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Stress symptoms associated with main daily hassles were assessed among grades 7, 9 and 11 students in all‐female, all‐male, and coeducational Catholic high schools in Western Sydney, Australia. Factor analysis identified the stress manifestation domains of anxiety, anger, and physiological arousal. Differences in these are examined and a conceptual model of stress manifestation is proposed. Implications of the findings for school‐based stress management programs are addressed. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Psychol Schs 40: 391–402, 2003.  相似文献   

众所周知 ,方术迷信在我国有着悠久的历史 ,作为传统文化中的糟粕 ,其对社会所造成的影响或危害是十分巨大的。中学生正处于知识积累与世界观形成的关键时期 ,他们思想最为活跃 ,但需要正确引导。由于思想政治教育的教条僵化所产生的负面影响以及忽视科学普及等原因 ,在中学生中普遍存在着对超自然力量的信仰 ,以及基于这种迷信思想而产生的行为上的方术化。这次调查把中学生作为研究对象 ,其结果可以供有关部门在制定中学生科学普及工作计划时参考。  相似文献   

一、研究背景自从克拉申提出“情感过滤假说”(affective filterhy鄄pothesis)以来,焦虑问题就成为国内外学者关注的焦点。克拉申的“情感过滤假说”说明了情感因素与外语学习之间的关系,情感因素包括学习者动机、态度、自尊、自信、焦虑、自我形象等,他认为动机高、自信心强、  相似文献   

Students’ conceptions and beliefs about learning are constructs that have been proposed in two independent lines of research, phenomenographic and metacognitive, and analysed using qualitative and quantitative methodologies, respectively. The present research examines and integrates in a single study both constructs and methodologies. Data were collected through an open-ended task (Tynjäla, 1997) and an epistemological questionnaire (Schommer, 1990), administered to a sample of 1,200 secondary students. Three major statistically significant findings emerged. First, students’ conceptions of learning and epistemological beliefs changed from simplistic to more complex as they progressed through school. Second, the two constructs were linked to each other. The most advanced category on the ‘dimension of depth’ of learning conceptions corresponded to the highest scores at the complex pole of the belief system. Third, learning conceptions as well as epistemological beliefs were predictors of academic performance. The more capable students were of constructing meaning, the better their academic achievement appeared to be. Theoretical and educational implications are discussed with regard to further research, classroom instruction, and the value of combining both research methodologies in order to deepen our understanding of students’ learning experience.  相似文献   

初中生父母教养方式的调查研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为了解初中生父母教养方式的现状,我们对石家庄市城市、农村两所中学389位初中生进行了调查,结果发现:1.男女初中生的父母教养方式存在差异,初中男生更多地感受到惩罚严厉和过干涉过保护的消极父母教养方式,同时,也更多地感受到母亲的偏爱。2.城市和农村的父母教养方式也存在差异。3.化教育程度的差异是影响父母对子女教养方式的主要因素。  相似文献   

谈谈中学生的自我意识及其获得   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、自我意识释义   自我意识也称自我,是一个人对自己以及自己与他人关系的认识。具体说,自我意识包含了人在实践活动中对自己、自己与自然、自己与他人、自己与社会等关系的认识活动。   依据不同的标准,自我意识可有多种类型。   从意识活动的形式来看,自我意识表现为具有认知的、情绪的和意志的形式。属于认知形式的有:自我感觉、自我观察、自我概念、自我印象、自我分析和自我评价等,统称“自我认知”。属于情绪形式的有:自我感受、自爱、自尊、自恃、自卑、自傲、责任感、优越感等,统称为“自我体验”,以体验的形式表…  相似文献   

范超  胡金生 《教育科学》2013,29(2):51-55
对643名中学生的测查结果表明,中文版中学生宽恕倾向量表包括宽恕他人、积极自我宽恕和消极自我宽恕三个较为清晰的维度,其克伦巴赫α系数依次为0.81、0.63和0.67,各分量表得分和攻击性得分间存在显著的关联,中学生宽恕倾向的年龄和性别差异均不显著。宽恕倾向和学校适应感之间均存在明显的关联,它对学校适应感的解释率为30%。  相似文献   

Based on Parrot's work with college students, a six‐activity acquaintance rape prevention program for first‐year high school students living in a rural South Carolina community was implemented and evaluated. The program decreased students' acceptance of rape myths compared with non‐participating students both on a scale developed by Burt and on additional items measuring acquaintance rape. Attitudes toward dating violence did not change. Research limitations are discussed, and practical suggestions for sex education are presented.  相似文献   

心理教育活动课影响初中生心理健康的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大量现实表明.我国学生的心理健康问题日益严重。为此,我们进行了心理教育活动课的实验教学研究。实验证明心理教育活动课作为一种重要的心理教育方式,对初中生的心理健康有促进作用。  相似文献   

