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流浪乞讨者群体是社会组成的一部分,他们身上很清晰地反映了当前社会的矛盾,如公平待遇、大众意识形态、社会保障等问题。社会上普遍存在的趋强避弱、人情冷淡的文化心理及社会道德的滑坡,对流浪乞讨者的管理救助工作更产生了消极影响。在本文中,对社会现状、现行制度等方面进行分析,找出问题症结所在,并提出尽可能合理的建议。  相似文献   

乞讨者是由来已久的一个问题,而岷县小寨村曾经是知名的"乞讨村"。对小寨村乞讨现象的调查研究,能够帮助大学生正确地认识过去西部偏僻农村乞讨问题,了解乞讨者问题是如何解决的,今后怎样防止。  相似文献   

流浪儿童问题已经成为一个全社会关注的问题,它影响着当前和谐社会的构建及中国未来的发展,也影响着社会的安定。而要真正从源头上解决流浪儿童问题,必须对他们进行有针对性的教育,构建流浪儿童教育管理的体系和模式。本文分析了我国流浪儿童教育管理的现状,从中国国情出发,提出了构建"预防教育——救助教育——回归教育"的教育体系。  相似文献   

陈韶 《中国科技信息》2006,(1A):158-158,145
流浪乞讨人员是家庭、学校、社会三不管的特殊群体。1982年的政策将这个特殊群体,归划为“一般妨害社会秩序人员”,并视为“三无”人员纳入到被收容遣送对象,实施强制管理措施。而现在对其实施新的《救助管理办法》来施政。救助管理办法在施政过程中,出了新的社会治安问题,本文就这些新出现的问题探讨对流浪乞讨人员的管理。  相似文献   

当今,越来越快节奏的生活,使得人们承受着越来越大的精神压力,随之而来的精神疾病和心理卫生问题也就越来越多。而当一部分精神病人由于各种各样的原因,成为流浪精神病患者的时候,不仅不利于自己本身的病情,也会严重影响社会秩序,给社会带来许多不安定因素。所以,为了社会的长治久安,对流浪精神病人的救助应该给予足够的重视。  相似文献   

流浪乞讨人员是家庭、学校、社会三不管的特殊群体.1982年的政策将这个特殊群体,归划为"一般妨害社会秩序人员",并视为"三无"人员纳入到被收容遣送对象,实施强制管理措施.而现在对其实施新的<救助管理办法>来施政.救助管理办法在施政过程中,出了新的社会治安问题,本文就这些新出现的问题探讨对流浪乞讨人员的管理.  相似文献   

随着《城市流浪乞讨人员收容遣送办法》的废除,和新的《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》在施行中遭遇了种种麻烦与尴尬,乞丐问题业已成为当前社会和舆论关注的一大热点社会问题。除了相关法律法规的不尽完善或缺失外,造成这些尴尬和麻烦的原因之一,便是乞丐群体的鱼龙混杂、良莠难辨。或言之,往往都是乞丐的“异化”造成的。而这些“异化”,自古以来就早已形成了一种扭曲的轨迹。  相似文献   

自《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》及《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法实施细则》实施以来,全国各地的救助管理工作取得了显著的成效,但作为一项新的制度,其从实施之初至今一直经受着社会现实的考验,"跑站"即是其当前实施中产生的问题之一。  相似文献   

周嫱 《大众科技》2007,(10):191-192
自《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》及《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法实施细则》实施以来,全国各地的救助管理工作取得了显著的成效,但作为一项新的制度,其从实施之初至今一直经受着社会现实的考验,"跑站"即是其当前实施中产生的问题之一.  相似文献   

自2003年8月1日新的《城市生活无着的流浪乞讨人员救助管理办法》实施以来,社会救助工作进入全新阶段,同时,当今社会发展随之而来的社会问题也相应地加大了救助工作的难度。本文通过对青岛市救助管理站的实地调研,在对青岛市救助站受助人员的相关情况进行分析基础上,着重对其中映射出的社会问题进行深入剖析,并提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

