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Evolution is an important and sometimes controversial component of high school biology. In this study, we used a mixed methods approach to explore students’ evolution acceptance and views of evolution teaching and learning. Students explained their acceptance and rejection of evolution in terms of evidence and conflicts with religion and authority. Students largely supported the teaching of evolution and offered several reasons for its inclusion in high school biology. Students also offered several suggestions for improving evolution instruction. Evolution acceptors’ and rejecters’ views of evolution teaching and learning differed in a number of respects, and these differences may be explained using border crossing as a theoretical lens. Relevant implications for evolution instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

This study proposed a path model of relationships among understanding and acceptance of evolution, views on nature of science, and self-efficacy beliefs regarding teaching evolution. A total of 415 pre-service science teachers completed a series of self-report instruments for the specified purpose. After the estimation of scale scores using unidimensional IRT models, path analysis suggested that sophisticated views on NOS were associated with higher levels of both understanding and acceptance of evolution, and the higher level of understanding of evolution was related to the higher level of acceptance of evolution. Besides, higher levels of both understanding and acceptance of the theory and na?ve views on NOS were found to be associated with stronger self-efficacy beliefs for teaching evolution effectively.  相似文献   

Even though in the early years of the Republic of Turkey Darwin’s theory of evolution was treated as a scientific theory and taught fairly in schools, despite all the substantial evidence accumulated supporting the theory of evolution since then, Darwin and his ideas today have been scorned by curriculum and education policy makers. Furthermore, Turkish students and academics have been faced with unprecedented creationist propaganda for many years. In this paper, we first provide a glimpse of the theory of evolution and creationism in Turkey, we then report the results of our survey study (N = 1,098) about the undergraduates’ acceptance and understanding of Darwinian evolution and some of the socioeconomic variables affecting those measures. Our cross sectional study shows that acceptance and understanding of the theory of evolution is quite low. We criticize the current state of evolution education in Turkey and call for a change towards a scientific treatment of the theory evolution in schools.  相似文献   

This article focuses on one aspect of a case study of three congregations (Jewish, Catholic, and Protestant): the structure of the religious education programs. The three institutions were structured in much the same way, and the way they were structured looked like public school. If we have more in common with our neighborhood churches and public schools than we may have thought, the implication for scholarship and policy work in Jewish education is that we would benefit from more comparative work as we seek to produce more comprehensive scholarship, better informed policies, and more satisfying experiences in synagogue-based education.  相似文献   

Allvertebratesarecharacteristicofpossessionofapituitaryglandwhichsynthesizesandreleasesglycoproteinhormones:gonadotropin(GTH)andthyrotropin(TSH).TwodistincttypesofGTHsexist;intetraPOd,luteinizinghormone(LH)andfolliclestimilatinghormone(FSH),andinteleost,GTH-IandGTH-II.OnlyonetypeofTSHexistsinvertebrates.Allthesehormonesarecomposedoftwostructurallydistinctsubunits(alphaandbeta)eachcarryingcarbohydratemoiety.Alphasubunitsareidenticalamongthethreehormoneswithinspecies,andarecommon(int…  相似文献   

lintroductionOnetraditionalmethodofevaluationistousetheDa'L.sizingequation,WhichevaluatesthemachinepoweronthebasisofairgapsurfacediameterD,andeffectivestacklengthL,'Formanyyears,researchershavebeeninterestedinconsidering,instead,themachineoutersurfacediam…  相似文献   

CharlesDickens( 1812 - 1870 ) ,thegreatEnglishnovelistinthe 19thcentury ,belongstotheschoolofcriticalrealism ,andheistherepresentativeofit ;hencehispositionintheEnglishliteraryhistoryisprominent .Inhisshortlife ,CharlesDickenswrotemanyanovelssuchasThepickwickPapers…  相似文献   

The literature suggests that simple expert (mathematical) models can improve the quality of decisions, but people are not always eager to accept and endorse such models. We ran three online experiments to test the receptiveness to advice from computerized expert models. Middle- and high-school teachers (N = 435) evaluated student profiles that varied in several personal and task relevant factors. They were offered (Studies I and II), or could ask for (Study III), advice from either expert models or human advisors. Overall, teachers requested and followed advice of expert models less frequently than advice from humans. Task-relevant factors (task difficulty) seem to be more salient than personal factors for teachers’ willingness to receive advice.  相似文献   

