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This study aims to improve the efficiency of fiscal assistance programs for higher education by investigating those variables that influence college graduates’ employment rates. An empirical analysis of 2010–2011 higher education statistics shows that two variables – educational expenditure per student and the number of students per full-time faculty member – consistently and significantly affect college graduates’ employment rates, even after location and type of school are controlled. Although scholarship rates also affect employment rates positively, the number of students per industry–academe liaison officer does not have a statistically significant effect. Moreover, as educational expenditure per student or the student/faculty ratio increases beyond a certain level, graduate employment improves at an increasing rate. The two variables also affect the employment rate interactively. At a relatively higher level of per-student expenditure, employment rates increase even as the student/faculty ratio rises. However, at a relatively lower level of per-student expenditure, employment rates decline as the student/faculty ratio rises.The policy implication is that fiscal assistance programs for higher educational institutions should accord a much greater weight to these key variables when selecting and assessing institutional recipients.  相似文献   

高等学校毕业就业工作是推进高校改革与发展,保持高校乃至社会稳定的一项十分重要的工作。在高等学校毕业生就业工作过程中,如何推进工作的规范化、法制化,对于整个毕业生就业工作的开展显得尤为重要。只有从思想上提高认识,从而加强教育与管理,才能推进高校毕业生就业工作的规范化、法制化进程。  相似文献   

The 1994 federal School-to-Work Opportunities Act (STWOA) provided more than $1.5 billion over 5 years to support increased career preparation activities in the country's public schools. A new longitudinal data source with rich information on school-to-career (STC) programs—the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY97)—provides previously unparalleled opportunities to study the effectiveness of STC programs. This paper uses the NLSY97 to assess the effects of STC programs on transitions to employment and higher education among youths leaving high school, with a focus on attempting to estimate the causal effects of this participation given possible non-random selection of youths into STC programs.  相似文献   

高等教育质量与高校毕业生就业竞争力存在相辅相成的关系,提高毕业生就业竞争力有助于提升高等教育质量。当前,高校办学理念和实践中存在重向上服务、轻向下服务;重管理、轻领导;重单干、轻联盟;重科研、轻教学;重实干、轻宣传的倾向,不利于毕业生就业竞争力和办学质量的提高,需要确立"以生为本"的理念,全面服务学生;推崇自我领导,强化自主意识;实施联盟战略,增加办学资本;加强宣传,扩大影响;统筹教学、科研和社会服务职能,提高毕业生就业竞争力,进而全面提升高等教育质量。  相似文献   

调查对象为2012年高职专科护理专业毕业的学生,调查内容为工作性质、就业岗位(包括专升本)、工作地点、满意程度、收入状况、是否护理工作等六项,结果是学生以省市级医院及省市等大城市就业为主,大部分学生对自己的工作持满意态度,收入状况在1000-2000元为主,有超过1/3的学生没有从事护理工作。主要讨论护理教育层次对高职护理学生的冲击,高职护理专业就业存在的主要问题及高校护理教育存在的问题和改进方向。  相似文献   


The relationships between higher education and the world of work revived in 1990 as a major issue of debate. Growing enrolment as well as labour market problems in many industrialised countries fuelled the debate. A close look reveals that the systematic information provided on graduate employment is often insufficient or biased. In spite of controversial assessments of graduate employment and work, most experts, however, tend to agree that a growing diversification is an appropriate response. Also, common views are widely held as regards the desirable curricular approaches: emphasis ought to be placed on general knowledge and flexibility, problem‐solving abilities, a confrontation of theory and practice, interdisciplinarity and international competencies. These views are advocated irrespective of whether higher education is expected to follow closely the presumed demands of the employment system or whether higher education is called on to counteract instrumentalist pressures and to prepare students for a proactive role in society.  相似文献   

目前高职院校思政教育基本是为本科院校为模板的仿照教育,没有自己的创新,为了适应现在高职院校思政教育课的教学要求,需要不断根据现在社会发展进行教学创新,创建以就业为导向的思政教学创新模式是现在思政教学的重点。  相似文献   

高职高专院校必须从人才培养的目标和任务出发,充分认识就业思想教育的意义和作用,把握新形势下就业思想教育的主要内容,创新就业思想教育的理念和机制,有组织、有计划、有步骤地做好就业思想教育工作,帮助毕业生树立正确的就业思想,引导他们走上适合的工作岗位,成为社会主义事业合格建设者和可靠接班人。  相似文献   