Over one billion people are currently using social media such as social websites (Facebook Newsroom, 2015); consequently, numerous academic scholars have developed interest in studying the use of social media and social networks. However, few studies have focused on examining the core factors of social networks. In this study, we collected studies on social-network-related topics that were published between January 1996 and December 2014, assembling a total of 2565 articles and 81,316 citations. Co-citation analysis and cluster analysis were applied to verify seven main factors regarding social networks: (a) the measure of complex social networks; (b) community structure; (c) strong and weak ties; (d) the evolution of social networks; (e) network structure and relationship; (f) value concept and measurement strategies; and (g) social capital. Finally, the results of this study were further discussed to elucidate the core topics relevant to social networks.  相似文献   

Social metadata are receiving interest from many domains, mainly as a way to aggregate various patterns in social networks. Few scholars have, however, taken the perspective of end users and examined how they utilize social metadata to enrich interpersonal communication. The results of a study of end-user practices of social metadata usage are presented in this article. Data were gathered from a variety of online forums by collecting and analyzing user discussions relating to social metadata supporting features in Facebook. Three hundred and fifteen relevant comments on social metadata usage were extracted. The analysis revealed the use of experimental profiles, clashes between work-and non-work-related social metadata usage and differences in users' social investment, causing social dilemmas. The study also resulted in developments of theory relating to social metadata and relationship maintenance. In conclusion, social metadata expand a pure “attention economy,” conveying a much wider qualitative range of social information.  相似文献   

改革开放以后我国社会价值观呈现出新的特点,对大学的科技活动产生双重影响。同样是受到功利主义社会价值观的影响,但由于学术界的内在文化的差异和体制的不同,功利主义的社会价值观对英国、美国和中国的科技活动造成的结果是不一样的。功利主义的社会价值观与功利性的学术文化内外结合、共同影响,是我国大学科技活动中急功近利行为的文化根源。因此,需要重建社会价值体系及学术价值体系。  相似文献   

There is no doubt that scientific discoveries have always brought changes to society. New technologies help solve social problems such as transportation and education, while research brings benefits such as curing diseases and improving food production. Despite the impacts caused by science and society on each other, this relationship is rarely studied and they are often seen as different universes. Previous literature focuses only on a single domain, detecting social demands or research fronts for example, without ever crossing the results for new insights. In this work, we create a system that is able to assess the relationship between social and scholar data using the topics discussed in social networks and research topics. We use the articles as science sensors and humans as social sensors via social networks. Topic modeling algorithms are used to extract and label social subjects and research themes and then topic correlation metrics are used to create links between them if they have a significant relationship. The proposed system is based on topic modeling, labeling and correlation from heterogeneous sources, so it can be used in a variety of scenarios. We make an evaluation of the approach using a large-scale Twitter corpus combined with a PubMed article corpus. In both of them, we work with data of the Zika epidemic in the world, as this scenario provides topics and discussions on both domains. Our work was capable of discovering links between various topics of different domains, which suggests that some of the relationships can be automatically inferred by the sensors. Results can open new opportunities for forecasting social behavior, assess community interest in a scientific subject or directing research to the population welfare.  相似文献   

Social commerce, a recent branch of e-commerce, has made the experience of consumers on social commerce platform (SCP) different from other contexts, as the consumers have social interactions with each other. Growing evidence also shows that consumers on these platforms are prone to impulse buying behavior owing to the social interactions. However, existing research on online impulse buying was limited when illustrating the behavior of consumers on SCPs as social relationship constructs were not included. New theoretical developments are needed in regard to fill the research gap. In this research, parasocial interaction (PSI) theory is introduced in this research to examine the influence of social relationship factors on the formation of impulse buying behavior. An empirical research has been conducted on Mogujie (www.mogujie.com), one of the most popular image-sharing SCPs in China. Results indicate that PSI exerts an impact on impulse buying tendency, the social-relevant features of the SCP determine PSI, and perceived usefulness and PSI both significantly affect perceived enjoyment. In addition, consumers’ perceived enjoyment and impulse buying tendencies significantly affect their urge to buy impulsively. The implications, limitations, and discussions are provided.  相似文献   

崔祥民  梅强 《软科学》2011,25(12):13-18,24
以江苏两个产业集群内的199个创业者为被试对象,对产业集群内创业者社会资本如何通过信息能力影响创业机会价值进行了实证研究。结果表明,信息能力在创业者社会资本影响创业机会价值中发挥了中介作用。  相似文献   

