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本指出教育学里存在着三种不同性质的判断:解释教育现象的实然判断、规范教师行为的应然判断和兼有实然应然双重性质的判断。教学具有教育性就是一个具有解释教育现象、规范教育行为两种作用的双重性质的判断。本分别从反映论、辩证法的角度和教育功能、教育价值、教育效应的角度,分析了这个判断的双重性质。  相似文献   

传统的教师素质标准研究往往漠视教师个体,从应然和理性的视角出发,使得教师素质标准研究的“应然”状态与教师的“实然”状态差距较大,研究结果缺乏应用价值。因此,应改变传统的教师素质标准研究模式,建立基于尊重与发展基础上的人本研究模式。  相似文献   

教育学里存在着三各不同性质的判断:解释教育现象的实然判断,规范教师行为的应然判断和兼有实然,应然双重性质的判断,从反映论和辨证论的角度分析,教学具有教育性就是一个具有解释教育现象,规范教育行为两种作用的双重性质的判断。  相似文献   

荀子的性恶论并非“性本恶”而是一种“后果恶”,是针对过度纵欲导致群体生存失序而做出的价值判断。韩非子已经跳出对人性作善恶与否判断的思维模式,而是径直对人性做出经验性的事实判断。价值判断与事实判断的分野,是荀韩人性论的根本差异所在。对于人性的价值判断必然导向“应然”的意义诉求,所以荀子构建的“礼义之统”与个体之间处在一种柔性互动关系中;而事实判断必然指向“实然”的实践运作,故而韩非子认为“唯治为法”,其“法”与人性之间是一种刚性关系,只能顺性而不能逆性。韩非子的秩序构建方案缺乏内在的社会凝聚力,其逻辑前提逻辑地决定了其方案本身内蕴着分裂与动乱的因素。而荀子在注重社会现实的同时充分地注意到意义世界的重要性,较好地协调了事实与价值之间的张力,其秩序建构方案充满内在的凝聚力,可以实现社会内部的良性互动与动态平衡。  相似文献   

在实践唯物主义视角下,生态哲学关注人在与自然关联的实践活动中的各种价值与应然.应然追求与价值选择是人对自我存在的主体性要求和人的主体性存在的体现,这种应然的主体性要求是随实践而变化发展的.在与自然关联的人类实践活动中,主体性的人在存在论、认识论和价值论三重维度中确证、体现、生成人的本质以及人与自然的关系,在实然应然化、应然实然化中实现人与自然的共在与和谐.  相似文献   

论思想政治教育的价值结构   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
思想政治教育的实践和理论表明 ,它不只是一种求“知”意味上的学问 ,不应仅停留在知识层面。尽管其与知识有着深刻的渊源 ,但思想有着自由性、内隐性、复杂性等特征 ,政治又十分强调原则性、权威性、强制性 ,因此思想政治教育的宗旨在于觉悟 ,在于外在规范的内化。在我们看来 ,思想政治教育审视与关注的重点即认知的向度最根本地是指向价值的判断 ,即要对现实社会生活作出判断和抉择 ,要对“事实”或人的行为辐辏“态度” ,超越“实然”归于“应然”甚至“适然”。由此可见 ,思想政治教育的价值作为认识的一种特殊形式 ,其现实基础是人的社…  相似文献   

教育是人的教育,人作为一种永恒的价值存在物,要求教育持续地赋予人以价值生活能力,教育的理想追求因而成为人谋求自身高层次存在状态的外在反映。因此,教育的应然追求是人类基于本体论的哲学基础进行思辨性思维的结果;同时,教育处在社会中,教育发展中的社会功利要求不可缺少也无可厚非。教育的实然发展则是在实证论基础上进行实证性思维的产物。教育单纯在其中任何一极上的发展都不足以在全部意义上满足人性与社会发展的真正需要,也未能在完全维度上认清人与社会生存的真实状况。由此,在教育的实然发展与应然追求的价值冲突上,文章倡导实然向应然的趋近、实然与应然的动态平衡与和谐发展。  相似文献   

