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This paper analyzes the impact of academic inbreeding in relation to academic research, and proposes a new conceptual framework for its analysis. We find that mobility (or lack of) at the early research career stage is decisive in influencing academic behaviors and scientific productivity. Less mobile academics have more inward oriented information exchange dynamics and lower scientific productivity. The analysis also indicates that the information exchange and scientific productivity of academics that changed institutions only once do not differ substantially from that of “mobile inbred academics”. This emphasizes the need for mobility throughout scientific and academic careers and calls for policies to curtail academic inbreeding.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the impact of intra-sectoral mobility of academics on research productivity and R&D information exchange dynamics in Japan. The analysis shows intra-sectoral mobility impacting positively both research productivity and information exchange dynamics, but that this effect—except for information exchange with peers based abroad—has a threshold. This result highlights the importance of academic job mobility but also alerts for cases of “overloads of mobility,” leading us to argue for some degree of stability in academic careers, supported by policies fostering temporary international mobility spells. We also find that the role of foreign academics in the Japanese higher education is one of national and international gatekeepers being this role shaped by where the doctorate was obtained (Japan vs abroad). Japanese academics that have performed the doctorate abroad are also key international gatekeepers.  相似文献   

The continued gender imbalance in senior positions in higher education is a problem that persists despite decades of feminist research and publications in the area, as well as interventions in many countries to promote the advancement of women. In this article we view the issue of gender inequality through the lens of the prestige economy, which suggests that academics are motivated by prestige factors accrued through advancement in their careers. Prestige, authority and status, we suggest, may be more easily acquired by male academics. We draw on a case study of one institution in the Republic of Ireland, including data from a survey on academic careers (n = 269), to explore how the concept of prestige is gendered. We explore the cumulative effect of four themes: homosociability; non-transparency of criteria; academic workload balance; and self-promotion.  相似文献   

As a full-time foreign faculty member in the Chinese Normal university system for the past five years, I analyze the contested terrain of being a critical, Freirean educator/researcher as an insider and outsider of Chinese and Western academic systems and societies overall. This autobiographical analysis is within the contexts of China’s academic focus on raising their global higher education rankings, along with self-reflectivity of my own multiple, often-conflicting identities and Western-centric Orientalism, theorized by Edward Said, in my legitimization of academic work. The following themes are analyzed through critical and Freirean frameworks: pursuit for top rankings coinciding and conflicting with scholarship breadth and depth, academic freedom, and politics of education; constructs of “harmony” that grounds teaching and research; and select pedagogical commonalities and differences between the East, the Global South, and the West. The article delves into preconceptions, including my own, on what is “worthy” academics from China, “the East”, “the West”, and the “Global South” with self-reflectivity of problematizing such terminology that covers such immense diversity in all aspects of contexts, including education which underscores the very problems with rankings, especially global rankings which are often Western-centric. All themes will be analyzed within my own, conflicting insider-ness and outsider-ness.  相似文献   

This article begins by recognizing that Finnish women, like those in the other Nordic countries, were admitted to universities relatively early. Although they now constitute some 52 percent of enrolled students in Finnish higher education and 47 percent of the labour force, they have lagged behind men in terms of obtaining academic employment and even more so with regard to being appointed to leadership positions in universities and in other academic organizations. A combination of factors accounts for this situation: the tendency to channel aspiring women academics into non‐scientific fields, the failure of women academics to be included in the informal professional networks, the deprecating attitudes of male academics towards the research results of women, and in general, a societal power structure which favours men. Finally, an economic climate which is leading to cutbacks in higher education budgets is creating a situation which makes catching up by women academics next to impossible. Only major structural changes in Finnish society will lead to further progress for Finnish women in academic careers.  相似文献   

A reconceptualization of the role of “academic scholar” is put forward in an effort to define a more balanced and comprehensive perspective for recognizing and rewarding the multiple roles currently undertaken by academics in the late Twentieth Century. The scientific paradigm has dominated universities for decades. However, the pendulum is beginning to swing, albeit slowly, to a more balanced view that recognizes that scientific research is but one aspect of many tasks undertaken by academics. This article proposes a new conception of the interrelatedness of academic endeavours and suggests a “re‐placing” of scholarship on the higher education agenda.  相似文献   


This paper reviews recent culture-change in British higher education (HE) and an increasing emphasis on academics evidencing, in meaningful and measurable ways, the value and contribution of their work to national societies. Discussion focuses on what is purported to be a shift from a focus on academics rationalizing the benefits of their work in terms of public engagement to a more contentious signifier of research worth, “impact”. The primary argument herein is that an impact agenda, framed in terms of assessment and by the upcoming Research Excellence Framework 2014, has not eclipsed an engagement initiative for HE in the UK but actually provided greater credence and tacit momentum. Where public engagement “pre-impact” was viewed by sections of the academic community as frivolous, faddish and tokenistic, it is now elevated as an integral component of impact-capture work and in plotting the pathways between research producer and research intermediary/end-user/collaborator. Where “impact” is a statement of the value of academic work, engagement is the method of its articulation and the means by which impacts are mobilized.