In this study, we first explore whether individuals with the greatest number of weak ties to others will have more connections to a greater number of unrelated social clusters. Secondly, we explore whether individuals with the greatest number of weak ties to others will serve as bridges between isolated social clusters. Thirdly, we analyse whether the level of call activity is dependant on different types of social network structures (i.e. strong ties and weak ties). Here, we investigate the effects of social ties on mobile phone usage behaviour. The research conceptual model represents the relationship between three independent variables and one dependant variable. The three independent variables — (i) call activity; (ii) connection to unrelated social clusters; and (iii) social bridges between unrelated social clusters. We suggest that each of the three independent variables has an impact on the way individuals use mobile phone devices. By exploring the MIT Reality Mining Data, we first found a trend where the individuals who have the greatest number of strong social ties to others display the highest levels of call activity. On the contrary, individuals who have a modest number of strong ties, but have a high number of acquaintances show lower levels of call activity purely because the weak tie relationships do not require as much maintenance as the strong ties. Secondly, we visualise where unrelated social clusters within a social network displayed some connections to one another. We propose that the majority of these connections interlinking such unrelated social clusters would be weak ties. Thirdly, we discover that the individuals who display the greatest number of weak tie relationships are linked to the individuals in various social clusters.  相似文献   

进入后移民时期后,三峡库区移民‘返流’、群体性规模集访、产业空虚化综合症、社会心态环境脆弱和移民‘利益群体’形成等区域性社会问题相继浮出水面。通过对这些现象和行为的成因分析,认为非自愿移民和介入性贫困是产生三峡库区社会问题的症结。为了准确反映迁移对移民实际生活的影响,本文提出一种新的移民分类标准,对三峡库区在这一新时期社会发展战略的思路、工作目标和解决社会问题途径进行了探讨,提出建设国家级生态经济特区;探索减低维护三峡生态政治成本的体制改革;以《三峡库区后续规划》实施为契机偿还历史欠账;实施对重大社会问题的综合治理;放开三峡库区的议题设置和建立社会风险预测预警系统等多项对策建议。  相似文献   

葛宏翔  梁微 《科技管理研究》2020,40(15):175-181
以社会资本为切入点,对海归创业、企业绩效、社会资本与科技研发能力等相关理论和文献进行综述,深入分析海归社会资本、科技研发能力、初创企业绩效等要素之间的相互联系,构建海归创业要素与初创企业绩效的关系模型。基于此,选取海归于2015—2018年间成立的260家公司为研究对象,提出相应研究假设并进行实证研究,实证探究海归社会资本因科技研发能力而影响企业绩效的内在机制,揭示社会资本影响企业绩效的“过程黑箱”。结果表明,海归的政策性和市场性社会资本对创业绩效存在正向影响,科技研发能力在社会资本对创业绩效关系中起到了部分中介作用。由此,初步呈现了海归社会资本影响初创企业的绩效的路径和机制,为海归整合社会资本、培养核心能力,促进初创企业成长提供可行的发展策略。  相似文献   

蒋小仙 《科研管理》2022,43(5):44-50
本文旨在通过探索创业活动的中介作用打开社会保障影响区域经济增长的“黑箱”,破解“社会保障之谜”。基于资源依赖理论和需求层次理论,构建了社会保障、创业与区域经济增长关系的理论模型,运用2009—2016年间省级动态面板数据进行实证检验。结果表明:(1)失业保障对生存型创业具有负向影响,但对机会型创业具有正向影响;养老保障对生存型创业和机会型创业都具有正向影响;(2)生存型创业对区域经济增长具有负向影响,而机会型创业对区域经济增长具有正向影响;(3)机会型创业和生存型创业在社会保障与区域经济增长的关系间具有部分中介作用,且在技术和资本禀赋由低及高的区域中,社会保障对区域经济的影响由单一化向多元化转变。本文为解开“社会保障之谜”提供了新的研究视角,为政府营造有利于生存型创业向机会型创业转变的社会保障制度环境提供了一定的指导和借鉴。  相似文献   

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