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This study explores higher education research in Asia. Drawing on scientometrics, the mapping of science and social network analysis, this paper examines the publications of 38 specialised journals on higher education over the past three decades. The findings indicate a growing number of higher education research publications but the proportion of Asian publications in relation to the total world publications in higher education research remains stationary. The higher education research community in Asia is heavily concentrated in a few countries and universities, resting on a relatively small number of core scholars who publish research in the international specialised higher education journals. In response to increasing challenges in Asian higher education systems, the paper suggests that the higher education research community in Asia needs to be expanded and include more regional and international collaborations  相似文献   

通过搜集中国东、中、西部6所研究型大学1166名教师的网络简历以及他们被SCI/SSCI和CSCD/CSSCI数据库收录的论文产出,对近亲繁殖是否对教师论文产出产生影响进行实证研究。研究发现:留校教师在国内期刊上发表论文方面具有优势,但在国际发表方面弱于外来教师,与同行合作发表情况也比外来教师差;在国内发表数量相当的情况下,外来教师的国际发表及合作发表数都较高。可见近亲繁殖状况会对教师论文产出产生影响。大学可通过构建合理的招聘、评价和学术交流机制来减弱这种影响。  相似文献   

高等教育面临着一系列的新挑战,新的变革对大学教师的传统价值观产生了冲击。如何在各种冲突之中保持大学教师的活力和创造力,是高等教育发展的关键所在。文章旨在通过利用动机理论,对在新的环境中如何对大学教师进行管理提出建设性的思路。  相似文献   

高等教育财政的课题——向保证教育质量的财政转变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日本高等教育财政正面临着新的课题,一方面,是高等教育公共支出紧缩导致的财政紧张及大学入学人口的减少;另一方面,全球化中知识社会的出现赋予高等教育艰巨的任务。本文阐述了高等教育的焦点应从量的扩大转向质的提高的论点。美国的高等教育在20世纪80年代后期进行了这样的转变,但包括日本在内的多数OECD国家,没有能够实现这样的跨越。从金融市场开拓资源或许是实现跨越的关键因素。  相似文献   

Instructional-improvement linkage to development has been a concern at all institutions of higher learning for many years. However, formal research on the effectiveness of programs designed to work with faculty in the improvement process has been scarce. In order to answer the question of why so little research has been done, the characteristics of various programs are described and discussed leading to general recommendations of what are the necessary elements of effective faculty development programs.  相似文献   

试论大学教师文化建设   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
有关大学组织文化的研究是近年来高等教育管理研究的热点问题之一。本文从大学组织文化的内涵开始,阐述了大学教师文化是大学组织文化的重要组成部分,大学教师不仅是大学组织文化建设的主体力量,而且发挥着主导作用。通过对当前大学教师文化的特征及影响因素的分析,提出了建设优秀大学教师文化的基本途径。  相似文献   

All programs in a midwestern university recently embarked on a path to help increase the scholarly productivity of faculty. The effort to develop a research emphasis within the School of Education required determining the needs of tenure-track faculty regarding meeting the new requirements. The purposes of our study were to investigate these needs and identify the individual, environmental, and leadership factors that affect faculty productivity. Findings revealed a need to transform the School’s service and teaching culture to a culture of research and scholarship. Recommendations for helping other schools of education to become more research-oriented are provided. While the study focuses on data from a particular School of Education, the implications may generalize to faculty productivity within other institutions, particularly within professional schools. Susan A. Santo  received a Ph.D. in Instructional Technology from the University of Virginia and is currently an Associate Professor of Adult and Higher Education at the University of South Dakota. Her research interests include faculty productivity in higher education and improving distance learning. Mary E. Engstrom  received an Ed.D. from the University of South Dakota in Curriculum and Instruction. She is currently the Associate Director of Extended Learning Services at the University of Montana. Her research interests include instructional design for online learning and professional development for educators. Linda Reetz  received an Ed.D. from the University of North Dakota in Teacher Education and serves as the Associate Dean of the School of Education at the University of South Dakota. Her research interests include higher education practices for teacher education programs and mild disabilities. William Schweinle  received a Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Arlington in Psychology and serves as an Assistant Professor at the University of South Dakota. His research interest area is in statistics. Kristine Reed  received a Ph.D. from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in Curriculum and Instruction/Administration and serves as a faculty member in Curriculum and Instruction, University of South Dakota. Her research emphases include multicultural education and rural education.  相似文献   