谢春燕 《海外英语》2013,(5X):210-211
"Beauty is truth, truth beauty"-the famous line in English romantic poet John Keats’Ode on a Grecian Urn-has triggered wide discussion and numerous interpretations. From the point of"negative capability", a phrase first coined by Keats himself, this paper is attempting to display the consistency between that poetic line and the poet’s creation and life attitude on the whole. For this purpose, this paper will mainly introduce and interpret five of Keats’famous odes in the order of their display of his"rising acceptance of life": Ode to a Nightingale, Ode on a Grecian Urn, Ode to Autumn, Ode on Melancholy and Ode on Indolence. This paper would like to show in the first three Keats’s positive quest in different aspects and on certain levels, the fourth the underlying tone of life’s polyphonous song, and the final the"negative capability"that constitutes his healthy attitude toward creation and life. Finally, this paper hopes to demonstrate that it is such capability that enables the poet to growingly accept life, and it is also essential to him as a philosophical poet.  相似文献   

Prince Evolution     
吴颖  裴靖 《音乐世界》2008,(8):38-41
第一本写真为我们呈现了BOBO 的曾经过往,如今,第二本前往香港地区拍摄的写真美容书《王子进化论》在三月底上市,两位王子翻身做主,从被打扮的对象,变成教人美容的高手,大半年的明星生活可没有白过哦,他们积累的知识都在这本最新的写真中倾囊而出,而帅气的照片和搞笑的幕后花絮当然也少不了!  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated distinctions among the diversity of religious traditions represented by Lebanese and Egyptian Muslim high school students regarding their understanding and acceptance of biological evolution and how they relate the science to their religious beliefs. We explored secondary students’ conceptions of evolution among members of three Muslim sects—Sunni, Shiite, and Druze—in two cultural contexts; one in which the overwhelming majority of the population is Muslim (Egypt) and another in which there is a sizable Christian community (Lebanon). Data were collected via surveys that examined students’ scientific and religious understandings of evolution among 162 Egyptian students (all Sunni Muslims; 63% females and 37% males) and 629 Lebanese students (38.5% Sunni, 38% Shiite, and 23.5% Druze; 49% females and 51% males). Additional data were collected via semi-structured interviews with 30 Lebanese students to allow triangulation of data for accuracy and authenticity. Results indicate that many Egyptian and Lebanese Muslim students have misconceptions about evolution and the nature of science which often lead to rejection of evolution. Also, Lebanese Sunni and Shiite students and Egyptian Sunni students tend to exhibit high levels of religiosity, and these students report that their religious beliefs influence their positions regarding evolution. Finally, Sunni and Shiite Lebanese students have religious beliefs, conceptions of evolution, and positions regarding evolution similar to those of Sunni Egyptian students. These conceptions and positions, however, are substantially different from those of Druze Lebanese students.  相似文献   

在苦心蕴育三年之后,安室奈美惠终于推出了她个人的全新专辑《STYLE安式时尚》。在这张专辑中,她建立起了只属于安室奈美惠的全新风格。不同以往辣妹式"安室流"装扮,她以一袭华丽的羽毛装扮性感出击,展示出了既成熟又大胆的STYLE。让我们来看看安室的时尚改变,一起来见证安室奈美惠的时尚进化论!  相似文献   

