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博弈论又称对策论。随着时代的发展,博弈论理论已经对经济学产生重大的影响。按照博弈的决策和信息综合起来进行划分的,几种常见的博弈均衡理论都具有自身独特的应用空间。博弈论在未来的发展中,不仅将更加注重理论和实际的融合,而且合作博弈和非合作博弈的研究可能会带来博弈理论以及经济学理论的重大革命。  相似文献   

情境认知理论和体验式学习理论强调知识在实际情境中的迁移,重视学习者在学习中的情境体验和经验对学习的重要作用。基于这一理论,可以建立面向情境体验的在线学习课程框架。该框架采用“主题一专题一体验圈”的组织形式,强调导学情境、交流研讨、多媒体呈现、拟真任务设计、反思与总结等策略。将这一设计框架应用到《多元智能教学应用》在线学习课程实例的设计与开发中,可以得出两点主要结论:一是在情境体验学习理论的指导下,学习者的整体学业成绩高于平均水平;二是学习者对该在线课程的总体框架和学习体验的满意度均较高。  相似文献   

A concurrent triangulation mixed-method research design was used to investigate 19 casual gamers’ or non-gamers’ use of a popular massive multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), Everquest 2, as an alternative pedagogical tool to support communicative use of the English language. This study poses that MMORPGs could serve as a virtually rich context for social interactions to aid development of communicative competence. Data were collected from semi-structured interviews, surveys, and through gameplay observations in Taiwan and the United States. Analysis of interview recordings, survey data, and observational data focuses on how player-generated perceptions align with Yee's (2006) motivation components and Ryan and Deci's (2000) theoretical assumptions of self-determination theory. Results from quantitative data analysis showed that both male and female participants in this study prioritized the importance of relatedness in playing Everquest 2 to practice using English for communicative purposes. Qualitative data analysis likewise revealed the importance of communication during gameplay. Integrated findings showed that player perceptions could be helpful in illuminating the potential of utilizing MMORPGs for game-assisted language learning and also inform different motivations in gaming to learn.  相似文献   

ARTEMIS (Art Educational Multiplayer Interactive Space) is an online multi‐user virtual environment that is designed around the objects, artefacts, philosophies, personalities and critical discourses of the histories and theories of art and design. Conceived as a means of reinvigorating art history and theory education in the digital age, ARTEMIS addresses the specific teaching and learning needs of a new generation of art and design students in higher education. This article is a case study that addresses the second phase of the testing and design development of ARTEMIS. It builds on the findings of the initial phase, which involved the development of the ‘proof of concept’ for an online virtual world and game designed for undergraduate students in the Faculty of Art and Design at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Drawing on a test trial and student response survey, this article assesses whether virtual environments like ARTEMIS can generate new life in art and design history, augment the teaching and learning mix in art and design higher education, and foster new modes of active engagement amongst students.  相似文献   

We demonstrate how developmental theories may be instantiated as statistical models, using hierarchical continuous-time dynamic systems. This approach offers a flexible specification and an often more direct link between theory and model parameters than common modeling frameworks. We address developmental theories of the relation between the academic competencies of mathematics and language, using data from the online learning system Mindsteps . We use ability estimates from 160,164 observation occasions, across N = 4623 3rd to 9th grade students and five ability domains. Model development is step-by-step from simple to complex, with ramifications for theory and modeling discussed at each step.  相似文献   

青少年偶像崇拜之心理机制探究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
岳晓东  严飞 《中国德育》2006,1(12):11-16
青少年偶像崇拜是偶像崇拜的一种特殊表现形式,是青少年在个体成长过程中的一个阶段性行为,也是青少年走向成年的一种过渡性行为,本质上反映了青少年自我确认中对理想人物的社会认同和情感依恋。运用精神分析理论、行为主义理论和认知发展理论等三大心理学流派的相关理论,可以比较系统地探究青少年偶像崇拜背后的心理形成机制,梳理青少年偶像崇拜心理成因的脉络。  相似文献   