教师激励机制的设计应充分考虑学校的发展目标,对激励客体进行需求分析,真正了解和把握教师的个体差异,把普通高校成人教育的目标映射成为教师需求的一部分,并通过相关激励因素对教师的作用方式研究,确立教师激励机制构建的内核;高等成人教育教师激励机制的组织、制度创新的重点应包括:观念创新,改革完善高等成人教育投资体制和积极推进高等成人教育机构内部管理体制改革。  相似文献   

在新的时代背景下,高等教育自身及其所处的外部环境都发生了巨大的变化.世界各国,尤其是发达国家,都意识到高等教育评估要应对新形势.例如,美国高等教育认证理事会(Council for Higher Education Accreditation,CHEA)主席朱迪思·伊顿(Judith S. Eaton)详细论述了美国高等教育出现的新趋势--普及化、新商业化及国际化对认证制度提出的挑战[1].根据我国国情,本文主要从以下五个方面来探讨我国高等教育评估面临的挑战及应对措施.  相似文献   

Assessment in higher education serves multiple purposes such as providing information about student learning, student progress, teaching quality, and program and institutional accountability. Yet, little is known about faculty and students’ attitudes regarding different aspects of assessment that have wide-ranging implications for policy and practice in tertiary institutions. To investigate these views, parallel surveys of conceptions of assessment were administered to faculty and undergraduate students across four tertiary institutions including universities, an indigenous tertiary institution, and an institute of technology. A mean and covariance structures approach was used to test for measurement invariance and latent means differences between faculty and students regarding their conceptions of assessment. Results revealed differences in the latent means across the two groups. Faculty were likely to view assessment as a trustworthy process aiding teaching and learning, whereas students viewed assessment as focussed primarily on accountability and perceived assessment as irrelevant or even ignored in the teaching and learning process. These findings highlight the importance of ensuring that assessment policy and practices are fit for purposes, and are being carried out with integrity in ways that are transparent to and understood by both staff and students. While these results show how staff and students view assessment practices, one should keep in mind that while the sample was large and did incorporate different types of tertiary institutions, the inclusion of a broader range of disciplines would make the conclusions more generalizable.  相似文献   

21世纪是一个竞争的时代,竞争的核心是人才的竞争.这正是高等教育面临的挑战.本文探讨了面对挑战,教育改革的对策:以社会教育为经,培养科学文化素质作纬,来编织高等教育的格局;以及如何改革现行教学制度和教学方法,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力.  相似文献   

新年伊始,万象更新.很高兴在新年之初与大家欢聚一堂,共同庆祝清华大学教育研究中心成立.首先,请允许我代表学校,对工程教育研究中心的成立表示衷心的祝贺!对各位领导和嘉宾的光临表示热烈的欢迎!  相似文献   

西部大开发战略的实施为有云南高等教育的发展提供了千载难逢的机遇.云南高校应抓住这一时机,正确认识高等教育的战略地位,建立人才引进、激励机制,加强高校师资建设,调整高校布局,加强学科建设,扩大招生规模,立足省情,找准定位,促进云南高等教育的可持续发展.  相似文献   

高教教材出版质量评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文应用模糊数学的理论,采用模糊多属性决策的方法,依照出版流程建立高教教材出版质量模糊综合评价体系,提出高教教材出版质量分级评价模型,力求使该评价体系准确、全面反映高教教材出版流程中各方面的质量要求,为评价高教教材出版质量建立科学、合理的依据和方法。  相似文献   

Information Technology in Higher Education: Tensions and Barriers   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This study examined the effects of an intervention in writing with digital interactive books. To improve the writing skills of seventh- and eighth-grade students with a learning disability in reading, we conducted a quasi-experimental study in which the students read interactive digital books (i-books), took notes, wrote summaries, and acted as reviewers of a set of i-books. A repeated-measures analysis of variance indicated that the intervention group of students significantly outperformed the control group on the following measures of writing: the holistic text quality and the summarization text quality, with large effect sizes.  相似文献   

In this theoretical paper, we apply a social exchange framework to understand mentors’ negative experiences. We propose a typology of costs, categorized according to psychosocial and career mentoring functions. Our typology generates testable research propositions. Psychosocial costs of mentoring are burnout, anger, and grief or loss. Career costs of mentoring include diminished reputation, decrease in productivity, and risk of ethical transgressions. The typology focuses on faculty in higher education because of the prevalence and importance of mentoring in that work setting. However, the typology may be extended to career arenas such as law, medicine, and the military. The theory presents a framework for acknowledging negative experiences and the costs associated with mentorship.  相似文献   

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