Academic work in Sweden's higher education system is changing character. Distinctly different career pathways are emerging, as facilities for developing research careers and capital have become both more restricted and more dependent on external funding. These developments are in focus in the present article. Based on ethnographic research and a series of semi-structured interviews with new academics and senior academic mentors in education faculties, the research suggests that several factors intercede in how careers are developed and experienced. The unacknowledged exploitation of female academic labour is perhaps amongst the more significant of these.  相似文献   

In this paper we review the current debate regarding the work of academic developers in higher education and their rightful “place” in higher education, particularly with regard to notions of the discipline, research and scholarship of teaching. We describe and compare the work of discipline academics and academic developers and argue that the two are more similar to each other than different. We acknowledge the challenges and tensions that exist in the overlap between the domains of expertise of discipline academics and academic developers, and attempt to articulate sources of these tensions in a conceptual model. Ultimately we defend two propositions: (1) that academic developers are, by the nature of their work, academics, and (2) that the discipline that academic development is a part of, namely the discipline of higher education, is a legitimate academic discipline in its own right. The consequences of these two propositions are explored.  相似文献   


There have been widespread changes to working arrangements and employment relationships, including significant decreases in continuing/full-time employment contracts. This trend is particularly notable in academia, with more universities relying on the expertise of sessional, teaching-focused academics. This qualitative study extends understanding of this important group of professionals, identifying sessional work as a ‘double-edged sword’ and suggesting a typology of sessional academic careers to be tested in future research. It reports on the diversity among sessional academics, some enjoying the autonomy and flexibility of this working arrangement, others seeking more job security and greater alignment with continuing employment. It also identifies synergies and contradictions between sessional academic careers and key themes in the contemporary careers literature.  相似文献   


The Median Test was employed to test null hypotheses relevant to the perception of the college experience and variables related to academic motivation. Statistically significant differences were found for academic motivation variables, i.e., direction of aspirations, influence of precollege peer group, influence of the home, independence In planning, persistence, and self-control in terms of the type of “philosophy” of education endorsed by a random sample of 280 entering freshmen at a private midwestern university. The dominant perceptions, or “philosophies” endorsed were the “academic”, the “vocational”, or the “collegiate”. In general, on those academic motivation variables where statistically significant differences were obtained, the “collegiate” were lower while the “academics” were higher. The “vocational” tended not to depart from the grand population median value. Implications for student personnel workers in higher education are indicated and suggestions for further study are made.  相似文献   

Women in higher education appear to lag behind their male colleagues in many respects. Research has shown that women are less likely than men to have full-time positions, tenure, or senior status. In research -- crucial to an academic career -- they tend neither to lead research teams, nor to apply for, nor to hold large research grants. Female academics are often seen as less productive, especially when it comes to publication rates. Women just beginning or resuming their careers appear particularly vulnerable. This paper draws on data from a study of PhD graduates in Australian universities in order to investigate the research experiences of women and men at an early stage of their careers. The findings presented in the paper suggest that some of the traditional disadvantages seen as affecting university women are now diminishing. The paper goes on to argue, on the basis of the data, that some documented phenomena such as women's lower publication output and their non-participation in collaborative networks are due to factors not always highlighted in the literature -- factors, for example, such as women's choice of discipline area. While the paper rejects the proposition that an explicitly 'gendered agenda' exists in academia, it notes that newly-graduated female PhDs in Australia are still more likely than their male colleagues to report dissatisfaction on a number of levels. The paper concludes with a call for further research on the more affective aspects of academic women's research experiences.  相似文献   

In 1981, the career structure in Dutch higher education was modified in such a way that performance criteria, particularly possession of a doctorate and research and publication activity, were required for promotion. In particular, the hierarchy of university posts below that of full professor was modified in such a way that persons holding so‐called WHM(senior scientific staff level) positions were required to reapply for the new UHD(associate professor) positions on a competitive basis which stressed the publication record of candidates. Using a sampling of academic women drawn from the natural sciences, the authors offer an explanation as to why women academics did less well than men in the competitions for these new posts. Although the process did not discriminate against women as such, it did not favour academics on the periphery of the profession, where many women at the time found themselves. The situation identified was the result of social factors more than of institutional discrimination. Presently, younger women ‐graduate students ‐ are rapidly moving from the periphery of the profession to the centre. Active involvement in professional networks will aid academic women in their careers; however, over‐involvement in family matters (the care network) may be harmful to the career progress of academic women.  相似文献   