K. R. Shivanna 《Resonance》2018,23(4):465-478
The Gálapagos Islands are closely associated with Darwin’s name because the animals and plants living on these islands provided clues to Darwin to formulate his theory of evolution by means of natural selection. Gálapagos is a group of 19 volcanic, Pacific islands on the equator, about 1000 km west of Ecuador of South America. Being volcanic, there was no life on them when they were formed; all organisms presently living on the islands are the descendants of those that came from the South American mainland. Darwin visited these islands in 1835 during his voyage around the world in HMS Beagle and stayed for five weeks, studying and collecting plants, animals, and rock samples from the islands. His detailed studies of the collections upon his return to London, particularly on tortoises, mockingbirds, and finches, revealed that all these species living on the Gálapagos were endemic to the island and did not occur anywhere else in the world, but all of them closely resembled the species present on the South American mainland. This realization made him speculate that the Gálapagos inhabitants, after they arrived from the mainland, evolved into different species over the years, shaped by the environment of the islands. He visualized evolutionary changes as a result of the competition amongst individuals under changed environmental conditions, which acted as a selective agent. Under such selection, those individuals possessing favorable variations survived and reproduced, passing on their variations to their offspring, and those without them were eliminated. Over the years, the concept of evolution has become one of the most important, powerful and unifying concepts in biology.  相似文献   

中国共产党的90年,是马克思主义在实践中运用、丰富、创新和发展的90年。贯穿这90年一个始终不变的问题,就是民生问题。厘清中国共产党民生思想的发展道路,对当前如何加快推进以改善民生为重点的社会建设有着重要的理论意义和现实意义。  相似文献   


In the following article, the author attempts to provide a skeleton overview of the movement for pre‐vocational education, stressing that present concern regarding such issues as the purpose of education and the extent to which a utilitarian approach is acceptable, school‐to‐work transition, and emphasis on particular work‐related skills have, in fact, formed a recurring debate dating back at least a century. Anxiety regarding Britain's hegemony over Europe, particularly Germany, has always featured in the debate, as has the issue of education versus training. Key educational legislation provides four key stages in the development of the debate, culminating in close examination of the implications of the Education Reform Act of 1988 for the Technical and Vocational Education Initiative (TVEI).  相似文献   


In experiment I, two teachers of adolescent students were given video feedback of their teaching behavior in regard to two types of teacher "postures/’ the effect of which was to change their behavior in specific directions. Experiment II, a replication, was conducted with elementary students and demonstrated that change in specific teacher behaviors appeared to produce changes in academic response rate in pupils. Results were discussed relative to teacher training.  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国区域经济发展战略思想经历了平衡工业发展布局、建立完整的工业体系,建立和发展开放型经济、加快沿海地区发展,坚持区域经济协调发展、解决地区发展差距,统筹区域发展、加快经济发展方式转变的四个阶段。全球经济低迷徘徊、危机四伏,我国区域经济战略将更加着眼于稳定增长,优化结构,维护生态,改善民生,进入绿色发展新阶段。  相似文献   

Objective. The aims of this article were to test the measurement invariance of the Italian and American versions of the Adult Parental Acceptance–Rejection Questionnaire and to compare adults’ remembrances of parental acceptance–rejection across the two nations. Design. The Adult Parental Acceptance–Rejection Questionnaire was administered to 564 Italian adults (M = 23.04 years) and 509 U.S. American adults (M = 22.09 years), matched by gender and age. The measurement invariance of the Parental Acceptance–Rejection Questionnaire was first established by means of multi-group confirmatory factor analyses. Results. The Parental Acceptance–Rejection Questionnaire is fully invariant across the two cultures, and adults organize their remembrances of mothers’ and fathers’ parenting around the same four classes of behavior in both nations. Italian and American adults tend to remember their parents as having been quite loving, with Italian parents being remembered as slightly less warm and more hostile than American parents. Conclusions. The full invariance of the Parental Acceptance–Rejection Questionnaire across the two populations represents additional strong evidence for the universality of interpersonal acceptance–rejection theory. Measurement invariance also confirmed that the Adult Parental Acceptance–Rejection Questionnaire (short form) can be used to measure adult remembrances of parental acceptance–rejection across these two populations.  相似文献   

This article examines the background in which enterprises called free schools, as well as complementary educational activities, have taken root in Chile. Two kinds of recently burgeoning free schools are identified; one supplementing regular schooling with a social justice focus, and another that is a fully fledged alternative to other schooling. The history of freedom itself in Chile is explored from a historical perspective, contrasting somewhat with freedom as it is understood in more developed countries. Parallels to Anglophone free schools such as AS Neill’s Summerhill are also discussed, as well as the sociopolitical context in which Chilean free schools continue to develop.  相似文献   

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