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The number of experimentally derived structures of cellular components is rapidly expanding, and this phenomenon is accompanied by the development of a new semiotic system for teaching. The infographic approach is shifting from a schematic toward a more realistic representation of cellular components. By realistic we mean artist-prepared or computer graphic images that closely resemble experimentally derived structures and are characterized by a low level of styling and simplification. This change brings about a new challenge for teachers: designing course instructions that allow students to interpret these images in a meaningful way. To determine how students deal with this change, we designed several image-based, in-course assessments. The images were highly relevant for the cell biology course but did not resemble any of the images in the teaching documents. We asked students to label the cellular components, describe their function, or both. What we learned from these tests is that realistic images, with a higher apparent level of complexity, do not deter students from investigating their meaning. When given a choice, the students do not necessarily choose the most simplified representation, and they were sensitive to functional indications embedded in realistic images.  相似文献   

李郑民 《平原大学学报》2004,21(4):63-64,118
随着社会的发展,工业化造成社会结构的变化,以及带来的利益多样化和主动性的利益实现方式,是不容回避的现实。以怎样的利益方式应对这种变化,是一个极富挑战性且必须及时解决的问题。在当代中国。利益代表方式就是中国共产党始终代表最广大人民群众根本利益的方式,必须考虑并满足最大多数人的利益,必须注意现阶段新旧体制转型中根本利益的时代特点,以最大限度的满足人民群众不同的多样化的利益要求。  相似文献   

鉴于国家标准仅对文字语言中圆括号的使用作了阐述,为避免在数理公式中使用括号时出现错误,通过列举实例分情况着重分析讨论了数理公式中括号表示运算顺序时如何规范添加和套用,并提出几点建议.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of the Science Writing Heuristic (SWH) approach on grade 9 students’ understanding of chemical change and mixture concepts. Four intact classes taught by two chemistry teachers from a Turkish public high school were selected for the study; one class was assigned as the treatment group, and the other class was assigned as the comparison group. Students in the treatment group were instructed by the SWH approach, while those in the comparison group were instructed with traditionally designed chemistry instruction. Tests measuring students’ conceptual understanding in the units of chemical change and mixture were administered as pre- and posttest for both groups. At the end of the instruction, semistructured interviews were conducted with 13 students from the treatment group and eight students from the comparison group. ANCOVA results revealed that the SWH approach was superior to the traditional approach on students’ understanding of chemical change and mixture concepts. Interview results indicated that students in the treatment group demonstrated better scientific understanding of chemical change and mixture concepts compared to those in the comparison group.  相似文献   

恩格斯说:"从辩证的观点看来,运动表现于它的反面,即表现在静止中","运动应当从它的反面即从静止找到它的量变".  相似文献   

汉语中多用动态的表达方式,而日语则惯用静态表达。本文从自动词表达、被动表达、名词句表达和习惯用语中的静态表达四个方面,通过与汉语对比来说明日语的静态表达特征,意图从语言载体的表征揭示其深层次的语言心理,发掘日语的文化内涵。  相似文献   

言语交际中灰色信息的动态研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在言语交际中,灰色信息可以以互明的方式隐性传递,也可以通过显性协商转化为白色信息。因而,话语层面上的灰色信息具有流动性和协商性的语用特征。对话语层面上灰色信息的动态研究可以帮助我们了解灰色信息在言语交际中的运作过程。  相似文献   

浅谈静态联编和动态联编的区别和实现动态联编的条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多态性是C 面向对象语言的特征之一,多态性是要在调用函数时使用对象的指针或引用。另外,多态性仅用于类层次结构,所以能以一具类中派生另一个类不是多态性的基本条件。虚函数是动态联编的基础,它经过派生之后,在类族中就可以实现运行过程中的多态。动态联编恰是反映C 语言中的多态性的具体体现。本文先阐述了静态联编和动态联编的概念和区别,而后以几个实例说明实现动态联编的条件。  相似文献   