以辽宁省公立学校的18个班级选取了747名被试,其中男性303名,女性434名,采用了SCL-90。研究发现:(1)34%的高中生存在轻度心理健康问题。(2)高一高二学生在焦虑存在着显著性差异,高一明显高于高二。(3)高中生心理健康状况性别上存在显著差异。  相似文献   

Integration experiences of hearing impaired German elementary school students in separate educational settings (n = 31) were compared with those of counterparts at the same level in integrated settings (n = 26), and evaluated in regard to psychosocial behavior, semantic-lexical abilities, and communicative skills. Analysis of questionnaire responses and intelligence subtests showed that the only difference between the samples concerned perceived well-being in school, and favored the integrated students. Other percentages of variance are explainable by school type (10%), parents' hearing status (12%), and use of bimodal communication (11%). The integrated students demonstrated a higher level of integration experience, associated with fewer psychosocial abnormalities and better communicative skills. The results indicate that educational setting is not the only factor influencing students' perceived well-being. Other contextual factors, e.g., hearing status of parents and communicative skills, have a similar positive impact on integration experiences  相似文献   

At high school level, the teaching of space geometry makes use of graphical representations of objects. But usually the only function of these figures is to illustrate, they are stereotyped and have no real mathematical status, as a study of textbooks shows. They contain many implicit conventions, of different kinds, which can lead students to misconceptions about geometrical objects if they are not mastered. However they can, at a low educational cost, serve as an efficient tool to be used for problem solving. To achieve this I propose to base such drawings explicitly on parallel projection, a principle which produces representations of various types, often coinciding with the usual figures, close to perceptive images, and on which important properties of the objects represented are retained.  相似文献   

Basic skills in reading and spelling and supporting metalinguistic abilities were assessed in ninth and tenth grade students in two school settings. Students attending a private high school for the learning disabled comprised one group and the other comprised low to middle range students from a public high school. Both the LD students and the regular high school students displayed deficiencies in spelling and in decoding, a factor in reading difficulty that is commonly supposed to dwindle in importance after the elementary school years. Treating the overlapping groups as a single sample, multiple regression analysis was used to investigate the contribution of nonword decoding skill and phonological and morphological awareness to spelling ability. The analysis revealed that decoding was the major component, predicting about half of the variance in spelling. The effect of phonological awareness was largely hidden by its high correlation with decoding, but was a significant predictor of spelling in its own right. Morphological awareness predicted spelling skill when the words to be spelled were morphologically complex. An additional study showed that differences in decoding and spelling ability were associated with differences in comprehension after controlling for reading experience and vocabulary. Even among experienced readers individual differences in comprehension of text reflect efficiency of phonological processing at the word level.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to examine the effects of the instruction method “thinking actively in an academic context (TAAC)” on thinking skills, creativity, self‐regulation and academic achievement. The design was pre‐test–intervention–post‐test with control group. The sample included 46 participants (aged 16 to 18 years), 24 experimental and 22 controls. Before and after application of the method, six instruments were used to measure thinking skills and academic achievement. The method, divided into eight stages, was followed in each didactic unit during an academic course. The method allows teaching the thinking skills, the creativity and the self‐regulation simultaneously with the syllabus content. The results showed that greater changes were obtained with the new method of instruction in all the dependent variables. Relevant scientific and educational implications are drawn from the study.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify importantfactors that influence career decisionmaking of highschool students in Kenya. The study indicates thatrural students tend to seek help from parents andteachers more than urban students, and that parents,more than career teachers, play a major role in thecareer decision-making of students. Findings alsoindicate that gender, selfconcept and vocationalstereotyping are among the major factors thatinfluence career decisions of high school students inKenya.  相似文献   

化学竞赛学习的过程就是思维能力得到培养的一个良好过程.通过发挥学生的主体作用,从而达到培养学生思维能力的目的.  相似文献   

The Student Counselling Needs Scale (SCNS) was administered to 867 participants recruited from high schools in Kenya. The data were analyzed using exploratory factor analysis yielding five factors: human relationships, career development, self development, social values, and learning skills were assessed. The findings highlighted the importance of using assessment instruments to identify students’ counselling needs in Kenya.  相似文献   

高中生化学学习方法调查研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
编制《化学学习方法调查问卷》,调查高一,高二学生各类化学知识的学习方法,进行统计及分析。  相似文献   

What strategies do high school students use when solving chemistry problems? The purpose for conducting this study was to determine the general problem-solving skills that students use in solving problems involving moles, stoichiometry, the gas laws, and molarity. The strategies were examined for success in problem solving for 266 students of varying proportional reasoning ability, using interviews incorporating the think-aloud technique. Data were coded using a scheme based on Polya's heuristics. Results indicated that successful students and those with high proportional reasoning ability tended to use algorithmic reasoning strategies more frequently than nonsuccessful and low proportional reasoning students. However, the majority of all students solved the chemistry problems using only algorithmic methods, and did not understand the chemical concepts on which the problems were based.  相似文献   

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