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声乐小组课教学是适应于当前声乐教学现实需求,介于个别课与大班集体课之间的一种声乐教学形式。声乐小组课教学在理念上仍存在误区:即夸大了声乐小组课教学的适应性而忽略了其被动性。现实中的声乐小组课教学面临教学方式选择难、教学过程组织难、教学质量提升难等多重挑战。要走出困境,需要在观念上主动接纳,在方法上分层分类,在教学中重视艺术实践,从而提高声乐教学的整体效果。  相似文献   

在数学学习中,数学概念不清,学生在进行计算,证明,交流、推理时都会出现极大困难,然而,由于不少学生在以抽象思维能力为主的数学能力等诸多因素上的差异,导致了数学概念这个重点同时又成了数学教学的难点,本文从探讨数学概念教学困难的原因,数学概念的学习机制入手,为的是找出更加有效的教学策略,以促进数学课堂教学改革,实现高效教学。  相似文献   

Certain concepts in mathematics were not invented only to solve new problems; their aim was mainly to find general methods to solve different problems with the same tools. Such concepts, as those of the axiomatic theory of vector spaces or groups or the modern definition of limit, will be called in this paper unifying and generalizing concepts. I will point out some epistemological specificities of these concepts and subsequently analyze their influence on teaching. I will explain the reasons which led me to the conclusion that it is necessary to introduce some meta aspects into the teaching of unifying and generalizing concepts, and I will present the theoretical framework I adopted for my purpose, in relation to other theoretical approaches. I will then present and analyze one example, from which I will draw conclusions about theoretical questions of evaluation in a long term experiment which includes a meta dimension for the teaching of unifying and generalizing concepts in mathematics.  相似文献   

Award-winning university teachers' concepts of teaching   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Twelve recipients of awards for excellence in teaching at The University of Sydney provided interview responses to a series of questions designed to tap their conceptual repertoires regarding teaching effectiveness and the evaluation of teaching. Their responses were compared to those of two groups of novice university teachers from the same university. The award-winners were found to have more complex and flexible concepts of teaching effectiveness, to use a wider range of criteria in evaluating their teaching and to rely more on personal feelings, the evaluative judgements of others and longer term student learnings than the novices. They were also more inclined to adopt systematic, formal procedures for obtaining feedback and to use it in changing their teaching than the novices.  相似文献   

数学概念是形成数学知识体系的基础 ,让学生学好、用好数学概念是我校数学实验课题第二阶段的目标之一 ,也是提高学生素质的重要途径之一。但数学概念是比较抽象的 ,而中低年级学生的思维以具体形象思维为主 ,抽象思维很弱。根据这种情况 ,在教学数学概念时 ,我努力转变教育教学理念 ,采用让学生主动学习、自主发展的“探究式”学习方法 ,让学生通过一系列的科学探究活动去发现科学结论。一、创设有趣的、具有探究性的学习情景。在教学“人民币的认识”时 ,我根据低年级学生年龄小 ,生活经验少 ,对新鲜事物很敏感 ,容易产生好奇心等特点 ,课…  相似文献   

在概率教学中 ,学生对基本概念的掌握是教学中的重点和难点 ,对此笔者从注重概念的关键语句、反面例子、加强练习等三方面进行了尝试 ,教学效果明显。  相似文献   

英语听力教学障碍分析及策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
听力是英语教学的重点和难点之一。根据听力教学的内在要求,运用现代语言学理论,在透彻分析其障碍及成因的基础上,设计出科学的教学策略,从本质上全面提高学生的听力理解能力,是解决听力问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

作为世界通用语言之一的英语,是国际交流的重要工具。在中国的中职本科英语教育中,对于基础薄弱的学生来说,培养学生的英语应用及其应变能力,就显得尤其重要。然而,随着中职学校的数量及办学规模不断扩大,其英语教学质量普遍下滑。此时需要找出一条出路摆脱当前的困境,才能更好进入社会谋求自身发展。  相似文献   

"六位一体"综合教改与高师公共课心理学的教学观   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
要改变高师公共课心理学的教学现状,必须对课程、教材、教法、学法、考法及师资培养这“六位”相互联系、交互作用的方面实行“一体化”同步改革,且必须坚持六大教学观,即整体观、生活观、学生主体观、课堂教学实施观、人精神与科学精神统一观、实践观。  相似文献   

