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This study examined the power of Super’s work values in discriminating between engineering and liberal arts students. Three analyses were performed, one for each of the different factors of the work values. The major findings were: all three dimensions discriminate effectively between the two programs, the work values which discriminate in favor of liberal arts students tend to focus on general aspects of the work, and the work values favoring engineering students are values relevant to specific aspects of their perceived jobs. The implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study presents a detailed report of a project implemented to solve the problem thatmost of my studens do not like doing pair work I assign them to do in class. It is hypothesized that learners' in-terests in pair--work in class will be greatly increased by better designed pair--work exercises. Methodologically, four methods are used, and they are analytic method, cause analysis, question-naire survey, and brainstorming activation.  相似文献   

This study sought to examine social work students’ perceptions of Team-Based Learning (N = 154). Aside from looking at overall student perceptions, comparative analyses examined differences in perceptions between BSW and MSW students, and between Caucasian students and students of color. Findings for the overall sample revealed favorable perceptions. The majority of students felt that Team-Based Learning effectively relayed content while teaching higher order cognitive skills. No differences emerged between MSW and BSW students; however, there were significant differences between students of color and Caucasian students, with the former feeling more isolated and singled out. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this column is to keep religious educators abreast of relevant significant research in the general field of psychology. Its implications for methods and materials in religious education are clear. Religious educators may well take advantage of every finding in scientific research.

Each abstract or group is preceded by an evaluation and interpretive comment, which aims to guide the reader in understanding the research reported.

All of these abstracts are from PSYCHOLOGICAL ABSTRACTS, and used by permission of that periodical. The abstract numbers are from Volume 24, 1950  相似文献   

While the kinematics of the parallel manipulatorhas been studied extensively during the past two dec-ades, more and more papers can be found on the dy-namics of the parallel manipulators now[1—7]. The dy-namics of robotcan be used forthe simulation, controland optimization. It plays an important role inachieving high-speed performance. There are twotypes of dynamical problems for the parallel robot: di-rect dynamics and inverse dynamics. The direct dy-namical problem is to find the response v…  相似文献   

People use their freedom to choose a proper work, while the work selects appropriate people. To some extent, people interact with the outside through work. Work has mutual effect on internal challenge of a person and the external change of the world.  相似文献   

The scholarship on historical and contemporary African‐American teachers highlights the emphasis on community connections in their work. As such, the scholarship portrays African‐American teachers almost exclusively as givers without fully considering what teachers derive from community connections. This paper describes a qualitative study in which intergenerational African‐American teachers illustrate the dual nature of community connections and the ways in which constructs of community informed their work. Three distinct points along the professional spectrum—entry, career development, and long‐term career trajectories—illuminate the ways in which community reciprocity impacts and informs the teachers under study. Study findings elucidated a communal reciprocity in that community connections influenced professional entry contributed to feelings of personal and professional self‐worth and impacted long‐term career goals.  相似文献   

Family and Work     
It has never been easy for couples with children and flail-time jobs toballance their work and home responsibilities,but today it is harder thanever.Slimmed-down companies running on very tight resources are makinghuge demands on staff,and the impact is particularly high on those withfamilies and working partners.  相似文献   


In this article I describe the analytic approach adopted by Peters, his colleagues and followers of the ‘London line’ in the 1960s and 1970s and argue that, even in those times, other approaches to philosophy of education were being valued and practised. I show that Peters and his colleagues later became aware of the need for philosophy of education to become aware of and take in hand a new set of agendas and address the list of substantive issues inherent in the contexts and political considerations beginning to impinge on education in the 1980s and beyond. I argue that there is much to be said for adopting a postempiricist problem-solving approach and point to the ways in which an evolutionary epistemology may be usefully applied to many of the problems of modern educational discourse. But I also seek to show how the abiding axiological concerns of Peters may still serve as the substantive background and definition of the value emphasis of the aims and directions in which philosophers of education are currently still working.  相似文献   

Linda Chisholm 《Compare》1999,29(2):111-126
As the South African state begins to democratize, so questions are raised about how this process might be mediated by schools and teachers or how schools’ and teachers’ practices might inform the wider process of social change. This paper explores these issues through an examination of how teachers sought to alter relations of authority and the nature of their work within schools, and how these have interacted with new managerial and state initiatives. It examines the conditions of teachers’ work under apartheid, the challenge to these by the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union and the struggles in schools over changing relations of authority and teachers’ work in the crucial transition years of 1990‐1997. It argues that alternative conceptions and practices were developed and institutionalized. This paper uses the results of both a 3 year longitudinal study and research conducted on teacher appraisal with the teachers’ union.  相似文献   

