of science (HPS) framework based on a reconstruction of the development of the periodic table; (b) formulation of seven criteria based on the framework; and (c) evaluation of 57 freshman college‐level general chemistry textbooks with respect to the presentation of the periodic table. The historical reconstruction of the periodic table showed that the periodicity of the elements could be construed as an inductive generalization or as a function of the atomic theory. There is considerable controversy with respect to the nature of Mendeleev's contribution, and various alternatives are discussed: ordered domain; empirical law; and a theory with limited explanatory power. Accommodation of the elements according to their physicochemical properties is considered to be the major contribution of the periodic table by all textbooks, followed by contrapredictions of previously unknown elements (30 textbooks), and novel predictions (corrections of atomic mass) of known elements (10 textbooks). The relative importance of accommodation and prediction within an HPS framework is generally ignored. Few textbooks have attempted to explore the possible cause of periodicity in the table and very few textbooks have explored the nature of Mendeleev's contribution. The development of the periodic table as a sequence of heuristic principles in the form of a convincing argument has been ignored. The textbook approach of emphasizing that the development of the periodic table was an inductive generalization, and that Mendeleev had no model or theory, does not facilitate the spirit of critical inquiry that led the scientists to grapple with alternative interpretations, conflicts, and controversies. It is concluded that the development of the periodic table went through a continual critical appraisal (conflict and controversy), in which scientists presented various tentative theoretical ideas to understand the observed phenomena. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 42: 84–111, 2005  相似文献   

本文指出了在高中化学教材中对共价键成键元素的表述的不当之处,提出了在高中化学教材中正确表述共价键成键元素的建议。  相似文献   

对中外有代表性的初中化学教材进行了分析比较,并概括了各自特点。在此基础上,对指导国内初中化学教学和教材编写提出了具体建议。  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to examine the means used by textbook authors to introduce, define, and explain the mole concept in high school and introductory college chemistry textbooks. The analysis was framed by four questions:
  • 1 How is the mole defined?
  • 2 What concepts about the atom are introduced prior to the mole?
  • 3 Is Avogadro's constant presented as an experimentally determined value?
  • 4 What is the context for introducing the mole?
Twenty-nine high school and introductory college level chemistry texts were examined. After independent reading of appropriate sections of each text, discussion of differences, second or third readings of texts, and subsequent discussions, both authors reach 100% agreement concerning the results. Major conclusions were
  • 1 Two ways of defining the mole dominate the texts. One way defines the mole as Avogadro's number (6.02 × 1023) particles; the other method defines the mole in terms of carbon-12.
  • 2 All texts that present a definition in terms of C-12 introduce and define concepts about the atom prior to introducing the mole.
  • 3 Most texts at all levels point out that the value 6.02 × 1023 is an experimentally determined quantity.
  • 4 Nearly all texts discuss the mole in relation to die problem of finding a way to count particles that are too small to be directly weighed. Most texts also use a familiar counting unit, such as the dozen, to introduce the mole by analogy.
Four issues were discussed: (a) the defining attributes of the mole concept itself and the cognitive requirements for comprehending the two most frequently used definitions; (b) the connection between the definition of the mole presented in the text and the concepts about atoms that are introduced before the mole concept is developed; (c) the experimental nature of Avogadro's number; and (d) the context or setting for developing the mole concept.  相似文献   

传统的马克思主义哲学教科书把“社会革命”的内涵和外延范畴政治化,导致对“社会革命”概念的误读。实际上,在马克思的经典文本中,社会革命被赋予了非常深刻的实践和科学内涵。  相似文献   

刘敏 《化学教学》2009,(9):56-58
中国的中学化学教育经历了多次的调整与改革,目前机遇与挑战并存,如何在吸收国外中学化学教育成功经验的基础上,结合中国国情,把中国的化学教育办好,是一个很值得探讨的问题.本文通过对目前中美基础化学教育教材方面存在的差异的比较.从一个侧面比较中美基础化学教育的差异.希望能通过本文的介绍,给我国的教学改革提供一些启示.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the content of seven high school chemistry textbooks for curriculum balance and emphasis on the following aspects of scientific literacy: (a) science as a body of knowledge, (b) science as a way of investigating, (c) science as a way of thinking, and (d) the interaction among science, technology, and society. In addition, the number of textbook pages, vocabulary terms, pictures, questions, and problems at the end of the chapter were determined. The textbook is an important teaching aid in high school chemistry courses, which conveys some of the information that students receive and influences how students perceive this subject. The majority of chemistry textbooks we analyzed stress science as a body of knowledge, place some emphasis on science as a way of investigating, have practically eliminated science as a way of thinking, and devote very little text to the interaction among science, technology, and society. Furthermore, these are voluminous books that range in length from 466 to 729 pages, with as many as 60 questions per chapter.  相似文献   

This paper describes an analogy classification framework used with high school chemistry textbooks. The framework takes into account aspects of past research into analogies in science education to allow for a systematic classification of textbook analogies based upon nine criteria including chemistry content area. Many of the 93 analogies classified described abstract chemistry concepts such as atomic structure and bonding, however, the frequent use of simple analogies, and the scarcity of stated limitations, are likely to create learning problems for students. In some textbooks, authors made use of margin spaces to include more analogies and these marginalised analogies often contained a pictorial component. Recommendations for further research into analogies in science education and possible methodological approaches are suggested.  相似文献   

美国化学教科书的配图研究’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以美国高中化学教科书<化学:概念和应用>(Chemistry:Concepts and Applications)为研究对象,运用统计方法分析该教科书配图的形式、内容及其功能特点,并在比较我国和美国化学教科书配图差异的基础上,提出我国化学教科书配图编排的若干建议.  相似文献   

