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This paper gives a nuanced analysis of participation rates in secondary chemistry by developing the “story” behind national trends and subject selection patterns within an independent school located in a large Australian city. It supplements the documented quantitative data by presenting a case–study where 30 Year 12 chemistry students were interviewed about what motivated them to enrol in secondary chemistry. The students’ comments indicate that, despite the quantitative transformations that demonstrate increasing female success over the past few decades, chemistry is not totally gender inclusive. Secondary chemistry has not yet reached total gender inclusion due to the common gender differences that still occur in the students’ motivation to select chemistry and the influence that gender stereotypes still have on students’ subject selection.  相似文献   

This article examines the historical development of environmental education (EE) in Indonesia with emphasis on the non-formal sector, and applies its findings to the discussion on education for sustainable development (ESD), which seldom draws on case studies from developing countries. Local socio-economic and political conditions have made EE in Indonesia similar to ‘ESD’ in terms of its topical scope involving various social issues, although whether it should be referred to as ESD remains unclear. In contrast to the existing concerns about ESD, it involves critical views on the prevailing models of (neo-liberal) economic development. This article also shows that EE, like ESD, is at risk of exploitation by vested interests.  相似文献   

解决环境问题的根本出路在于环境教育,在化学实验教学中,有计划地实施环境教育,不仅可以培养学生解决环境问题的能力,而且可以让学生通过情感体验来提高他们的环境意识水平。  相似文献   

Understanding the nature of chemical thinking and action, as well as their application and impact on our world should be central goals of chemistry education at all educational levels. However, traditional school chemistry is still mostly focused on having students learn the body of declarative knowledge built over the years in the discipline. Achieving changes in curriculum and teaching practices in this context remains a challenging task. Studies in the history and philosophy of the discipline suggest that chemistry has unique characteristics that need to be recognised and considered in chemistry education. Many of these studies point to a pluralism in the discipline, and in the understanding of and about chemistry, that should be characterised and incorporated into our educational models. In this essay, we have attempted to build such a characterisation using conceptual profiles theory to propose a framework that can be used to enrich and support the thinking and action of chemistry teachers at all educational levels.  相似文献   


In many countries’ policy documents and curricula, teachers in the subject areas of science, social science and language are encouraged to collaborate on cross-curricular issues such as sustainable development (SD). This study is conducted in secondary schools (compulsory years 7-9) in Sweden and investigates the similarities and differences in the responses of ten teacher groups (forty-three teachers in total) to questions about their teaching contributions in their own subject areas to education for sustainable development (ESD). The overall aim is to understand how teachers of these three subject areas can contribute to cross-curricular teaching in teacher teams in the context of ESD. This is done by analysing the group responses from data collected in group discussions concerning the teaching dimensions what (content), how (methods) and why (purposes) in relation to ESD. We first analyse the teacher group responses and arguments regarding their contribution to ESD teaching from each subject area separately. Thereafter, we comparatively analyse how the different subject areas’ contributions overlap or complement each other in a potential collaborative ESD teaching. The results show that teachers from different subject areas stress different yet complimentary dimensions of teaching and perspectives of ESD. The implications for cross-curricular teaching in ESD are also discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of collaborative learning with hints and peer tutoring with hints, and individual learning with hints in chemistry laboratory education in a secondary school. A total of 96 eleventh graders participated in this study. The study has a randomized pre‐test and post‐test design with a delayed post‐test. During the four‐week intervention, students were required to carry out eight lab tasks in total. The students filled in a 17‐item self‐assessment of learning gain questionnaire on the last day. Analyses of students’ learning achievements showed that students in both the collaborative learning and peer tutoring situations outperformed those learning individually with hints. The delayed post‐test, which was administered three months later, revealed that students who had been in the peer tutoring situation outscored those in the collaborative learning situation. Student self‐assessment questionnaires on learning gain provided further details in this regard.  相似文献   

阐述了在中学化学教学中渗透环境保护教育的必要性,并就其实施方法和途径进行了一些探讨。  相似文献   

This study applies a model of school organisation developed by one of the authors to investigate school improvement processes leading to a whole school approach in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) literature. The model is operationalized to a survey instrument and distributed to Swedish upper secondary teachers. The instrument provides empirical indications of teachers’ perceptions of their schools in terms of four major dimensions of an ESD whole school approach, the importance assigned to a holistic vision, routines and structures, professional knowledge creation, and practical pedagogical work. The aims of the study are to compare the teachers’ perception of their school organisation. We compare perceptions of teachers working in schools actively implementing ESD and teachers in comparable reference schools. Comparisons are also made between teachers from schools applying different strategies and quality approaches in implementing ESD. The results indicate that, relative to teachers in ordinary schools, those in ESD schools perceive their school organisations to have higher quality and coherence, with greater potential to support teaching and pedagogical work in practice. However, there is substantial variation in perceptions of teachers from different ESD schools. The model’s robustness is validated by coherence of earlier results in the same schools.  相似文献   

化学教学中研究性学习的实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究性学习鼓励学生以类似科学研究的方式,进行主动探究、自主学习。在化学学科领域里渗透研究性学习有利于素质教育的全面实施,有利于培养学生的创新能力、实践能力、问题意识、合作意识,以及关注化学与自然、社会、生活的联系,而不仅是化学知识的传授和掌握。化学教学中研究性学习的实施,将促进教师的教育观念、教学内容、教学方式以及学生学习方式的根本变革,推动化学教育教学改革进一步深化,全面提高化学教学质量。  相似文献   

