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目的:研究“以家庭为中心”的护理模式对缓解老年高血压患者的病情,促进老年高血压患者恢复以及缓解家庭焦虑的作用。方法:对老年高血压患者进行基础护理、生活护理、心理护理、健康教育以及健康指导。结论:家庭护理对老年高血压治疗效果明显。  相似文献   

我国高血压患者不断增加,但很多人在防治上仍存误区。中国医学科学院阜外心血管病医院专家王文的权威讲解,教人们有效降血压。我国有两亿高血压患者,绝大多数患者对高血压这一无声杀手认识不足。一般人认为,无症状就是血压不高,就没有危险,使得我国高血压控制率很低。其实高血压会引起脑血管意外、肾功能不全、尿毒症、高血压性心脏病和冠心病高发。  相似文献   

杜月凌 《科学生活》2013,(11):20-20
我国成年人高血压患病率为27.2%,即全国约有l.3亿高血压患者。随着老龄化社会的到来,这一数字将逐年攀升,2012年上海老年人中高血压的患病率已高达61%。高血压是心血管疾病最严重的致病因素,长期高血压可导致心、脑、肾等靶器官的严重损害,出现冠心病、脑卒中、肾功能衰退等并发症。因此,提高人们对高血压的认识、有效地控制血压显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

康维 《今日科苑》2012,(20):98-103
高血压,是我国中老年的常见慢性疾病,给社会和家庭带来很大的负担。如何科学管理高血压,如何预防高血压带来的相关疾病?本期养生保健栏目,与您共同关注高血压。北京:46%居民死因同高血压有关2011年,北京市居民死亡原因中,和高血压直接相关的疾病占据46.3%。为此,今年全市将对12万名50岁及以上居民进行脑卒中危险因素筛查,并对公交司机、出租车司机等展开  相似文献   

高血压患者中中青年者占有很大比例,这与其发病机制、临床症状、治疗等方面的特殊性有关。中医药在治疗高血压中有着整体调节的优势,可望在中青年高血压的防治中发挥重要作用。文章对近年来中青年高血压的临床特点及中医药的病因病机、辨证分型、治疗现状进行了分析阐述,为中医药防治中青年高血压提供思路。  相似文献   

目的:观察综合干预的健康处方对提高全人群高血压的控制率的影响,寻找适宜的干预处方与健康生活模式。方法:选取35岁及以上社区居民(约4万人)作为重点目标人群,通过三年时间,设计量化的饮食、运动、限盐、限酒及药物等综合干预健康处方,使社区居民对高血压知、信、行向健康的方向转变,提高高血压的管理率和控制率。结果:目标人群通过三年时间,设计量化的饮食、运动、限盐、限酒及药物等综合干预健康处方,对高血压知、信、行向健康的方向转变,提高高血压的管理率和控制率。结论:量化的饮食、运动、限盐、限酒及药物等综合干预健康处方,提高了高血压的管理率和控制率,使社区居民对高血压知、信、行向健康的方向转变。  相似文献   

高血压的发病率呈上升趋势,给人们的身体带来不同程度的损伤,包括对神经、脏器、心、脑、动脉的损害,严重时威胁生命。对高血压患者的饮食、运动、吸烟、心理进行合理的干预从而减少高血压的现患率、致残率、死亡率,提高生活质量。  相似文献   

如今高血压与心血管疾病的患者越来越多,高血压前期的情况会影响心血管疾病的发生率。由于心血管疾病对人有不可逆的不良影响,所以我们必须有效预防。本文研究了高血压前期与心血管疾病在血压、血管、血管弹性等方面的相关性,希望能对心血管疾病的预防起到一定的作用。  相似文献   

随着我们生活水平提高,居民膳食结构提高、同时生活习惯发生改变。随之而来的高血压的患病率也大大增加,同时高血压引起肾损害导致尿酸升高都是显而易见的,但同时与其相关的高尿酸血症也是导致高血压的一个独立危险因素,尿酸是高血压发病的中介体,高尿酸血症在高血压发病以及预后过程中起着非常重要的作用,高血压的危险性会随着尿酸水平的增加而增加。在干预尿酸水平对治疗高血压有着举足轻重的意义,据统计,有20%的高尿酸血症患者同时患有高血压,而高血压患者中有大概三分之一患有高尿酸血症。很多人都把这两种病单独看待,而事实是,高血压和高尿酸血症的病情变化和治疗是相互影响的。下来就高尿酸与高血压的关系做一个粗浅的简述。  相似文献   

高血压是当今世界的流行病,具有患病率高、致残率高、死亡率高和自我知晓率低、合理用药率低、有效控制率低的“三高三低”特点。我国大、中等城市15-69岁人群中高血压患病率高达 19.2%。下列八种人特别易患高血压。 一、中、老年人 人到中老年易忠高血压,其中45%为父母有高血压病史;父母无高血压,子女患高血压机会为 3%。 老年人群中60%以上患有明显的心脑血管病,其中由高血压引起的相关性心血管病占绝大多数。全国每年的150万人因高血压引起脑中风。随着我国老龄化的到来,加强对中老年人群高血压病的防治干预非…  相似文献   

