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In spite of the introduction of a National Curriculum in UK schools and the improved progression and continuity that it promised, pupils still have problems with learning when they transfer from primary to secondary school. These problems are particularly acute in science. One approach is to provide a programme of ‘bridging work’, focused on practical science, that is started in the primary school and continued in the secondary school. The research reported here explored pupils' perceptions and experiences of science practical work before and after transfer to secondary school. The implications of the findings for the design of bridging work in science are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The investigation into pupils' learning of science in primary schools has resulted in the development of instrumentation consistent with the aims and philosophy of the Primary Science Project. This instrumentation has been used to gather information on pupil performance on Process Skills and Science Concepts as well as information on pupil and teacher attitudes to science and other aspects concerning the learning of science. While analysis of the available data is continuing, review of the processes of the investigation and its early findings provide information for consideration by curriculum developers, test developers, those interested in system-level monitoring of key curriculum areas and teachers. The investigation is also likely to provide valuable data for the review of the instrumentation used in the study.  相似文献   

As students move through school, attitudes to school in general, and science in particular, become less positive. This paper reports on a longitudinal study which mapped, from the students' point of view, the transition between primary and secondary school in Western Australia. The study focused on the subject of science, and used both quantitative and qualitative methods. During the transition, there is a considerable change in the organisation of the school, the curriculum and the teacherstudent relationship. Students in this study, especially the girls, were generally disenchanted with the teaching strategies used in their secondary science classrooms, and regretted the loss of the close teacher-student relationship of their primary school years. Their perceptions were that science in secondary school was not what they had expected, and this experience may have long term implications for their subject and career choices.  相似文献   

This longitudinal research tests the effectiveness of the SPRinG programme, which was developed through a collaboration between researchers and teachers and designed to provide teachers with strategies for enhancing pupil group work in ‘authentic’ classroom settings. An evaluation study involved comparing pupils in SPRinG classrooms and trained in group work skills with those who were not in terms of science attainment. There were 560 and 1027 pupils (8–10 years) in the experimental and control groups respectively. ‘Macro’ attainment data were collected at the start of the year. ‘Micro’ attainment data were collected in the spring and summer before and after science lessons involving either group work (intervention) or the control teachers' usual approach. SPRinG pupils made greater academic progress than control pupils. Findings are discussed relative to enhancing the quantity and quality of group work in schools and a social pedagogic approach to classroom learning.  相似文献   

Research suggests potential problems when group work is used in school science to support the integrated acquisition of conceptual understanding and testing procedures. Yet integrated acquisition is promoted by current policy, and is a popular classroom strategy. Work by Howe et al. (Learning and Instruction 10 (2000) 361) indicates that the problems may be overcome if pupils: (a) discuss conceptual material in small groups and reach consensus; (b) subject consensual positions to guided empirical appraisal. The present paper reports a study with 9–12-year old pupils, which tests the proposal of Howe et al. using heat transfer as its topic, in contrast to the shadow size of Howe et al. In broad terms, the results are consistent with what Howe et al. report, although there are subtle differences in both outcome and process. Nevertheless, the similarities are such as to indicate a robust technique, with clear relevance to classroom practice. To facilitate application, the paper outlines what the technique requires in terms of group organisation and teacher support, and suggests that in both cases there is consistency with current practice.  相似文献   

This chapter draws upon recent research into what a sample of interviewed primary school headteachers had to say about their role and work in the 1990s. Two common themes — the intensification of the work and their roles as school developers — are identified from their testimonies. In turn, three emerging issues are discussed: management and leadership, school improvement, and effective headteachers. These findings have in the last two years been shared with many other headteachers and their responses to these ideas have prompted some second level analysis and reflection which is the focus of the latter part of the chapter. While there are some changes in the work of headteachers, certain role orthodoxies continue. The most enduring characteristic is the pre-eminence of the headteacher. Yet this is the very feature which accounts for them feeling so pressured and strained and it may be the time when this most central of continuities needs to change.  相似文献   