基于VR的分布式教学模式是针对传统教学体验不佳、效率低下,尤其是此次疫情期间大规模在线学习暴露出的主要问题,而进行的一种教学改革的理论尝试。文章以开发研究为基本方法,秉持知识建构主义以及学习发生的社会文化属性,在具身认知理论与文化历史活动理论支撑下依托“VR+5G”技术优势,架构融合虚实相生情境性、多元一体分布性、人际交互实时性与教学方式多态性为一体的分布式教学模式。这种新型教学模式更加关注学生在VR课堂教学空间中的具身体验、情感交流和师生互动,将散落于不同节点的学生串联起来组成一个自组织的、开放的分布式系统,VR教学空间中的师生主体以规则为中介结成发展共同体,通过明确的任务分工方式对教学内容客体进行意义建构,为实现特定教学目标协同合作。基于VR的分布式教学模式的实现策略需要从理念转型、标准研发、资源建设、教师角色转换、网络教研以及家校共育等方面入手进行统整规划。  相似文献   

How can we accelerate innovation and ensure effective dissemination of knowledge about online learning resources? This paper advocates strategies that systematically link online professional development with the research, development and diffusion cycle. The systemic approach we describe can accelerate knowledge advancement and help manage change by improving communication among teachers, trainers, developers and researchers. The examples that are provided are set within two funded projects in the United States that led to the development of two distinct but related strategies—the Online Site Evaluation Form for educators (a web‐based review form used in workshops) and a six‐week online course on technology‐supported assessments. Both strategies make it easier to give feedback to developers and offer incentives to do so in ways that help teachers to learn about online resources individually and with colleagues. The examples are discussed with analysis of their strengths and weaknesses in supporting different modes of interaction. We highlight implications for instructional development, professional development, research and knowledge management in online communities.  相似文献   

游戏是儿童最基本的活动形式,是儿童的存在方式。通过对儿童游戏的心理学相关理论的简要阐述,可以阐明游戏对儿童身心发展的重要影响,从而揭示儿童游戏活动应注意的问题,并进行心理学解析。  相似文献   

游戏与教育如何融合一直是教育游戏研究的重要命题。教育游戏研究不仅应该根据教育理论,而且需要参考游戏理论。传统游戏理论过于强调游戏者的主体性,具有哲学上的主客二分的问题。而伽达默尔游戏理论突破了近代认识论模式的束缚,侧重于游戏与游戏者的统一,对教育游戏研究具有重要启示。根据伽达默尔的游戏理论,教育游戏的真实主体是游戏自身,存在方式为自我表现,意义产生需要观者在场参与。因此,教育游戏应该将娱乐性与严肃性紧密结合,引导学习者融入游戏;使游戏规则与自由保持张力,优化学习者的游戏过程;注重观看与参与相互渗透,促使学习者获得意义。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的发展,教师网络研修由于其时空分离、开放灵活的特征,受到各国教育行政部门和一线教师的青睐。然而目前的教师网络研修存在研修方式单一、参与者少、交流内容浮于表面、持续性差等问题。基于活动理论和现代远程教育理论构建的教师网络实践共同体研修活动设计模型,纵向结构上以规范、统一的教师基本网络研修活动为基本构件,通过活动调用接口,形成多层次的教师网络研修活动流;横向结构上按对活动任务起直接或间接作用的因素进行区分,以完成活动设计过程中的主次问题,最终解决教师网络研修活动设计复杂、重用与共享难、实践性弱等问题。  相似文献   

Summary The changing and diverse environment in which distance education is practiced has inhibited the development of a single theory upon which to base practice and research. A variety of theories have been proposed to describe classical distance education. They include theories that emphasize independence and autonomy of the learner, industrialization of teaching, and interaction and communication. These traditional theories emphasize that distance education is a fundamentally different form of education.  相似文献   