This article examines the employment and placement in the working life of Finnish higher education graduates (i.e. graduates from universities and polytechnics), focusing on gender equality. It reports a study on gender segregation in higher education and working life, considered in relation to Nordic gender equality policies. The data were gathered via a questionnaire administered to graduates in business and administration (n?=?1067) and in technology (n?=?1087), three years after their graduation. The results showed that men were able to secure permanent and full-time employment more often than women, and men achieved better correspondence between their degree and their employment. However, gender divergence manifested differently in polytechnics and universities; thus a higher (Master’s) university degree seemed to have a compensating influence on the effect of gender. Despite Nordic equality policies, female and male graduates were placed in the labour market according to tendences of gender segregation.  相似文献   

在国内的诸多高职院校中,就业教育和思想政治教育都是学校教育体系的重要组成部分,且有着相互独立和依存的关系。而高职院校的就业思想政治教育工作的开展,则融合了就业教育与思想政治教育的内涵,成为了帮助高职院校学生顺利毕业和就业的重要教育手段。因此,基于这种认识,本文从区别和联系两方面对高职院校的就业教育与思想政治教育之间的关系进行了探讨,并在此基础之上对高职院校的就业思想政治教育工作开展对策进行了研究。  相似文献   

In this article, we examine social origin differences in employment patterns across different stages of higher education and compare these differences between vocational and academic fields of study. Using data from a large-scale German student survey, we study the development of inequality, according to social origins, in student employment from first-year to graduating students. We show that inequality in job quality exists and is partly attributable to the need for students from lower social origins to work in order to finance their studies. We hypothesise that initial inequalities decrease as students progress through higher education. While we find evidence for this hypothesis, we also show in multivariate models that the reduction of inequality in the student labour market is explained by prior differences between social origin groups.  相似文献   

The article considers the current situation in the labour market for higher education graduates in China, showing what kinds of graduates have an advantage when facing potential employers. Secondly, it discusses the tendency of supply and demand between higher education graduates and the labour market from the perspectives of employment probability and over-education. Finally, the article suggests what should happen in the Chinese higher education system if it is to achieve a more effective relationship with the labour market.  相似文献   

文章对高职教育类专业大学生的就业导向进行探析,为该专业学生提升就业能力明确就业方向进行指导。  相似文献   

关于当前高校就业教育的思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
高等教育大众化使大学毕业生的就业矛盾日益突出。高校就业教育可以从大众教育与精英教育相结合,选修课设置与社会需要相结合,学生综合素质培养和就业指导相结合,拓宽就业门路与社会保障相结合等各个层面出发,提高学生的竞争力、就业力、职业素质,以增强社会的稳定因素,确保社会生活的动态平衡。  相似文献   

In the Federal Republic of Germany — as in many other industrialized countries higher education has, under the influence of social, economic and political forces, developed from a relatively small, selective and elite-oriented to a large system of mass education. The increasing number of students and university teachers, and the expansion of scientific and technological methods and knowledge has brought about claims for genuine organizational transformations and for massive financial resources. This development has created a number of severe problems in the relationship of the respective socio-economic and political sub-systems; in particular, the relationship between higher education and the labour market has to be considered as a vital but unresolved problem.This article gives a short account of the quantitative development of the German universities and the labour market in the last two decades. It also describes the organizational transformations which followed the federal framework law on higher education (Hochschulrahmengesetz) of January 1976, and deals with some aspects of research in relation to such problems.  相似文献   

曾经适时的和适宜的高职教育就业导向,在当前经济发展方式转变、社会转型的重大转折过渡时期,其挑战和机遇都是前所未有的。为积极应对十七大提出的“以创业带动就业”的新型就业发展新战略要求,高职教育就业导向应通过“三管齐下”的举措——着力训练与提高学生的综合能力、更加重视创业教育、实现从能力本位向人格本位的转变,逐步实现从传统型向创新型的模式转变。  相似文献   

以就业为导向深化改革推动高职高专教育健康发展   总被引:50,自引:2,他引:50  
高职高专教育必须树立以就业为导向的办学理念,必须以社会需要为目标,坚持面向生产、建设、管理、服务第一线,根据岗位和岗位群所需能力与素质提炼、整合成专业课程,构建新型高职教学模式,培养社会急需的应用型人才。为此,必须加强教学建设和教学改革,建立产学研结合的长效机制,推进灵活的教学管理制度,完善评估制度。  相似文献   

本文试图通过分析日本高等职业技术教育机构毕业生就业成功经验,结合我国社会经济的发展状况与高职院校毕业生的实际情况进行比较,寻找差距和不足,以期获得借鉴。  相似文献   

在就业竞争日益激烈的形势下,情商越来越成为社会对人才评定的重要指标.针对高职生情商能力的现状以及高职院校情商教育的误区,高职院校应从转变观念、明确主体、方向指引、丰富内涵、榜样示范、知行通途等方面加强高职生情商教育,促进高职生顺利就业.  相似文献   

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