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乡村教师专业核心素养是影响乡村教育教学质量的重要因素,也是衡量乡村教师综合素质的重要指标。通过对江西省2217位乡村教师的调查发现,乡村教师专业核心素养总体处于良好水平,不同年龄、不同教龄、不同职称、不同学历、不同专业出身、任教不同课程与年级的乡村教师专业核心素养水平存在差异。影响乡村教师专业核心素养的因素主要有教研活动、教师培训、知识储备、教学借鉴、科研表现和教学压力。为了提升乡村教师的专业核心素养,应加强教研活动,讲求教研实效;加大培训力度,提高培训效益;重视知识储备,完善知识结构;增强科研意识,提升科研素养;积极创造条件,促进身心健康。  相似文献   

了解学生需要什么样的教师对于建构教师素养框架、制定教师专业标准具有重要的参考价值。以“新时代中国教师素养理论模型”为框架,调查了解学生视角下教师需要具备什么样的素养,研究发现:学生认同教师需要具备七大素养,且认为自我素养和功能素养是最关键的素养,功能素养中“全人教育”素养更重要。小学、初中、高中三个学段学生对于七大素养重要性的看法存在差异,学段越低的学生看法越“感性”,更重视教师的自我素养和社会素养,也更重视“育人素养”;学段越高的学生越“理性”,更重视认知素养,也更重视“教书素养”。建议可以将“新时代中国教师素养理论模型”作为教师专业标准修订的基础;教师专业标准内容应凸显对教师自我素养与功能素养的要求,且要考虑不同学段学生需求的差异。  相似文献   

在农村初中教育过程中,心理健康教育比较城市来说具有更重要的意义和作用,其作为发展农村学生核心素养的重要渠道,因此,农村初中心理健康教育教师其专业素养发展对培养和发展学生的核心素养有着极为重要的影响。当前很多农村的初中心理健康教育教师,都没有足够专业的心理健康教育专业水平和素养。本文对当前我国核心素养背景下农村初中心理健康教育发展现状进行分析,提出相应的初中心理健康教育教师发展策略和建议。  相似文献   

了解乡村初中教师专业素养现状是有针对性地开展教师职后继续教育,促进教师专业化发展的前提和基础。本研究对河北省638名初中教师的专业素养进行调查分析发现:河北省乡村初中教师整体专业素养中等偏上且在年龄、教龄、职称和学历方面存在显著性差异。其中,乡村初中教师专业理念和师德素养在学历方面差异显著,而专业知识和专业能力素养在教师年龄、教龄和职称方面存在显著性差异,特别是年龄在30岁以下、教龄低于5年以及低职称和无职称的教师专业素养发展亟需重视。这些结果表明,需要多渠道引导新任年轻教师专业素养提升,教师职后培训应以提升教师专业素养为立足点,注重培训课程的针对性和层次性。  相似文献   

教师核心素养和能力是发展学生核心素养的前提和保障,学校文化为教师的专业成长提供了文化环境,是发展教师核心素养和能力不可忽视的重要因素。研究借助NVivo11质性工具,对中国知网(CNKI)108篇相关文献进行分析,结论显示:影响教师核心素养和能力发展的学校文化因素众多,具有类属关系。宏观层面主要包括制度文化、精神文化、物质文化和行为文化四个方面;微观层面的愿景信念、专业学习制度、创新实践和资源设备是影响教师核心素养和能力发展的关键要素。  相似文献   

核心素养是当前教育改革的重要内容。在学生核心素养的转化中,教师发挥着关键作用。课堂是教师培养学生核心素养的主阵地,为了解一线教师的课堂教学能力现状并促进教师专业发展,文章以能够代表目前国内中小学教师课堂教学能力的“优课”为研究对象,先利用NVivo对样本“优课”进行质性分析,再借助Excel对质性分析结果展开量化研究,最后总结出在培养学生核心素养的过程中,教师课堂教学存在的问题并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

小学教师专业核心素养是指小学教师适应专业发展与学生成长需要的必备品格、知识与能力.通过对江西省2564位小学教师的调查发现:其专业核心素养总体处于良好水平但也存在不足之处,且各个维度均存在一定的短板;小学教师专业核心素养在年龄、教龄、职称、任教学校等方面有显著差异,在性别、学历、任教课程和任教年级等指标上不存在显著差异.影响小学教师专业核心素养的因素包括:教研组织活动、教师培训、书刊阅读、教学借鉴、教学研究和教学压力.为了有效提高小学教师的专业核心素养,教育管理部门和学校应采取相应措施提升教师知识素养,促进各类教师成长,丰富教研活动形式,改进教师培训工作,促进教师教学交流,关注教师身心健康.  相似文献   