Science in English primary schools has been judged a success, yet few pupils make the progress in secondary schools that their performance at the end of primary school suggested. Projects where pupils start science work at the end of the primary school and complete it at the start of secondary school—known as bridging units—have been suggested as one solution. This article reports an evaluation of bridging work in science in the north‐east of England. Pupils' and teachers' views of bridging lessons were collected and data on pupils' performance before and after bridging lessons compared. Claims that pupils find this type of work repetitive and that their teachers would rather teach something else either side of transfer are challenged. Findings highlight areas that are still problematic, including the use made of transferred assessments and progression in pupils' abilities, to comment on relationships between variables and patterns in data. The future for bridging work is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper, through discussion of a teaching intervention at two secondary schools in Hong Kong, demonstrates the learning advancement brought about by group work and dissects the facilitating role of teachers in collaborative discussions. One-hundred and fifty-two Secondary Two (Grade 8) students were divided into three pedagogical groups, namely ‘whole-class teaching’, ‘self-directed group work’ and ‘teacher-supported group work’ groups, and engaged in peer-review, team debate, group presentation and reflection tasks related to a junior secondary science topic (i.e. current electricity). Pre- and post-tests were performed to evaluate students’ scientific conceptions, alongside collected written responses and audio-recorded discussions. The results indicate that students achieved greater cognitive growth when they engaged in cooperative learning activities, the interactive and multi-sided argumentative nature of which is considered to apply particularly well to science education and Vygotsky’s zone of proximal development framework. Group work learning is also found to be most effective when teachers play a role in navigating students during the joint construction of conceptual knowledge.  相似文献   

We report here on the first of two evaluations of a national project (Getting Practical: Improving Practical Work in Science—IPWiS) designed to improve the effectiveness of practical work in both primary and secondary schools in England. This first baseline evaluation of the effectiveness of practical work is based on a study of a diverse range of 30 practical lessons undertaken in non‐selective primary (n = 10) and secondary (n = 20) schools prior to the teachers undertaking a training intervention designed to improve their effective use of practical work. A multi‐site case study approach employing a condensed fieldwork strategy was used in which data were collected, using audiotape‐recorded discussions, interviews, and observational field notes. The analysis, based on work by Millar et al. and Tiberghien, considers what students do and think relative to what their teacher intended them to do and think. In both primary and secondary schools, the widespread use of highly structured “recipe” style tasks meant that practical work was highly effective in enabling students (n = 857) to do what the teacher intended. Whilst tasks in primary schools tended to be shorter than in secondary schools, with more time devoted to helping students understand the meaning of new scientific words, neither primary nor secondary teachers' lesson plans incorporated explicit strategies to assist students in making links between their observations and scientific ideas. As such, tasks were less effective in enabling students to use the intended scientific ideas to understand their actions and reflect upon the data they collected. These findings suggest that practical work might be made more effective, in terms of developing students' conceptual understanding—an aim of the IPWiS project—if teachers adopted a more “hands‐on” and “minds‐on” approach and explicitly planned how students were to link these two essential components of practical work. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 49: 1035–1055, 2012  相似文献   

This paper reports on a study that explored issues of curriculum continuity at the school to university level transition in Malawi. It bases its analysis on the school integrated science curriculum and university science and technology programmes. Data were collected through interviews, documentation and classroom observations. The findings show that gaps do exist, with both the ‘intended’ and the ‘experienced’ curriculum, between integrated science and the requirements of university science and technology programmes in the three categories of the knowledge of science, science as a way of knowing and general knowledge and skills. With respect to the investigative nature of science, gaps exist only with the delivered curriculum. Implications for both the integrated science curriculum and the university science and technology programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated students’ perceptions of the generalist learning environment of the primary school compared to their perceptions of the specialist science learning environment of secondary school. The role of student gender and change in school size as influencing factors on changes in students’ perceptions across primary to secondary transition were especially considered. The same students’ perceptions of the learning environment were collected in the final stages of primary school and again after their initial term in secondary school. Insights were gained into how students’ perceptions of learning environment changed during their first exposure to specialised science learning environments and teachers, and how these changes in perceptions during transition depended upon school size and student gender. Both school size and student gender were found to be influencing factors for changes in some learning environment dimension perceptions.  相似文献   

This paper describes the current state of science education in Arab states and anticipates some of the challenges faced by those states as they reform their science education. After discussing problems of illiteracy, access and quality we provide contextual information about the structure of the educational systems and describe recent efforts to reform them. We focus on issues pertaining to science curriculum and textbooks, language, religion, student learning in science, science teacher education and science education research and summarise the challenges and opportunities for research faced in each area. We conclude the paper by proposing a set of policy and research recommendations that could aid in the development of lasting solutions for recurring problems.  相似文献   

This article looks at the experiences of young people with Statements of special educational needs prior to and following moves from primary to secondary school. Pam Maras and Emma-Louise Aveling of the University of Greenwich, London, used interviews to develop six qualitative case studies focusing on the transition process. Findings from these case studies reveal that the young people varied in their expectations and needs during the transition to secondary school, and that schools differed in the quality and efficacy of the support systems they provide. Parents' and carers' responses suggest that additional support services were not necessarily the most beneficial way to provide for all of the young people. What did appear to be beneficial was continuity of support throughout the transition to a new school, and the provision of a dedicated space within the school, such as a special needs unit. Several of the young people adapted easily alongside their peers without special educational needs, while others required more structured support. Pam Maras and Emma-Louise Aveling suggest that effective communication between support services, the young person, and their parents can facilitate successful transitions by allowing support to be tailored to individual students' needs.  相似文献   