Currently, Russian academics are facing significant demands because of a new, urgent requirement to pursue their research in accordance with international standards. Until recently, these academics were used to working within a familiar community and communicating their research via the Russian language, but now, they are expected to move beyond that and function on a global level, which can challenge their academic identities. A qualitative study was carried out in a research-intensive Russian university. The aim was to explore academics’ experiences and perceptions of the dynamic changes in their academic work with a particular focus on the limitations and pressures they meet in their career path towards global research. The data were collected by means of reflective journals during a course on English for academic purposes. Thematic analysis was employed for data analysis. The results showed that global trends turned out to be unachievable for Russian academics due to the lack of specific knowledge, attributes and skills required to do research globally. This might be the first study from Russia contributing to the literature on academic identity construction. The article provides insights into the experiences and perceptions of Russian academics and offers a research agenda for further investigation to bridge identity shifts in academia. In terms of practical purposes, the results will be used as a source of preliminary data within a broader research project aimed at supporting Russian academics in their research in an international English-speaking academic context.  相似文献   

This study was conducted at a small ‘research-led’ institution in South Africa. The data indicate that women produce less research than men and have low levels of professional self-esteem. Factors such as accrual of social capital, family responsibilities and self-esteem are constraints experienced by women academics in pursuing research careers. Mentoring was found to facilitate research career development and improve levels of self-esteem. Improved self-esteem enables women to promote themselves within their institutions and in the research arena. The role of the head of department with mentoring as a key function emerged as an influential structure for the career advancement of women academics. However, these leadership positions are significantly dominated by men and this appears to affect the amount and nature of mentoring women academics receive.  相似文献   

Academic employment decisions and gender   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study explored gender differences in the reasons why academics accept or reject offers of faculty positions. Using both open-ended questions and rating scales, 115 academics in the early stages of their careers who had accepted or declined/resigned university positions between 1986 and 1989 were interviewed. Contrary to suggestions in the literature, few significant gender differences emerged. In particular, family needs were a major consideration for both men and women. Responses revealed that both female and male academics who accepted positions generally were influenced most strongly by the academic reputation of the department and university, the compatibility of the appointment with the needs of family members, including dual-career relationships, and the attractiveness of the job offer, especially the length and type of contract. Male rejecters showed a similar pattern while female rejecters focused primarily on family needs and the job offer. Opportunities for personal development, support for research, the job market, teaching assignments, and geographical location were generally less influential for all respondents. Salary and discrimination were cited least frequently as factors underlying employment decisions. The results imply that academic recruiting for both female and male faculty members can be best enhanced by emphasizing the quality of academic life in the department and university, accommodating the needs of family members, and offering greater job security in the form of longer, tenure-track appointments.  相似文献   

This study explores the narratives behind how academics in formal leadership positions perceive their roles as leaders and their leadership development. Fifteen leaders in their varying capacities as managers of research in their universities participated to illustrate the complexities and challenges associated with their roles. Using narrative and discourse analysis, multiple lenses (“what”, “how” and “why”) were used to analyse the participants' narratives. This study then explores the impact of the leaders' perceptions on their teaching, research and graduate supervision roles. Results indicate that research managers' narratives replicate those of the storied lives of leaders with constructed images. The study concludes with some implications for policy and practice as well as suggesting the use of multiple-lens analysis as a tool for narrative inquiry.  相似文献   

In the conventional liberal view, the university is a battleground between two mutually exclusive qualities: government intervention; and academic freedom and institutional autonomy. While tensions between government and the academic domain are inherent in the modern university, the conventional view is seriously misleading. Far from being naturally “outside” government, the modern university is a product of government and serves the purposes of government, though it also has other constituencies and purposes. Conventional academic freedom is a state of regulated autonomy in which the freedom of academics in teaching and research is necessary to the discharge of their normal functions, but these functions are exercised within boundaries controlled by government and management. The installation of systems of market competition in higher education extends the terrain of this regulated autonomy, while also highlighting the problem of standardisation in the global environment. It is possible to achieve more independent forms of academic freedom though these are difficult to sustain in the present environment. Independence tends to be enhanced by solidaristic (non‐competitive) relations inside the university, and by the practice of vigorous social criticism.  相似文献   

新文科建设要求大学的发展转换视角,不能仅关注论文、项目、科研经费等“智商型GDP数值”,更须夯实与唤醒诸如大学精神特质凝练、软实力提升、内涵建设等“情商型指标构成”。在新文科建设视野下,大学应是基于“学府、学人、学业、学术、学统”有机组成的“智商-情商双馨”共同体。“大学的情商”可彰显“五新”:凝练大学精神,建构“特质学府”,呈现传统经典文化现代传承的“新格局”;引育“卓越学人”,优化人力资源“分类分层发展”的“新功能”;提供“优质学业”,推进人才培养的“新模式”;营造浓厚“学术氛围”,形成科研评价的“新路径”;锻造“深层学统”,强化回应国家战略与地方发展需求的“新范式”,在“开新局觅新机”中,积极回应时代大变局下的新文科建设时势诉求。  相似文献   

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