Coronary artery disease (CAD) remains the major cause of mortality and morbidity in the entire world population. The conventional risk factors of CAD include hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, family history, smoking etc. These factors contribute only 50 % of the total risk of CAD. For providing a complete risk assessment in CAD, it is mandatory to have well-planned clinical, biochemical and genetic studies in patients with CAD and subjects who are at risk of developing CAD. In this review an attempt is made to critically evaluate the conventional and emerging risk factors which predispose the individual to CAD. Specifically, the molecular basis of CAD including high oxidative stress, low antioxidant status and increased DNA damage are covered. A comprehensive and multifactorial approach to the problem is the better way to reduce the morbidity and mortality of the disease.  相似文献   

袁剑雄  黄新 《大众科技》2013,(5):144-146
颅内进展性出血性损伤(PHI)是导致颅脑损伤患者高病死率和高致残率的重要原因,目前临床上对于PHI患者CT复查时机尚无一权威的科学界定。PHI出现时机体病理生理变化复杂,部分的凝血指标一定程度上可反映出继发性出血后机体的病理生理变化,因此,早期诊断PHI对于减少致残率和死亡率尤为重要,并可为临床上寻找积极有效的治疗措施和预测转归提供理论依据。  相似文献   

随着现代生活水平的提高和社会压力的增加,高血压的发病率也在逐年增加,目前全国成人高血压患者约有1.6亿[1]。研究显示,通过有效地护理而控制血压是减少心脑血管事件的重要措施[2]。老年高血压患者,在血流动力学、临床特点及预后等方面都不同于其他年龄的高血压患者,积极有效的护理干预可增强高血压患者的服药依从性,提高临床疗效[3-4]。因此,采取积极有效的家庭护理对老年高血压患者是非常重要的。  相似文献   

Despite enormous research in the field of hypertension, its pathophysiology still remains largely unresolved and appears to be multifactorial. In the present communication, we have analyzed the status of nitric oxide (NO) in the patients with essential hypertension and age matched controls. We have found that the levels of NO are lowered in essential hypertension. The normalization of blood pressure by administration of antihypertensive therapy causes rise in the NO level indicating that perturbed NO status in essential hypertension is reversible. Addition of antioxidant to the antihypertensive drugs causes a further, though non significant, rise in the levels of NO, suggesting that antioxidants may be combined with antihypertensive drugs as adjunct in the management of essential hypertension.  相似文献   

Hypertension is the most important public health problem in developing countries and one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular diseases, and it has been reported that hypertension is in part an inflammatory disorder and several workers have reported elevated levels of CRP in hypertensive individuals. The main aim of the present study was to evaluate the association between blood pressure and serum CRP levels across the range of blood pressure categories including prehypertension. A total of 104 patients and 63 control subjects were included in the present study. The level of CRP in the serum samples was estimated by a high sensitivity immunoturbidometric assay. Standard unpaired student’s ‘t’ test was used for comparison of hs-CRP levels between hypertensive patients and normotensive control subjects and between patient groups with different grades of hypertension and different durations of hypertensive histories. The mean serum hs-CRP level in hypertensive patients was 3.26 mg/L compared with 1.36 mg/L among normotensive control subjects (P<0.001). On comparison with normotensive control subjects, the hs-CRP levels vary significantly both with grades and duration of hypertension, with most significant difference found in patients with prehypertension (P<0.001), followed by Stage-I (P=0.01) and Stage-II(P=0.02) hypertensives. Significant difference in hs-CRP levels was also found in patients with shorter duration of hypertensive history (≤ 1year) when compared with those with ≥5 years of hypertensive history (P<0.01). Our study reveals a graded association between blood pressure and CRP elevation in people with hypertension. Individuals with prehypertension or with shorter duration of hypertension (≤1 Year) had significantly a greater likelihood of CRP elevation in comparison to chronic stage-I or stage-II hypertensives.  相似文献   

高半胱氨酸血症(hyperhomocysteinemia,HHCY)又称同型半胱氨酸血症,是指血浆中游离的及与蛋白结合的同型半胱氨酸和混合性二硫化物的水平升高[1]。而高血压病伴有同型半胱氨酸血症(≥10 Umol/L)的患者又称之为H型高血压。文章通过整理归纳H型高血压的中西医研究进展,为将来H型高血压的研究找到一个方向。  相似文献   

Coronary Artery Disease is the major cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Traditional risk factors account for only half of the morbidity and mortality from coronary artery disease. There is substantial evidence that oxidative stress plays the major role in the atherosclerotic process. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the level of lipid peroxidation (by measuring malondialdehyde) and antioxidant enzymes (ceruloplasmin, glutathione, superoxide dismutase) in coronary artery disease. Serum malondialdehyde levels and serum ceruloplasmin levels were significantly raised in all the subgroups of study group as compared to control group (p<0.001). Whole blood glutathione levels and hemolysate superoxide dismutase activity was significantly decreased in all the subgroups of study group as compared to control group (p<0.001). Above results suggests that the patients of coronary artery disease show increased oxidative stress and decreased levels of antioxidant enzymes. So it is recommended that the management protocol for coronary artery disease patients should include antioxidant supplementation along with simultaneous lowering of lipid peroxidation.  相似文献   

定性综合集成方法是对定性研究的研究结论进行集成并重新解释的方法论过程。本文首先详细阐述了笔者提出的定性综合集成方法的应用方式;其次通过分析老年高血压病患者心理护理的案例,对提出的应用方式进行验证;最后,总结了定性综合集成方法的应用效果。  相似文献   

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