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The Hong Kong Library Association (HKLA) has been the core organization serving the library and information science (LIS) community in Hong Kong since its establishment 62?years ago. It organizes activities and events continually to enrich professional knowledge of LIS professionals in Hong Kong. It has been observed that the number of student members has risen constantly in recent few years. In view of the pressing demand for better support to student members, the HKLA launched the Mentoring Program in 2013 to enhance informal communication between student members and other members of the Association. The Mentoring Program received an overall positive feedback from the local LIS community and made a positive impact to participants, especially mentees. Apart from the successful experience of this program, there are issues that can be improved in sustaining this program in long term. This paper summarizes the experience of implementing the Mentoring Program in the first two years and identifies the challenges and opportunities ahead. The finding indicates that the Mentoring Program was a well-received professional development program for the student members of the Association. However, this program can be further enhanced in terms of mentor solicitation, mentor-mentee eligibility, mentor-mentee relationship, knowledge-based interaction, and program sustainability. The Program Committee may consider collaborating with other LIS agencies to solicit more potential mentors. In view of the population of the potential mentors, it makes very good sense for the past mentees to serve as peer-to-peer partners for non-degree student members. More incentive should be devised to encourage the mentoring pairs in joining library events in addition to the activities related to the Mentoring Program. To facilitate communication and experience sharing among program participants and HKLA members, it is desirable to set up an online discussion platform to address the increasing demand for more opportunities on this. Lastly, it is vital to improve communication among the Program Committee, HKLA Council members and HKLA members. Besides reviewing the operation and management of the Mentoring Program, the Program Committee should also study the feasibility of sustaining this program in the long run. This paper can be served as an empirical study on the implementation of library and information science mentoring programs in one of the major cities in Asian region. The results of the study can be referenced by the LIS community not only locally but also internationally.  相似文献   

In library and information science (LIS), mentoring is often viewed as a significant influence on student choices and professional career directions. Most mentoring programs are built around the idea of a ‘seasoned’ or experienced professional working with an individual who is new to the profession. There is a common assumption of the mentoring process being a primarily one-way relationship – with the mentor sharing knowledge with a mentee. However, in our recent research, it is clear that mentoring is often seen as a much more reciprocal relationship. What does this mean for how we, as a profession, should try to create mentoring opportunities?  相似文献   

The article presents an overview of recent developments in mentoring in the library and information services (LIS) community in the United Kingdom (UK). The article discusses the concept of mentoring, provides a review of relevant literature and summarises a recent fourteen‐month project (May 1995‐July 1996) investigating mentoring as a staff development tool. The project was funded by the British Library Research and Innovation Centre (BLRIC) and was carried out by the Centre for Information Research and Training (CIRT) in the School of Information Studies at the University of Central England in Birmingham (UCE). Project results relevant to academic libraries are particularly drawn out in this article. The article makes some comparisons between findings in the general literature on mentoring and findings in the recent Birmingham research. It concludes with a discussion of some possible advances in mentoring in the UK LIS community, and a substantial bibliography.  相似文献   

This article argues for the inclusion of mentoring as a form of continuing professional development to be offered by professional associations to their members. It discusses the comparatively recent emergence of formal and facilitated mentoring programmes, which differ from the traditional model. These developments have increased its suitability to being offered as part of structured programmes of continuing professional development. The article also considers that mentoring within a profession has some advantages as a form of continuing professional development that make it particularly suited to meeting the needs of mentors, mentorees and the professional associations that sponsor mentoring programmes.  相似文献   

The rapid development of information technology has partially been reversed, and may become a tool for manipulation, which is incompatible with librarians' social mission. Making information available, connecting databases, and making them accessible result in people becoming more and more exposed. Customisation and effectively filtered information sources create filter bubbles. Although new systems of collaboration would be suitable for sharing reliable knowledge, they often lead to the spread of fake news. Despite worrying trends, we seek an encouraging future. Therefore, in this paper we analyse the relationship between information technology, market economy, and the librarian profession from the perspective of Hungarian LIS education, and emphasise the importance of active and creative information provision based on interdisciplinarity. Based on our experiences we believe that current and future readers can be reached through intriguing collages of credible information. The use of collages can compensate for the effects of filter bubbles, and librarians may become the masters of creating digital information collages.  相似文献   

Recent studies show a growing sense of frustration for new library and information science (LIS) graduates who struggle to gain employment, as well as for hiring libraries who find the skills of entry-level employee candidates to be lacking. This study endeavors to discover the origins of this troubling juxtaposition by examining the perceptions of recent LIS graduates. The researchers administered a large-scale survey with over 575 respondents, analyzed and coded the data, and compared codes using a Cohen's kappa calculation. The responses indicate that LIS graduates feel that their LIS education would have been more valuable had it given them more opportunities to gain experience, more courses in technology and instruction, more guidance in which courses to take, and more mentoring opportunities with practicing information professionals.  相似文献   

