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Concept mapping is a technique used to provide a visual representation of an individual’s ideas about a concept or set of related concepts. This paper describes a concept mapping tool using a photograph association technique (CoMPAT) that is considered to be a novel way of eliciting children’s ideas. What children at 11 years of age know about particular concepts related to microbial activity is presented and discussed in relation to the effectiveness of CoMPAT as a tool to draw out their ideas. It is proposed that this tool could be used to explore ideas about this and other science concepts from children in other age groups, and where language may be a barrier to participation.  相似文献   

在高校管理中应用激励理论是实现科学管理、调动职工和学生两个方面的积极性的客观需求。因此,按照激励理论的原理,针对高校管理对象的心理行为规律。用适当的方法和手段去激励教职工在本职岗位上努力工作,积极创新;调动学生正确认识自身的价值、努力学习立志成才。  相似文献   

人类迈进21世纪特别要重视和大力推进道德教育。我们应主动借鉴吸收中外已有道德教育理论的精髓,不断强化学校道德教育,努力提高全体学生的道德素质。以科尔伯格为代表的西方道德认知发展理论,对我国现阶段学校道德教育的建设和发展,富有启示意义。  相似文献   

吴海树 《天津教育》2021,(5):124-125
小学是学生学习的黄金时期,为更好地解决小学教育中存在的问题,教师应积极地推行学习成效金字塔理论,确保全面提升学生的学习质量和效果。基于此,本文就学习成效金字塔理论概述进行阐述,并提出了促进小学信息技术课堂学习成效的有效途径。  相似文献   

We have analysed the processes of argumentation of three university student groups (A: six students, C: five students, and J: seven students) while making a decision about an environmental problem (selection of a heating system). The discussions took place in three 1½‐hour sessions that were audio‐taped and transcribed. For the analysis of the oral discussions, on the one hand, we have taken into account some of the dimensions characterising the quality of this decision‐making process, including the number and variety of criteria utilised, whether criteria, which did not favour the selected option, were considered and whether priorities were established among criteria, and, on the other hand, the use of environmental concepts such as renewable and sustainability as well as the meanings that were constructed for both concepts. We have determined that the students in this study proposed and utilised, both explicitly and implicitly, a high number and great variety of criteria to support their choices, although they were rarely able to consider contradictory evidence; that is, those that demonstrated disadvantages of the option selected. In terms of the construction of knowledge, we observed that in some groups the proposed task favoured the construction of a concept of sustainability that took the future into consideration and which was utilised as the most important justification in their selection. In terms of the concept of renewable, we found that they did not relate depletion of resources to economic consequences. We discuss the implications for the educational competence development.  相似文献   

浅谈情绪智力理论的发展及其对我国教育的启示意义   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
情绪智力理论 ,是由塞洛维 ( Salovey)和梅耶 ( Mayer)正式提出 ,经过戈尔曼 ( Goleman)在其《情感智商》一书中推广而流行起来的一种新理论。情绪智力理论在九十年代中后期引入我国并受到了普遍的关注。情绪智力的涵义概括起来包括三个方面 :准确地识别、评价和表达自己和他人的情绪 ;适应性地调节和控制自己和他人的情绪 ;适应性地利用情绪以便有计划地、创造性地激励行为。它对我国教育的启示意义主要体现在 :智力理论的提出促进了教育观念的转变 ,为素质教育提供了更丰富的理论依据 ;情绪智力理论的提出有利于全面地提高教师的素质 ,并对教育、教学方法的改革具有良好的启示作用 ;情绪智力理论的提出有利于学生评价体系的完善和发展等三个方面。  相似文献   

Misconceptions about adaptation by natural selection are widespread among adults and likely stem, in part, from cognitive biases and intuitive theories observable in early childhood. Current educational guidelines that recommend delaying comprehensive instruction on the topic of adaptation until adolescence, therefore, raise concerns because children's scientifically inaccurate theories about species may be left unchallenged for many years, allowing them to entrench and become difficult to overcome. In consequence, this investigation sought to explore whether classrooms of kindergartners and second graders could acquire a basic but comprehensive understanding of adaptation from an intervention constructed around two picture storybooks that mechanistically explain natural selection. Learning was assessed in near and far transfer contexts both immediately and a month later. Kindergartners and second graders demonstrated substantial learning of biological information; however, second graders showed pronounced abilities to near and far generalize, immediately and over time. Results suggest that causally cohesive interventions with an emphasis on mechanistic explanation facilitate children's classroom learning of complex counterintuitive scientific ideas.  相似文献   

资产阶级古典政治经济学的劳动价值论从产生、发展到终结,其对象、方法和内容是与商品经济的历史发展相适应的,其前后递嬗形成了一个经济思想的历史发展序列。  相似文献   

浅谈我国国防教育的理论发展和实践探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国防教育随着国家的产生而产生,国防观念的强弱,关系到一个国家的兴衰和存亡。实践证明,在新的历史时期,国家越发展,就越要有加强国防建设的历史责任感、使命感和紧迫感。开展多层次、多形式、多渠道的国防教育,是增强国防观念,维护国家安全统一和全面建设小康社会的重要保障。  相似文献   