有效的网上课程设计是网上教学成功的关键因素之一.本文旨在分析和探讨网上课程设计的理论基础.文章分为三部分,第一部分介绍目前网上课程设计使用的理论基础的片面性,说明建立整合式网上课程设计的需要.第二部分阐述了整合式网上课程设计的埋论基础,包括一般的教学理论和学习理论、成人教学理论和成人学习理论、远程教学理论以及技术使用原理,并分析了这些理论存网上课程设计中的应用.第三部分提出了整合式网上课设计理论基础的假设模式,并强调存各种理论和原理的使用中,不只是考虑引进的西方的理论和原理,同时要发扬光人中国传统和中国现代教学理论和原理,使我国的网上课程设计能适合我国的成人学习者.  相似文献   

用韧性理论的思路探讨青少年问题行为是近20年来心理学发展的重要成就之一。传统的思路主要强调寻找引发问题行为的因素,并力图通过消除这些因素来减少青少年的问题行为,而韧性理论则强调危险因素和促进性因素二者的均衡。在系统介绍韧性理论的概念、历史和三大模型——补偿性模型、保护性模型和挑战模型的基础上,探讨韧性理论在青少年问题行为研究中的应用,不仅总结了与补偿性和保护性模型相关的重要研究成果,还指出了该理论在中国的应用前景以及存在的不足和未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

教育游戏中的暗示教学理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,电脑游戏,特别是网络游戏在全世界越来越流行,教育也受到电脑游戏的剧烈冲击,教育专家和游戏厂商开始寻找教育和游戏的结合点,教育游戏这一名词逐渐产生并明朗化。既然教育游戏是为教育和教学服务的,那么教育游戏就应该有其依托的教育理论。本文阐述了教育游戏中的暗示教学理论。  相似文献   

Understanding the interactions between people, computer-mediated communication, and online life requires that researchers appropriate a set of methodological tools that would be best suited for capturing and analyzing the phenomenon. However, these tools are not limited to relevant technological forms of data collections and analysis programs; it also includes relevant theoretical frameworks for researchers to use when studying these interactions. In this article, the author proposes activity theory as an underused, but powerful, conceptual tool for qualitative researchers to use when studying digital life. The author first provides a synopsis of activity theory, explains why it fits well with both digital studies and qualitative research, and applies activity theory to understanding an online community. This article is meant to be a starting point for qualitative researchers interested in finding a new conceptual framework to holistically study the nexus of people, technology, and community online.  相似文献   

运用文献资料等方法,分析了学校、家庭和社区体育教育一体化发展的理论依据主要是体育社会化理论、"大教育观"理论、科学发展观理论,探讨了体育教育一体化发展的内涵,认为其现实意义是:能形成有序、互补、互助、高效的青少年体育教育体系;增进学校、家庭、社区体育互动发展,推进全民健身运动深入开展;形成立体化的教育模式,加强青少年体育技能的学习;能丰富青少年体育活动的内容与方式,培育青少年终身体育的意识观念,进而提出了体育教育一体化发展的对策.  相似文献   

This article presents a role-play game for software project management (SPM) in a three-dimensional online multiuser virtual world. The Opensimulator platform is used for the creation of an immersive virtual environment that facilitates students' collaboration and realistic interaction, in order to manage unexpected events occurring during the development of a software project. Through the simulation of a real-life company, the game aims to enhance experiential learning of human-related issues, such as project team members’ communication and collaboration, which are not easy to be taught through ordinary teaching methods. Roles are assigned to the participating students, who have to overcome problems initiated by non-player-units (software controlled units) while collaborating with other students and the instructor. The instructor, holding a key role in the game, is able to observe the players, intervene and dynamically alter specific game scenario parameters adapting to player encounter difficulties. The environment is combining the experience of a typical game (based on an event-driven SPM scenario and interaction with non-player-units), with the experience of a virtual world (interacting with other players) and has been positively evaluated by the participants regarding the overall game experience and the learning effect.  相似文献   


We thought that the close integration of theory and practice offered by constructivism promises unique opportunities to maximize learning in online courses using interactive software as the primary medium of communication. The purpose of this paper, therefore, is to examine the ‘goodness of fit’ between principles drawn from constructivist theories and the design and implementation of the interactive online course.  相似文献   

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