数学概念教学首先要讲清概念的来源、形成,在数学概念教学中必须注重学生思维品质的培养和开发,数学概念教学主要是要完成概念的形成和概念的同化这两个环节。  相似文献   

从事艺术设计教育,不仅要对教学方法进行探讨,更要转变教育理念.艺术设计专业教育的特点要求必须与市场合拍,市场是检验设计艺术教育是否成功的重要尺度.教育的目的不仅仅是"教",而且要引导学生"学".强调"实践"与"创新"应成为设计艺术专业的教学特点.设计专业教师的角色、思想观念在现代要有所转变,教师的职能也要重新定位.  相似文献   

将单元整体教学思想融入教学实践对生物学核心素养的落地有重要现实意义.在梳理单元整体教学内涵的基础上,本文以“人类遗传病是可以检测和预防的”为例,从层级概念的解构建构、进阶目标的分解对接、真实情境的问题解决、思维与探究的双轮驱动、重要概念的外显整合以及评价目标的落地回归等角度,着重探讨单元整体教学理念视角下如何聚焦重要概...  相似文献   

中学化学概念教学新探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中学生对化学概念的相异构想是客观存在的。建构主义学习理论认为,学生在学习某一化学概念之前,头脑里对此并非一片空白,他们已经有了先入为主的观念,而在传统的化学概念教学中,教师往往无视学生头脑中的前概念。本文着重从化学前概念(化学概念的相异构想)的形成特点、产生的心理途径以及对化学学习的影响等诸方面,探讨了中学化学概念教学的新思路。  相似文献   

《美术课程标准》的新理念与教学新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本阐述了《全日制义务教育美术课程标准》的新理念与新特点,探索美术课堂教学具体贯彻实施课程标准的方法与思路。  相似文献   

Mathematics can be perceived as being a difficult subject to learn due to the conceptual leaps required to understand particular mathematical topics. In some areas of mathematics, part of the difficulty may be associated with applying sufficient imagination to visualize a particular mathematical concept, and applying sufficient visio–spatial abilities to apply the concept to practical use. In this paper we examine the potential use of animation as an aid for the teaching of mathematical concepts at undergraduate level. An experiment was conducted with a group of UK undergraduate computing students to ascertain if and how animation can potentially be used to support the teaching of mathematical concepts in areas such as rotational symmetry and matrices. In general, the results of the experiment appeared to indicate that animated learning materials can prove more useful than static representations for such topics.  相似文献   

在目前实施素质教育的大环境下,数学教学既要对学生进行素质培养,又要为学生学好其他课程服务.为了提高学生的数学综合素质,尝试从搞好教学概念教学入手,把对学生的判断能力的培养渗透到教学教学的全过程.从而实现教学教学目的,达成培养目标的顺利实现.  相似文献   

The teaching and learning of concepts in the social studies classroom have been recognized as critically important. Numerous models for this type of instruction are available to teachers, and these models generally follow a similar pattern or format. They have all been built on a sound research base. However, these models are perceived as assuming “exemplar equivalence” which simply means that they assume all positive exemplars of a particular concept are equally useful as teaching or evaluating tools. This project sought to establish an affective concept exemplar variable called exemplar intensity, a characteristic that would challenge the notion of equivalence by its impact on cognitive gain. Evaluation of this variable was the focus of the study. The variable exemplar intensity was developed along the lines of the paradigm used by R. D. Tennyson and R. C. Boutwell (1971, NSPI Journal, 10, 5–10) for their concept of difficulty. During the course of the investigation, ratings for intensity were determined and compared to difficulty to assure that these were two separate and independent variables. Once that had been established, two lessons differing in their exemplar intensity were designed. One contained high-intensity positive exemplars, and one had low-intensity positive exemplars. A control which had no instruction whatsoever helped determine that the two lessons had indeed caused learning to take place, but no differences between the two lessons were found. Thus, the hypothesis that the high-intensity exemplars would increase the cognitive achievement of learners above that of those receiving low-intensity exemplars was not supported. Exemplar intensity does not affect learning of concepts. During the course of the study, data were gathered that allowed a comparison between the use of the instructional model advocated by the author and the use of the definition alone. There was substantial evidence supporting the traditional notion that use of the model results in higher achievement than use of the definition alone.  相似文献   

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