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A study of the effect of science teaching with a multimedia simulation on water quality, the “River of Life,” on the science conceptual understanding of students (N = 83) in an undergraduate science education (K-9) course is reported. Teaching reality-based meaningful science is strongly recommended by the National Science Education Standards (National Research Council, 1996). Water quality provides an information-rich context for relating classroom science to real-world situations impacting the environment, and will help to improve student understanding of science (Kumar, 2005a; Kumar and Chubin, 2000). The topics addressed were classes of organisms that form river ecosystem, dissolved oxygen, macroinvertebrates, composition of air, and graph reading skills. Paired t-test of pre- and post-tests, and pre- and delayed post-tests showed significant (p < 0.05) gains. The simulation had a significant effect on the conceptual understanding of students enrolled in a K-9 science education course for prospective teachers in the following areas: composition of air, macroinvertebrates, dissolved oxygen, classes of organisms that form a river ecosystem, and graph reading skills. The gain was more in the former four areas than the latter one. A paired t-test of pre- and delayed post-tests showed significant (p < 0.05) gains in the water quality and near transfer subsets than the dissolved oxygen subset. Additionally students were able to transfer knowledge acquired from the multimedia simulation on more than one concept into teachable stand-alone lesson plans.  相似文献   

高职院校的办学目标是“以服务为宗旨,以就业为导向”,而创业是大学生就业形式中一个很重要的方式之一,所以,在高职院校中加强对大学生创业教育的培养十分有必要而且意义非常重大。为了解我院学生对大学生创业问题的认识,给有创业激情和今后有创业想法的同学提供有针对性的帮助,我们在全院学生中进行了创业问卷调查,以更好地开展工作并给同学们以实际的帮助。  相似文献   

科学教育强调学生理解科学的本质,而不仅仅是知识,这是因为科学与社会之间的联系越来越紧密,凸显了将科学看作了解世界的方式在认识论上的重要性。出于个体认识论的需要、科学研究的认识论特征以及科学外行与科学家在认知劳力上的区分,科学教育的目标转向受教育个体未来的社会行动,应培育学生建立对科学的信任和维护科学的认识论权威。为实现这种目标,科学教育应从理解科学的本质转向理解真实的科学实践的本质,在科学教育中呈现真实的而非理想化的科学实践,采纳基于科学哲学模型和理论的实用主义进路。科学哲学对科学实践的新近研究,虽然可以提供理论基础,但应该与科学教育进行建设性对话,更加关注非科学家理解科学的模式,将哲学模型转化为适合学生认知水平和需要、符合教学情境的教学资源。  相似文献   

Research in the field of students’ understandings of models and their use in science describes different frameworks concerning these understandings. Currently, there is no conjoint framework that combines these structures and so far, no investigation has focused on whether it reflects students' understandings sufficiently (empirical evaluation). Therefore, the purpose of this article is to present the results of an empirical evaluation of a conjoint theoretical framework. The theoretical framework integrates relevant research findings and comprises five aspects which are subdivided into three levels each: nature of models, multiple models, purpose of models, testing, and changing models. The study was conducted with a sample of 1,177 seventh to tenth graders (aged 11–19 years) using open-ended items. The data were analysed by identifying students' understandings of models (nature of models and multiple models) and their use in science (purpose of models, testing, and changing models), and comparing as well as assigning them to the content of the theoretical framework. A comprehensive category system of students' understandings was thus developed. Regarding the empirical evaluation, the students' understandings of the nature and the purpose of models were sufficiently described by the theoretical framework. Concerning the understandings of multiple, testing, and changing models, additional initial understandings (only one model possible, no testing of models, and no change of models) need to be considered. This conjoint and now empirically tested framework for students' understandings can provide a common basis for future science education research. Furthermore, evidence-based indications can be provided for teachers and their instructional practice.  相似文献   