The No Child Left Behind Act requires that all teachers be certified within the content areas that they teach. However, attracting and retaining highly qualified science teachers in rural school districts is particularly difficult due to limited resources and geographic and professional isolation. Science professional development programs could help improve inservice teachers’ understanding of concepts they are expected to teach, but such programs are often limited in rural areas. This study evaluates a unique distance learning, inquiry-based professional development course in physical science developed to meet the needs of central Appalachian middle school teachers. Instruction through hands-on inquiry investigations distinguishes this program from other distance learning programs. Preliminary findings from the pilot study reported in this paper reveal significant growth in 43 teachers’ content knowledge for six of nine temperature and heat concepts assessed in the course. Outcomes from the distance learning project are discussed as they relate to future research goals and implications for science professional development programs in rural regions.  相似文献   

This study explores the theory that individual reasoning ability, as measured using standard reasoning tests, has part of its origin in dialogue with others. In the study, 64 eight- and nine-year-old children were taught the use of ‘exploratory talk’, a type of talk in which joint reasoning is made explicit. The relationship between the talk of the children and the solving of Raven's test problems was studied using discourse analysis of groups working together. The findings of the study support four claims: that use of exploratory talk can improve group reasoning, that exploratory talk can be taught, that the teaching of exploratory talk can successfully transfer between educational contexts and that individual results on a standard non-verbal reasoning test significantly improved as a result of the intervention teaching exploratory talk. Our results offer support for the hypothesis that experience of social reasoning can improve scores on measures of individual reasoning. The stronger hypothesis that general cognitive development is a product of induction into social reasoning remains in doubt.  相似文献   

朱剑凡是湖南现代著名革命教育家,他首创周南女学,将之发展成为湖南私立教育的翘楚,并为社会和革命培养了大批的人才。他的教育思想颇具特色并有很强的生命力,对当前的教育事业仍有启发意义。  相似文献   

This essay enacts a philosophy of science education inspired by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari's figurations of rhizomatic and nomadic thought. It imagines rhizomes shaking the tree of modern Western science and science education by destabilising arborescent conceptions of knowledge as hierarchically articulated branches of a central stem or trunk rooted in firm foundations, and explores how becoming nomadic might liberate science educators from the sedentary judgmental positions that serve as the nodal points of Western academic science education theorising. This is demonstrated by commencing two rhizomatic textual assemblages that generate questions, provocations and challenges to dominant discourses and assumptions of contemporary science education. The first of these addresses cultural representations of Sir Isaac Newton and the second makes multiple, hybrid connections among the parasites, mosquitoes, humans, technologies and socio‐technical relations signified by malaria.  相似文献   

根据发展要理论,提出了西部地区经济发展的基本模式:构建发展极,绵阳是西部内陆地区,在西部大开发中要实现追赶型,跨越式发展,既要利用绵阳现有的科技、经济和地理优势,建立科技城构建发展极,实施发展极战略又要在发展极的构建过程中,注意一些问题。  相似文献   

论教育科学理论作为环境教育的理论原点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自环境教育诞生以来,其学科性质、课程模式、教育方法、效果评价等问题的研究始终得到了教育科学理论的关注和支持,并在此基础上架构和形成了一门新的学科——环境教育学。教育科学理论与环境科学理论一样,是环境教育诞生和发展的又一理论原点,并促进着环境教育的不断发展。  相似文献   

This study aims at presenting a grid for analysing the way the language employed in Greek school science textbooks tends to project pedagogic messages. These messages are analysed for the different school science subjects (i.e., Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and educational levels (i.e., primary and lower secondary level). The analysis is made using the dimensions of content specialisation (classification) and social-pedagogic relationships (framing) promoted by the language of the school science textbooks as well as the elaboration and abstraction of the corresponding linguistic code (formality), thus combining pedagogical and socio-linguistic perspectives. Classification and formality are used to identify the ways science textbooks tend to position students in relation to the interior of the corresponding specialised body of knowledge (i.e., in terms of content and code) while framing is used to identify the ways science textbooks tend to position students as learning subjects within the school science discourse. The results show that the kind of pedagogic messages projected by the textbooks depends mainly on the educational level and not particularly on the specific discipline. As the educational level rises a gradual move towards more specialised forms of scientific knowledge (mainly in terms of code) with a parallel increase in the students' autonomy in accessing the textbook material is noticed. The implications concern the way both students and teachers approach science textbooks as well as the roles they can undertake by internalising the textbooks' pedagogic messages and also the way science textbooks are authored.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine a professional learning community of primary school teachers developing a joint school-based curriculum for science and technology (S&T) education. Team meetings were observed over the course of one school year and the participating teachers and school head were interviewed. An essential factor in the team’s collaboration was its ability to achieve synthesis, that is, the extent to which the teachers were able to abstract from concrete experiences in S&T education in order to formulate and develop a shared vision and curriculum. They exchanged many examples and were able to create a shared idea highlighting critical elements in their approach to teaching this school subject. However, the teachers experienced difficulties in determining the level at which a school-based curriculum should be defined. The outcomes of this team’s collaboration are discussed in terms of leadership and the aims of the S&T innovation.  相似文献   

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