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基于视频案例下初中数学课堂学生参与度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生是知识建构的主体,其课堂行为既能反映学生参与学习、知识建构的程度,同时也能体现教师教学的特点.课堂视频可以有效记录学生课堂参与的过程,是课堂教学研究的新途径.对初中数学课堂视频分析,发现初中生课堂参与行为有以下特点:学生应答行为发生最频繁;学生集体回答次数远多于学生独立应答次数;学生应答和课堂练习所占时间最长;在课堂练习阶段,学生的参与行为出现的次数最多;学生在课堂上极少提问.  相似文献   

International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education - Many students are becoming increasingly disengaged in school, particularly in mathematics. This is an important problem as lack of...  相似文献   

小学数学课堂文化是在小学数学课堂教学中形成的思想观念、价值观念和教学行为所反映出来的文化意识形态。小学数学课堂教学应追求简约,从简单的教学模式、简洁的教学情境、高明的教学内容等方面,构建形式简约、内蕴丰盈、务实高效的小学数学课堂。  相似文献   

教学决策是课堂教学活动的心脏.通过对一名小学数学专家教师课堂的精细分析,研究发现:专家教师善于在教学中使用多种教学决策展现课程的基本理念.在专家教师看来,教无定法,评价教学决策的唯一标准是看它是否有利于促进学生的发展,是否有助于完成课堂教学计划.关注教师的课堂教学决策是促进教师专业发展的一条有效途径.  相似文献   

大学生学习投入水平高低是学业成就的重要预测因素。文章通过从学习行为投入、情感投入、认知投入维度分析大学生学习投入的影响因素,给出学习投入影响因素与大学生学习投入之间的关系概念模型,并定量分析了自身因素、人际关系因素、学习环境因素对大学生学习行为投入、情感投入、认知投入维度的主要影响及其影响程度。  相似文献   

"数学课堂学习动力系统"结构及其案例分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学课堂学习动力系统构成要素有:教师—向导性要素、学生—主体性要素和教材—任务性要素.数学课堂学习动力系统是一个母系统和三级三维子系统构成.数学课堂学习动力是动态预设与生成的结果."数学课堂学习动力系统"3级子结构指:一级3维启动系统、二级3维维持系统和三级3维意向生成系统.每个子系统仍然包括3个过程:启动、维持和"意向—生成".  相似文献   

This study explored support for engagement in 2 settings: a high school basketball team and high school mathematics classrooms. Specifically, the study examined 3 aspects of these practices: (a) access to the domain, (b) opportunities to take on integral roles, and (c) opportunities for self-expression in the practice. Drawing on videotape and interview data from 2 African American high school students' participation in basketball and mathematics class, as well as interviews with players' teachers and coaches, this article analyzes how these 3 aspects of practices afforded differential engagement across settings. Findings indicated that the practice of basketball supported deep engagement as players had greater access to an understanding of the domain, were assigned and took up a unique role that was integral to the practice, and had opportunities to express themselves and feel competent. The high school mathematics classroom differentially afforded these opportunities, with 1 student taking them up and the other being unable to, and thus being less engaged. Potential implications of these 3 aspects of the practices for students' practice-linked identities and learning are discussed.  相似文献   

大学英语课堂教学情感性评价策略研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
通过问卷调查、个别访谈等方式,对大学英语教师在课堂评价中使用情感性评价策略的情况进行调查与分析。结果显示,总体上教师对情感性评价策略观念较强,但是在教学中运用情感性评价策略的频率相对较低,大部分教师已经在有意识地使用积极的、正面的、肯定的课堂评价语。同时分析了成因,并对运用情感性评价策略中存在的问题提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

后疫情时代,提质增效是在线开放课程内涵式发展的重要抓手。重申促进学习的评价,强调学习者的深度参与,探究学习者参与同伴互评的特点及现存问题具有重要的现实意义。文章基于国内一门在线开放课程,采用学习分析技术从结构化与非结构化数据入手,分析在线开放课程同伴互评过程中学习者的投入度,并进一步探究同伴互评投入度与学习绩效的关系。研究结果表明,在线开放课程中学习者同伴互评的行为投入及认知投入不高,但是参与同伴互评能够识别更有动力通过课程的学习者,且其认知投入度能够预测其学习绩效。基于FBM(学习行为模型)模型提出促进同伴互评投入度的两阶段干预策略,从而提高学习者参与同伴互评的投入度,并为教师及平台提供更具针对性的策略建议。  相似文献   

