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Students need to think and work across disciplinary boundaries in the twenty-first century. However, it is unclear what interdisciplinary thinking means and how to analyze interdisciplinary interactions in teamwork. In this paper, drawing on multiple theoretical perspectives and empirical analysis of discourse contents, we formulate a theoretical framework that helps analyze interdisciplinary reasoning and communication (IRC) processes in interdisciplinary collaboration. Specifically, we propose four interrelated IRC processes—integration, translation, transfer, and transformation, and develop a corresponding analytic framework. We apply the framework to analyze two meetings of a project that aims to develop interdisciplinary science assessment items. The results illustrate that the framework can help interpret the interdisciplinary meeting dynamics and patterns. Our coding process and results also suggest that these IRC processes can be further examined in terms of interconnected sub-processes. We also discuss the implications of using the framework in conceptualizing, practicing, and researching interdisciplinary learning and teaching in science education.  相似文献   

The meaning of the term energy varies widely in scientific and colloquial discourse. Teasing apart the different connotations of the term can be especially challenging for non-science majors. In this study, undergraduate students taking an interdisciplinary, general science course (n?=?49) were asked to explain the role of energy in five contexts: radiation, transportation, generating electricity, earthquakes, and the big bang theory. The responses were qualitatively analyzed under the framework of conceptual metaphor theory. This study presents evidence that non-science major students spontaneously use metaphorical language that is consistent with the conceptual metaphors of energy previously identified in the discourse of students in introductory physics, biology, and chemistry courses. Furthermore, most students used multiple coherent metaphors to explain the role of energy in these complex topics. This demonstrates that these conceptual metaphors for energy have broader applicability than just traditional scientific contexts. Implications for this work as a formative assessment tool in instruction will also be discussed.  相似文献   

学科交叉研究生培养研究综述及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建多学科集成与交叉的培养环境与机制,培养未来能够解决综合性重大科技和社会问题的复合型创新人才已经成为各国研究生教育发展的共识和趋势,也是研究生培养模式改革的重要课题。对国内外有关学科交叉研究生培养研究的已有成果进行综述,在总结与分析现有成果的同时,指出了对学科交叉研究生培养研究需要进一步研究解决的问题,同时也提出了几点思考。  相似文献   

在医教协同的新时代,医学人才培养质量受到前所未有的关注,学生发展成效是人才培养质量的集中体现。基于高等教育学生发展的增值视角,利用全国代表性的54398份学生调查数据对医科学生发展进行了实证分析。研究发现,医科学生学业成就整体偏低,即相比其他学科,院校期间医科学生能力增值相对较少;医科学生在学生发展上的主要特征表现在专业能力增值上显著更多,临床医学类专业和非临床医学类专业学生在学业成就上存在一定差异,且明显受入学动机的影响;医科学生在学业成就上存在明显的年级特征,其增值在大三年级最为明显,且女性、农村、第一志愿录取的医科学生学业成就相对更高。  相似文献   

理科学生人文素质的高低,直接影响着基础教育师资的水平。要想提高理科学生的人文素质,必须扣强对理科学生“大学语文”能力的训练。  相似文献   

Scores on state standards‐based assessments are readily available and may be an appropriate alternative to traditional placement tests for assigning or accepting students into particular courses. Many community colleges do not require test scores for admissions purposes but do require some kind of placement scores for first‐year English and math courses. In this study, we examine the efficacy of using the reading and math portions of the Kansas State Assessment (KSA) for predicting the success of high school students taking College Algebra and College English I at a Kansas community college. Results showed that in this sample KSA scores predicted as well or better than more traditional placement tests and with no extra cost to the institution.  相似文献   

An undergraduate social work program developed a service‐learning experience in partnership with a local United Way organization to complete a community needs assessment project. The experience integrated the curricula of a social work research methods course and a generalist‐macro practice course with the principles and actions of experiential and service‐ learning, evidence based practice, and civic responsibility. This integrated curricula project yielded practical, “real world” outcomes for the local community and learning outcomes for the students. Needs assessments conducted by social students resulted in particular groups of community citizens receiving targeted services from agencies receiving funding from United Way. Evidence obtained from the students who participated in this experience indicates that two important learning outcomes were achieved; a heightened awareness of the local community's resource system and a sense of connection to the local community, along with the enhancement of students ‘self‐esteem and increased self‐confidence in their abilities.  相似文献   

