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在填报志愿之前,考生有必要认真研究各个高校的招生章程,因为这是学校在录取中必须遵循的"规则".录取规则主要包括:提档比例的确定、录取第二志愿考生的政策、加分因素的选用、是否有男女比例限制、专业调剂的原则等.  相似文献   

以中国人民大学为例实证分析了新高考背景下"双一流"高校高考录取在省际之间的公平性问题,对高考录取基尼系数及因此导致的效率损失进行了测度.研究结果表明:实施新高考改革后,各省份高考录取公平状况得到明显改善,但高考录取的不公平形势依然严峻,高考录取基尼系数一直保持在0.5以上的较高水平.建议:高考改革政策的制定、修订和实施应进一步以促进教育公平为导向,尤其以"双一流"高校录取率为重要指标,通过实施基础教育质量提升工程,从而推动高考录取省际间公平性和效率的改善.  相似文献   

本科院校:从3到76 为扩大高校办学自主权,探索一种以统一考试录取为主,多元化考试评价、多样化选拔录取相结合的选拔人才制度.2001年,教育部在南京大学、东南大学、南京航天航空大学等江苏省3所高校试行了"自主招生录取"改革.  相似文献   

正9月4日,国务院公布《关于深化考试招生制度改革的实施意见》,强调推行高考成绩公布后填报志愿方式;创造条件逐步取消高校招生录取批次;改进投档录取模式,推进并完善平行志愿投档方式,增加高校和学生的双向选择机会。2015年起在有条件的省份开展录取批次改革试点。长期以来,高校招生录取批次事实上将高校划分出了三六九等,高校办学的自由竞争实际上无从谈起,这正是各高校争相"升格"、"改名"的根本原因;同时,因为高校招生录取批次将高校划分  相似文献   

吴根洲 《江苏高教》2015,(2):75-78,85
院校优先的平行志愿投档模式在降低高分考生落榜概率与解决高校招生录取"大小年"现象的同时也产生了一定的负面影响:挤压高校招生自主权,降低考生专业志愿匹配度,加剧高校之间的等级分化。专业优先的梯度志愿投档模式则有利于扩大高校招生自主权,可以兼顾考生的院校志愿与专业志愿,有利于引导高校公平竞争,从而优化高校生态系统。改革高校考试招生制度是一项系统工程,实现专业优先梯度志愿的投档模式需要两项配套改革措施:一是制定并落实专业录取标准的机制改革,二是保障落实高中课程标准的高校招生考试体系改革。  相似文献   

多样化既是美国高校招生考试制度的主要特点,也是世界各国大学招生考试改革的发展趋势.我国高等教育已进入大众化阶段,必须建立与大众化教育相适应的多样化的高校招生考试制度.通过学习借鉴他国经验和总结自己经验,逐步建立起适合我国国情、满足教育发展和人才培养需要,公平公正,以统一考试和统一录取为主、多种评价方式和多元录取方式并举的多样化的高校招生考试录取制度.  相似文献   

因为"985"高校提供的优质高等教育资源非常有限,所以这些高校高考录取的公平性问题成为一个众人瞩目的焦点。"985"高校高考录取的公平与否,不仅直接影响着民众对录取政策的认可程度;也直接关涉到生源质量的高低,而拥有高质量的生源是成为世界一流大学的必备条件。定量研究认为,目前"985"高校高考录取的公平状况亟待改善。  相似文献   

高校的招生录取数据可以从《全国普通高校招生网上录取——院校子系统》中得到,利用VFP对高校录取数据进行再次开发,设计、打印带条形码的录取通知书,为高校实现"校园一卡通"管理提供方便、快捷的数据源。  相似文献   

"提前录取"是美国高校招生的一种重要形式,分为"提前决定"与"提前行动"。本研究分析"提前录取"的程序、标准及效果,并与中国自主招生进行对比。研究发现二者本质不同,美国"提前录取"是录取过程的完全实现,而中国自主招生只是高考招生的一个环节。"提前录取"作为高校夺取招生主动权的策略行为,可以降低成本,达成有效录取,但是也...  相似文献   

自主选拔录取是高校考试招生制度改革的一项重要而有效的举措。文章从高校自主选拔录取改革的历程和现状入手,分析了当前自主选拔录取遇到的困难和矛盾,并以武汉理工大学自主选拔录取实践为例,提出了深化自主选拔录取改革的有效途径。  相似文献   

