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Like many people, you may be dreaming of a career(职业) as rock and roll stars. There are two ways to go about getting one. First is the traditional way. Find some friends and form a group. Learn to play the guitar or the drums. Write your own songs. Spend hours arguing about the band name. Then go out on the road.  相似文献   

We contrast the current science education reform effort with the reforms of the 1960s and suggest how the current effort could be enhanced. We identify insights from recent research that we believe can inform the reform process, in particular, to reach all science students and also impart a cohesive view of science. We propose an alternative models view of scientific explanation and show how this view would contribute to reforms of (1) course goals, (2) social aspects of science learning, (3) instructional practices, and (4) roles for technology.This paper summarizes discussions and debates that the authors have had over the last few years. The dialogue stems, in part, from our joint participation in the American Educational Research Association Special Interest Group on Education in Science and Technology (AERA SIG:EST) leadership. This paper communicates the spirit of our thinking and does not necessarily reflect the view of SIG:EST, or any other organization.We gratefully acknowledge the support of National Science Foundation Grant MDR-9253462 in work related to this paper. We appreciate helpful comments from Eileen Lewis and the Computer as Learning Partner group.This material is based upon research supported by the National Science Foundation under grant RED-9155744. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the authors and not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The call for more male primary-school teachers has long been associated with the educational needs of boys, the importance of positive male role models in schools and the disproportionate number of male and female primary-school teachers internationally. However, little is known about whether or not parents and students actually want more male primary-school teachers and if they do, the reasons they have for wanting more. This paper addresses the under-representation of parents' and students' views by drawing from a study of the perspectives of 97 parents and 184 sixth-grade students from Sydney, Australia. Surveys and semi-structured focus group interviews with boys and girls, and their mothers and fathers revealed an overall perceived social need for more male primary-school teachers. In particular, the paper indicates that male primary-school teachers are considered important for boys; a view consistent with some extant research literature that does not include the views of parents or students. The paper further indicates that parents and students see male primary-school teachers as being beneficial to girls; a matter rarely discussed in any research literature irrespective of the stakeholder group studied.  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - Science education should help children acquire sophisticated understandings about science, how it is done, and how they can be scientists. Consequently,...  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study is to investigate social support (from parents, classmates, teachers, and close friends) as a protective factor in the association between depression and suicidal ideation. Data on students’ levels of social support, depression, and suicidal ideation were collected from 399 9th‐grade students using the Child and Adolescent Social Support Scale (CASSS), the Children's Depression Inventory, 2nd Edition Short Version (CDI 2), and the Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire ‐ Junior Version (SIQ‐JR). Results of hierarchical linear regressions indicated parent, classmate, and close friend social support buffered the association between depression and suicidal ideation. Close friend social support as a buffer appeared to be more robust for girls. Implications concerning these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Science teachers’ perceptions of the type of subject that appeals to 14 year old pupils were investigated using bi‐polar semantic differential rating scales. It was found that science teachers believe that boys and girls prefer significantly different subject characteristics. Teachers’ beliefs about the subject characteristics preferred by boys are closer to the perceived characteristics of school science, as judged on the same semantic differential scales, than is the case for girls. Teachers perceive the characteristics of school science to be much less attractive to girls. A comparison between the responses from groups of science teachers and pupils revealed that teachers believe that boys’ and girls’ preferences for subject characteristics are more dissimilar than they actually are. Girls’ preferences are closer to those of boys and to the characteristics associated with school science than teachers realize.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of a podcasting task on the examination performance of several hundred first‐year chemistry undergraduate students. Educational researchers have established that a deep approach to learning that promotes active understanding of meaning can lead to better student outcomes, higher grades and superior retention of knowledge over time. We attempted to promote such an approach by setting a task that involved student collaboration, contextualisation of content, and communication through new media, specifically creative podcasting. Examination results were used as a source of empirical evidence of changes in understanding and retention that occurred for students who completed this task. In comparing results across 2 years on similar questions related to the podcasting topics, we found a statistically significant improvement after introduction of the podcasting task on the questions related to one of the topics on which students had actively created their own podcasts (“acids & bases”), but not on the other (“oxidisation and reduction”). Improved learning outcomes in the form of better understanding and retention over time in at least one case suggest that under some circumstances creative podcasting may indeed help to promote a deep learning approach.  相似文献   

跟着青春的节拍,因为有了这一群性格各异的同学,我们班是如此的团结和美好!咱班的帅哥一排排,咱班的美女数不来,别看他们古灵精怪,但是同学请别生气,他们个个成绩还真不赖。  相似文献   

