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This article situates the dominant discourses of “global citizenship” employed in North American universities to internationalize the curricula, drawing in part on evidence from one Pacific northwestern Canadian university in the post-September-11 context of recent restrictive immigration policies, anti-terrorist measures and evocative Cold War memories. Far from weakening the Canadian nation-state or jettisoning neoliberalism, it argues that authoritarian post-Fordism constitutes a supra-juridical state that offers fewer social services but governs with more entrepreneurship through its globalization, immigration and “national security” policies. The article shows how the post-September-11 changes to Canada's immigration and refugee legislation from 1978 to 2001, write evocative fears about “terrorists” and “invading immigrants” on the national body politic. These changes provide literal and metaphorical transnational, economic and socio-legal mobility with substantive and specific human rights to those prospective immigrants deemed “highly skilled global citizens”. Yet, such policy efforts and legislation also reproduce the exclusions and differential hierarchies of gendered, classed, ableist and racialized notions of skill, flexible work and vulnerable or unobtuinuble citizenship for those it deems “non-immigrants”, migrants or non-citizens. The conclusion asks: Is “global citizenship” an oxymoronic slogan; a well-meaning but naïve equation of transnational mobility or “belonging” with formal legal substantive citizenship and human rights; or an opportunity to claim democratic praxis through a decolonized curricular, pedagogical and educational policy?  相似文献   

论教育政策的价值基础   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
教育政策是价值选择的结果 ,教育政策研究必须重视价值问题。教育政策的价值基础由一系列价值原则及其理论依据构成。教育政策活动主体之间相互作用所形成的基本问题和关系是教育政策价值基础的客观依据。当代我国教育政策应建立在“以人为本”、“教育平等”、“效益优化”、“可选择性”、“多样性”等价值取向基础之上  相似文献   

2005-2015年,台湾大学入选台湾地区“迈向顶尖大学(一流大学)计划”两期。通过对台湾大学建设一流大学的目标、行动与效果进行个案分析,发现台湾大学创建一流大学目标明确、措施有力,纵向比较取得了长足的进步,但在大学排行榜的相对位置却呈现下降的趋势,与预期目标形成反差。台湾大学建设“一流大学”的个案解构说明:“一流大学”建设计划具有积极意义,可以有效地集聚资源促进大学综合水平快速提升;但对排行榜的相对位置变化要有理性的看待,排行榜只是“一流大学”建设成效评价的参考,不能以排行榜位置变化作为“一流大学”建设成效的唯一标准。我们应当允许高校保留自身特色并不断地自我超越,这与“中国特色”“世界一流”的评价理念是一致的。  相似文献   

Since Joseph Nye introduced the concept of “Soft power” in his 1991 book, Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power, analysts have discussed states' efforts to exercise their influence by attracting and co-opting rather than coercing or using force. This paper will examine enrolments trends in Indonesian language in Australian universities, in the context of Indonesia's public diplomacy and Australian government educational policy. Enrolment data and trend analysis updates the 2012 National Report on Indonesian in Australian Universities: Strategies for a stronger future. Then, using statistics provided by a recent Newspoll commissioned by the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the article explores Australian attitudes to Indonesia in the context of Indonesia's limited linguistic “soft power”. It concludes that the fluctuations in Indonesian language learning in Australia and Australian attitudes to Indonesia generally appear more influenced by Australian government policy than any conscious efforts by Indonesia to exercise “soft power”. It concludes that it is to the advantage of both countries that Indonesian language learning be better promoted and supported.  相似文献   

在前期研究构建“基于资源分类的基础教育数字资源共享机制”的基础上,文章采用行动研究法,进一步深入分析现实问题,以群体动力学为理论基础,构建基础教育数字资源USGC四方联动共建共享模式。在该模式中,高校(U)、中小学(S)、政府(G)、企业(C)这四大主体各司其职而又互联互动。高校的主要职能为师资培训、政策建议、促进联动、实践推进,中小学的主要职能为质量审核、评价反馈、资源建设、创新生成,政府的主要职能为系统规划、政策驱动、经费保障、评估激励,企业的主要职能为资源(软硬件)供给、标准化共享平台、技术保障、管理服务。研究选取三所学校分别开展持续四年的基于校情的分阶段、分层次、有步骤的USGC四方联动共建共享模式的实践:A中学基于电子书包开展校内数字资源共建共享、B中学开展校际数字资源共建共享、C中学依托河南省“互联网+教育”精准扶贫计划开展区域数字资源共建共享。结果表明,此模式切实可行,对实践具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