Just as they have significance in shaping the helping relationship, engagement and termination can play a powerful role in the classroom. This paper describes the importance of attending to beginnings and endings both in practice and in teaching, discusses the use of activity based techniques, and specifically focuses on the use of experiential activities to enhance the engagement and termination processes in social work courses. The criteria for selecting, implementing and evaluating activities are reviewed and seven exercises are described in detail, offering instructors the opportunity to examine creative approaches for their own adaptation and use.  相似文献   

数学课堂阅读教学策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数学阅读教学是终身学习的需要,是信息化、数学化社会的需要,教会学生阅读将提高学生的数学学习效率,有助于个别化学习。数学课堂阅读教学中要阅读与讲解有机结合,采用读前设问、复习旧知、读后设问、运用现代技术等方法与策略,激发学生阅读兴趣、引导学生阅读教科书、教授科学阅读方法。  相似文献   

数学美是数学文化的重要组成部分。正是数学的美使得数学文化更具个性,更显得妩媚动人。“数学是人类最高超的智力成就,也是人类心灵最独特的创作。”今天,数学已被人们认为是心智的艺术和灵魂的音乐。让“数学的美”柄居于数学课堂,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,激发学习热情,可以引导学生形成良好的情感环境和意志品质,并形成主动学习的学习机制。因此,我们必须重视数学美的教学。  相似文献   

结合实际案例,对在数学课堂中进行有效导入作了简要阐述。  相似文献   

运用课堂师生互动量表和大学生学习投入量表对安徽省448名在校大学生进行问卷调查,探讨了大学生课堂师生互动与学习投入状况及两者之间的关系.结果显示:大学生课堂师生互动状况在性别、学校类型上呈现显著差异,但在年级、专业、是否为独生子女生上并没有表现出明显的差异;大学生学习投入中活力和专注维度在性别上呈现显著差异,在奉献维度上差异不显著,大学生学习投入在生源地、是否为独生子女、专业和学校类型上均没有表现出明显差异;大学生课堂师生互动状况与学习投入呈显著正相关,即大学生课堂互动状况越好,学习投入就越高.  相似文献   

In teaching science, the beliefs of teachers may come into conflict and inhibit the implementation of reformed teaching practice. An experienced biology teacher, Mr. Hobbs, was found to have two different sets of epistemological beliefs while his classroom practice was predominantly teacher-centered. A case study was then performed in order to investigate the underlying issues that contributed to his classroom practice. Data sources included preliminary and follow-up interviews and classroom observations. Data analysis indicated that factors that prevented the epistemological conflict from reaching a resolution included Mr. Hobbs’ beliefs about learning, contextual teaching factors, personal experiences as a student, and views of the nature of science. The findings from this case indicate that science teachers possess complex belief systems that are not immediately obvious to either the teacher or science teacher educators, and science teacher educators need to address teacher beliefs when they encourage teachers to implement reformed teaching practices.  相似文献   

This paper describes an experiment devised to increase our understanding of good teaching practices. Each of two instructors selected a topic and on two consecutive mornings they taught a topic of their choice to a group of 21 experienced and competent tertiary educators but without expertise in the subject area being taught. The organization of the experiment is outlined, and the subject matter selected and strategies adopted by the instructors are described. Outcomes of the experiment are reported in two ways: in terms of general comments provided by the independent evaluator and in terms of the participant's reactions to the exercise. While mathematics teaching was the basis of this study, the peer review process described has general applicability to all disciplines.  相似文献   

采用半结构式访谈和问卷调查深入探讨了1位专家型数学教师的数学观,数学学习观和数学教学观及其相关影响因素。本研究发现该专家型数学教师主要认为:(1)数学是培养学生思维和数学能力的载体,是源于生活和用于生活的,是学生学习、考试的一个科目;(2)学习数学需一定天赋,学生自主参与、归纳总结是数学学习最佳的方式,数学思维和分析解决问题的能力是学生数学学习的主要部分和应达到的水平之一;(3)数学教学的目标在于培养学生的数学思维、分析解决问题的能力,成功的数学教学应注重学生的参与和课后落实。中国传统文化、数学教育传统、新课程理念以及教师的工作环境等都对其观念系统有一定的影响。  相似文献   

根据地方经济对数学与应用数学专业人才的需求,以贺州学院为例,探索应用技术型本科专业课程设置的思路,对整合与优化专业基础课程进行了讨论.  相似文献   

逻辑推理是得到数学结论、构建数学体系的重要方式,是数学严谨性的基本保证,是人们在数学活动中进行交流的基本思维品质。本文以《二倍角的正弦、余弦、正切公式》为例,针对逻辑推理能力培养在目前课堂教学中存在的常见问题提出教学策略。  相似文献   

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