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Gerd Hohendorf 《Prospects》1993,23(3-4):665-676

This article examines differences in the mathematics and English proficiency of academic-track students in Baden-Württemberg (N?=?3526) and Hamburg (N?=?3734), investigating whether and to what extent these differences are reflected in the Abitur grades the students are awarded. The article also examines the extent to which scores in centrally conducted examinations provide better comparability than do coursework grades. Multilevel analyses predicting coursework grades in mathematics revealed clear between-state differences, with students in Hamburg being awarded higher mathematics grades than comparably able students in Baden-Württemberg. These differences are partly attributable to frame of reference effects and their impact on teachers’ grading practices. No corresponding between-state differences were found for English. Mathematics examination scores provided a much better measure of student achievement than mathematics coursework grades. The findings are discussed in terms of meritocratic access to sought-after university and training places.  相似文献   

This work deals with Global Competence as a suggested cross-curricular domain for the PISA study of 2018. Measuring Global Competence is related to a number of challenges, which are elaborated, described and discussed. As these challenges have not been sufficiently targeted up to now, Germany, among several other countries, decided not to assess Global Competence in the upcoming PISA assessment. Conclusively, propositions are made regarding viable options to capture Global Competence in international comparative studies so that established quality standards can be met.  相似文献   

Despite a growing interest in professionalization, research on didactic training of novice university teachers is lacking. This contribution, therefore, analyzes the development of teaching intentions and strategies (teaching approaches) in relation to teaching action, professional vision and teacher identity during a video-based training. We questioned fourteen novice teachers in a pre-post-design and with reference to video-taped teaching sessions. We also conducted a systematic video analysis. The results show that the teachers?? approaches start out rather teacher-focused. However, these approaches become more coherent to teaching action over time, which, in combination with emerging self-efficacy in teaching, indicates a developing teaching profile. Teachers?? professional vision of their own teaching is strongly focused on themselves. Teachers reflect on discrepancies between intentions and action and, by this, they can deduce concrete actions to make their teaching coherent to their intentions. We, therefore, conclude that our training equips teachers with the necessary tools for changes in action. Even so, putting this knowledge into practice also depends on contextual factors.  相似文献   

This contribution will investigate both the subject-specific and the didactic competencies of trainee teachers for lower secondary education in mathematics on the basis of the study “Mathematics Teaching in the 21st Century (MT21)”, which compares criteria-based samples from Germany, Bulgaria, South Korea, Taiwan, Mexico and the USA. In order to analyze their strengths and weaknesses more precisely, the paper considers both traditional IRT-scaling of competencies, which involves a simple loading of test performance in mathematics and didactics of mathematics, and an alternative. Under the assumption that solving items concerning didactics of mathematics requires competencies in didactics of mathematics and mathematics itself, a double-barreled approach was used in the alternative. In a further elaboration of this model, knowledge of arithmetic, algebra, functions, geometry and stochastic was used as a set of further explanatory factors for solving the items. This third model, which presumes a hierarchical structure of teaching competencies, displays the best data fit. Only this model reflects the specialisms and focal points of the education and training systems in the countries participating in MT21 concerning the relative learning opportunities in mathematics and didactics of mathematics and concerning the five subject areas in the field of mathematics.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Erzeugung, Begründung und Durchsetzung von Leistungsbeurteilungen in der Schule stellt für Lehrkr?fte in verschiedenen Hinsichten ein Problem dar. Einerseits sind die Grenzen des Konzepts der Schulleistung strittig, andererseits gilt es, ungeachtet der defizit?ren wissenschaftlichen Rationalisierung der Praxis der schulischen Leistungsbeurteilung vertretbare Selektionsentscheidungen zu produzieren sowie zwischen den vielfach als widersprüchlich empfundenen Zielsetzungen der F?rderung und der Selektion abzuw?gen. Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, wie Lehrkr?fte an ?ffentlichen Schulen mit diesen und ?hnlichen Problemen umgehen. Er berichtet über Teilergebnisse eines von der DFG gef?rderten Forschungsprojekts über „Selektionsentscheidungen als Problembereich professionellen Lehrerhandelns“ (Terhart/Langkau/Lüders 1999). Insbesondere werden Befunde einer Dilemma-Studie vorgestellt, in deren Rahmen Lehrkr?fte mit problematischen Zensierungs-und Selektionsentscheidungen konfrontiert und um eine Stellungnahme gebeten worden sind. Dabei stehen keineswegs erneut die vielfach konstatierten Schw?chen des Lehrerurteils im Zentrum der Betrachtung. Ziel des Beitrages ist es vielmehr, die erhobenen Stellungnahmen der Lehrkr?fte als Ausdruck bestimmter Rahmenbedingungen schulischen Bewertungshandelns zu interpretieren, damit einen vertieften Einblick in die Praxis der Leistungsbeurteilung als Praxis einer in Organisationen t?tigen Profession zu geben und Hypothesen für die weitere Forschung zu generieren.
Summary Problems Concerning the Judgement of Pupils’ Performance The generation, justification and assertion of judgements concerning pupils’ performance present teachers with a variety of problems. On the one hand, the boundaries of the concept of pupil performance are controversial whilst, on the other, in spite of the deficiency of scientific rationalization of this practice, adequate selective decisions must be generated and the balance between support and selection must be weighed up. This paper considers the way teachers in public schools cope with these and other similar problems. It reports on some of the results from a DFG-supported research project entitled “Selective decisions as a problem area in professional teaching practice” (Terhart/Langkau/Lüders 1999). In particular, responses from a dilemma study are presented, in which teachers were confronted with problematic selective decisions and asked for their professional opinion. The focal point of this study is not the regularly proclaimed weakness of teachers’ judgements. The objective of this paper is instead to interpret the professional judgement of teachers as an expression of particular conditions of school assessment practice; through this, to offer a deeper insight into the practice of performance assessment conceived of as the practice of a profession which works in organizations, and to generate hypotheses for further research in this field of study.

