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The language used to construct knowledge, beliefs, and worldviews in school science is distinct from the social language that students use in their everyday ordinary life. This difference is a major source of reading difficulty for many students, especially struggling readers and English‐language learners. This article identifies some of the linguistic challenges involved in reading middle‐school science texts and suggests several teaching strategies to help students cope with these challenges. It is argued that explicit attention to the unique language of school science should be an integral part of science literacy pedagogy.  相似文献   

教育的根本价值在于促进学生素质的全面发展,然而,现实教育中所存在"重知轻情"的教学失衡状况令人堪忧.本文以情感教育思想的历史渊源和时代展望为起点,浅析我国中学物理情感教学的现状,以新一轮课程改革为契机,整合各种教学资源,提出以情感因素优化中学物理教学的几点建议.  相似文献   

This study examines the influence of St. John's University Summer Science Experience and Teacher Mentoring Program on African American and Hispanic high school students' interest in science and science teaching as career goals. In the first phase of the program, high school students from six school districts in Suffolk County, Long Island (a suburb of metropolitan New York City) engaged in investigative science experiences that emphasized environmental science, chemistry, and technology and learned about effective science pedagogy. The second phase of the program functioned as a teaching practicum for the high school students, where they planned for instruction and taught middle school students investigations similar to those that they had engaged in during the summer program. Various surveys were developed to assess high school students' attitudes about science and science teaching, knowledge of effective teaching approaches, knowledge of ways to motivate younger students, and the overall impact of the program on the high students' interest in science and/or science teaching as career goals. Program evaluations reveal that over 75% of the students expressed an interest in considering science or science teaching as career possibilities. Implications for minority teacher recruitment are discussed.  相似文献   

数学文化在教科书中的融入在一定程度上决定着数学文化课程目标和课堂教学的实现.历经三版教科书编写研究,初步构建了数学文化融入教科书的理论框架:数学文化融入教科书的内容主要有“数学的形成和发展”“数学在人类文明中的贡献和意义”“数学的人文价值”“中华民族数学成就”4类;数学文化融入教科书的方法主要有“片段式”“旁注式”“问题式”“短文式”4种.通过数据分析和案例分析,可以发现基于此理论框架的2019版高中教科书,初步实现了内容和方式融入的较为均衡的整体分布,并且特别关注了数学文化学习的活动性、传递数学文化的情感温度、展现传统数学的特点等方面.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

语文新课标的实施对语文教师素质提出了更高的挑战,广泛的课外阅读是促进语文教师与新课程共同成长的主要途径之一。可是从我国目前高中语文教师阅读现状来看,整体情况不容乐观,甚至存在缺失的现象。主要表现在课外阅读时间不够、阅读范围狭窄、功利性较强、阅读环境较差等。阅读是促进语文教师专业发展的有效途径,教师的发展是学生成功的基石,所以,高中语文教师的课外阅读的不良状况亟待解决。  相似文献   

How do young people experience camp, and how might that experience help us expand our understanding of what is possible in non-formal learning environments? In-depth interviews consisting of forced-choice and open-ended questions were conducted with 59 Concordia Language Villages residential camp participants who partake in a linguistically and culturally enriched grand simulation. This study focused on (1) quantitative assessments of their sense of safety and belonging, and (2) open-ended questions about the nature of the camp environment in general and as a learning place. From the qualitative data, we distilled participants’ sense of camp as a learning place by analysing their responses in terms of theoretically-driven categories of thinking space qualities and data-driven categories of experience space qualities. As a thinking space, participants described the camp environment as a safe space characterized by support for thinking and development, room for identity-supportive interactions, room to experiment, and a place with mentoring adults and a second-home feeling. As an experience space, they emphasized the centrality of the program’s daily activities (particularly simulations), the qualities of the people around them (diverse and community-focused), the physical setting of the program (particularly its aesthetics) and the instructional methods used (particularly language and cultural immersion). The relationship of these findings to our understanding of the nature of the thinking and experience spaces as program-specific and program-general phenomena is discussed.  相似文献   

浅谈信息技术与中学数学教学整合的条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术在中学数学教学中的应用越来越普及,研究信息技术与中学数学教学的整合问题具有普遍意义和应用意义.观念转变、熟练掌握计算机技术的基本操作和选择好的软件平台是信息技术与数学教学整合的条件.  相似文献   

反思是个体成熟的标志,教师的反思性教学有助于提升教学的有效性。在教学过程中,由于教师对反思性教学的认识存在片面性,实施的自主意识不足,操作缺乏有效策略,出现了为反思而反思的现象。教师惟有真正深刻理解反思性教学的真实内涵和重要意义,才能积极开展反思性教学,主动探索提高反思性教学能力的策略。  相似文献   

国家理科基地班旨在培养理科基础科学研究与教学人才,故文献阅读对培养学生的专业素养和科研能力具有重要意义,也是本科教育改革发展的趋势。文章通过在理科基地班"微生物学"课程引入英文文献阅读的实践,结合文献实例介绍微生物学的基本概念与研究方法,还有最新的研究动态和研究方向,以增强学生提出科学问题、分析并解决问题的能力以及与专业相关的文献阅读分析综合能力,希望对其他基地班专业课程教学具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

2003年1月至7月,普通高中课程研究调研组在四川、宁夏、甘肃、江西、广西、广东等十五个省份发放问卷,了解我国普通高中课程总体状况。该问卷由三部分组成:(1)被调查者部分信息。设单选题7道,主要调查被调查者个人信息及其对高中的关注情况。(2)满意度调查。设单选题23道,主要调查被调查者对高中课程及其相关因素的满意度。(3)意见调查。设开放题1道,主要征询被调查者对高中毕业生的素质、高中课程的选择性和灵活性、高考招生制度改革等问题的意见和建议。此次问卷调查了1750位高中教师,其中有70位教师对开放题做了回答。在输入、整理这70位…  相似文献   

库恩的范式论对西方传统文化即理性主义和科学主义的质疑和反叛,标志着西方科学哲学的文化转变,同时对心理学的文化转向产生了重大的影响,主要表现在:库恩范式论从科学哲学内部动摇了科学心理学的哲学根基——实证主义,也引发了对心理学自然科学模式的反思和诘难;库恩范式论强调真理的相对性,把科学理解为实战性的参与为多元文化心理学兴起奠定了哲学基础;库恩范式论对西方传统文化的反思,将有助于走向东西方文化融合的跨文化心理学研究。  相似文献   

在小学语文教学中融合科学主义与人文主义教育思想,以科学化的教育方法提高学生的文学能力,以人文性的教学方法培养学生的赏析,理发与独立思考能力,突出小学语文阅读教学独特的人文性与综合性的特点。  相似文献   

中学生课外阅读调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在人类漫长的历史长河中,曾经涌现出无数杰出的思想家、文学家、艺术家、科学家、他们给后人留下了宝贵的精神财富,这些财富都被载录到了书中正因为如此,古人常用“开卷有益”来告诫人们多读书。  相似文献   

An analysis of our efforts with curriculum reform in science during the 60s is offered. Failure to state the problems and to engage all those interested, involved, and affected is noted. Instead of proceeding with the same tactics and using the same rationale for new reforms, a rationale for focusing upon instructional goals and enlarging the research and development team is presented. Basically, a call for treating science curriculum reform as a science rather than an art is advocated.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

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