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孩子是家庭的希望、学校的人才、祖国的栋梁.家长是孩子的第一位启蒙老师,孩子未成年期的监护人、教育孩子的第一责任人,更是孩子的终身教育老师.提高家长科学育儿水平,也就教育好了孩子,也就推动了家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育三位一体的共同发展.  相似文献   

The article describes the learning practices created by 12 vocational teachers from five programmes by the tasks they give their students to work with. 'Classroom tasks' were observed and analysed according to their content, their forms, and the tools used. Further, the texts used for/written in connection with the tasks were classified. Three types of tasks were identified: school tasks, simulation tasks and vocational tasks. Many tasks in all three categories required the students to read quite a lot. The texts the students were to read were of two kinds: school texts and vocational texts (manuals, handbooks etc.). Most of the texts were vocational and were part of the tools the students were supposed to use in their daily work. This indicates that vocational education is often assumed to be 'practical'--as opposed to 'theoretical' programmes that prepare for further studies--also increasingly rely on texts. The texts you read and how you read them are, however, specific for each vocational area. The different learning practices, represented by the tasks in this study, can be described as bridging from one social practice, that of the school, to another--that of the vocation.  相似文献   


Distance education is changing the landscape of higher education and many faculty are now developing Web-based courses. This paper describes the lessons learned by the authors' experiences and research and offers a specific set of pedagogical and assessment strategies that they have found to be successful in online settings. The authors have found that classes delivered on the Web provide a viable option for professional development of K-12 teachers, and that the learning that occurs is of equal quality to those university courses taught on campus. Web-based courses offer students an opportunity to take courses anytime, anyplace.  相似文献   

通识教育是从注重人文教育、专业教育到注重综合素质教育的必然结果,是对高等学校提出的更高要求。我国推行通识教育只有近20年的历史,在实践过程中还存在很多问题。通过揭示通识教育的本质、探讨通识教育的内容和完善通识教育的课程建设来提高其效率和质量,是实施通识教育的重要环节。实践证明,通识教育的课程建设是基础,培育高素质的教师队伍是关键,领导的重视是实施通识教育的保障。  相似文献   

樊凡 《高教论坛》2007,(6):115-117
随着我国对外开放不断深入和国际交流日益增长的需要,教育改革中的双语教学模式越来越被各级各类学校重视。目前,教育理论界和一线教育工作者对双语教学的理论、模式和手段已多有讨论,百花齐放。本文结合笔者从事国际经济与贸易专业本科阶段高年级的《电子商务》和《物流管理》双语教学工作三年来的体会,从高等教育角度对如何开展课堂外的双语教学进行分析。  相似文献   

示范性软件学院经过十年的探索与实践,采用国际先进的CDIO工程教育理念,走出了产学研结合的新路子,建立了面向产业的课程体系和评价标准,聘请优秀的企业专家全程参与人才培养,实施“做中学”的教育教学新模式,架起了一道教育和产业之间的桥梁;借助于开放管理的办学平台,充分吸纳和利用社会乃至全球优秀的智力资源,为社会培养了大批高...  相似文献   

随着教育理念的升级,惩罚教育愈来愈被鼓励教育、赏识教育替代,渐渐淡出了教育市场.这应该是可喜的进步,但是我们做事经常表现出非此即彼、非左即右的两极化倾向.几年来,教育领域由于几乎放弃了惩罚教育,谈"罚"色变、战战兢兢,于是种种问题层出不穷,导致教育出现各种尴尬局面,于是提醒我们要重新认识惩罚教育、审视惩罚教育的价值.把...  相似文献   

陶行知曾说过, "中国乡村教育走错了路,他教人离开乡下向城里跑,他教人羡慕奢华,看不起务农,他教农夫子弟变成书呆子",而后有晓庄响彻中华;今天.我们强烈呼唤着他的思想归来,那是因为我们内心对乡村教育的极度焦虑,焦虑地思考着乡村教育培养的人与未来.  相似文献   


If teaching physical education is a moral activity, it follows that there is a moral component to the preparation of teachers of physical education and thus a moral component to the preparation of teacher educators. In this article, I examine the major policies, agendas, and practices that influence doctoral preparation in physical education teacher education. I argue from both a utilitarian and realist perspective that we can best serve children and youth in schools by being knowledgeable of the contexts and effects of these policies, agendas, and practices in educating future professors of physical education teacher education.  相似文献   

本文对澳大利亚语言教育政策的历史沿革加以研究,考察在当代全球化背景下双语教育在澳大利亚中小学教育体系中的实践,进而对其特点和面临的困难进行分析。  相似文献   

This study reports the results of a survey of special education teachers regarding: (a) how special education teachers organize and develop their lesson plans, (b) which lesson plan components special education teachers include in their lesson planning activities and how each component is planned, and (c) what lesson plan components special education teachers recommend that beginning teachers include in written lesson plans. As indicated by the results, the majority of the special education teachers who participated in this study did not write out lesson plans for each lesson they taught. They indicated that, even though most of the planning prior to instruction was unwritten, it was often "consciously" planned, or planning was unnecessary because the component was performed by habit or instinct. A substan- tial majority indicated that they did not use any expert's lesson planning format, such as Hunter's (1984) or a format suggested in preservice teacher training. None of the 14 components regularly included in preservice lesson plans and instructional design models were written out by a majority of the teachers; only 3 of the 14components were written out by over one third of the respondents. Conversely, this study demonstrated that, although these teachers did not write out detailed lesson plans, they strongly recommended that beginning teachers do so. All 14 components were recommended by at least one third of the respondents, with 8 recommended by a majority. Limitations, questions for future investigation, and implications for teacher preparation are discussed.  相似文献   

Evaluation procedures and the emphasis on evaluation in teacher education courses in Israel were studied through questionnaires administered to teacher educators, student teachers and practicing teachers. The results show that the emphasis on evaluation is marginal and that evaluation procedures in teacher education have significant effects on practicing teachers.  相似文献   

This paper reports part of a larger study which was designed to investigate current practices in initial teacher education programs in Australia. The main data collection was by telephone interviews, which were carried out with science education specialists and program coordinators at all institutions which offer primary teacher education or secondary science teacher education. The interviews focused on practices in relation to program structures, science content studies, science methods studies and links to science-related school projects or to science business/industry. A large number of innovative practices were described. In addition, several case studies were carried out, which focused on particular innovations. The study identified several aspects of science teacher education which were of concern.  相似文献   

美国高等教育鉴定:实践与面临的挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国高等教育鉴定制度是影响美国高等教育发展的一个重要因素,也是美国高等教育管理的重要方式之一。近30年来,随着高等教育的发展和变革,鉴定也遇到了诸多压力和挑战。面对挑战,在保持鉴定制度的核心价值的同时,鉴定机构做出了积极回应。  相似文献   

我国高等教育学费政策的理念和现实   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
我国高等教育学费的核心问题是当前的学费水平是否过高,而学费水平高低与所依据的比较标准有很大关联。一般的方法是把学费与生均教育成本相比较,在比较时又存在着理念和现实两个层次。从现实角度来看,我国的学费偏高,但是,这种现象背后也存在着多种解释的可能性。今后我国学费政策的可能趋势是控制学费上涨的幅度,同时政府拨出专款加强和完善助学制度。  相似文献   

双语教学是我国研究生教育与国际接轨和素质教育的必然趋势。因此,高校必须认清当今双语教学存在的问题,用科学的态度和方法寻求解决问题的途径,探索高效优质培养双语人才的教学方法。  相似文献   

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