教师绩效是教师在教育教学过程中表现出来的与教育教学目标相一致的行为.教师绩效评价的主要内容包括师德、学科素养、课堂教学、学生学习和班主任工作五个维度.进行教育教学改善、专业思考和协商参与的教师绩效评价,增进教师对教育教学的理解并改善实践,有效促进教师的专业发展.  相似文献   

教师博客为教师提供了进行教育教学反思的新工具。教师通过博客与更广范围的同伴交流,主动创造条件接受专家学者的专业引领,在交流、沟通和分享的基础上,不断学习、完善和更新教育理念,发展教学能力,促进教育信息化素养,促进学生的发展与教师教育价值的实现,促进教师的专业发展。  相似文献   

新时期英语课程目标指向学生学科核心素养培养,相应地,英语课程评价则以促进学生全面、健康而有个性地发展,以促进学生英语学科核心素养的有效形成为参照系。这种课程评价体系的构建对英语教师的测评素养提出了更高的要求,因此,加强英语教师测评素养迫在眉睫。基于我国英语教师测评素养的相关文献,并结合对一线英语教师的访谈结果,剖析我国英语教师测评素养发展中存在的问题,从而提出学科核心素养视角下英语教师测评素养培养与提升的路径和策略。  相似文献   

There is growing interest in evidence-based interventions that can improve student teachers’ professional development. But how can these interventions be implemented into everyday teacher education practice by teacher educators themselves—without losing their initial, lab-tested effectiveness due to teacher educators’ practical educational autonomy? Through a quasi-experimental field study the following question is investigated: What is the impact of different degrees of educational autonomy (low/middle/high) that 19 teacher educa­tors are granted while implementing an experimentally proven concept into their teacher training courses on the development of the competence to diagnose classroom situations among 261 student teachers? ANCOVAs using planned contrasts indicate that the effectiveness of the concept can be sustained in ‘the real world’ of teacher education practice, even if practitioners—no longer researchers—are responsible for the concept realization; thereby, the highest increase in student teachers’ competence occurred when low educational autonomy was granted, i.e., the concept was implemented closely to the original.  相似文献   

In order to corroborate and grow teacher educator knowledge (TEK) scholarship, this paper describes an in-depth-focused exploration of a group of teacher educators providing professional development. Our grounded data analysis allowed us to define different major elements, sub-elements, and components that comprise TEK, as well as make explicit how the use of this knowledge—in the context of teaching professional development—draws upon multiple components at any given moment. These findings hold implications for TEK scholarship and practice. Specific to scholarly efforts, while current models for TEK are useful for explicating common understandings amongst the research community, the most functional representations should be fluid and dynamic, in part by balancing both breadth and depth in their scope. Specific to the development of teacher educators, teacher educator preparation should recognize, emphasize, and develop future teacher educators’ layered understandings (i.e. knowledge of students and teachers) and robust knowledge of contexts.  相似文献   

The pace of change in today's society means that there is an ongoing need for teachers to learn, have new knowledge and use new pedagogical approaches to meet the needs of their pupils. For many teachers, this requires redefining their identity as teachers and what ‘teaching’ means in 21st century learning environments. These changes also require teachers to be supported in learning to ‘teach’ in different ways that are relevant to their own individual needs and to the contexts in which they work throughout their career. In this article, it is argued that a more integrated and collaborative approach to teacher education is needed with better understanding of those who take up the roles of teacher educator across a teacher's career. With a particular emphasis on ‘teacher educators’ working in school to support teachers' career-long professional learning it is argued that currently many do not recognise themselves as teacher educators nor are they recognised by those they work with as teacher educators. Drawing on an empirical study carried out with mentors in schools in Scotland, it is suggested that these teacher educators may be ‘unrecognised’ and remain ‘hidden professionals’ because of the identities they construct for themselves, the values and priorities that they or others attach to their roles or because of the institutional structures and cultures in which they work. It is concluded that it will be difficult to recognise and value these ‘hidden teacher educators’ and the distinctive contribution they can make to teachers' career-long professional learning without further clarification by them and others of the roles and responsibilities they hold.  相似文献   

The focus on professional noticing in mathematics education has recently gained increased interest as researchers work to understand how and what is noticed and how this translates into practice. Much of this work has focused on the professional noticing practices of inservice teachers and preservice teachers, with less attention focused on those educating teachers. This research explores how novice mathematics teacher educators professionally notice as they engage in teaching experiments and create models of student’s mathematical thinking. Findings indicate the novice teacher educators are including some evaluative comments in their professional noticing practices but lack in-depth interpretive analysis about student thinking and rarely make connections between student’s thinking and the broader principles of teaching and learning. These findings provide evidence for the importance of supporting teacher educators with developing their abilities to professionally notice.  相似文献   