The study examined African American, Asian American, and European American college students’ previous direct and indirect experiences of seeking professional psychological services and related attitudes. Survey data were collected from 254 European American, 182 African American and 82 Asian American college students. Results revealed that fewer African American and Asian American college students had sought professional psychological services, knew someone who had sought psychological services, and knew a close person who was diagnosed with a psychological disorder, relative to European American students. Furthermore, African American and Asian American participants showed less favorable attitudes on a variety of help-seeking attitudes, compared to the European American group.  相似文献   

Alhough Asian American students are underrepresented in special education, recent studies have highlighted concerns about the cultural and linguistic appropriateness of the identification and placement process. This study examined the characteristics of Asian American elementary students with learning disabilities (LD) in a school district in the Southwest that was selected because it served the largest number of Asian American students with LD in the state. Due to the small numbers of students served, the sample included all Asian American students with LD in Grades K to 5 (N = 26). Variables of interest included students' demographic characteristics, factors associated with referral, assessment practices and student profiles, and instructional recommendations for special education services. The results suggest that the experiences of Asian American students with LD are similar to those of Mexican American students with LD reported in earlier studies. These findings also reflect the challenges faced by educators in providing appropriate educational services for language minority students.  相似文献   

Based on data collected from middle school students in a U.S. school (N = 159) and a Chinese school (N = 183), this study compared Internet use in school and at home between American students and Chinese students, explored what affected students’ use of the Internet, and examined how students’ Internet use related to their learning. Results reveal that (a) significant differences in online activities between American students and Chinese students were found in school, but not at home. Further analysis suggests that different pedagogical practices in these two cultural contexts led to the different uses of the Internet in school between American students and Chinese students. (b) There were significant school/home differences in Internet use for American students, but not much school/home difference was found for Chinese students. (c) There were salient similarities between American students and Chinese students in terms of the most popular activities they engaged in online. (d) Internet use in teaching and learning in school had some influence on students’ interest in learning specific subjects.  相似文献   

The authors investigated ethnicity, self‐construal, and distress among African American and Asian American college students. African American students expressed more salient independent self‐construals, whereas Asian American students expressed more salient interdependent self‐construals. As hypothesized, among African American participants, distress was positively related to interdependent self‐construal and negatively associated with independent self‐construal. Contrary to prediction, the same pattern was found for Asian American participants. Multicultural clinical practice implications are presented.  相似文献   

陈妍 《海外英语》2012,(17):50-51,70
为了实现大学英语的教学目标,有必要对非英语专业学生进行英美文学渗透。大学英语教材体现出编者的英美文学渗透意识,此为前提条件。英美文学渗透的必要性和重要性主要体现如下:提高学生的人文素养,推行素质教育;加深学生对英美文化的了解,促进跨文化交际;培养学生的文艺鉴赏能力,推行通识教育。教师在教学实践中应有意识地对学生进行英美文学渗透,以培养出具备综合素养的大学生。  相似文献   

美国电影作为美国传输其文化和价值观的重要手段和策略,对中国学生了解美国社会文化具有重要作用,同时也存在帝国霸道文化的负面影响。影视课教师不仅应该对具有文化内涵的词汇进行讲解,加深学生对文化的理解,重视影视材料中语言及其文化使用的社会环境,挖掘语言文化的社会意义,更应重视其作为软实力对学生的影响,从而做好正确的文化输入。  相似文献   

Supplemental instruction (SI) is a small-group, peer-mentored programme which is compatible with the learning preferences of American Indian students. We tested the hypothesis that SI is a compensatory strategy that reduces the differences in the grades earned in introduction to psychology by Euro-American and American Indian students. The sample consisted of 129 American Indian students and 4588 Euro-American students enrolled in introduction to psychology at a US university. As hypothesised, a multi-level model yielded a significant (p < .01) interaction between SI and ethnicity on course grade. Whereas for non-SI users, the gap between Euro-American and American Indian students was .71 grade points, for SI users, it was only .15 grade points. Strategies should be devised for increasing SI visits by students enrolled in introduction to psychology, particularly those who belong to American Indian tribes.  相似文献   

This study examined data from a random sample of 500 White students and 500 African American students who have taken the Community College Student Experiences Questionnaire to determine which factors in the environment impact their career preparation. The results showed that interaction with faculty had the strongest impact on career preparation for all students. Counseling services were significant for African American students. The African American students indicated they put more effort into student-faculty interactions and peer interactions than White students, and they reported greater gains in career preparation.  相似文献   

良好的英美文学基础,有助于教师和学生了解西方文化。当前,在英语教学中,许多人认为英美文学对于非英美文学专业的学生并不重要。其实这是一种误解。从语言与文化的关系中可以发现。英美文学在大学英语教学具有重要的作用,它有助于学生理解英美语言的文化内涵,培养学生的学习兴趣,提高学生的英语水平。  相似文献   

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