This paper examines the ideological construction of educational discourses embedded within the South Korean print media. Significantly, these discourses have recently promoted the resurrection of a sweeping national testing and test results release policy. Through careful examination of the “test plus release” policy, the authors show how the government has achieved hegemonic power by shaping public opinion through the national testing contexts. Drawing on a critical discourse analysis of educational policy texts from the government and top 10 print media sources, this paper analyses how discourses on “accountability”, “the right to know” and “the fairness of the tests” have been produced, reproduced and recontextualized to favour particular perspectives. The authors also examine how government and influential print media discourses interact with political and cultural factors such as “acclaiming the evaluative state”, “education fever” and “meritocratic beliefs” to achieve public consent for the new “test plus release” policy.  相似文献   


In this paper we define and explain idea technologies, illustrate how they operate in learning environments, then present and explore the pedagogical advantages of using our three-tiered, idea-technology classification system. We believe it will serve as an introductory primer, or conceptual framework, for university professors, educational technologists, teacher educators, and university administrators. Like any sound grammar, we believe our conceptual framework not only provides structure, economy, and flexibility, but also possesses the added benefit of never “crashing” as it improves teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Inter‐university international co‐operation is very strongly favoured by the Yugoslav government as part of its overall policy of nonalignment. Numerous bilateral and multilateral projects are being pursued by the Union of Universities of Yugoslavia and by individual Yugoslav universities. The sponsorship of the “University Today” International Seminar by the Union is one manifestation of this policy as is the encouragement which it gives its member universities to join appropriate international university associations, including regional ones. Currently, the Union is favouring the increased international exchange of students. The internationalization of universities opens them to the most progressive and advanced tendencies in teaching and in research.  相似文献   

The article discusses the risks and effects of predicting the future. It describes the competition between two images of the future that can be found in current predictions. We discuss the question of changing our basic conceptions about the essence of human nature, the most important properties and qualities of people in connection with the onset of the current era of uncertainty, and the complexity and diversity of the human experience. We describe the context that surrounds the practice of predicting the future, namely the transition from the world of SPOD to the world of VUCA. The author reminds the designers of the future of the importance of correlating futurist programs with the expectations and motivational attitudes of the different social strata in Russian society. The author reviews current educational policy, and he describes the general features of the education reforms of recent decades and the risks created by their shortcomings. The article outlines the conditions for constructing a promising and human-centric model of 21st-century education (“the garden of dignity culture”) for “complex free people.”  相似文献   


This paper considers the role that schools have in determining whether school leavers participate in higher education or not. It examines the association between schools and university participation using a unique dataset of 3 cohorts of all young people leaving maintained schools in Wales. School “effects” are identified, even after controlling for individual-level factors, such as their prior attainment, socioeconomic circumstances, ethnicity, and special educational needs. Schools appear to have a particular “effect” on the likelihood that a young person enters an elite university. However, the findings suggest the concept of a school “effect” on higher education participation is not straightforward – schools appear to have different levels of effectiveness depending on the gender of the young people and the nature of their higher education participation. These findings are considered within the policy contexts of school effectiveness and widening access to higher education.  相似文献   

This article examines how university presidents who led their institutions to achieve Carnegie “R1 Highest Research Activity” managed policy tensions created by prestige priorities and worked with groups and coalitions internally and externally. Striving to achieve R1 status requires U.S. universities to re-calibrate their focus, resources, and messaging both internally and externally. Using four elements of policy entrepreneurship (PE), the three cases included in this article illustrate the critical role of university presidents as PE in maintaining a sustained effort over an extended period. University leaders displayed their social acuity and built teams by cultivating their social and political capital with influential constituents and groups. As PE, university presidents were deliberate and thoughtful about the language they used to define and describe policy problems and solutions. The findings expand our understanding of the role of university presidents as PE.  相似文献   


In 2000–2001, the authors derived a 13-category classification system for Web-based educational resources, based on analysis of 199 educational resources recognized as “exemplary” by four national entities. In 2004, we re-examined that classification system, analyzing a stratified random sample of 40 exemplary Web-based resources from the same entities. While the classification system still accommodated categorizing current educational resources, we detected some overlap among categories. Through combination and redefinition, we reduced the number of categories to eleven. This article addresses the initial and modified classification systems, the analysis procedures employed, examples of resources in each category, and future applications of the classification system.  相似文献   

This forum article contributes to the understanding of how science teachers’ identity is related to their worldviews, cultural values and educational philosophies, and to eco-transformation of science education. Special focus is put on ‘reform-minded’ science teachers. The starting point is the paper Science education reform in Confucian learning cultures: teachers’ perspectives on policy and practice in Taiwan by Ying-Syuan Huang and Anila Asghar. It highlights several factors that can explain the difficulties of implementing “new pedagogy” in science education. One important factor is Confucian values and traditions, which seem to both hinder and support the science teachers’ implementation of inquiry-based and learner-centered approaches. In this article Confucianism is compared with other learning cultures and also discussed in relation to different worldviews and educational philosophies in science education. Just like for the central/north European educational tradition called Bildung, there are various interpretations of Confucianism. However, both have subcultures (e.g. reflexive Bildung and Neo-Confucianism) with similarities that are highlighted in this article. If an “old pedagogy” in science education is related to essentialism, rationalist-objectivist focus, and a hierarchical configuration, the so called “new pedagogy” is often related to progressivism, modernism, utilitarianism, and a professional configuration. Reflexive Bildung problematizes the values associated with such a “new pedagogy” and can be described with labels such as post-positivism, reconstructionism and problematizing/critical configurations. Different educational approaches in science education, and corresponding eco-identities, are commented on in relation to transformation of educational practice.  相似文献   

