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远程开放教育课程学习评价系统设计   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
远程开放教育课程学习评价系统的开发、应用是广播电视大学开展现代远程教育的客观需要,也是“基于网络的远程开放教育学习评价研究与实践”(教育部重点课题,课题批准号:DKA050165)研究的一个重要内容。本文阐述了基于网络学习评价系统的设计目标,学习评价系统的概念结构,学习评价各子系统的基本需求分析,形成性评价系统的技术设计。  相似文献   

开放教育的发展正在变革传统教育形态,形成数字化时代教育新形态。基于开放教育视角审视国家精品课程建设,问题主要聚焦在平台架构重复建设且开放性不强、教学组织模式单一且应用性较弱和评价体系偏重静态而发展性匮乏等三个方面。实现精品课程转型升级需要系统的实施策略:平台架构,基于云平台的模块化开放架构体系;教学组织,基于现实需求的多层次整合化教学体系;评价体系,面向应用的进阶式发展性评价体系。研究得出了精品课程建设需要顺应发展趋势实现转型升级、需要采用系统策略形成合力整合推进的结论。  相似文献   

自主学习实践模式与质量评价研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自主学习模式是电大开放教育学习模式探索的重点课题,而质量评价则是保障开放教育培养目标和培养规格的重要环节。而自主学习必须在教师和教学管理业务部门的组织、监控和指导下学习。学习模式有很多种,如:在线互动学习模式、信息收集和应用学习模式、形成性自检自测学习模式、实践应用学习模式和混合学习模式等。自主学习的评价方法也多种多样,如形成性评价和终结性评价相结合,自我评价和教师评价相结合、计算机评价等。  相似文献   

流动人口子女也是富有情感和个性的人,新课程背景下对这些学生的学习行为评价应该充满激励和人文关怀.本文从实施形成性评价、关注课堂即兴评价和改革终结性评价三个方面,论述了如何在教育教学过程中,对流动人口子女学生的学习行为进行多元、系统的发展性评价,以促进他们健康成长与和谐发展.  相似文献   

现代远程教育课程形成性考核质量评价应该符合人才培养模式的目标,体现现代远程教育的特点,设计多元评价标准综合评价学生的学习,反映评价的全面性、过程性和动态性。《宏微观经济学》课程形成性考核改革实践证明,新的形成性考核有利于学生自主学习能力和实践能力的提高。在今后的实践中,需要深入思考和解决一些相关问题。  相似文献   

以发展为本的多元化学习评价模式对于开放教育学习者的全面发展和开放大学的教学发展具有重要的现实意义。它以促进学习者的全面发展为评价取向,注重评价主体之间的平等交流和多元互动,评价内容的立体开放和多元互补,评价过程的自我教育和教师从旁指导,评价方法的形式多样和各展所长,评价反馈的正向激励和及时有效。国家开放大学广州分部基于发展性学习评价理念,探索出了"对分考核"、"小组合作成果"、"写作技能学测评"、"真实项目实操"、"1+N作品考核"等学习评价模式,适应了开放教育的应用型人才培养目标和混合学习模式的要求。  相似文献   

当今,随着科技的发展,生产力的巨大进步,教学观念已经发生了新的变化,素质教育的教学观应运而生,并被广大教育工作者认同。素质教育观认为,教师在传授知识的同时,还应该培养学生的能力激发学生的创造力,促使学生的个性发展。同时,提倡手脑结合,使学生懂学习,会研究,善创造,为进一步的学习和将来的工作打下基础。与此相应,建立以促进学生发展为目标的评价体系,是推动课程改革顺利进行的关键。注重形成性评价和终结性评价相结合,以形成性评价为主。必须从多元、主体、开放的评价方式评价学生的学业成绩。  相似文献   

随着新课改的发展,形成性评价和终结性相结合的多元评价体系已成为新课程评价改革的主要目标,逐步向综合性(形成性评价和终结性评价)学习质量评价转变,全面检测学生综合运用语言的能力,并取得了很大的进展.  相似文献   