科技英语大量使用名词、介词结构,有静、虚、抽象的特点,而汉语则多用动词,有动、实、具体的特点.本文探讨了两种语言形成这些特点的原因,并提出了科技英语名词、介词结构的分析和汉译方法.  相似文献   

本文通过对有机化学中分子的静态和动态的相互关系的论述,说明只有辩证的分析问题,才能学好有机化学。  相似文献   

一般认为,语义模糊指的是语言符号所指概念的外延边界不清晰。我们把凡是在效用性上能使人产生界限不清、意义含混、信息不明的现象通称语义模糊。语义模糊研究可以从静态的语言平面和动态的言语平面分别进行。在语言平面上,语义模糊主要是通过语音、词汇和语法手段表达的概念不清晰。在言语平面上,语义模糊主要表现为说话人的信息、情感、意图、立场表达上的不清晰。语义模糊最终体现为一定的内容、手段和效用表达的不清晰。  相似文献   

概念通过语词来表达,普通逻辑学对概念的划分是静态的,语词在运用中表达概念是动态的。在静态的逻辑划分中集合概念与普遍概念的关系呈现多种阐释的学术观点,又遭遇自相矛盾的难题,只有从动态运用的角度,考察和分析语词与概念的关系,才能对集合概念与普遍概念的辨析及其相关问题,提出科学的方法和合理的解释。  相似文献   

研究如何通过静电场的处理种子的若干方法,以达到提高产量的目的。  相似文献   

This article proposes a comprehensive approach based on structural equation modeling for assessing the amount of trait-level change derived from faking-motivating situations. The model is intended for a mixed 2-wave 2-group design, and assesses change at both the group and the individual level. Theoretically the model adopts an integrative approach that relates the 2 main current conceptualizations of faking, and models the amount of trait change as an individual-differences variable. The model and procedures are used in an empirical study based on 512 participants. Some of the results are interesting and warrant further research. Overall, the methodology that is proposed provides new resources for the theoretical and applied assessment of faking. In particular, it provides the practitioner with new tools for clearly assessing faking at the individual level.  相似文献   

互联网改变健康行为的作用探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
已有研究表明健康的生活习惯和行为是防治疾病和保护健康的关键因素。那么,如何有效地进行健康知识的传播,并有针对性地改变人们的不良习惯与行为,则成为非常值得研究的学术问题。有关理论认为,大众传播在传播广度上具有无可比拟的优势,人际传播则是最有效的态度改变途径,因为它采取的是交互的和基于反应的劝服传播方式。互联网这一新兴媒介由于兼具了人际传播与大众传播的优势,十分适合进行劝服传播来改变个体的健康行为和进行健康干预,同时,还结合具体案例进行了互联网改变健康行为的模式设计与探讨。  相似文献   

To improve organizational performance, influence change, and accelerate transformation, executives and their teams need timely, accurate, and unbiased information. Good information, delivered at incredible speed, provides the ability to make better and faster decisions relative to the competition. Continuous performance improvement, powered by cloud technologies, helps organizations move from static lists to informed decision making and accelerated results. Cloud computing is based on the processing and storage of data and information external to the organization.  相似文献   

浅论现代汉语中的静态词义和动态词义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文首先综述了各家对词义的界说,接着提出了我们对词义的认识:词义根据存在样态分为静态词义和动态词义。静态词义是语言中的词义;包括词汇间意义和语法意义;动态词义是言语中的词义,它在静态词义的基础上,根据两种不同语境而发生种种变化。  相似文献   

ScienceWord是一款国产科技文档编辑软件,通常用于编写教学讲义、试卷、科技论文、科技图书及建设数字图书馆等,是科研与教育信息化的基础软件。本文将主要介绍如何利用这款软件中的化学模板工具快速高效地编写化学高分子式。  相似文献   

静体转化为动体是文章建构主体静动互化的常用辩证技法之一。静体转化为动体,其一,建构主体常借用拟人、拟物的修辞手法和飞动式的建构技法来完成。其二,建构主体将静止的对象流动化,使静止的对象赋予动态感,静物动态化的审美效应诉诸于接收主体,其审美感觉上似是静物的活化。  相似文献   

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