Following a narrative and biographic approach, in this study, we present the case of an in-service language teacher and her professional learning trajectory in the context of the project ‘Languages and education: constructing and sharing training’. This project aimed at the construction of a collaborative teacher education context for learning and transformation of experiences, views and practices in language education, and involved teachers, teacher educators and researchers. Based on a single case study, the analysis tries to disclose the teacher’s discursive displacements as hints of professional transformation while she reinterprets the learning taking place in the collaborative education process. The signs of change are visible in the way she constructs meanings regarding her professional identity, re-identifies her mission as a language teacher and reconsiders her professional identity. Finally, we reflect upon how collaborative teacher education scenarios may foster teachers’ personal professional learning and renewed self-images.  相似文献   

This study investigates 201 Singaporean teachers’ perceptions of their technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), lesson design practices, and design dispositions through a survey instrument. Investigation of these constructs reveal important variables influencing teachers’ perceptions of TPACK which have not yet been explored. The confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis confirm the validity and reliability of the instrument. The structural equation model shows that the teachers’ perceptions of design dispositions (orientations towards design) and lesson design practices (approaches used for lesson design) have direct relationships with the teachers’ perceptions of TPACK. The results of this study show that to enhance teachers’ TPACK perceptions, teacher educators need to help teachers develop lesson design practices that support ideation and iteration. They also need to develop teachers’ design dispositions that are amenable to exploring and resolving conflicting lesson design ideas. Going beyond TPACK, understandings of teachers’ lesson design practices and design dispositions are important for teacher educators to better design professional development for integration of information and communications technology.  相似文献   

All changes of the character of education and improvement of its quality depend, in our view, particularly on the teacher. To be able to do their work efficiently, teachers have to be equipped with professional skills and dispositions, with “teachers’ competence”. For their professional growth, we consider indispensable competence in reflection, which is aimed at the teacher’s activities with regard to aspects of pedagogy and/or subject-didactics. From the point of view of the goals and content of their teaching and the methods of work (and their realisation), the development of teachers’ conscious self-reflection on their own teaching and systematic pursuance of joint reflection with other teachers and/or researchers can promote the teacher’s professional growth. In this paper, we show how a selected group of elementary school teachers reflected on their competence in the course of preparing, carrying out and analysing several instruction experiments. The paper is based on samples of teachers’ reflections and their gradual development from mere simple conversations based on intuitive perceptions, through searching for effective teaching approaches, to the deep assessment of mathematics teaching from the point of view of topics and their didactic elaboration and to suggestions for the teachers’ own experiments.  相似文献   

Around the world reforms in teacher education have been oriented towards making the preparation of teachers more functional for development of competencies they need in practice. At the same time, much criticism has been voiced about such reforms jeopardising the fundamental humanist traditions in teaching, based on beliefs about non-instrumental values of education. In this study we examine teachers' perceptions of importance of competencies and explore their implications for teacher education. The study has been designed to ensure that voices of teachers and teacher educators are heard in identification of areas of expertise that make up a competent teacher. We conducted a principal component analysis of the response of 370 teachers and teacher educators in Serbia to a questionnaire about the importance of a number of aspects of teacher competence. We identified four components underling teachers' perceptions of competencies relating to 1) values and child-rearing; 2) understanding of the education system and contribution to its development; 3) subject knowledge, pedagogy and curriculum; and 4) self-evaluation and professional development. Teachers perceived all but the second area of competence as very important, with the fourth scale perceived as of the highest importance. Implications of each area of competence for teacher education are discussed and conclusions are drawn for the development of teacher education curricula.  相似文献   

This collaborative self-study details the experiences of an Australian teacher educator and a Canadian teacher educator, who led teacher candidates on international practicum placements to the Cook Islands and Kenya respectively. Focusing on critical incidents, they collaboratively analyzed dilemmas that occurred when providing professional development sessions for local teachers during these placements. These dilemmas required the teacher educators to think deeply about their beliefs and practices in these contexts. Findings from the study included the teacher educator’s tendency to make assumptions about good teaching and learning practices that were reflective of their personal pedagogical values and beliefs; their discomfort with their perceptions of some neo‐colonial practices within these international practicum sites and uncertainty about how to navigate the resultant tensions; and, the need to view the work of teacher educators though a new cultural lens when working in transnational contexts. Implications for teacher educators working with local hosting teachers during international placements include the need to understand and acknowledge the complexity of this dimension of teacher educators’ work, and for teacher educators to engage in parallel learning journeys with the teacher candidates they accompany. This involves critically reflecting on the experiences, assumptions, and beliefs that they bring to their new contexts, as well as adopting a global perspective and a deep consciousness of how one is perceived by others who are culturally, racially, or linguistically different.  相似文献   

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