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Human sexuality is a pervasive and universal part of being human and despite this, receives inadequate attention in counselor education curricula. Consequently, counselors may be ill-prepared to assist clients who present with sexuality issues. The authors provide support and recommendations for infusing sexuality content throughout counselor education programs.  相似文献   

A review of work settings in which counselors are employed suggests that almost all counselors work with a number of reluctant clients. Counselor education, however, is largely directed toward preparing counselors to work with voluntary clients. This article reviews some of the bases of client reluctance, certain motivational principles appropriate to counselor practice, myths associated with counselor preparation, and some suggestions of existing techniques that may be helpful with reluctant clients.  相似文献   

Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) clients use counseling services at higher rates than their heterosexual counterparts, yet current training for counselors may be inadequate. In this online study, 234 graduate counselor education and counseling psychology students completed the Sexual Orientation Counselor Competency Scale ( Bidell, 2005 ) and provided information about their training in working with LGB clients. Participants viewed themselves as more competent on the Awareness and Knowledge subscales than on the Skills subscale. Increased level of training (doctoral vs. master's), number of LGB clients seen in practica, and attendance at LGB‐focused workshops and conferences were associated with increased competence. Implications for programmatic development are discussed.  相似文献   

Biological factors, including those that are genetically based, often affect human behavior profoundly. A lack of knowledge and awareness of these factors by counselors may result in failure to provide or ensure adequate help for their clients. Despite recommendations that information on biological foundations be included in counselor education programs, current textbooks and counseling approaches studied by prospective counselors largely omit this area. Through case study examples, the significance of biological factors is explored. The author recommends that counselor educators understand the biological foundations of behavior and begin to incorporate such information into their instruction.  相似文献   

A nationwide sample of counselor educators and practicing counselors responded to a survey questionnaire containing 20 items about human sexuality. Their ratings of the items' importance to a new, master's degree counselor about to begin practicing led to conclusions about the sexual information that counselors may need to have and priorities for instruction in sex counseling.  相似文献   

The authors sent a questionnaire assessing curricula on sexual counseling to chairpersons of all counselor education programs in the United States. Results show the current status of sexuality instruction for counselors.  相似文献   

Eight professional counselors who routinely role‐play as clients in 1 counselor education program participated in a focus group investigating their portrayal experiences. Data were analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis, which resulted in 3 superordinate themes: missions, influential factors, and repercussions. Findings reinforce instruction of idiographic and person‐centered care in counselor education.  相似文献   

This article describes an innovative teaching method to teach novice counselors 4 counselor responses based on selected goals of feminist counseling. Using a workshop format and ongoing group supervision, graduate student counselors were taught 4 counselor responses: empowerment, decreasing the power differential between client and counselor, taking a gender role perspective, and placing client issues in a sociocultural context. An evaluation of the teaching approach showed that counselors were able to apply feminist counselor responses in counseling sessions with clients and that these clients reported experiencing these responses.  相似文献   

This investigation follows an earlier attempt to evaluate the use of paid clients in practicum work. Pre- and post-counseling responses of paid and unpaid clients, counselors, and counselor supervisors were tested by Fisher's exact probability tables. Before-counseling paid clients were found to be different from unpaid clients only in that paid clients did not expect counseling to make them more independent in their relationships with other people. Post-counseling responses did not reveal any significant differences between paid or unpaid clients. Counselors saw paid clients in the way that paid clients saw themselves. Counselor supervisors did not expect significant differences between paid and unpaid clients. The only significant difference in post-counseling ratings was that neither counselors or counselor supervisors had anticipated that paid clients did want counselors to offer alternative solutions to problems. Differing pre-counseling responses of unpaid clients and of counselors and counselor supervisors reflected unfounded expectations that unpaid clients would have greater counseling needs than paid clients. All those involved in the study evaluated paid-client counseling as being a worthwhile experience. The writers encourage further investigation and evaluation.  相似文献   

Counselor dependency on clients has received little attention compared with the topic of clients' dependency on counselors. This article suggests that many counselors, particularly beginning counselor trainees, may rely on their clients to meet some of their professional and personal needs. Several potential sources of trainee dependence are identified. Methods for recognizing manifestations of counselor dependence are discussed, as are strategies to help trainees become aware of, and minimize their dependency needs. Implications for research are also noted.  相似文献   

Early research on the effects of audio recording on counselors and clients found no adverse effects, particularly on clients. This research fostered a set of beliefs about recording which is now being extrapolated to the area of video observation. Recent research, however, does suggest that audio and, in particular, video recording has an inhibitory effect on clients and counselors. The nature of these effects on clients has been found to depend on several client characteristics. Although recording is not as inhibitory as clients expect it to be, counselors tend not to be sensitive to the inhibiting effects that do occur in their clients. Implications of recent research for counselors and counselor educators are examined.  相似文献   