The study examined conflict and facilitation in work–family relations among working mothers of children with learning disorders (LD) or with typical development. The study also focused on three maternal personal resources (maternal anxious/avoidant attachment security, affect and sense of coherence) as antecedents of these work–family relations, and examined outcomes of such conflict and facilitation between the two life domains, as they affected patterns of close relationships within the family (child attachment and family cohesion). The sample included 96 mother–child dyads: 48 mothers and their children with LD; and 48 mothers and their typically developing children. Children’s ages were 8–12 years. All attended public elementary schools in urban areas of central Israel. Significant group differences emerged on mothers’ family to work conflict and on mothers’ work to family facilitation. Findings indicated that several maternal personal resources were antecedents of these relations and also contributed to differences in mother–child attachment relationships and family cohesion. Discussion focused on understanding work–family relations among these mothers of children with LD, as well as the influence of maternal personal resources on patterns of close relationships (i.e., child attachment, family cohesion).  相似文献   

课题Uhlt26,Lesson101一教师刘钊粼兰一授课姗初中~年级教学目标曹豁耀缪嘿粼戳您咒护饵些流和表达鸭观一孵重难点丫 _一乍王一汽然蒸蒸蒸一一几「一二教学工具一、一电脑课件、-教学程序教学内寮_、一州熬师质动一_、-岸牛活动厂技能、峭私畴·、一钟呱一__舟褚李埃问。.堡钾嵋和倾听并回答问题苦犷’‘提问导入。一讲授新课-1.出示图片确认工作的名称。2根据图片练习工作 的名称。3课文的第一部分。_ 一于一_「引导示范。-_」{-.一甘七t俨学生就话题进行谈话,做到反应迅速。语言抹能、刻胶际戈「演示技能· 、介一_里变式训练着场幕,彭泳…  相似文献   

knee[ni蘼]膝盖flat[fl覸t]平的,平坦的stretch[stret蘩]伸展,拉长struggle[蘖str蘧弈l]努力,斗争touch[t蘧t蘩]触摸toe[t藜尬]脚趾jump[d廾蘧mp]跳doze[d藜尬z]打盹儿bend[bend]弯曲fun[f蘧n]乐趣hop[h蘅p]单脚跳clap[kl覸p]拍手earn[誻蘼n]赚得,赢得bun[b蘧n]小圆面包Kneesflat,armsstretch,Struggletotouchyourtoes.Backonyourfeet,jumpuphigh,It'snotthetimetodoze!Keensbend,armsstretch,Thisreallyshouldbefun.Hopononeleg,clapyourhands,I'llmakeyouearnthatbun!Hard Work for Elephants@木雨…  相似文献   

Usually, in physics textbooks, the physical magnitude ‘work’ is introduced as the product of a force multiplied by its displacement, in relation to the transfer of energy. In other words, ‘work’ is presented as an internal affair of physics theory, while its relation to the world of experience, that is its empirical meaning, is missing. On the other hand, in the history of its creation, ‘work’ was a concept that had empirical meaning from the start. It was constructed by engineers to measure the work (labor) of motor engines, men, and animals. Very soon however this initial meaning seems to vanish. In this article, it will be looked at how ‘work’ is presented in physics textbooks, what was its initial meaning in the history of its formulation, under what circumstances this initial meaning faded, and how elements from the history of its creation can be used in the classroom to teach it.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a content analysis of MSW group work course syllabi in an effort to better understand the extent to which mutual aid and group conflict, two important dimensions of social group work, are included and featured as prominent elements in MSW-level group work instruction.  相似文献   

The study aims to describe early childhood educators’ psychological wellbeing at work in terms of their interpersonal fit, thriving, feeling of competency, perceived recognition and desire for involvement. The study approach draws links between perceptions of autonomy at work and wellbeing. The analysis examines the results of a survey conducted among 1,535 early childhood educators in the province of Québec, Canada, using the Index of Psychological Well-Being at Work, developed by Dagenais-Desmarais (2010), an instrument presenting good internal consistency indicators, with alphas varying between .72 and .86. Additionally, a measure of perceived autonomy at work, producing an internal consistency of .83, has been adapted from an instrument originally designed to measure basic needs satisfaction in sports contexts (Gillet et al. 2008). The study results show that overall levels of wellbeing among early childhood educators are high, both among those working in centre-based settings and those working in home-based settings (private homes), throughout all career stages. However, a decrease in wellbeing levels is observed following the first 5 years of work, later followed by an increase in wellbeing levels among educators with 20 years of experience or more, in both work settings. The perception of autonomy proves to be related to wellbeing, accounting for 23 % of variance. The autonomy dimension, therefore, calls for greater attention from administrators concerned with the psychological wellbeing of workers in this sector of activity. The authors argue for the relevance and necessity of further research into the work lives of early childhood educators by emphasising that the issues raised in the study overlap with three areas of concern for a significant part of the population: early childhood educators’ profession, community family services, and the accumulation of knowledge in work psychology.  相似文献   

Research into Classroom Processes: a Review of Ten Years ’ Work   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  


Graduating students must be prepared with knowledge and skills for the financial aspects of social work practice. This study examines graduating students’ attitudes and perceptions about client finances, as well as their financial knowledge. Internet survey results (= 116) of BSW and MSW graduating students indicate that respondents (a) perceive a limited function for discussing client financial circumstances in practice, (b) understand the relevance, however, of client finances, (c) are unprepared to address this aspect, and (d) are supportive of integrating this content into required policy and practice courses. Teaching and curricular implications, along with programmatic recommendations, are included.  相似文献   

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