探讨多媒体数字语音室在大学英语形成性评价中的作用。介绍形成性评价研究理论的基础上,以我院大学英语教学中形成性评价开展情况为例,集中说明了了大学英语形成性评价理论依据、评价内容和评价途径。研究发现多媒体数字语音室实现形成性评价多元、开放和过程性原则,提高了评价的信度和效度,同时又为形成性评价中的自主学习环节提供了良好的学习环境。多媒体数字化语言实验室凭借其自身的英语语言教学的平台信息化、教学资源网络化、教学模式互动化和教学质量素质化等特点为大学英语形成性评价提供了新的方式。  相似文献   

中国文化课程是高校普遍开设的留学生必修课程,近年来日益受到重视,然而其教学现状却不容乐观。为了实现中国文化课程的培养目标和文化目标,应建立起"诊断性评价+形成性评价+终结性评价"的多元评价考核体系。诊断性评价用于明确学生基础,使教学有的放矢;形成性评价可以督促学生学习,帮助查漏补缺;终结性评价对学生进行全面检测,并发挥考试的反拨作用。经探索实践证明,多元评价对学生的潜能激发、能力培养和个性发展具有积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

Among contemporary means of enhancing student learning, formative assessment is perhaps one of the most important and effective. While formative assessment ideas and practices have been shown to have a proven record enhancing student learning, these practices are slow to be fully integrated into teachers’ day-to-day classroom practices. This study describes a collaborative effort among university faculty and public school partners to train teachers in the skills and practices of formative assessment. Regarding teachers’ involvement in the formative assessment professional development, findings highlight that 1) teachers’ participation in the professional development efforts did strengthen their understanding of both general knowledge of formative assessment and the use of formative assessment practices, 2) teachers’ plans to use the strategies in the future were related to their understanding of these strategies, and 3) in-depth and comprehensive understanding of formative assessment practices were critical to concrete applications of such practices in their classrooms. With respect to the impact on student learning, an overall effect size of .41 was found for teachers who utilized a formative assessment strategy compared with district averages for similar learning objectives when the practices were not used.  相似文献   

本研究主要采用问卷调查的方法,在04春和05春两个学期中,以宁波电大开放教育本、专科学生和课程辅导教师为主要调查群体,对英语本专科以及公共英语九门英语课程的“形成性考核及学习档案” (即“形考册”)使用情况进行了定量和定性分析,指出上述几门课程形考册在设计形式、内容及使用过程中存在的优点和不足,并提出相应的整改意见,以使开放教育英语类课程形考册真正达到课程形成性评价的既定目标。  相似文献   

This case study looked at how an assessment strategy designed for an online learning environment can support teachers’ professional development. More specifically, we intended to evaluate how a particular online assessment design can help the participating in-service teachers to recognize the added value of formative assessment, and promote their own use of formative assessment in their professional classroom practices. The presented assessment design consists of a combination of different, non-standard assessment methods in an online environment. We analysed data from 494 questionnaires, the participants’ critical reflections about their learning and the participants’ produced artefacts. The findings illustrate the participants’ recognition of the formative character of the proposed assessment design, reflected not only by the high scores reported in seven of the eight themes explored, but also from the qualitative analysis of the participants’ reflections and artefacts. Suggestions are offered for the improvement of the proposed assessment design, so as to better promote the formative character of assessment. In particular, implications for the development of formative assessment in online professional development are discussed taking into account its potential to promote the participants’ self-regulatory learning processes.  相似文献   

This exploratory study of elementary school science examines questions central to policy, practice and research on formative assessment: What is the quality of teachers’ content-pedagogical and assessment knowledge? What is the relationship between teacher knowledge and assessment practice? What is the relationship between teacher knowledge, assessment practice and student learning? Drawing on multiple measures, hierarchical linear modelling and path analysis, results suggest that despite weaknesses in teachers’ content-pedagogical and assessment knowledge, teachers’ formative assessment practices are positively related to student learning. Relationships between teachers’ knowledge and assessment practices are mixed. Findings underscore both the potential and challenge of bringing effective formative practice to fruition as well as the need for continued research.  相似文献   

