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正原英语版本:"My enemies are many,my equals are none.In the shade of olive trees,they said Italy could never be conquered.In the land of pharoahs and kings,they said Egypt could never be humbled.In the realm of forest and snow,they said Russia could never be tamed.Now they say nothing.They fear me,like a force of nature,a dealer in thunder and death.I say I am Napoleon,I am emperor……  相似文献   

Napoleon planned to conquer Russia in 1812 .By 1812 Napoleon had conquered the whole of continental Europe-from southern Italy to the Baltic, from Portugal to Poland. England herself he couldn't get at, not after the Battle of Trafalgar of 1805, when Lord Nelson had defeated the combined French and Spanish navies. Despite this, Napoleon hoped to undermine the economic superiority of  相似文献   

It's a case of DO AS YOU'RE TOLD in our company!I work for a small firm and my boss is so bossy (专横的) that we all call him "Napoleon".He doesn't mind a bit.Wherever you look in our building there's notice of some kind.The first thing you see when you arrive is KEEP OFF THE GRASS! You come into the building and see  相似文献   

JIA Yu-kun 《海外英语》2014,(5):188-189
When talking about Napoleon,people always focus on his military talent,his empire,his famous code or even his final defeat—Battle of Waterloo.Few people will remember his quest for Egypt and his mysterious‘troop’.This thesis will discuss the forgotten troop of Napoleon and its influence on the development of Egypt and the world.  相似文献   

1.The secretary worked late into the night, a long sneech for thepresident.A.to prepare B.preparing C.prepared D.was preparing2.__some officials,Napoleon inspected his army.A.Following B.Followed byC.Being followed D.Having been followed by3.__more attention,the trees could have grown better.  相似文献   

On 24th June 1859, a bloody battle was waged at the small Lombardy town of Solferino, Italy, during the Franco-Austrian War. Napoleon the Third led the Sardinian and French allies stormed the town held by Austrian army. The massacre lasted fifteen hours. At last, the Austrians were defeated and fled. They left more than forty thousand wounded behind.  相似文献   

Venice is a beautiful city in 1 It's one of the most 2 cities in the world. It's built on a group of small islands (岛).3 stone bridges cross the rivers 4 the islands. On the rivers there are little boats. They are the "water buses" of Venice. If we travel 5 the rivers 6 a boat, Italians may 7 us about the beautiful  相似文献   

The shirt has been a common piece of clothing for men and women for a great many centuries. Some of the 1(?) made from the words are old, and as common, as the shirt 2(?). "Keep your shirt on. " That 3(?) like good advice for anyone, especially on a 4(?) day. But the expression "Keep your shirt on" gives a very 5(?) kind of advice. It seems "stay 6(?) ", "do not get excited. "  相似文献   

Once a man named Grant found a box of old papers in a room at the top of his house. He 1 most of them, for he did not like old things very much. But one of these papers was an old 2 At the bottom of it was the name of a well-known writer. "When this letter was written," said Grant, " 3 knew about the writer. But now everyone knows him. Some people like to buy letters  相似文献   

1. "Impossi- ble" is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools. -- Napolen “难”字只有在愚人的字典中才能找到。——拿破仑  相似文献   

1. Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life.(Thomas Edison, American inventor)有所成就是人生惟一的真正乐趣。 (美国发明家爱迪生·T)2. But has the last word been said? Is all hope to be lost ? Is thedefeat final No!(Charles De Gaulle, French president )但是难道败局已定,胜利已经无望?不,不能这样说! (法国总统戴高乐·C.)3. I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated.(Bonaparte Napoleon, French emperor )我成功是因为我有决心,从不踌躇。 (法国皇帝拿破仑·B.)  相似文献   

Ayers Rock     
Ayers Rock is right in the centre of Australia. It's nearly two thousand kilometres 1 Sydney. So we flew most of the way. It was rather cloudy 2. But after we left the mountains behind us, there was hardly a cloud in the sky. Most of the land below 3 sand, though Dad told me it was greener than I thought. "There are a lot of sheep down there,"he said, "but 4 people! "  相似文献   

Building a Real US-RussianPartnership 构建新的美俄关系The summit meetings1 in Russiawill mark a major milestone2 in"liquidating3 the legacy of the coldwar, " as President Bush said.  相似文献   

1.Three persons A,B and C are running a marathon,each with a different constant velocity.The velocity of Bis 10 % greater than the velocity of A,and the velocity of C is 15 % smaller than the velocity of B.Find thetimes used by B and C,if the tine of A is 3h 7min.2 .Solve the inequality 2 | x2 - 4| - 1≥ x.3.The inscribed circle of a right triangle touches each side of the triangle.The touching point divides the hy-potenuse into two parts with lengths 3cm and 4 cm.Work out the area of the…  相似文献   

Correct the errors in the use of articles:1.The word "smile" begins with a "s" .2. Workers work at least eight hours one day.3. Wales lies to west of England.4. Ireland is an European country.5. My telephone number ends with a "8" .6.My cousin studies in an university in Beijing. 7. London is a capital of UK.  相似文献   

教学过程Step 1.Warming up1.Greet Ss.Show the picture"Welcome to our English class".2.Show a cartoon of the song"Ten little Indian boys"and make Ss familiar with the numbers.T:Let’s enjoy a song together.3.Review numbers.T:What can we learn from the song?The students say the twelve  相似文献   

以下句子中除两个句子以外,其余均有错误,请找出并改正。1 .Philip found that there were a good many of people already there.2.The word "medicine" begins with a "m" .3.Let's meet at the same place as we did yesterday, shall we?4.Could you tell me the answer of the problem?5.A chemistry teacher was standing by the desk ,explaining the  相似文献   

A lot of people know the power of communicating with the Edge, communicating with compassion1 or care for those you are communicating to, with a matter of fact2 tone and an "Edge" of accountability3.When it's important to be heard, and you want to really be heard, communicate with the "Edge".  相似文献   

1. Tom is driving a jeep at a constant speed of 55 MPH. A sports car one-half miles behind Tom is moving at a constant speed, it passes Tom in 60 seconds. How many miles per hour is the speed of the sports car? 2. What is the value of the sum 2~(-1)+2~(-2)+2~(-3)+…+2~(-9)+2~(-10)? Express your answer as a common fraction. 3. The average of twelve different positive integers is 12. What is the greatest possible value of any one of these numbers?  相似文献   

法兰西第一帝国和百日王朝皇帝拿破仑(B.Napoleon,1769-1821)早年毕业于布里埃纳炮兵学校,期间在学习射击、测量技术中对几何、三角有特别爱好和研究.下面的定理是他发现的数学成果之一.一、拿破仑三角形定理1.以三角形的各边为一边向形外作三个正三角形,  相似文献   

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