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欧盟职业教育与培训学分体系是一个以学习成果为基础,转换、积累学习者在不同国家或不同学习背景下获得的学分,并将这些学分作为各国特定资格中一部分成果的技术框架。该学分体系通过学分定量描述与学习成果定性描述相结合的方式,对增强各国职业教育与培训体系之间的透明度和可比性,促进欧洲职业教育一体化、终身化具有重要作用。  相似文献   

This paper explores the current state of counselling as provided by local education authorities (LEAs) to secondary schools in England and Wales. A questionnaire was sent to all 172 LEAs in England and Wales. The data suggest that the counselling provision is highly variable and somewhat fragmented in scope. The data also indicate that the perception of the role of school counselling services by educational professionals varies considerably, and that there were a number of issues concerning integrated versus decentralized forms of provision. The study has a number of implications for the main stakeholders, including schools, LEAs, pupils and parents, concerning future developments in this increasingly important policy area. These relate to minimum qualifications for counsellors, confidentiality, accessibility to pupils and funding.  相似文献   

This article, by Jean Ware of Bangor University School of Education, examines policy developments in education in Wales since devolution, and their implications for inclusive and special education. This is set in the context of the demographics of Wales, which, it is argued, have a significant influence on policy and on the nature of educational provision as a whole. The discussion initially focuses on issues related to the Welsh language. The article then discusses four policy initiatives (the Foundation Phase, the Literacy and Numeracy Framework, the Masters in Educational Practice and the proposed reform of initial teacher education and training), intended to respond to Wales's poor performance in the Programme for International Student Assessment, and their potential impact, as well as the White Paper on reforming the special educational needs system in Wales. It is too soon to discuss the impact of these special educational needs‐specific reforms, but the differences from the English special educational needs reforms highlight the inherent tensions in special educational needs systems. It is argued that the Tabberer Report's critique of the teacher education system in Wales, which emphasises the need for teacher education to be strongly connected to relevant research, provides an opportunity to improve the quality of education in Wales for all children; but that considerable investment, and a willingness to address the potential tensions between the different initiatives, is necessary to achieve such an outcome.  相似文献   


The first part of this paper provides a brief historical account of the development of mathematics teaching and learning through the medium of Welsh. It provides a review of developments which have seen the teaching and learning of mathematics through a native but minority language become an accepted part of the curriculum for a great number of pupils. It goes on to examine the nature of bilingual education currently to be found in Wales by considering two main types of bilingual schools which currently serve Welsh pupils and which have contributed towards a modest but notable minority language revival. It is in this context that current practice relating to Welsh‐medium mathematics is explored and a number of questions concerning current mathematics teaching, learning and assessment practices are raised. While celebrating the success and expansion of bilingual education in Wales, attention is drawn to the need to subject current practice to closer scrutiny. Although the paper focuses on the particular situation to be found in Wales, the issues and questions raised are clearly of interest to those involved with other bilingual educational programmes.  相似文献   


This analysis of current developments in online learning for vocational education and training uses Ivan Illich's book Deschooling Society as a frame. Illich argued that formal educational institutions are flawed; that a mix of compulsion, indoctrination, certification and education creates an authoritarian atmosphere. Key benefits of online learning include its flexibility and its capacity to support dialogue between learners. On the basis of the capabilities of online technologies, and current developments in education, the authors predict that vocational learning will be profoundly changed. Inevitably, these developments will also challenge established colleges and universities, including their current dominance in major areas of vocational education and training. Education will probably become more pluralistic and more international. This paper calls for an inclusive approach?which makes the elements of an online course available to informal learners and free to people who cannot afford course fees.  相似文献   


This article, written primarily from the perspective of employment‐related learning, seeks to challenge several common assumptions about the Learning Society: that learning depends on the provision of education and training, that provision is based on sufficient attention to wants and valid assessment of needs; that provision is appropriately distributed between different types of knowledge; that transfer of knowledge is an event rather than a process; that expertise can be represented in terms of propositional knowledge alone; that current job competence is an adequate basis for assessing individual capability or organizational need. An alternative conceptual framework is proposed which takes account of recent research into the complex, multifaceted nature of expertise; reframes the concept of transfer as a learning process which requires dedicated time and effort; treats individual learning for employment in terms of comprising capability, competence and understanding; clarifies the tension between short‐term efficiency and long‐term adaptability in people and organizations; and provides operational definitions for studying learning groups, learning organizations and a learning society.  相似文献   