Nineteen counseling interviews were rated by the respective clients, counselors, and supervisors on the Counselor Rating Form; these ratings of perceived counselor expertness, attractiveness, and trustworthiness were compared in a repeated measures analysis of variance. Results indicated that all three sources of perceptions were similar, although counselors rated their own behavior as significantly less expert than their clients. The article discusses the results in terms of their relevance to counselor supervision and training.  相似文献   

This study compared the personality characteristics, determined by the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF), of practicing junior and senior high school counselors serving economically disadvantaged and economically advantaged males. A Counseling Evaluation Inventory (CEI) composite client-rating score, derived from seven male clients and determined for each counselor, was the effectiveness criterion. Male clients from both economic populations perceived as effective those male counselors who expressed characteristics associated with the popular American masculine stereotype and those female counselors who showed characteristics associated with the popular American feminine stereotype. The IPAT specification equations, one for each sex applied to the results of the 16 PF, provide a practical screening device for predicting counselor effectiveness with both economically disadvantaged and advantaged male clients.  相似文献   

The author summarizes the development of guidance and counseling and the concurrent development of counselor education in Malaysia. Four current counselor education programs in Malaysia are described. The need for school counselors in Malaysia is addressed, and differences between the number of counselors needed and the projected number of counselors who will complete education programs are identified.  相似文献   

This article investigates differences in counselor verbal style and type of counselee talk in two groups of counselor trainees. The first group consisted of 15 counselor trainees who received a training program with an Amidon-type Verbal Interaction Analysis System; the second group was a control group of 15 counselor trainees who received no interaction analysis training as part of a semester-long counseling practicum. The results indicated that the counselors receiving interaction analysis training tended to talk less and Use indirect influence techniques more often than the counselor trainees in the control group. Clients of the counselors in the experimental group tended to talk more often and use more self-initiated talk than did the clients of counselors in the control group.  相似文献   

A client-counselor matching model based on Kolb's experiential learning theory was examined. A questionnaire, which included Kolb's Learning Style Inventory (LSI) and four counselor approach profiles, was completed by 205 counseling clients. The clients indicated which counselor they preferred. The following four preference patterns were predicted: concrete learners—experiential approach, abstract learners—rational approach, active learners— behavioral approach, and reflective learners—client-centered approach. The results did not confirm the hypothesized four-way model, although limited support for the matching concept was evident when only two counselor approaches were considered. Clients who preferred directive counselors were more abstract learners. Clients preferring nondirective counselors were more concrete learners. Overall, clients preferred the rational counselor approach. A nonclient comparison group (n = 75) preferred the client-centered approach.  相似文献   

The emergence of counseling as a recognized helping profession has led to the introduction of higher standards for counselor education. Emphasis has been placed on a balance between theoretical erudition and practical training. Some counseling practitioners, however, minimize the value of theoretical knowledge and doubt its importance for professional effectiveness. This article challenges such views and points out that counselors cannot remain true professionals unless they undergird their work by adequate theoretical insights. Theories help counselors understand the dynamics of human behavior and choose therapeutic approaches appropriate to specific clients and situations. Psychological theories come alive in the counselor's mind if they are seen as extensions of life experiences of various theorists. To document this reality, the article presents several examples of well-known psycholoical theorists. Counseling practitioners are then encouraged to form, on the basis of existing theories, an operational framework consistent with their own experiences and values.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to compare the perceptions of counselors, clients, and supervisors with regard to the effectiveness of counseling. The Counseling Evaluation Inventory (CEI) was used as a measure of counseling effectiveness, using client satisfaction as a criterion. 25 graduate student counselors provided self-ratings on the CEI. Additional CEI ratings of these counselors were obtained from 120 of their clients and their practicum supervisors. The counselor self-ratings and the supervisors' ratings were significantly correlated with each other, but neither was significantly correlated with the client CEI ratings. In addition, the client CEI ratings were significantly higher than both the counselor self-ratings and the supervisors' ratings.  相似文献   

In this article the author argues that it is mandatory that counselors suspend any disbelief in their clients during the early stages of counseling. Disbelieving interferes with counselor spontaneity and empathy. Indeed, the real work of counseling cannot start until clients perceive counselors as gullible. I offer a justification for being gullible during the initial sessions, along with suggestions for what can be done to develop appropriate levels of gullibility in counselors in training.  相似文献   

ACES sponsored a national survey of state supervisors of guidance and counselor education institutions and of nontraditional institutions offering graduate degrees in guidance and counseling in order to secure information regarding (a) the licensure of guidance counselors, (b) the use of a competency-based approach to the certification of counselors, (c) the manpower needs for persons in guidance and personnel work, and (d) the program characteristics of counselor education institutions. Only a relatively small number of states anticipate becoming involved in the licensure of conselors in the foreseeable future; 53.6 percent of the states expect their certification of counselors to be competency-based within 2 to 5 years, and 76.1 percent of counselor education institutions have decided to make their programs competency-based but progress is slow. There is an oversupply of BA-level guidance persons, school counselors, and doctoral-level persons seeking faculty positions; there is a strong preference for ethnic minorities and women to fill counselor education positions; and abnormally high faculty/graduate ratios were reported for many institutions.  相似文献   

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