In this article we first describe the past and current status of educational technology at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) (http://www.njit.edu). We then discuss the main points of deliberation for students, faculty and administrators involving learning via the World Wide Web and other information technologies, such as the Virtual Classroom TM (http://www.vc.njit.edu). Implementation and expansion of Web-based instructional activities at NJIT is occurring in all colleges of the university. In the Computer and Information Science (CIS) and Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS) departments, there is an ongoing and concerted effort to find practical applications of technology that meet educational ends. Such productive mergers highlight the complex issues that exist among instructional staff, administrative concerns and distance learning technologies. We conclude with a suggestion as to how such activity, in concert with a more developed communications tec hnology infrastructure, can serve to enhance the educational experience and outcomes of NJIT students.  相似文献   

This article explores the potential contribution of modern genetic methods and findings to education. It is familiar to hear that the “gene” for this or that behavior has been discovered, or that certain skills are “highly heritable.” Can this help educators? To explore this question, we describe the methods used to relate genetic variation to individual differences in high‐level behaviors such as academic skills and educational achievement. These methods include twin studies and genome‐wide association studies. We address the key question of what genetic data imply about the ability of educators to optimize educational outcomes for children across the range of abilities.  相似文献   

This article proposes a concrete educational programme ‐ based on the reappropriation of the German humanistic conception of the modern university ‐ for a reunification of the “two cultures”, humanistic and scientific, within the framework of the postmodern university. The first step will be to clarify the demise of the cultural and educational role of postmodern universities (first section); secondly, to present the humanistic conception of the university, implemented at the University of Berlin established by von Humboldt at the beginning of the nineteenth century, as both a desirable and possible conceptual foundation for the revitalization of the cultural role of the university (second section); thirdly, to delineate a concrete educational programme based on a reappropriation of the humanistic conception (third section); and finally, in a short section (the fourth), to describe two specific characteristics of the suggested programme.  相似文献   

始于2015年的中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛已经成为高校学科竞赛的主流赛事,参赛高校、提交作品与参赛学生人数均呈现显著增长趋势。中国“互联网+”大学生创新创业大赛主题在传统产业基础上吸纳了信息技术、社会服务和文化创意等新兴产业,基本实现了“互联网+”领域的全覆盖,参赛对象从创意组和实践组拓展到成长组与师生同创组;以“双一流”高校为代表的本科院校是入围总决赛参赛队伍的主力军,“互联网+”制造业已经成为大赛获奖集中领域;大赛金奖获奖区域特征和高校分布不平衡,省际获奖项目数量差距显著,集中于高水平大学。基于此,围绕强化国家创新创业政策支持、巩固校内创新创业教育平台、建立校外校内导师联合指导机制,展望大赛未来发展趋势。  相似文献   


This article describes the three-year evolution of a team-taught teacher education class entitled the “Social Contexts of Education” in the setting of an urban high school. The course developed a number of innovative practices, including collaborative instruction by K-12 and university faculty and the development of a parent engagement strategy that increased parent participation by 59% in the school's Fall Parent Night in the second year of the collaborative. The authors describe the rewards and challenges of such site-based activities, and indicate that while school and university partnerships are highly valued in many contemporary policy initiatives, student teachers may resist such partnerships, particularly when they are based in urban school sites with which they may have had little prior experience.  相似文献   

This article considers the role played by policy makers, government organisations, and research institutes (sometimes labelled “think tanks”) in the analysis, use and reporting of PISA data for the purposes of policy advice and advocacy. It draws on the ideas of Rizvi and Lingard (Globalizing Education Policy, 2010), Bogdandy and Goldmann (Governance by Indicators/ Global Power through Quantification and Rankings, 2012) and others to explore the ways in which such “agents of change” can interpret, manipulate and disseminate the results of data arising from large scale assessment survey programs such as PISA to influence and determine political and/or educational research agendas. This article illustrates this issue by highlighting the uncertainty surrounding the PISA data that have been used by a number of prominent, high profile agents of change to defend policy directions and advice. The final section of this paper highlights the need for policy makers and their advisors to become better informed of the technical limitations of using international achievement data if such data are to be used to inform policy development and educational reforms.  相似文献   

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