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A ?AN?     
学过英语的小朋友对不定冠词a和an早已不陌生了。那么,到底什么时候用a,什么时候用an呢?这里告诉大家一个小口诀:不见元音不“施恩”。也就是说,当后面的词是以元音字母开头的,就要用an,否则一律用a。  相似文献   

Résumé A l'aide d'un questionnaire approprié, nous essayons de cerner les modèles des réels qu'ont les élèves de 17–18 ans et les étudiants en première année d'études supérieures. Nous montrons d'une part que, pour cette population, R c'est majoritairement N, Z, Q, D et quelques nombres comme, e, 2 et 3, et d'autre part que si 33% pensent que la droite représente R, il s'en trouve 43% parmi ces 33% qui ont un modèle atomiste de la droite. Enfin cette étude met en évidence que les élèves et les étudiants accordent beaucoup plus d'importance aux différentes écritures des nombres qu'à leurs propriétés spécifiques.
We try to find out the ideas of pupils (17–18 years old) and first year university students about real numbers. To do that we make use of four questions on different aspects of real numbers. We show that for these pupils and students R is, very frequently, N, Z, Q. D and some other numbers such as, e, 2 and 3. We also show that if for 33% of these pupils and students the straight line is a good picture of R, 43% of these 33% think that the straight line has an atomic structure. At last, this study indicates that pupils and students think that the different writings of the numbers are more important than their specific properties.

A Boy Or A Girl?     
Nowadays a lot of boys and girls are wearing the samekinds of clothes,and many of them have long hair,so it isalways difficult to tell whether they are boys or girls. one day,an oId man went for a walk in a park.When he  相似文献   

在人民教育出版社1993年版和2001年版初中英语第二册B中,出现这样一个标题“Aweatherreport”,笔者认为将它改为“Aweatherforecast”较妥。report本意是“汇报,报道”,没有“预报”之意。以前中央电视台19:30的天气预报也用“Aweatherreport”,但现在已改为“Aweatherforecast”。为此,笔者查阅了比较权威的工具书。在《新英汉词典》第1130页中,单词report用作名词时,意为“汇报,报道”,并给了这样的例子:aschoolreport(学校情况报告),alaboratoryreport(化验报告),这说明它是对已发生的事情进行汇报…  相似文献   

Language tips语言小贴士Handin交上※Handyourpapersin.把你们的卷子交上来。Beallowedto允许做某事※MayIbeallowedtousethistypewriter?我能用一用这架打字机吗?文中“Rainstoppedplay”意思是“下雨,比赛取消”。46A game of cricket?~~  相似文献   

OnceuponatimeinChina,therewasamanwhocouldrunveryfastindeed.Hewasveryproudofthisandwasalwaysreadytoshowpeoplehowfasthecouldrun.Onedayathiefstoleintohishouse,tooksomeofhisthingsandranoffasfastashecould.Themanranafterhimshouting."Hey,stop!Don't  相似文献   

你是FREE GIRL吗?你知道有本杂志就叫作FREE吗?由Easy精英团队打造的超炫女生潮流志FREE将全面改版,近期推出。Easy和FREE杂志将联手展开Fashion Model大评选,从广大读者MM参选中,选出极具风格的FREE GIRL,作为杂志的特约模特,通过大片形式,在Easy和FREE上一展你的Beauty靓影。那么你想知道什么样的女人会让男人在乎得恋恋不舍?她应该头脑清醒,明白感情和两性间的微妙,不狂喜,不狂躁,让男人沐浴在她的善解人意中。本期我们就会告诉你20句,FREE&Clever的Fashion恋爱法则。  相似文献   

你是FREE GIRL吗?你知道有本杂志就叫作FREE吗?由Easy精英团队打造的超炫女生潮流志FREE将全面改版,近期推出。Easy和FREE杂志将联手展开Fashion Model大评选,从广大读者MM参选中,选出极具风格的FREE GIRL,作为杂志的特约模特,通过大片形式,在Easy和FREE上一展你的Beauty靓影。从本期开始,将在Easy杂志上连载共100条宝典法则让你从此变得更FREE,那么你想入选成为自在、靓眼、性感、炫COOL……的FREE GIRL吗?要不要对照下自己,符合多少条?本期我们将告诉你FREE&COOL的Fashion法则。  相似文献   

Itwashotthatday.Mr.Smithwasworkingonhisfarmwhilehissonwasplayingbythelake.Themandidn'tfindtheboyfellintothewateruntilhewasgoinghomeforlunch.Hehurriedtopulltheboyoutofthelake,itwastoolate.Theboydiedtwohoursago!Themanandhiswifewereverysad.Awitch?inanothervillageheardofitandwentthereandsaidshecouldmaketheirson'ssoul?comebackagain,sothathecouldtalktohismother.Ofcourse,shehadtopayherwell.Thewomanmissedhersonverymuchandagreed.Puttingalotofmoneyinherpocket,thewitchclosedhereyesands…  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the meaning and legitimacy of the view that the secondary science curriculum can be given a vocational emphasis, and with a current attempt to create such a curriculum. Although this perspective on the science curriculum has a long history, in recent decades it has received little attention. This article examines recent research into the vocational and work‐related aspects of secondary school science, and the historical and policy background. Its empirical focus is a late secondary course with the title “Applied Science”, which was introduced into schools in England and Wales in 2002. It draws on the preliminary findings of a research study focusing on the origins and implementation of this course. Overall, the article provides an overview of the major issues and research agenda associated with the notion of a vocational or applied school science curriculum, focusing ultimately on the key issues of educational purpose, pedagogy, and status.  相似文献   

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