教师评价是指按一定的价值标准对教师工作的现实或潜在的价值作出判断的活动。只有满足社会、满足教师专业发展需要的教师评价才是有生命力的教师评价。经过调查研究,实然的教师评价距离应然的需要相差甚远。应采取各项措施使实然向应然不断推进。  相似文献   

<正>实现办学理念和办学信念的统一。办学理念是办学主体对"教育应然"的理性认识,是关于"教育的应然状态"的判断,是对教育的价值取向的判断。办学信念是办学主体对已成事实或者必将成为事实的教育理念的追求,以及将"应然"变成"实然"的信心和决心。  相似文献   

教学具有教育性是一种实然判断,还是一种应然判断,学术界有着不同的解说。从教育性的价值取向上看,教学具有教育性是一种应然判断。教学应该具有教育性,这是我们的理想追求。  相似文献   

大学英语教师在促进学生自主学习中扮演着重要角色.该研究利用调查问卷,从师生两个不同视角调查师生对大学英语教师角色的不同期待以及师生双方对教师课堂教学行为的汇报情况.调查结果发现:(1)多数教师认同自主学习理念并愿意将学习责任逐步下放给学生;同时,大部分学生已具备初步的自主学习观念并愿意承担更多的学习责任.师生双方在教师角色的认识上存在趋同性.(2)教师的实际教学行为与学生的期望仍有很大差距.(3)教师的教学行为与其对自身的角色期待大体相关,但期望与实际仍有一定的距离.  相似文献   

PBL from the teachers' perspective   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The background of the project Problem Based Learning in Environmental Sciences' was a dissatisfaction with the lack of inspiring connections between current research and undergraduate education. The PBL approach was adopted in order to raise the level of activity in undergraduate learning. Another reason was the emphasis on problem orientation in PBL which includes an important proportion of interdisciplinarity in finding appropriate solutions to environmental problems. The aim of this study was to evaluate the implementation of PBL in environmental education from the teachers' perspective. Seven teachers were interviewed. The interviews were transcribed and subject to a qualitative analysis. The teachers were in general positive to continue to work with the PBL program. They appreciated the closer contact with the students. Difficulties experienced comprise a lack of consensus amongst the teachers and lack of time for discussion and planning during the project. The teachers conceived of the essence of PBL either from a learning perspective or a teaching perspective. Characteristic of the learning perspective is a focus on the students' learning process, while in the teaching perspective focus is on the methodological teaching aspects of PBL. There were also two different perspectives on the teacher's role as a tutor in PBL, that are categorised either as a supportive role or a directive role. Characteristic of the supportive role is an integrated view of the tutors' role. The students' activity, responsibility and influence on the education was emphasised. The supportive tutor's role was mainly focusing the group process. The directive tutor's role were characterised by a restricted view or uncertainty of the teacher's role in PBL. The different ways of conceiving PBL may explain some of the experienced difficulties amongst the teachers.  相似文献   

历史新课程与教师角色的转变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着基础教育课程改革的深入,教师角色的转变成为人们日益关注的问题。课堂教学是全面实施素质教育的重要渠道,而教师又是课堂教学的关键。本文围绕教师角色转变这一核心,思考了在新的教育理念的号召下教师角色的几种基本转变形式:一、由“演员”变为学生学习的“导演”;二、由“权威”变成学生学习的“朋友”;三、有时甚至要做“学生的学生”。指出了只有改变过去以教师为教学主体的观念,真正发挥学生的主体作用,才能把素质教育落实到实处,从而真正培养出创造型的科技人才。  相似文献   