大学环境类专业学生工程能力培养的研究与实践   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文在教学实践中,针对大学环境类专业学生工程能力培养进行研究,从专业建设的内容、方法和手段等方面进行了积极的探索并指出了目前存在的问题.  相似文献   

职业院校学生德育现状调查数据表明,当前学生的主流思想是好的,但其集体观念较为狭隘并缺乏理性;对人生认识缺乏整体性和理性分析;道德感较强,但有着深刻的纪律教育背景,在职业中难以实现顺利的延伸;对个人职业发展有比较明确的认识,但在社会现状和就业环境方面认识不足。基于以上认识,当今的职业教育中的德育教学内容体系应该包括个人素质分析、对社会环境的认识、专业环境认识及个人发展认识四个方面。在教学方法上应用基于工作过程的课程开发理念进行德育教学课程开发。  相似文献   

综合素质测评是高校对大学生发展状况客观评价的重要方式之一,能够增加学生学习的主动性和积极性,培养学生创新精神和实践能力。在新形势下,构建符合高职学生特点和人才培养目标、满足企业用人需求的高职学生综合素质测评体系,对于切实推进素质教育,提高学生综合素质,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

外语学习的最终目的是为了交流,翻译是其中一种重要的交流形式。在国际经济合作和文化交流中,翻译是一座重要的桥梁。对于学生来说,翻译技巧是一种优先的学习策略,翻译能力是语言运用能力不可忽缺的一部分。本文从实际需要、理论支持以及条件有利等方面出发探讨了对非英语专业大学生进行翻译技巧教学的必要性。  相似文献   

大学生考试作弊的经济学分析   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
章主要对大学生在校学习期间考试作弊的一般原因和具体原因进行了分析,提出了治理考试作弊的若干对策。  相似文献   

Students who are deaf or hard of hearing (SDHH) often use test accommodations when they participate in large-scale, standardized assessments. The purpose of this article is to present findings from the Third Annual Survey of Assessment and Accommodations for Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. The "big five" accommodations were reported by at least two-thirds of the 389 participants: extended time, small group/individual administration, test directions interpreted, test items read aloud, and test items interpreted. In a regression analysis, language used in instruction showed the most significant effects on accommodations use. The article considers these findings in light of a more proactive role for the National Survey in providing evidence for the effectiveness of accommodations with SDHH.  相似文献   

研究通过问卷调查法收集资料,应用SPSS软件进行统计分析,了解大学高年级学生职业决策自我效能感的现状,并从性别、生源、家庭经济情况、开始职业规划的时间等四个不同维度比较其职业决策自我效能感。  相似文献   

同伴评价作为一种评价方式已经被忽略多年。很多研究者与教师都对它的可靠性和有效性心存疑虑。作者在一次平时英语口语测试中,采用了学生评价的方式对学生进行考核,把学生给同伴所打分的平均值与教师所给分值进行对比。通过此定量研究,作者意在调查英语口语教学实践中同伴评价的信度和效度。统计数据显示,学生给同伴所打分的平均值与教师所给分值非常接近。这也验证了在这种情况下,同伴评价具有较高的信度和效度。作者还开展了一个小组讨论来调查学生对这种评价方式的认同感以及所担心的问题。此调查对于未来同伴评价的设计具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

加强大学生环保教育,培养大学生环保意识、素质、品德是高等学校贯彻落实科学发展观,实现可持续发展的一项重要任务和责任,应将其纳入教学计划、学生素质综合测评和相关评优之中。  相似文献   

顶岗实习是高职教育教学实践中的一个重要环节,科学规范的评价体系能促进顶岗实习的教学效果。以形成性评价理论为基础,构建顶岗实习评价体系,并在高职顶岗实习教学中加以实施。  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship between meaning in life and college adjustment in a sample of 96 college students. In line with previous research on meaning in life and positive psychosocial functioning measures, presence of meaning was positively correlated with adjustment, whereas searching for meaning was negatively correlated with adjustment. However, the degree to which students were actively searching for meaning moderated the relationship between presence of meaning and adjustment. Recommendations for college counseling services are discussed.  相似文献   

为确保独立学院贫困生国家助学金评定工作公开、公平和公正地开展,文章时独立学院贫困生国家助学,金评定进行了初步的探讨,提出了四个建设性的建议和措施:广泛开展国家助学金资助政策的宣传工作,广泛开展大学生诚信教育工作,制定合理的国家助学金评定量表,规范国家助学金评定工作流程。  相似文献   

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