本文从具体案例出发,讨论了如何创造性地使用新教材及应注意的问题.  相似文献   

To aid the explanation of abstract science concepts, authors of textbooks employ learning tools such as analogies to help students learn. Analogies are believed to allow new material to be more easily assimilated with students' prior knowledge by linking it to their previous experiences. Continuing research on analogies in science textbooks and science teaching is providing a clearer picture of the types of analogies that are available (Duit, 1991), their ranges of presentation style (Curtis & Reigeluth, 1984; Thiele & Treagust, 1992), and their efficacy to effect students' conceptual understandings (Harrison & Treagust, 1993).  相似文献   

本文以认知负荷理论为研究基础,以问卷调查为研究方法,从学习者的角度来探测和比较我国两版高中化学必修教材对于学生学习的影响,以期为化学教材的修订和研究提供一些可供借鉴的建议。  相似文献   

This research aimed to determine the extent to which twelfth-grade chemistry textbooks and workbooks included argumentation-driven inquiry skills in their activities. For this purpose, all activities found in the twelfth grade chemistry textbooks and workbooks were analyzed using an analysis rubric. Results indicate that the inclusion of the argumentation-driven inquiry skills in the analyzed chemistry activities generally fell within argumentation-driven inquiry levels one and two. This type of inclusion favors teacher-centered learning and teaching rather than student-centered learning and teaching. Therefore, the authors recommend that these textbooks and workbooks be revised to ensure that the argumentation-driven inquiry skills that are included are directed toward student-centered learning and teaching as required by levels four and three.  相似文献   

The research reported in this study was designed to answer three questions: (a) What misconceptions do eighth grade students have concerning the chemistry concepts from their textbooks. (b) How is reasoning ability related to misconceptions concerning chemistry concepts. (c) How effective are textbooks in teaching an understanding of chemistry concepts? Five chemistry concepts were used in the study: chemical change, dissolution, conservation of atoms, periodicity, and phase change. Problems concerning the five concepts were given to 247 eighth-grade students in order to assess the students' degree of understanding of chemistry concepts and to identify specific misconceptions. Two pencil-and-paper Piaget-type tasks were used to assess intellectual level. A comparison of intellectual level and scores on the chemistry concepts showed moderate correlations. However, the small number of formal operational students in the sample makes these results inconclusive. A study of the level of understanding of the five chemistry concepts and the nature of the misconceptions held by students indicate a general failure of textbooks to teach a reasonable understanding of chemistry concepts.  相似文献   

中学化学教材改革的目标和基础性教材的编写之我见   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
时代变化 ,世纪更迭 ,科学技术成果日新月异 ,教材要改革 ,有些教材还可能会出现重大改革。新教材理应是时代的产物。化学教材改革的目标是什么 ?化学教学的目标是多方面的 ,暂且不谈一些放之各科皆准的大小目标 ,从理论与实践的角度看 ,有两个方面的目标是不能忽略的 ,一是使学生认识化学与自然、社会、生产、生活之间的关系 ,学习化学实验的方法和手段 ,提高解决问题的能力 ;二是学习化学的学科思想与方法。一个学过现代高中化学的学生知道硫化氢的种种性质 ,会做各种关于完全燃烧或不完全燃烧(或部分完全燃烧、部分不完全燃烧 )的化学计…  相似文献   

电信普遍服务源自美国,经过近百年的发展,业已成为世界大多数国家的共识。法国、英国、澳大利亚、日本等国的电信普遍服务在世界各国中发展得相当迅速。  相似文献   

张新宇  耿芬 《化学教学》2011,(3):11-12,23
在进行科学教材国际比较研究的基础上,提出我国初中教材与教学应补充基于实验数据的质量关系的内容,并以此为基础促进学生理解基于相对分子质量的质量关系.  相似文献   

The presentation of gas properties in terms of the qualitative–quantitative mode and gas law sequence is examined by means of an analysis of 14 chemistry textbooks used in Australian secondary schools and of questionnaires on teaching approaches completed by 104 secondary science teachers. The findings indicate that current pedagogic practice involves minimal use of the qualitative relationships of the gas laws and moderate use of a simple-to-complex sequence. Given the conceptual complexity of the gas laws, the authors support a presentation approach with increased use of qualitative exercises and, in the initial stage at least, the use of a complex-to-simple model where the interrelationships among the gas laws are easier to establish.  相似文献   

This study assessed the representations of nature of science (NOS) in high school chemistry textbooks and the extent to which these representations have changed during the past four decades. Analyses focused on the empirical, tentative, inferential, creative, theory‐driven, and social NOS, in addition to the myth of “The Scientific Method,” the nature of scientific theories and laws, and the social and cultural embeddedness of science. A total of 14 textbooks, including five “series” spanning one to four decades, were analyzed. The textbooks commanded significant market shares in the United States and were widely used in some of the most populace states. Relevant textbook sections were scored on each of the target NOS aspects on a scale ranging from −3 to +3, which reflected the accuracy, completeness, and manner (explicit versus implicit) in which these aspects were addressed. The textbooks fared poorly in their representations of NOS. Additionally, with a few exceptions, textbook scores either did not change or decreased over the past four decades. These trends are incommensurate with the discourse in national and international science education reform documents, which has witnessed an increasing emphasis on the centrality of NOS to scientific literacy and pre‐college science education during the same time period. Assessment and evaluation strategies, and policies need to be targeted if substantial and desired changes in the ways NOS is addressed in science textbooks are to be effected. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 835–855, 2008  相似文献   

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