This paper exploits idiosyncratic variations in school cohorts’ gender composition to investigate the short and long-term effects of school peers’ gender. Using French administrative data over the 2008–2012 period, it shows that the proportion of female peers’ in middle school not only affects students’ contemporaneous performance but also influences their subsequent educational attainment. More specifically, a larger share of girls among school peers increases girls’ test scores, reduces their dropout rates and increases their probability to graduate from high school several years later, especially in the scientific track. By contrast, it increases boys’ probability to attend a vocational school and decreases their high school graduation rate. I find suggestive evidence that these effects partially operate through a negative effect of opposite-gender peers on students’ school behaviour and through an adjustment of teacher behaviour based on the gender composition of the classroom.  相似文献   

The authors discuss a case study experience in conducting scientific courses such as Environmental Chemistry and Spectroscopy to different groups of undergraduates at Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS), using web-based learning environments to support conventional teaching/learning sessions. The authors discovered that by supplementing the learning online, students became more interested in their respective fields of study, and thus were able to participate in class discussions more freely. Online, a higher number of group activities can be organized to consolidate the learning of specific topics. The web-based learning environment also allows more interaction opportunities between peers and with the course instructor. Overall, the students reported they found that learning online made the course more interesting, and that the students were consciously aware that they learned more in the process. The paper also highlights the major benefits of conducting a course online from a course instructor's perspective.  相似文献   

Most boys and girls interact differently with educational software and have different preferences for the design of educational software. The question is whether the usage of educational software has the same consequences for both genders. This paper investigates the characteristics of drill‐and‐practice programmes or drills that are efficient for boys and girls. The experiment was carried out in order to find out the characteristics of drills that have statistically significant correlations with the learning outcome of boys and girls. The findings about statistically significant gender differences will be discussed. The paper concludes with some recommendations for composing drills appropriate for both genders.  相似文献   

A three‐dimensional appreciation of the human body is the cornerstone of clinical anatomy. Spatial ability has previously been found to be associated with students' ability to learn anatomy and their examination performance. The teaching of anatomy has been the subject of major change over the last two decades with the reduction in time spent on dissection and greater use of web‐based and computer‐based resources. In this study, we examine whether the relationship between spatial ability and performance in anatomy examinations is sustained in a contemporary curriculum. A comparison of students' performance in a series of tests of spatial ability to their anatomy examination scores in biomedical sciences course exhibited only weak association (r = 0.145 and P = 0.106). This has implications for the use of spatial ability as a predictor of success in introductory subjects in the teaching of anatomy. Anat Sci Educ 7: 289–294. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   


The many sources from which members of the public can gain some science knowledge are but one manifestation of the current boom in the provision of entertainment and leisure activities with an information content. While there has been a large increase in the study of science learning from such informal sources, there has been little cross‐referencing between groups concerned with the presentation of science, those with social history, with art, and so on. Greater sharing of ideas, data and methodologies may be mutually beneficial.  相似文献   

A moral panic has broken out in several countries after recent studies showed that girls were outperforming boys in education. Commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Education, the present study examines the position of boys and girls in Dutch primary education and in the first phase of secondary education over the past ten to fifteen years. On the basis of several national and international large-scale databases, the authors examined whether one can indeed speak of a gender gap, at the expense of boys. Three domains were investigated, namely cognitive competencies, non-cognitive competencies, and school career features. The results as expressed in effect sizes show that there are hardly any differences with regard to language and mathematics proficiency. However, the position of boys in terms of educational level and attitudes and behaviour is much more unfavourable than that of girls. Girls, on the other hand, score more unfavourably with regard to sector and subject choice. While the present situation in general does not differ very much from that of a decade ago, it is difficult to predict in what way the balances might shift in the years to come.  相似文献   

In response to Meyer and Crawford’s article on how nature of science and authentic science inquiry strategies can be used to support the learning of science for underrepresented students, I explore the possibly of reconciliation between the cultures of school, science, school science as well as home. Such reconciliation is only possible when science teachers are cognizant of the factors affecting the cultural values and belief systems of underrepresented students. Using my experience as an Asian learner of WMS, I suggest that open and honest dialogues in science classrooms will allow for greater clarity of the ideals that WMS profess and cultural beliefs of underrepresented students. This in-depth understanding will eliminate guesswork and unrealistic expectations and in the process promote tolerance and acceptance of diversity in ways of knowing.  相似文献   


Moral pride has been found to be a positive component of moral life. Nevertheless, this emotion has been the object of little attention and hardly any studies focus on gender differences in this regard. Is this emotion more intense in girls than in boys? Five studies on authentic moral pride, with sample groups in different age ranges (two with children and the other three with adolescents) and using different measures (moral pride scales and vignettes), were carried out to answer this question. When significant (Study 5, with adolescents) or marginally significant (Study 2, with children, and Study 3, with adolescents) differences were observed, they were always in favor of girls, but were fairly small. In the discussion, these results are interpreted in light of the feeling rules about pride in general and a series of guidelines are suggested for children’s education.  相似文献   

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