卢森锴 《高教论坛》2007,(5):172-180
在理论研究与实践探索相结合的基础上,依据当地社会经济发展对人才需求的状况,构建少数民族地区高校综合理科应用型偏向实用性人才的培养模式,探讨其培养目标和规格,按照所制定"五个结合"的原则,构建相应课程体系,阐明应用型人才培养模式的实施办法、经验和效果。  相似文献   

国内外学者对中学理科教材中科学史的内容设计进行了大量研究,该领域的研究在历史与背景、研究视角、研究对象等方面存在明显差异。据此,建议国内学者今后应该以HPCS教育观指导研究、扩大研究对象范围、追求研究方法和工具的精细化和本土化、加强教材编写与课程标准、教学实施的动态衔接研究。  相似文献   

理工科大学生作为国家未来的科技工作者,不仅要掌握扎实的专业知识和技能,还应该具备求真务实,开拓创新的科学精神和用科技造福人类、服务社会的社会责任感。有必要从文化、制度、教育等各个层面,运用多种途径培育和提升理工科大学生的科技伦理素养。  相似文献   

通过对222名理工科大学生的听力策略问卷调查,旨在揭示其听力策略使用情况的特点。研究发现:情感策略在听力过程当中不容忽视;性别、认知策略和元认知策略与听力成绩相关。该研究为更好地进行课堂听力教学提供了科学的指导。  相似文献   

教育科研能力对教师专业发展和课堂有效教学具有十分重要的意义。但是,在教育教学改革实践中教师的教育科研能力却凸显薄弱,这种状况已经影响到中小学教师专业水平和教育教学质量的有效提升。因此,在职前师范生教育过程中,开设教育科研知识课程和进行教育科研能力培养训练就显得特别重要。近年来,职前师范生教育科研能力培养问题已经得到越来越多学者和专家的关注。概括起来,主要包括以下几个焦点问题:本科师范生教育科研能力的构成要素,本科师范生教育科研能力的现状,本科师范生教育科研能力相对滞后成因,本科师范生教育科研能力培养模式。  相似文献   

以绍兴文理学院非英语专业一至三年级的文理科学生为调查对象,运用定量与定性相结合的方法,探讨我国大学非英语专业文理科生的学习观念与策略的总体倾向,分析文科生与理科生在英语学习观念和策略上是否存在差异。调查结果表明:1)调查对象持有部分积极与消极的学习观念和策略;2)两组学生在观念与策略上均存在较大差异。  相似文献   

在我国其它省市实验区科学课程面对综合还是分科选择的难题之时,浙江省的科学课程改革与实施坚持着“综合”的导向,因而审视与反思浙江省综合科学课程推进中的问题成为必要。本文基于科学课程实施现状的调研、七个维度三个层次设计的访谈、对典型地区学校的课堂观察,提出浙江省综合科学课程推进中的问题,表现为“综合科学”与“组合科学”两种科学课程形态的并存;科学教师对科学课程性质与目标认识不到位;对课程资源理解不一,科学教材之外的课程资源开发不足;有效科学教学方式与方法的使用亟待专业引领。进而立足于综合科学课程实施中的难点,提出有效推进科学课程实施的根本在于以培养与培训相结合促进科学教师专业发展;以教材比较研究促进科学教材的完善;改革中考,促进科学教师对科学教学评价的探索。  相似文献   

A lack of congruency between the teaching and learning of science and the student’s personal worlds has long been recognised by the international science education community as an issue deserving space in the research agenda. The purpose of this study was to explore the diversity of student reactions when subcultures such as family, community peers, and personal worldviews are considered along side the subculture of school science. Two-hundred and fifty students from urban and provincial schools in the northeastern region of Colombia (South America) participated. From this group, 18 students were interviewed. It was observed that students adopt a compartmentalisation of knowledge that is evident as both an avoiding strategy in the classroom and as a mechanism to differentiate between the natural world of their everyday situations and the one portrayed by a Westernised science instruction in the classroom. The findings reflect how multiple worldviews correlate with student frameworks as implanted by school science.
William Medina-JerezEmail:

关联理论认为人们在语言交际过程中,包含明(explicature)和暗含(implicature)两种意义。关联理论把翻译看作是一个跨语言、跨文化的认知过程,这为科技翻译提供了新的研究视角。根据关联原则,译者在从事科技翻译时.应充分考虑译语环境下译文读者的认知能力,这就要求译者首先通过各种交际线索找到原语交际者的真实交际意图,然后通过推理目标语受体的认知环境,选择具有最佳关联性的译法,达到最佳交际效果。从关联理论的角度来探讨这些问题有助于更好地把握语用翻译的本质,进而指导科技翻译实践。  相似文献   

通过分析大学理工科学生学习心理中存在的问题,结合班杜拉的自我效能理论,对于理工科学生自我效能感的提高途径,提出试探性的看法。  相似文献   

留美学生群体对中国近代科技的贡献,从19世纪80年代留美幼童归国时就开始了。他们各怀强烈的爱国情怀,以“科技救国”为己任,找到了积极促进中国科技发展的方法和途径,弘扬了科学精神,倡导并从事科技研究,培养科技人才,在此完整的意义上从广度和深度上传播了近代西方科技,推进了中国近代科技发展的进程。  相似文献   

正在逐步建设完善的武汉城市视频监控系统,对将来的侦查、治安工作必将产生重大的影响。城市视频监控系统在使用中存在若干技术性问题:覆盖面上,应该对武汉各出城道口、桥梁、隧道及金融单位、重要的公共场所等地达到100%;存储量上,由于覆盖率和监控时间的问题,对存储容量几乎达到海量,需要相应设备和技术的提升;稳定性上,整个视频监控系统必须具备故障服务能力;隐私保护上,对城市视频监控系统的资料必须规定严格的安装程序、登录程序、资料共享与调配程序等。  相似文献   

人与自然的和谐发展是科学发展观的重要体现之一。讨论人与自然关系演变与教育的进展,提出在人与自然和谐发展观下,科学课程的改革是一种必然。通过对新课程科学学习领域内各科目目标和内容的分析,得出人与自然和谐发展是课程改革后的一种新的课程理念。倡导在科学课程的教学中要正确理解科学的价值,通过生命化教学激发情感,多种活动体验人与自然的关系。结合生活实际养成绿色生活方式,形成人与自然和谐的发展现。  相似文献   

专利是衡量高职院校自主创新水平和发展优势的重要标尺。以山东省59所实际获有专利申请的高职院校为研究对象,基于SooPAT专利搜索引擎数据,分析2000年以来各院校专利申请数量、年代分布、专利类型及发明专利授权、专利合作申请状况、技术领域发展趋势,从不同维度宏观显示山东省高职院校技术创新现状,针对所存在的问题提出提升创新能力的对策建议。  相似文献   

While there has been a remarkable worldwide convergence in the emphases of primary science curricula over the last four decades, the cognitive and knowledge demands that they make on learners have not been well-researched. Without knowing what these intellectual or epistemic requirements are when learning science in school, issues concerning curricular alignment and access to abstract disciplinary knowledge are also likely to occur. To highlight the value of such forms of analyses, we examine the intended primary science curricula from Korea and Singapore using revised Bloom's taxonomy, as well as describe some of their general features for teaching. The results contribute insights into the complexities of the science curriculum among two similar yet different educational systems that have performed well in international science achievement tests at primary levels.  相似文献   

伯恩斯坦的语言符码理论为探讨我国城乡学前儿童语言表达差异提供了一个崭新视角,研究发现:城乡学前儿童语言表达在语言系统性、逻辑性、文学性和文化修养性方面出现显著差异,语言符码出现了严重分层。儿童在入园前和幼儿园教育中形成并扩大了城乡儿童语言符码分层。应加深对儿童局限符码的认识,关注农村学前教育和儿童语言发展;提高农村家长的文化素养,在家庭教育中向儿童传递精致符码;实施农村幼儿园补偿教育,科学引导儿童进行精致符码的学习。  相似文献   

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