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上个世纪80年代以后,《文选》学研究者对《文选》的文体分类颇有争议。于是,《文选》文体有三十七、三十八、三十九、四十体诸说。我认为,李善注《文选》文体分三十七体是继承了萧统《文选》的原始分类,是正确的。而五臣注《文选》分的三十七体、骆鸿凯等分的三十八体、汲古阁《文选》分的三十九体、刘永济等分的四十体,改变了萧统《文选》的原始分类,都是不正确的。  相似文献   

本文探索《文选》学形成的原因,其因有四:一、《文选》所选诗文大都是名篇佳作,有很高的文学价值;二、《文选》的文体分类是中国文学批评史上文体分类的高峰,对后世有深远的影响;三、《文选》李善注是古籍注释中的名注,它不仅注释《文选》,而且保存许多失传的文献,有较高的学术价值;四、唐代《文选》学者教授《文选》和科举考试考诗赋,对《文选》学的形成有促进作用。  相似文献   

《文选钞》是保存在日藏《文选集注》中—种重要的《文选》注释.据《文选钞》注中地理知识背景、倾向,公孙罗的事迹,以及善珠《因明论疏明灯抄》所幸存的注释等能证明作者是公孙罗.《文选钞》在性质上近于“荟萃众说,钞为一帙”,这些有助于对《文选钞》的深入理解和研究.  相似文献   

傅刚 《全国新书目》2023,(11):7-15+6
<正>本书分为三篇,上篇《历代〈文选〉版本著录汇考》从历代史志目录、官修目录、私人藏书目录中辑录有关文选的记载,梳理辨析,厘清《文选》的流传,最后形成综述,以期让读者对《文选》版本的流变及研究近况有大致了解。中篇《〈文选〉版本叙录》分类介绍了目前存世的各种《文选》写本、钞本、刻本,对国内外现存较早的《文选》版本一一作叙录。下篇《〈文选〉版本考论》对国内外文选藏本进行个案研究,从存佚分合、文本对比等方面精析《文选》不同版本的特点,对这些本子进行详细的校勘和考订,深刻阐述了这些版本的重要意义,为以后更深入的研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

《邓小平文选》第一、二卷第二版出版发行 在《邓小平文选》第三卷出版一周年之际,1989年出版的《邓小平文选(1938—1965)》和1983年出版的《邓小平文选(1975—1982)》经邓小平同志同意,中共中央文献编辑委员会增补和修订,改称《邓小平文选》第一卷、第二卷,由人民出版社出第二版并  相似文献   

《邓小平文选》《陈云文选》繁体字版在香港出版发行《邓小平文选》一卷本,收入了邓小平1956—1992年的80篇文稿。《陈云文选》,收入了作者1949—1994年的80篇文稿。两部繁体字版文选均根据《邓小平文选》、《陈云文选》一至三卷本选编,由人民出版社和三联书店(香港)有限公司联合于7月24日开始出版发行。 江泽民《加强农业基础 深化农村改革 推进农村经济和社会全面发展》单行本出版 这是江泽民总书记6月4日在河南考察农业和农村工作的重要讲  相似文献   

《文选钞》是保存在日藏《唐钞文选集注》中一种重要的《文选》注释。今据一些史料,能对一些基本问题进行探讨,即从所称的"今地名"、引用颜师古《汉书》注、初唐新修《晋书》、以及《文选》学圈的消长等,能推断其撰写最可能的时间段为贞观九年到垂拱元年。这有助于对《文选钞》的深入理解和研究。  相似文献   

王立群先生新作《〈文选〉成书研究(》商务印书馆,2005年2月版)对《文选》成书过程中最有争议的诸问题重新进行了审视,成为百年现代《文选》学研究中最具前沿意义的成果,也是21世纪国际《文选》学界最重要的创获之一。经过上一世纪80年代末至90年代末的十年大发展,国内《文选》研究出现了止步不前的某些窘境。如何使《文选》研究在新的世纪中有更大的突破,王立群先生的《〈文选〉成书研究》做出了可喜的尝试。该书的主要特点如下:第一,新见迭出。该书的一大贡献是提出了一系列耳目一新又极富原创性的见解:1、《文选》是萧统据挚虞《文章流别…  相似文献   

《文选集注》是传世唐写本中保存唐人《文选》注释最为完备的资料库,1856年由日本学者涩江全善、森立之《经籍访古志》一书率先著录,1908年前后董康赴日时据《经籍访古志》的记载进行寻访,尚得三十二卷。今本保存于日本数处,其中,金泽文库所藏最夥。其他尚有东洋文库、东京九条公、京都小川氏、佐佐木氏、里见氏等收藏处。今存《文选集注》为残卷,约二十余卷。唐钞《文选集注》是今存诸唐钞本《文选》中保存今已失传的《文选》旧注最多的一部唐写本,宋代刻本中已经消亡的陆善经注、《钞》、綦毋邃注等,在唐钞《文选集注》本均可见到。因此,唐钞《文  相似文献   

