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Fast-food is always the one of the main culture in America just like it has been known.It is not only very important in Americans’lives,but can reflect some of their outlooks on life.This thesis gives an analysis of reflection of Americans’outlooks on life in fast-food culture.Five types of Americans’outlooks on life have been surveyed:working hard and playing hard,optimism and open-mindedness,treating the time as the life,self-independence and believing the equality.Beginning with the introduction of the emergence and development of fast-food culture in America,the thesis brings why the fast-food can be popularized among Americans to light.Consequently,we can find that some of the Americans’outlooks on life can be consistent with their fast-food culture.This thesis will be divided into four parts.The first part is the introduction and the last conclusion.The focus of this thesis is laid on the two middle parts which first display the five types of Americans’outlooks on life,then give the analysis of the reflection in fast-food culture.This thesis attempts to explore the Americans’outlooks on life.Although by the thesis we can not learn about a nation completely,we still know some aspects of their outlooks on life from fast-food culture.Key words:outlook;Americans;fast-food;culture  相似文献   

This thesis reveals deep cultural differences between Chinese and Americans,through a thorough comparative analysis of the respective sources:collectivism of Chinese and individualism of Americans.Besides,it suggests many practical guidelines and information on how to conduct negotiations with Americans,to avoid cultural conflicts and to get a win-win result in the economic globalization.  相似文献   

杨雯 《海外英语》2016,(4):161-162
David Wong Louie, a Chinese American writer whose first collection of short stories Pangs of Love is highly valued.After the publication, critics are interested in the conflicts faced by the second generation Chinese Americans. By analyzing three kinds of conflicts in namesake story"Pangs of Love"in it, it is argued in this paper that the hope of the second generation of Chinese Americans to be assimilated into the mainstream of the White world is but a dream in myth. Focusing on reasons of these conflicts, this paper illuminates the way that Chinese Americans need to transform and establish their own cultural identity.  相似文献   

It's summertime, and the living is easy. For many Americans, this is the season to travel. Why? Because school is out. Because the weather is great. And most of all, because we all deserve a break. When Americans take a break, they often head for their favorite vacation spot.  相似文献   

It's summer time, and the living is easy. For many Americans, this is the season to travel. Why? Because school is out. Because the weather is great. And most of all, because we all deserve a break. When Americans take a break, they often head for their favorite vacation spot.  相似文献   

James Feni more Cooper,an early Americanwriter,once said,“The Americans are almost igno-rant of the art of music.”If that was once true,youwould never know it today.Most Americans—eventhose without a musical bone in their bodies—havea favorite style of music.Many people enjoy clas-sical and folk music from around the world.Butother popular music styles in America were“madein the U.S.A.”Country and western music lies close to theheart of many Americans.This style originatedamong cou…  相似文献   

Americans often say that there are only two things a person can be sure of inlife:death and taxes.Americans do not have a comer on the"death"market,butmany people feel that the United States leads the world with the worst taxes.Taxes consist of the money which people pay to support their government.Thereare generally three levels of government in the United States:federal,state and city;  相似文献   

Shinji: Mike, why are so many Americans overweight? Mike: Well, that's a good question, Shinji. You'd think that with the current fitness craze(健美热) in the U. S. there wouldn't be so many over-weight Americans. Shinji:Just how many people are overweight?  相似文献   

Cindy: Mike, why are so many Americans overweight?Mike: Well, that's a good question, Cindy. You'd think that with the current fitness craze (健美热) in the U.S. there wouldn't be so many overweight Americans.Cindy: Just how many people are overweight?  相似文献   

When the Americans were getting ready to send their first men to the moon, an old Irishman was watching them on television in the bar. There was an Englishman in the bar, too, and he said to the Irishman, "The Americans are very clever, aren't they? They are going to send some men to the moon. It's a very long way from our world."  相似文献   

李明 《海外英语》2014,(7):183-184
Daisy Miller,among Henry James’masterpieces,is the novella which won him international fame.As some critics have analyzed,Daisy is a victim of the values of the Old World.In the author’s opinion,Daisy’s tragedy should be partly attributed to prejudice,which impedes the international communication between the newly wealthy Americans and the Europeanized Americans.In this sense,this paper focuses on an analysis of three forms of prejudice in Daisy Miller and tries to interpret Daisy’s tragic destiny from the perspective of intercultural communication.  相似文献   

Bob 《新高考》2013,(Z2):80-86
(1)(2013年3月山东枣庄统考)[1]Speaking English is not only about using proper grammar.To use English effectively,you need to understand the culture in which it is spoken.Here are a number of important tips to remember when speaking English in the United States.[2]General Points to Remember Most Americans only speak English:while it is true that more and more Americans speak Spanish,most Americans.Don’t expect them to understand your native language.  相似文献   

一 It is a joke that Americans were soon going To lose the use of his legs. But it is true that A few Americans will walk anywhere if they can Help it. You can do your banking from your Car without left the driving seat. You can put Yo…  相似文献   

1.YOU can say that again.一点也没错。用法:用于亲朋好友间,表示同意他的看法。Yang:I think there is a sharp contrast be-tween Chinese and Americans.Forexample,the Americans are veru in-  相似文献   

On the advice of his companion they had brought along blankets. The women of the ranchito brought other bedding, and a comfortable bed soon awaited the Americans.  相似文献   

Jokes and Humor     
Chinese people have a number of different family names,so-called “Hudreds of Family Names”.But Americans have the most family names in the world.  相似文献   

There are two elements in life that Americans dosave carefully: time and labor."Americans are slaves to nothing but theclock, "it has been said. Time is treated as if it were an almost tangible entry. In their language, there are words associated with it: time can be budgeted, saved, wasted, stolen, killed, and cut. Americans also charge for time. It is a precious commodity to them. Many people have a rather acute sense of the shortness of each lifetime. Once the sands have run out of a person' s hourglass, they can not be replaced. They want every minute to count.  相似文献   

When you sneeze, Americans would say "God Bless You" to you. In many Eu-ropean cultures, sneezing traditional-ly is associated with(与……有关联)death. And Americans believe that you are very close to death when you sneeze, because sneezing can expel(驱逐)the soul, thus life will es-cape from(逃脱、逸出)the body. So they say "God Bless You" to a sneezer as a charm against the danger of the moment. Neglecting these magical words means that the sneezer would end up in the next world. How…  相似文献   

许丰田 《海外英语》2012,(12):231-233
American Dream refers to the belief of the majority of Americans.Through hard work,thrift,and determination,they can surely achieve a better life and live a comfortable life.Such an American Dream has a profound influence on several generations of Americans.American Dream has a close relationship with people’ s working life and cultural activities.Death of a Salesman is a typical play about the pursuit and the illusionary of the Dream follower.In Death of a Salesman,the American Dream is the main hero as well as Willy Loman’ s spiritual pillar.The pursuit,the realization,and the disillusionment of the American Dream develop with Willy and his family.  相似文献   

翁朝袅 《海外英语》2011,(12):275-276
Alice Walker is one of the prominent American writers in American women’s literature and black literature in 1950s-1960s. Everyday Use is regarded as Alice Walker’s best-written short story. The prevailing opinion among the critics about this story is that Dee is the traitor of black American’s cultural heritage, and the mother and Maggie are the hope of true value of the African Americans’ tradition and heritage; however, after considering the historical and cultural background of the story, we may safely come to the conclusion that Dee actually took the first step toward the awakening of self-consciousness of the African Americans women.  相似文献   

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