Teachers’ agency has an effect on their own learning process at the workplace. In this study we explored the extent to which teachers participating in a formative teacher assessment procedure developed a sense of agency. We investigated not only whether teachers participating in a such an assessment procedure experienced agency and thus felt in control of the learning process and able to pursue their learning objectives, but also whether agency was visible, by looking at decision-making in real time: did teachers take an active role in their own assessment, especially regarding the learning objectives to be pursued, during the assessment meetings? We found that teachers experienced a high level of agency while participating in the assessment procedure, but did not consistently show this during the assessment procedure.  相似文献   

大学英语教学中的形成性评价略论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现行的大学英语教学评价体系中,片面强调教学结果的终结性评价存在诸多负面影响,而注重学习过程评价的形成性评价有利于提高学生的自主学习能力和英语综合应用能力,促进学生全面发展。本文在介绍形成性评价基本理论基础上,提出了在大学英语教学中应用形成性评价的原则和具体做法,并总结了需要注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

"学习性评价"是在"形成性评价"基础上发展演变而来的、为适应新一轮国际基础教育改革而产生的课堂评价理论及其指导下的课堂评价实践。"学习性评价"的五大核心理念体现了国际基础教育评价理念经历的重大变化。"学习性评价"与"形成性评价"既有密切联系又有显著区别。我国需要从评价制度(如督导)和政策层面上确立"学习性评价"在课程与教学中的地位,积极发挥"学习性评价"对课程与教学改革的促进作用。  相似文献   

教学评价是课堂教学的重要组成部分,科学的评价方式是实现课程目标的有力保证。受传统的教育观和人才观的影响,目前我国高中英语教学的评价方式还依赖终结性评价,学生成绩成为他们的最终定论,而他们的学习过程、情感态度、价值观和能力往往被忽视。文章将形成性评价引入高中英语教学中,以福建省漳州市第三中学高一年级学生为例,尝试使用问卷调查、课堂观察和学习档案袋这三种形成性评价的方法,旨在激发学生学习英语的兴趣,提高其学习的自信心和积极性。同时就形成性评价在实施过程中出现的问题进行了总结和反思。  相似文献   

日本形成性评价发展的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
形成性评价的相关理论自20世纪70年代被介绍到日本以来,由于其具有改进教学、有助于保障全体学生学力的功能而受到关注,对相对评价占支配地位的教育界产生了重要影响。形成性评价通过与注重教学研究、巧妙利用学生"出错"等日本本土化实践与理论思想的结合在日本得到发展并扎根。进入90年代,在建构主义理论的影响下,形成性评价与自我评价的结合而步入新的发展阶段。本文从日本传统教学思想的视角对日本形成性评价的发展进行了梳理,并通过形成性评价与自我评价相结合的实践案例分析了形成性评价发展的特征。  相似文献   

The requirement to provide timely formative tasks that are designed to facilitate student learning and autonomy has provoked a wider examination of the role of assessment in higher education and encouraged further investigation of the alignment of learning, teaching and assessment in curriculum design frameworks. Many current authors have proposed that the primary purpose of assessment is to enhance current and future learning and that current practice tends to overemphasise the importance of assessment for progression and certification purposes. This paper proposes that a clearer distinction be made between assessment tasks designed to facilitate and test current learning through the use of formative and summative assessments, and those tasks primarily designed to enhance future learning, which could be better termed integrative assessments. This distinction would allow students and teachers to have greater clarity around the proposed outcomes and reward mechanisms associated with assessment tasks and feedback. This paper proposes that teachers should strive to incorporate four different types of assessment tasks throughout a programme of study, namely diagnostic, formative, integrative and summative tasks, and that the outcomes and reward mechanisms for different assessment types be explained more clearly to students.  相似文献   

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