正《文选学》,今人骆鸿凯著。这是一部研究《文选》学的专著。在我的藏书中,有三种骆鸿凯的《文选学》。第一种骆鸿凯的《文选学》,是中华书局于民国三十年(1941)三月出版的。这是第三版,精装一册。它的初版本是中华书局于民国二十六年六月出版的。此书是友人、昆曲史专家刘致中先生1963年12月于南京旧书店购到的。他知道我是研究《文心雕龙》和《文选》的,赠送给我。此书对我研究《文选》,影响极大。在我得到骆鸿凯的《文选学》之前,我手头只有一部  相似文献   

Media convergence is happening around the world. This study looks at the current operation of a cable news station that produces 2 media products in 1 newsroom. It also explores the theoretical foundations of value creation in online news by examining how online news is selected, packaged, processed, and distributed. Observational results showed that media convergence still has a long way to go. More important, this study found several divides between the Web people and the news people, between the managers and the reporters, and between the news department and the advertising department. This article suggests that convergence would go more smoothly if stations would integrate Web producers into the newsroom; if reporters were given incentive to do extra work or if their daily work load were adjusted to give them time to file for the Web; and if the sales people better understood the value of the online product.  相似文献   

Much academic analysis of media representations of drugs-related violence in Brazil has focused on their role in perpetuating violence and societal divisions. There is less research on how the country’s traditional news media can shape information in order to foster dialogue between people and potentially resolve conflict. This article aims to address this gap by exploring the possibilities and challenges for printed news media to acquire “mediated” social capital. The concept is understood here as a specific resource of power that has the potential to connect people from diverse social, cultural and economic backgrounds. In order to do so, we analyse how a popular Rio newspaper has used its symbolic power to produce social capital with an investigative series about Brazil’s involvement in the international drugs trade. It is argued here that the series paints a complex picture of its causes and consequences and is an important step towards a deliberative process about possible solutions to drugs-related violence in Rio and beyond.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):168-183
The increasing prominence of transparency as a news value warrants discussion over its effects in various forms of media. Literary journalism provides a useful platform to assess the function of transparency because of its position on the margins of mainstream journalistic practice. This paper analyses the function of disclosure and participatory transparency against the truth-claims of a book-length work of literary journalism. It concludes that while transparency is valuable in building a journalist's credibility, significant thought needs to be given to how disclosure transparency interacts with the rhetorical effects of narrative in sustaining the truth-claims made about a text.  相似文献   

Media literacy is a term that means many different things to different people—scholars, educators, citizen activists, and the general public. This article reviews the variety of definitions and presents a synthesis of commonalities that most definitions of media literacy share. The review presents an overview of how media literacy has been treated as an issue in curriculum design within the institution of education, and then how it has been treated as an intervention by parents and researchers.  相似文献   

This article traces the efforts of a research team led by the Yol?u elder and scholar, Neparr?a Gumbula, to investigate his people’s recorded history in the University of Sydney Archives. This research has identified some of the earliest photographic and written records of Yol?u life in Arnhem Land, Australia. Though consultations with the source communities of Mili?inbi (Milingimbi) and Galiwin’ku (Elcho Island), it has also determined appropriate ways of maintaining ongoing local access to these rare archived materials. The article contextualises this research within broader international initiatives to locate and provide access to other early ethnographic records from Arnhem Land. It considers the role of digital technologies in providing remote community access, and how various access protocols can be implemented to ensure appropriate use.  相似文献   

搜索引擎之竞价排名研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
互联网促成了搜索引擎的广泛应用与竞价排名现象的出现。针对日趋白热化的竞价排名现象,介绍了其产生背景、在各大搜索引擎中的应用现状和影响,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   


The Internet has had a profound impact on the way people access and use information, especially in the area of monitoring and protecting human rights. This article reviews the development of the University of Minnesota Human Rights Library, one of the largest collections of human rights documents available on the web. The focus is on how the collection was built, how it is used to support research and teaching, and how it is maintained. Many of the issues examined in this article are relevant to the development, maintenance, and use of any electronic collection.  相似文献   

明代出现的《诗经》文学评点,是《诗经》学史上的新的文学批评方式。《诗经》评点从来源上可分为原创评点、转录评点和嫁接评点三种。三种评点又交叉存在,错综复杂。本文在理清现存明代《诗经》评点版本的基础上,叙录目前仅见的十一种《诗经》评点著作,以期呈现较清晰的明代《诗经》评点眉目。  相似文献   

Denver Public Library has taken an active role in providing services for people who have served time in prison or jail. The program Free to Learn focuses on providing resources and training to help ex-offenders with entering or reentering the workforce. Educating library staff on how to help felons also plays a critical role in the success of the program. This article provides information on how Denver Public Library helps ex-offenders apply for a job and respond to “the felony question.”  相似文献   

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