Meritocracy, that is to admit only the “best” if there is a limited number of positions, is seen as a central moment of mobility in modern societies. A key example is the high school Abitur-examination in Germany, where the average score can be used to filter applicants for over-subscribed study places in universities. Based on a quantatitive-formal argument, this article firstly deduces that the prognosis of the score of the final exam can be improved only marginally, if the average Abitur-score at entry to university is taken in consideration. Secondly it proves that the amount of “non-detected talent” is high under all possible circumstances and, therefore, that even if the selection procedures to universities were improved a lot, sobering fundamental limits would still exist. Thus meritocracy represents a potential for structural injustice.  相似文献   

Die soziale Bedürftigkeit im Sinne des StudFG ist nicht am gesetzlichen Unterhalt zu messen. Die Selbsterhaltungsf?higkeit des Studierenden ist dabei nur insofern relevant, als dieser als Selbsterhalter iSd StudFG zu werten ist.  相似文献   

Liebig is one of the most honoured and influential scientists of the mid-nineteenth century. Liebig’s major contributions were in the chemistry of fulminates, organic chemistry, agricultural chemistry and physiology. He invented a better technique for C, H and N analysis, which brought about a sort of revolution in the elucidation of molecular structure. His greatness as a teacher is evident from his innovations in teaching methods. He laid the foundation for the modern chemistry curriculum, designed the laboratory layout, and trained a large number of students from all over the world, who became leading, some outstanding, chemists.  相似文献   

Since the PISA-events of the year 2000, the question of how the association between social background and educational success can be reduced is one of the central focuses of educational policy and research. In this regard, permeability in the education system as well as delaying the sorting of students into different tracks, are regularly discussed as potential solutions. Findings from the LifE-Study on the effectiveness of these practices are presented in the present paper. This is being done by describing the educational expectations and transitions between Grade 6 and the age of 35. The present paper thus presents a long-term perspective of the influence of social background on educational pathways.  相似文献   

THE MORAL RIGHTS OF CHILDREN – Most people today believe that children should be accorded legal or moral rights. In the course of the past few decades, however, objections to this view have been repeatedly raised. According to one objection, it is inappropriate for children to be the bearers of rights. Another group of objectors say that children’s interests are not being served if rights are allocated to them. This paper acknowledges that rights alone are not enough to protect children’s basic needs and interests in full. It is therefore inappropriate to resort to exclusively rights-based language when referring to the relationship between parents and children. Nevertheless, as this paper argues, it is advisable to provide children with moral rights. In response to the initial objection, a concept of rights is put forward which enables children, like adults, to be considered as the bearers of rights.
Zusammenfassung Es ist heute selbstverst?ndlich, Kindern legale oder moralische Rechte zuzuschreiben. Gegen den breit abgestützten Konsens in dieser Frage sind in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten jedoch immer wieder Einw?nde laut geworden. Nach einem ersten Einwand sind Kinder als Tr?ger von Rechten ungeeignet. Eine zweite Gruppe von Einw?nden besagt, dass den Belangen von Kindern nicht gedient ist, wenn ihnen Rechte zugeschrieben werden. In diesem Aufsatz wird einger?umt, dass durch Rechte nicht alle grundlegenden Bedürfnisse oder Interessen von Kindern geschützt werden k?nnen. Es ist deshalb unangemessen, in Bezug auf die Eltern-Kind-Beziehung ausschlie?lich die Sprache der Rechte zu verwenden. Trotzdem, so die hier vertretene These, ist es sinnvoll, Kinder mit moralischen Rechten auszustatten. Als Reaktion auf den ersten Einwand wird ein Verst?ndnis von Rechten vorgeschlagen, das es erlaubt, auch Kinder als Tr?ger von Rechten zu sehen.