终身教育体系建设的本质是制度创新,核心任务是建立一套鼓励终身学习、支持终身学习的制度,其中资历框架是最基础的制度,只有以资历框架为基础,其他制度才能逐步建立起来。我国目前尚未建立系统完整的国家层面的资历框架,虽对资历框架建设作了政策准备,但颁布的政策主要提出继续教育的学分累积与转换制度的重要性,并未明确资历框架的核心制度、运作机制、管理模式、实施主体等;国内关于资历框架的研究主要是国外经验介绍以及对资历框架中关键制度"学分银行"的探索,而对资历架构整体的认识及其对终身学习体系建设的重要意义还有待进一步深化;我国的资历框架相关实践已经积累了大量的宝贵经验,但实践探索的范围还非常有限,尚未形成完善的学习成果认证机制和组织机构,无法从根本上构建完整的"学分转换体系"。从国际经验看,建立资历框架也是破解当前我国终身教育的制度瓶颈,切实推进我国终身教育实践的关键。资历框架的建立应列为重点工程尽快开展,立法和质量保证是资历框架顺利实施的法律保障和质量保障。  相似文献   

This article focuses on the current policy context in early childhood education in England and Wales. The provision of high quality preschool education is regarded internationally as a significant factor in raising educational standards. Such aspirations are dependent on achieving effective patterns of continuity and progression from preschool to school. Despite the centrality of these terms in policy rhetoric progression and continuity are disputed and under‐conceptualized concepts. Furthermore, there is a dearth of empirical studies that explore the relationships between progression in learning and progression in the curriculum. The central aim of this article is to clarify some of the tensions and contradictions inherent in current conceptions of progression and continuity, drawing on perspectives from theory, policy and practice. These perspectives suggest that achieving progression and continuity through curricula which secure high quality outcomes is a difficult and, potentially, elusive aspiration. In theoretical terms, assumptions about progression in learning vary according to different orientations. In policy terms, the current subject‐oriented curriculum framework assumes that progression is an issue of content, and is based on the structures of the subjects. Research evidence indicates that educators in different settings are experiencing problems in providing the conditions which might achieve effective patterns of progression and continuity. The authors identify three key areas for further research in order to advance the development of theories of progression and continuity which might usefully inform policy, practice and curriculum development.  相似文献   


Educational provision and practice is being radically changed in England and Wales and the introduction of the 1988 Education Reform Act is having a significant impact on all aspects of school and post‐school provision. This paper considers some of the developments relating to further education including the issue of inclusive education and the position of special needs coordinators during a time of extensive change.  相似文献   

Recent developments in competence-based education have motivated institutions of vocational education and training (VET) to improve the links or connectivity between learning in school and learning in the workplace, which has been a problem for decades. In previous research, a theoretical framework describing the underlying aspects of competence-based education was developed. In this study, three aspects of this framework were used to analyse connectivity between learning in school and learning in the workplace. These aspects were: i) authenticity, ii) selfresponsibility, and iii) the role of the teacher as expert and coach. Three stakeholder groups (i.e., students, teachers, and workplace training supervisors) involved in secondary VET programs in the field of life sciences in the Netherlands were questioned on these aspects. Based on their interviews, it is concluded that these aspects provide information about the process of connectivity. Because stakeholder groups hold different conceptions of workplace learning and often do not communicate adequately about mutual responsibilities, the implementation of these aspects of competence-based education has not significantly improved the connectivity situation. Nevertheless, these aspects of competence-based education can guide stakeholder groups in making clearer agreements about mutual responsibilities, which may improve connectivity in the future.  相似文献   

The drive to 'unify'post-compulsory education and training systems is one of the most important current developments in education policy. However the concept of 'unification' lacks clarity, is not widely recognised, and is pursued through different measures in different countries. In this paper we propose a conceptual framework with which to analyse the different meanings of and debates about unification. Using England and Scotland as examples, we show how the framework may be used to analyse existing systems, reform strategies, and processes and pressures for change. The framework is exploratory and will need to be tested and developed in relation to a wider variety of education systems.  相似文献   

In relation to the size of its population, Wales has a relatively large number of higher education institutions, several of which are small and located in rural areas. Compared with other parts of the United Kingdom, only a small number of higher education students are taught in Welsh further education colleges. Nevertheless, efforts have been made to increase higher education provision in the colleges, beginning in the late 1980s with the encouragement of franchising arrangements by the Wales Advisory Body and later with a joint initiative by the Higher and Further Education Funding Councils for Wales to expand some sub‐degree higher education in the colleges by direct funding. These developments represent just one strand of activity linking the higher and further education sectors in Wales and have not been a subject of major or regular policy attention. For reasons of scale and geography, and through the enabling structures and processes serving both funding councils, cross‐sector initiatives and collaboration have generally been given high priority in strategies to widen access and build progression. The administrative devolution reflected in these arrangements has been increased by political devolution since 1999, with as yet unclear implications for the future development of higher education in the colleges.  相似文献   