The challenges facing those who seek to prepare mathematics teachers are well established in the literature. Most of the research to date has focused on the perceptions and understandings of pre-service teachers, but not on the perceptions and understandings of teacher educators. In this study, we explore how four teacher educators understand their pre-service secondary teachers as the pre-service teachers attempt to make sense of teaching through the investigation of a multimedia case study of practice. We found that the teacher educators adopted two different implementation strategies: one strategy tended to be open-ended and exploratory; the other was more focused on the teacher educators' goals of anticipating student understanding and developing mathematical content knowledge for teaching. We also found that, in using the case study, teacher educators elicited pre-service teachers' thinking about the complexities of the teacher's role in small group work, about the value of explicitly revealing the teacher's reflections on the lessons, about the role of planning and preparation, and about the limits of pre-service teachers' abilities to understand and appreciate students' thinking and to extend lesson ideas. Both teacher educators and their pre-service teachers gained perspectives on the role of a teacher's mathematical content knowledge. These results imply that multimedia case studies of practice can serve as vehicles for revealing the knowledge and practice of teacher educators, as they engage in supporting the professional development of pre-service teachers.  相似文献   

大学英语教师在写作教学中的角色对学生的写作能力有着重要的影响.为了提高大学英语教师写作教学的效率和学生的英文写作能力,在分析大学英语写作教学现状的基础上,从后方法的视角就大学英语教师在写作教学中的角色定位和转换问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

在漫长的历史中,教师作为知识人,其角色发生了重大的转变:从“知识的传授者”转变为“开发者”、“行动研究者”和“激励者、组织者和指导者”。这一角色变迁的实质是师生逐渐摆脱教育过程中的“非人”地位,发挥其作为教育主体的自主性和创造性的过程。  相似文献   

This paper provides a microanalysis of one Algebra I teacher's instruction to explore the advantages that are afforded us by coordinating two perspectives to document and account for the teacher's mathematical understandings. We use constructs associated with Stein, Grover and Henningsen's domain of mathematical didactics and Realistic Mathematics Education's instructional design theory to infer what the teacher might understand to effectively implement her instructional goals and, more importantly, support student learning. By coordinating these perspectives, we developed a working framework for analyzing the teacher's classroom practice retrospectively. For example, we illustrate how the mathematical possibilities related to one student's question might inform the teacher's decisions as she initiates shifts in students' self-generated models. Additionally, we illustrate how the teacher's decision to capitalize on particular students' models contributes in part to the kinds of mathematical ideas that can be explored and the connections students can make among those ideas. More generally, we explore the utility of coordinating these two perspectives to understand the landscape of ideas that teachers might traverse to align their practices with reform recommendations in the United States.  相似文献   

This paper investigates one aspect of the teacher's role which is likely to cause stress and in many cases some personal grief. A significant number of teachers at some point in their career find themselves offering support to pupils who have experienced loss. Using a small-scale questionnaire, the writers investigate teachers' personal perspectives on this work. The results showed the personal distress that teachers can experience and the high self-expectations they are likely to have of themselves. The kind of support that the teachers felt they needed is described, as is the proactive work which teachers might undertake.  相似文献   

This article presents findings from an ongoing study of urban teachers' efforts to embrace mathematics reform with student populations that are culturally, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse (CLSD). We investigate the teacher's role in providing accessible and valuable mathematical learning opportunities to diverse students. Through narrative vignettes of practice and analyses of the personal and intellectual resources teachers draw on in CLSD contexts, we examine the challenges and possibilities two third-grade teachers face as they attempt such reform. One teacher's strengths were in making cultural connections with her students; the other's strengths were in pursuing complex and meaningful mathematics with her students. Building on our analysis, we offer a framework for examining the work of attending to mathematical and cultural issues simultaneously. Our findings suggest that such work is complex; however, teachers are seldom supported in their efforts to integrate these two perspectives. Our aim is to examine the dimensions of culturally relevant mathematics teaching and explore where the fields of mathematics and bilingual-bicultural education need to speak to one another.  相似文献   

教师语码转换的顺应论解释   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
语用学家Verschueren在其新著《语用学的理解》中提出了语言运用基于“选择—顺应”的理论。文章正是基于Verschueren的语言顺应论,对教师语码转换现象做出解释,旨在阐明教师语码转换是对语言现实、教师角色、学生情况、教师心理现实和外语课堂教学特殊性所做的顺应。  相似文献   

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