Resumen LOS DERECHOS MORALES DE LOS NI?OS – Hoy en día, el reconocimiento de los derechos legales o morales de los ni?os es algo sobreentendido. Sin embargo, y contrariamente al consenso general que los apoya, siempre se han vuelto a plantear cuestionamientos en cuanto a esta temática durante los últimos decenios. Hay quienes argumentan que los ni?os no son adecuados como sujetos de derecho, y un segundo grupo de objetores opinan que el hecho de reconocer derechos para los ni?os no sirve a los intereses infantiles. En este trabajo se admite que los derechos no pueden proteger la totalidad de los intereses o necesidades de los ni?os, y que por eso es inadecuado utilizar solamente el lenguaje de derecho con respecto a las relaciones paterno-filiales. No obstante, según la tesis de este trabajo, es razonable que a los ni?os se les confieran derechos morales. Como reacción a la primera objeción, se propone un concepto de derecho que permita reconocer también a los ni?os como sujetos de derecho.

Résumé LES DROITS MORAUX DES ENFANTS – La plupart des gens croient aujourd’hui que l’on devrait accorder des droits légaux ou moraux aux enfants. Au cours des dernières décennies, cependant, il y eut plusieurs objections formulées à cette vision des choses. Selon une objection, il ne convient pas que les enfants soient les sujets des droits. Un autre groupe d’objecteurs dit que les intérêts des enfants ne sont pas servis si on leur assigne des droits. Cet article reconna?t que les droits ne suffisent pas pour protéger complètement les besoins et les intérêts fondamentaux des enfants. Il est donc impropre de recourir au language exclusivement légal pour en référer au rapport entre les parents et les enfants. Néanmoins, ainsi que cet article le soutient, il est recommandé de fournir aux enfants des droits moraux. En réponse à l’objection initiale, on propose un concept de droits permettant aux enfants d’être considérés comme sujets des droits, comme des adultes.

Der Autor Johannes Giesinger, Dr. phil., geboren 1972, Studium der Philosophie und P?dagogik an der Universit?t Zürich. T?tigkeit als Gymnasiallehrer für Philosophie. Promotion (2005) mit einer Arbeit zur Frage des p?dagogischen Paternalismus. Publikationst?tigkeit in den Bereichen Philosophiedidaktik und Bildungsphilosophie. Adresse: St.Georgenstrasse 181a, CH-9011 St. Gallen. E-mail: giesinger@st.gallen.ch  相似文献   

Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt erfolgskritische Faktoren des bei der Erstellung von Diplomarbeiten zwischen Studenten und Gutachter bestehenden Betreuungsverh?ltnisses und soll praktische Hinweise zu dessen Optimierung liefern.  相似文献   

This article surveys five manuals on human rights education, examining and comparing them according to a set of basic categories such as the educational level of the target audience, the learning objectives and the educational content. This approach is used to establish the overall curricular orientation of the manuals. In addition, one teaching unit from each manual is selected for special analysis. Based on the results of this survey, the author argues that the tradition of moral education elaborated by Lawrence Kohlberg should be integrated into our concept of human rights teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This article surveys five manuals on human rights education, examining and comparing them according to a set of basic categories such as the educational level of the target audience, the learning objectives and the educational content. This approach is used to establish the overall curricular orientation of the manuals. In addition, one teaching unit from each manual is selected for special analysis. Based on the results of this survey, the author argues that the tradition of moral education elaborated by Lawrence Kohlberg should be integrated into our concept of human rights teaching and learning.  相似文献   

Gegenstand des vorliegenden Beitrages ist die Vorstellung eines Projektes zur Evaluierung eines Studienplanes in Form der Ermittlung von Verbesserungsm?glichkeiten hinsichtlich der Studienbedingungen. Evaluiert wird der aktuelle Studienplan für die Studienrichtung Betriebswirtschaft an der Karl-Franzens-Universit?t Graz. Zun?chst werden anhand einer kombinierten offenen und strukturierten Befragung Verbesserungswünsche von Studierenden, die nach diesem Studienplan studieren, gewonnen. Im Anschluss werden jene Verbesserungswünsche identifiziert, die realisierbar erscheinen. Zielsetzung der gegenst?ndlichen Evaluierung ist eine Verbesserung der Studienqualit?t.  相似文献   

Evaluation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Evaluation in TESOL settings is a process of collecting, analysing and interpreting information about teaching and learning in order to make informed decisions that enhance student achievement and the success of educational programmes (Rea-Dickins and Germaine 1993; Genesee and Upshur 1996; O'Malley and Valdez-Pierce 1996). Three simple examples help explicate the varied forms evaluation can take in TESOL settings:  相似文献   

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