科研合作是促进科学生产的一种重要形式,探讨不同机构之间的科研论文合著情况,可以有效把握机构合作的整体现状与特征,有助于提高机构合作的绩效。本研究基于2010-2015 年Web of Science 数据库图书情报学领域期刊发表的论文,构建我国图书情报学领域Top15 高产研究机构的合作网络,综合运用文献合著率、合作多样性、合作稳定度、合作绩效等度量指标,分析了机构合作的主要特征及指标间的相互影响。研究发现:我国图书情报学领域的论文数量总体上呈现增长趋势但论文影响力相对有限,香港地区的科研机构在国际上学术认可度领先于大陆地区的科研机构;科研机构间的合作对象不断拓宽、合作密度不断加强、合作论文产出不断提升成为我国近年来图书情报学领域发展的显著特征;国际化的合作团队、多元的合作对象和稳定的合作关系可以为科研机构带来更多的科研成果产出,提高其学术影响力。  相似文献   

This article provides the first comparison of citation counts and mentoring impact (MPACT) indicators — indicators that serve to quantify the process of doctoral mentoring. Using a dataset of 120 library and information science (LIS) faculty members in North America, this article examines the correlation between MPACT indicators and citation counts. Results suggest that MPACT indicators measure something distinct from citation counts. The article discusses these distinctions, with emphasis on differences between faculty ranks. It considers possible explanations for weak correlations between citations and mentoring at the full professor rank as well as implications for faculty activity analysis and broader institutional evolution.  相似文献   

港澳台高校图书馆网站用户隐私政策的显示方式和表现形式不尽一致。港澳台高校图书馆网站隐私政策的制定皆有法可依,隐私政策的内容包括个人资料的采集、使用和安全声明,用户和图书馆的权利,以及免责声明。隐私政策在实践中有得有失,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

信息资源共享与粤港台资讯服务合作   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
CLASSNUMBERG250以计算机、数据库和电信技术为核心的电子资讯产业的发展,为图书馆提供资讯服务合作提供了前所未有的可能性和简易性。图书馆资讯服务合作内容,从传统的馆际互借为主转变为网络资讯服务合作和数据交互传输为主的新时代。数字技术使信息资...  相似文献   

[目的/意义]以当前高等教育领域新文科建设背景和要求为问题情境,梳理学科独特性有助于明确交叉融合出发点,有助于在国际舞台构建话语影响力。[方法/过程]结合世界范围内LIS学科发展轨迹,运用历史分析和演绎分析等方法梳理学科发展的逻辑架构,据此反观学科演化和可能的走向。立足当前我国图书馆学学科发展的机遇与挑战,回应新文科建设的关切。[结果/结论]新文科建设背景下,保障信息的有效查询和有效获取是图书馆学学科核心使命;该定位在包容图书馆职业和事业话语的前提下,进一步构筑学科拓展发展空间,构成与其他学科交叉渗透的基石;我国LIS学科在维护学科统一性、合法性和认同感的前提下,在积极培育新生学科和交叉学科的同时,LIS学科的独特性应当得到强化。  相似文献   


This article offers statistical information about the future of our profession and the role that mentoring may play in retaining and promoting academic librarians into leadership positions within an organization. An overview of the history and definition of the word mentor and current terminology is offered to provide the reader with understanding of the complexity surrounding the concept of mentoring. Mentoring as process is explained, and both formal and informal mentoring processes are discussed and examples provided. The benefits of mentoring are detailed and include the benefits for mentors, mentees, and academic libraries, with a special focus on minorities and generational considerations now prevalent in libraries. Qualitative methodologies are examined to determine relationships, and the methods used include interviews, questionnaires, and print and online surveys. Case studies from across the nation are analyzed and offered as evidence that mentoring does in fact work well in many academic libraries, but librarians should be mindful that these mentoring processes must be evaluated periodically to remain viable. A brief discussion and future considerations section offer helpful information on gaps in the literature and the challenges that academic libraries face as they create and implement mentoring processes in their respective academic organizations.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing interest taken in knowledge management (KM) by a wide range of practitioners as well as the library and information science (LIS) community, knowledge management is not systematically applied in libraries. Due to the complexity of knowledge, as well as the multifaceted nature of knowledge management, there is no consensus among LIS professionals regarding its relation to information management. In this context, the current study aims at exploring how library employees perceive knowledge management, as well as which KM tools and techniques are adopted by academic libraries. The results indicate that although practitioners are aware of knowledge management and appreciative of its benefits not only for library performance but also for LIS professionals' future career options, there is a lack of clarity on fundamental KM issues. Finally, academic libraries take steps towards capturing the knowledge of their users and internal explicit knowledge; however, social practices such as communities of practice, which facilitate tacit knowledge and expertise sharing, are not adopted.  相似文献   