Contemporary policy statements from government and reforms to science curricula in schools emphasise the importance of educating a scientifically literate public for democratic participation in science and technology. While such an aspiration is seemingly uncontentious and appears consistent with progressive educational thinking, the reality of democratic participation is problematic. I propose four frameworks for describing democratic participation in schools. The first two – deficit and deliberative democracy – fulfil a limited role for democratic participation. ‘Science education as praxis’ and ‘science education for conflict and dissent’ present more radical programmes but reflect tensions with the dominant discourse of scientific literacy and citizenship as reflected in school curricula. To operationalise aspects of democratic participation, teachers need to make explicit the role of scientific knowledge and decision‐making within each framework. While radical change is likely to meet with resistance, this process will in turn generate new discourses about the problems and opportunities of democratic participation.  相似文献   


Pupils' perceptions of their experience of school science have rarely been investigated. The aim of the research reported in this paper, therefore, was to document the range of views that pupils held about the school science curriculum, the aspects they found either interesting and/or valuable, and their views about its future content. As such, the research aimed to articulate their views as a contribution to the debate about the future form and function of the school science curriculum. The method adopted to elicit their views was to use focus groups-a methodology that has not been extensively used in the science education research. Reported here are the findings from 20 focus groups conducted with 144 16-year-old pupils in London, Leeds and Birmingham, split both by gender and whether the pupils intended to continue, or not, with the study of science post-16. The findings of this research offer a window into pupils' perspective of school science revealing both their discontents and satisfaction with the existing curriculum. On the negative side, many pupils perceived school science to be a subject dominated by content with too much repetition and too little challenge. From a more positive perspective, pupils saw the study of science as important and were engaged by topics where they could perceive an immediate relevance, practical work, material that was challenging and high-quality teaching. The implications of these findings and the insights they provide for curriculum policy and school science curricula are discussed.  相似文献   

要从中小学抓起--科学教育与人文教育相结合的根本途径   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
3年前 ,我应邀参加了在呼和浩特市举行的关于加强大学生文化素质教育的研讨会 ,并作了一小时的发言。我当时的观点是 ,文化素质培养问题确实应当引起高等学校的重视 ,但是还必须加强中小学的教育工作。我是过来人 ,我觉得我的人文素质主要是在中小学时期奠定的基础 ,然后再有所提高。高等教育毕竟是以专业性为主 ,即使以后在大学实行通识教育 ,也很难像中小学时代那样有系统地循序渐进地进行文化素质教育。所以 ,更应重视中小学生的文化素质培养。一、中小学教育是高等教育的基础高等教育是建立在中学教育之上的一种专业教育。中小学的一个…  相似文献   

中国传统玩具是中华民族传统智慧的结晶。合理地运用传统具,可以培养学生的观察、思维和创新能力,促进学生主动学习、探索。本文对传统玩具进行了分类,并结合具体的课程,探讨了在中小学科学教学中的应用。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a longitudinal interpretive case study of the transtion from preservice to inservice science teaching. We describe four sets of overlapping worlds that provide vantagepoints for the study. Three sets describe the experiences of Katie, the participating teacher. These are the world of the person who is good at science and the world of the person who is not, the world of the student teacher and the world of the novice teacher, and the world of the primary science classroom and the world of the primary classroom during other subjects. The final set describes our development as researchers during this period—the world of the specialist science teacher and the world of the generalist teacher. In our analysis of the transition experience, we employ the term entryways to describe understandings and strategies that helped the teacher and ourselves to move between contrasting perspectives.  相似文献   

We systematically searched five databases to assess the potential of concept mapping-based technologies to promote self-regulated learning in science education. Our search uncovered 17 relevant studies that investigated seven different types of learning technologies. We performed a narrative analysis assessing how each technology affects self-regulated learning through cognitive, metacognitive, and motivation strategies, according to Schraw et al. (2006)'s model. We suggest concept mapping technologies may affect self-regulated learning through enhancing these strategies to varying degrees. Computer software was particularly useful for developing cognitive strategies through ease of use. Teaching agents were particularly useful for developing metacognitive strategies by coupling visualisation of knowledge patterns with performance monitoring, aided by a teaching metaphor. Finally, mobile devices and teaching agents were most effective in enhancing motivation. Effects on knowledge gains remain unclear due to small sample sizes.  相似文献   

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