本文结合初等教育专业化学学科教学实际,从化学课程教学的各个环节和过程,探究落实化学“学习策略”教育的一般途径和措施。  相似文献   

"环境化学"是一门涉及大气环境化学、水环境化学、土壤环境化学等的学科,其人才培养模式对河池当地环境污染治理具有良好的帮助。但大多数教师以理论见长居多,本身没有丰富的实践经验,且缺乏足够的设备进行实践学习。校企合作的教学方式侧重于教学质量的提升,使理论学习与社会实践能够有效结合,以此来达到学校与企业的互利共赢。本文通过基于"环境化学"视野下的校企合作型教学进行深入的探讨与研究。  相似文献   

The Sustainable Development Goals set out by the United Nations advocate that all learners will have the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development. Development education, education for sustainable development and global citizenship education are deliberate educational interventions, which all address global justice and sustainability issues. Current research continues to expand our understanding of the field, but there are no recent reviews of the literature addressing the impact of these educational interventions. The objective of this paper is, therefore, to examine the impact of intentional development education, education for sustainable development and global citizenship education. We reviewed 243 abstracts against specific inclusion criteria: 127 from Scopus, 101 from ERIC, and 15 from EBSCO. Of those abstracts, 99 met inclusion criteria and underwent double review, which excluded further studies. Of the final 44 papers included for review, 26 focused on education for sustainable development or environmental educational themes, 12 were global orientated in content, either through development education or global citizenship, and six were intercultural educational interventions. In this paper, we provide an overview of measures of assessment of learning used, review the evidence of the impact on learners, and address some methodological and pedagogical questions arising from the review.  相似文献   

学前教育是终身教育的基础,是我国教育体系中必不可少的组成部分。随着我国社会经济的快速发展,人们对中职院校学前教育专业的关注也越来越高,我国政府及有关部门提出,要大力发展中职院校学前教育专业的建设,培养大学生的综合能力和素质。本文着重从我国中职院校学前教育专业课程开设的依据,目前发展中面临的问题进行研究,并提出几点建议。  相似文献   

This article investigates the composition of the Norwegian lower secondary school curriculum with a special emphasis on pre-vocational education from a contemporary perspective. The data consist of four official national curricula enacted from the 1970s until the present. Despite differences between the curricula, the main structure of school subjects has remained stable over time. Norwegian lower secondary school curricula mainly include academic subjects, even though pre-vocational education is, to varying degrees, present in all curricula, especially amongst elective subjects. This consolidated position of academic subjects results in a consistency in the composition of the curriculum. Curriculum change is most likely to happen amongst electives and is related to changes in policy making and societal changes. Pre-vocational education is mainly included in the first and current curriculum contrary to the second and third curriculum. These findings indicate that the international policy agenda and its emphasis on the relevance of education through stressing the linkage between education and the world of work only has a minor impact on Norwegian curricula. Further, the allocation of teaching hours shows that the status of pre-vocational subjects is low compared to that of academic subjects. International policies emphasizing basic skills strengthen the academic subjects even further.  相似文献   

实施素质教育必须充分利用主要阵地——课堂教学。教师可利用自身人格魅力、化学学科的发展历史、化学理论、思维方式、化学实验等对学生进综合素质的培养。  相似文献   

随着我国教育事业的不断发展,教学理念和教学模式都有了很大的改革和创新。在初中化学教学中,提升学生化学学习能力和水平,提高化学教学质量和效率,一直都是化学教师追求的目标。化学实验作为化学教学中必不可少的内容,直接影响化学教学的效果。提升化学实验的趣味性,才能更好地激发学生学习化学的兴趣和动力,促进化学教学质量的提升。  相似文献   

This article is mainly concerned with the capability of trainee teachers to implement learner-centred practice at one of the teacher education institutions in Malawi. The notion of learner-centred education has assumed a positive policy position for teaching and learning in both primary and secondary sectors not only in Malawi, but also in the wider world. However, there is no clear evidence on the extent to which trainee teachers or indeed qualified teachers develop and utilise learner-centred education during their classroom pedagogical practices. The appropriation and application of a pedagogical theory involves adopting tools for thinking that are made available by various social agents, structures and systems within cultural learning settings. The findings in the study indicate that appropriation and application of learner-centred education is constrained by various factors. These findings resonate with findings from other countries and indicate that progressive pedagogical notions aligned with social constructivism promoted in teacher education institutions have not resulted in widespread change in classroom practice. Teacher educators and policy makers need to be aware of this and examine relevant ways and possibly adaptations that can be reasonably made to ensure that secondary teaching appropriately benefits from the strength of learner-centred pedagogy.  相似文献   

本文通过现状分析和理论研究,提出了中等职业学校烹饪专业化学教学内容选择的原则.分析专业对化学知识的需求,着重讨论了职业学校化学课程与烹饪专业课程在内容上的衔接,本人对烹饪专业化学课程设计和内容选择进行了教学实践,取得了较好的效果.  相似文献   

A history of the future of higher education for sustainable development   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Thirty years of academic dialogue and reinvention about environmental and sustainability education conceals the consistency of rhetoric that literature holds. This paper argues that higher education for sustainable development does not call for the invention of anything disconcertingly new. In fact, four simple, long‐standing concepts contribute most of the philosophy, disciplinary content and pedagogy required: liberal education, interdisciplinarity, cosmopolitanism and civics. A review is undertaken of the literature behind these ‘ideas neither young nor mature’ and a sustainability canon is derived that features integrated sciences, humanities and social sciences theory, engaging, active pedagogy and authentic external experiences.  相似文献   

研究中学化学教育教学、探索中学化学教育教学规律,提高中学化学教育教学质量是师范院校化学专业进行教育教学研究的永恒话题,文章总结了文山学院生化系化学专业开设中学化学研究课程的做法,以期对中学化学教育有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

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