Wales was the first UK country to incorporate the UNCRC into domestic law and the first to appoint a children’s commissioner. Wales is distinctive in the strong links between education and the promotion of the Welsh language as evidenced in successive Welsh language strategies. With regard to children with special educational needs, the 2018 Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal Act makes provision for children’s voices to be heard in their own right. This paper examines the complexities in hearing the voices of children with severe and profound learning difficulties (SPMLD), and how these can be addressed in the language context of Wales. It concludes that there are cautious grounds for optimism about our ability to hear the views of children with SPMLD, as long as we are prepared to acknowledge the resource implications. However, there is a need for more debate about the potential tensions between the Welsh language strategy and making provision for children with special educational needs in their preferred language. This debate needs to be informed by research on the impact of immersion education on progress, access to the curriculum and inclusion for children with SPMLD, and on their views about all aspects of their provision.  相似文献   

《国家教育事业发展"十三五"规划》明确提出建立学分银行、向学习者提供教育培训"技能包"的具体安排,体现了服务广大民众终身学习、构建学习型社会的重要理念.基于培训包和学分银行的起源及功能表现,立足我国培训包应用与学分银行建设现状,推进培训包与学分银行融合配套使用,可最大限度发挥两者效能,加快劳动者终身职业培训体系建设进程.要高度重视域外经验的"本土化"改造,特别关注融合过程的"阶段化"特征,积极推进参与主体的"多元化",努力实现管理体系的"统一化",尽力顾及各种认证的"适应性".  相似文献   

Parallel developments in England, Wales and in Scotland have led to the establishment of posts for teachers which enable them to be effective agents of change. Research, publications and initiatives sponsored by national government, local education authorities and voluntary organisations have led to the identification of ways in which educational provision for pupils with special needs can best be made, and to the enunciation of criteria for evaluating such provision. Teacher trainers have responded with innovative approaches to course development; two case studies are offered.  相似文献   

Rural schooling has remained a concern for policy‐makers, employers, teacher education providers and schools throughout our recent history. In particular, the allegedly variable quality of teaching and learning in rural Australia is a major concern for teacher educators and educational leaders alike, with the provision of quality services for rural Australians a major equity issue in social as well as political terms. Working from an explicitly situated perspective, this paper explores these issues in relation to a set of current and recent research projects and government reports, with particular reference to a study currently exploring the articulation of teacher education and rural schooling in New South Wales. This is contextualized within a larger agenda of national and environmental sustainability which raises the key issue of social policy and educational priorities as we look forward into a radically uncertain future for teacher education, rural schooling and rural‐regional sustainability.  相似文献   

区块链技术具有去中心化、无法篡改、可追溯和高度可信任等特点,建立基于区块链技术的学习成果发布平台,可以为社会高效准确地提供居民的学习经历和学习成果。目前各地学分银行建设的主要工作是学习成果认证与存储,有了基于区块链技术的学习成果发布平台,这项工作将失去存在的必要,因此,地方学分银行的建设面临变革。我国正在建设的学分银行体系,是国家地方两层架构,应尽快建立国家学分银行,开展顶层制度设计,研制和管理基于区块链的学习成果发布平台;地方学分银行要转变职能,主要致力于推动和服务地方终身教育事业发展。  相似文献   

学分银行是一种全新的教育管理模式,该模式以终身学习和教育为基本理念,面向不同类型的教育,是教师继续教育的有效途径。学分银行模式的不断完善有助于幼儿教师综合素质与育人能力提升,建设好学分银行是做好幼儿教师教育工作的关键路径之一,但是目前幼儿教师学分银行建设存在定位不明晰、成果认证标准不统一、管理规则模糊等问题。而明确学分银行定位、统一学分银行成果认证标准、明确学分银行适用范围和规则等,是幼儿教师学分银行发展的路径。  相似文献   

This article reports on part one of a three-part national survey of provision for pupils aged 14 and older, in England and Wales, who have profound and complex learning difficulties. The survey is part of the Enhancing the Quality of Life (EqoL), a three-year research project jointly awarded to Skill: the National Bureau for Students with Disabilities, and the University of Cambridge School of Education. The aim of the project is to construct a framework for learning which will support improvements in the quality of life for these young people. It is funded by the National Lottery Charities Board.  相似文献   

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