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Several states in the United States of America and countries in Europe punish parents when their minor child commits a crime. When parents are being punished for the crimes committed by their children, it should be presumed that parents might be held responsible for the deeds of their children. This article addresses the question whether or not this presumption can be sustained. We argue that parents can be blamed for the crimes of their children, not because they have the duty to control their children as is often maintained, but because they have the duty to assist their child to develop in such a way that s/he becomes a morally competent agent.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine parental priorities regarding science education in the early years. The study sample included 1456 Turkish parents of pre-K children (36–72 months). Parents were asked to prioritize eight academic content areas, including science, in descending order. The results demonstrated that the number of parents who prioritized science over other academic content areas in pre-K classrooms was quite low. Parents who ranked science highly deviated from the whole sample and almost all of these parents were identified as outliers by the two-step cluster analysis. Parents of boys and younger children and parents with high-SES level were more likely to prioritize science over other academic content areas. The findings suggest that parental preferences overall align well with early childhood teachers’ tendency to teach less science than other content areas, and parental priorities might be another major factor that contributes to limited science learning experiences in the early years.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates a project undertaken with parents from an inner city primary school in Hartlepool, UK, devised to help realise children's potential and raise standards. In order to achieve this, it was necessary to create a partnership between parents, school and the child in an environment characterised by the ‘core conditions’ (Rogers, 1957). It was hoped to increase the self‐esteem of the parents and to give them an understanding of the preschool curriculum in order to develop their skills, knowledge and confidence. It was also the intention of the project to involve these, and other parents, in school life and to enable them to take ownership of their own children's education. The multimedia approach involved video, photographs, word processing and press and radio interviews. The process encouraged the fulfilment of the objectives described above. The paper concludes by describing the successful outcomes of the project and indicates some possible developments.  相似文献   

Objective. Drawing on prior social psychological and marital research this study tested a model of forgiveness in parent - adolescent relationships. Design. 164 adolescents from 2-parent families in north Italy (67 boys and 97 girls) reported on the positive affect experienced toward each parent and completed a relationship events questionnaire that included transgressions by each parent. Results. Support was obtained for a model in which the quality of the parent - adolescent relationship predicted benign attributions for negative parent behavior, which in turn, were related to forgiving directly and indirectly through affective reactions to the behavior. Adolescent forgiving, in turn, was associated with a decreased likelihood of subsequent parent - adolescent conflict. Direct tests of gender differences showed that the model was invariant across mother - son, mother - daughter, father - son, and father - daughter relationships. Conclusions. This study is the first to show that social-cognitive variables, such as relationship quality, attributions, and emotions, play a role in adolescents' willingness to forgive parents. The pattern of results is consistent with research on forgiveness in the marital relationship.  相似文献   

In British schools, educational software is normally used by children working under the supervision of a teacher, who will have set them specific tasks and organize them to work at the computer in pairs or groups. However, those theories of learning which have most influenced research into the design and use of educational software have been essentially concerned with individualized learning, and are insensitive to the nature of teaching and learning as a communicative, culturally-based process. The present paper discusses an alternative theoretical perspective, one derived from the work of Vygotsky. This is used in an analysis of interventions made by teachers in the computer-based activities of their pupils, using observational data gained from video-recordings of primary school classrooms. The usefulness of the theoretical perspective is evaluated, and implications for the development of computer-based activities are discussed.  相似文献   

分解了实施自选、自助实验课的影响因素;提出根据学制、学科、专业,以及理论与实验课时的比例等具体情况,确定自选、自助实验项目、内容、学时和管理办法;主张对实验课的效果、教学质量、学习程度、成本等实验效率的主要环节进行控管与考核。设计了优化实验课程的安排方法。  相似文献   

Teachers in Alaskan rural schools were surveyed on their use of instructional technology. The surveyed teachers included the entire population of certified elementary and secondary school classroom teachers of deaf and hard of hearing students in these schools. Respondents generally were older, more experienced, elementary level female teachers who were relatively well educated. Almost half of the respondents held special education certification; about 25% had an endorsement in deaf education. Data analysis indicates that educators who use instructional technology, either in curriculum or broad agenda formats, may be older, hold an advanced degree and secondary education certification, benefit from in-service training on site, are connected to the Internet, and actively use the technology available at their schools. Most of the surveyed educators identified lack of training in the use and integration of software as a barrier to increased classroom use of technology. Based on the study findings, recommendations are made concerning the training needs of teachers in rural Alaska.  相似文献   

物理是一门以实验为基础的学科,巧妙地借助于生活中的各种器具来改良和创新物理实验,尤其是通过一个器材设计多个实验即一物多用,引起越来越多教师的兴趣.通过改良和创新物理实验能更好地将物理规律呈现在学生面前,使学生能更好地理解相关物理规律和概念.下面,以磁性板为例,浅谈物理实验的改良与创新.  相似文献   

This longitudinal study set out to examine, in the light of the parents’ education and gender and the child’s gender, the changes that occurred in the course of five years in parents’ satisfaction with the functioning of their child’s school. Academically and vocationally educated mothers and fathers (N = 391) were asked to indicate their satisfaction with different aspects of their child’s school at the end of the first, third and fifth school year. It was found that the level of parental satisfaction was fairly high at the start, and despite a decreasing trend, it remained high; parental satisfaction was widely shared, and the number of dissatisfied parents remained small and stable. The academic parents displayed more satisfaction with their child’s school success and the fairness of the treatment than the vocational parents did. The results are discussed in terms of educational policy.  相似文献   

The present study regarded the self-regulated vs. not-self-regulated function and the indirect vs. direct (i.e., polite vs. impolite) linguistic form of middle school students’ requests for help. Natural data (149 requests were sent via an online homework-help forum by French-speaking seventh to ninth graders) was used. Nearly 60% of the requests were self-regulated and 70% were indirect (polite). Moreover, self-regulated functions (detailed or general requests about mathematics) were frequently combined with indirect request forms (embedded imperatives, question directives, or hints), suggesting that these students were capable of metacognitive reflection on their homework and followed the pragmatic communication rules of traditional student-teacher situations.  相似文献   

生物学实验设计思想和原则的教学反思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
许晖 《生物学教学》2007,32(9):36-38
本文简要阐述了实验设计的思想和原则,并通过对几道学生错题的分析,反思了实验设计思想和原则在生物学实验设计教学中的重要性。  相似文献   

Life today demands coping with the rapid change occurring all around us. Young children encounter rapid change and must learn to adapt to it. In order to adapt to it they need to develop an understanding of change. Children's books can be used to explain and explore the possibilities of change.Cynthia Szymanski Sunal is Professor of Early-Middle Childhood Education at West Virginia University in Morgantown. Barbara Hatcher is Professor in the Department of Education at Southwest Texas State University in San Marcos.  相似文献   

今天我路过四年级语文办公室,四( 2 )班班主任王老师看见,跑出来喊了我一声:“焦校长,请你过来一下。”我跟随他进了办公室,正好看见他班一男生冲着王老师大哭大闹,谁的话都听不进去;为了打破僵局,我将该男生带到我的办公室。先请他坐下,再请他喝水,要求他冷静后再谈;这时他仍然歇斯底里大哭不止,并解下自己的红领巾和中队标志,摔到桌上,好像受了很大委屈,我又给他递上纸巾,让他将肚里所有不愉快都哭出来,随之他又嚎啕大哭起来……半小时过后,他平静了下来,开始向我倾诉:这段时间爸爸、妈妈在家动不动就向他发脾气;同学们都与他过不去、疏远…  相似文献   

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