Wde assault is an important social problem that needs to be addressed by librarians and library and information science (LIS) re:;earchers concerned with the way in which battered women search for information. This paper reports on two studies in which the social1 service network is viewed as a type of information system and which question the effectiveness of community responses to the information needs of battered women. The results of these studies suggest several ways in which LIS professionals can better assist three client groups: individual battered women, social service providers, and public policy or decision makers.  相似文献   

本文以iSchool运动在全球范围内的迅速扩张为背景,以iSchool运动相关文献为依据,梳理iSchool运动对LIS和iField两个学科的认知,然后从学科历史性、正当性和合法性的角度反思当前认知。反思结果显示,尽管iSchool运动是一场针对原图书馆情报学院的教育改革运动,却伴随着影响更加深远的学科重组。图书馆情报学(Library and Information Science,LIS)作为运动发起者的原生学科,是其首要的重组对象;iField作为其致力打造的新学科,则是其期望的重组结果。在这一重组过程中,LIS被严重曲解,iField被过度期许。本文认为,将iSchool运动建立在上述认知之上,会使LIS学科、LIS教育甚至iSchool学院都面临巨大的自我否定风险,因此建议iSchool学院在区分LIS学科(LIS as a discipline)和LIS社群(LIS as a community)的基础上,重新审视当初的LIS教育危机。图3。参考文献65。  相似文献   

香港高校医学图书馆的信息素养教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于信息量的急剧膨涨和信息类型的多样性,检索、评价和有效利用信息的能力变得日益复杂,也越来越重要,信息素养成为终身学习的重要基础。随着医学教育模式由传统的教授向基于问题的学习(Problem-BasedLearning)模式转变以及循证医学的发展,信息素养教育与医学教育也密不可分。香港大学、香港中文大学和香港浸会大学医学图书馆根据医学教育的需求开展了多层次的信息素养教育,积累了丰富的经验,形成了由浅入深、由普遍到个性化的特色,并且将信息道德教育贯穿始终。  相似文献   

英美图书情报专业教育与毕业生职业选择的关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从英关图书情报类专业毕业生就业状况的分析入手,发现在以传统图书情报机构为主导的前提下,毕业生的职业选择出现了向信息职业其他领域渗透的多元化趋势,同时,探讨了图书情报专业教育与毕业生职业选择的内在对应关系,并从专业定位、课程体系建设、实践实习以及就业服务等不同视角进行了原因分析。  相似文献   

The library profession is a strong and vocal proponent of increased information access for people with disabilities. With the discipline's longstanding interest in the subject of services to people with disabilities, questions arise about how the profession perceives the phenomenon. How is library and information science (LIS), as a discipline, conceptualizing disability and accessibility? A content analysis of the LIS literature was conducted to examine this question. The literature provides a fertile ground for study as it reflects the profession's approaches to, and perceptions of, a topic. This research identifies the major issues and trends in the research about accessibility and disability in the LIS literature throughout a 10-year period, 2000–2010. The strongest theme in the literature is accessibility as it relates to web, database, and software, while the prevailing disability of focus is visual disabilities. The overall environment emphasizes technology more than attitudinal aspects associated with disabilities. The research could benefit from increased direct participation of people with disabilities.  相似文献   

This paper first analyses the communication research environment in Hong Kong in regard to its socio‐political context, the media industry and more direct factors such as research freedom, financial‐institutional support, incentives, size and quality of trained personnel While the overall environment is facilitative, the small size of the research community in Hong Kong is limiting the volume of research output and scope of specialization. In reviewing researches in the last decade, it is found that commercial researches are generally more concerned about opinion distribution and media consumption. Government policy researches‐centre around media evaluations, preferences, programme standards and other regulatory issues. Academics pay most attention to political communication, international communication and, less so, information technology. As to future research, the author argues for more frequent use of longitudinal and comparative methods, the search for an original theoretical contribution to communication, an urban research agenda in development communication, the study of dependent communication development, interaction between mass media and political formation, regional cultural integration, advertising, media management, information technology and policy. The establishment of a communication policy forum is also called for to promote exchanges among academics, policy‐makers, media practitioners and interest groups. The expansion of the research community in Hong Kong hinges on successful faculty recruitment, the establishment of a doctoral communication programme and the relief of some staffs teaching overload.  相似文献   

杨玫 《图书与情报》2012,(4):129-132
文章通过对香港青少年信息素养教育的发展过程进行分析,指出香港青少年信息素养教育在目标制定、效果评估;与教育改革紧密结合;社会各界广泛合作;信息道德及信息安全教育的开展;科学研究深入实践、注重实效等方面都给予了我们不同程度的启示,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

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