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An apparatus designed by Berlyne was used to dissociate locomotor activity and inspective exploratory responses with the aid of traditional manipulators. In this apparatus, novel and complex stimulation increased exploration but did not affect locomotor activity (LA), d-amphetamine (1.5 mg/kg) increased LA but decreased exploration. These findings provide a double dissociation of the behavioral components. In addition, low intrasubject correlations for the two behaviors were demonstrated. Results are discussed with reference to the need for simultaneous separate measures to obtain valid indices of exploratory behavior and LA.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine if the success of students at a highly selective combined baccalaureate/MD degree program is affected by their different approaches to learning. One hundred freshmen students at the University of Missouri-Kansas City School of Medicine (UMKC) were surveyed using the Lancaster Approaches to Studying Inventory (short survey by Entwistle, 1981). Analysis of the data indicates that the learning styles of students from this combined-degree school tend to be similar to the learning styles of students from other baccalaureate-degree programs in medicine. It appears there are some relationships between approaches to learning and success in the program. This association between learning styles and success also appears to be related to gender differences.Presented at the Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, Louisville, KY, May 13–16, 1990.  相似文献   

In the framework of the SAL (Students’ approaches to learning) poosition, the learning experience (approaches to learning and study orchestrations) of 572 high school students was explored, examining its interrelationships with some personal and familial variables. Three major results emerged. First, links were found between family’s intellectual climate and students’ approaches to learning, in particular with Deep appraoch: The better the family’s intellectual climate the higher student’ scores on Deep approach. Second, along with general intelligence, these approaches predicted students’ academic achievement, higher grades being obtained by these students who scored lower in Surface learning approach and higher in Deep learning approach. Three, students from the four study orchestrations reported in previous research (two displaying conceptual consonance: Deep and Surface approaches, and the other two conceptual dissonance: high-high and low-low, in both Deep and Surface approaches) showed different profiles in some variables (e.g., metacognitive learning strategies, family’s intellectual climate, academic achievement), worse scores being obtained by those who orchestrated their study either in surface or in conceptually dissonant ways. These relationships shed more light on the nature of high school students ‘learning experience, and help to provide an integrated view of students’ webs of experience.  相似文献   

我们在皮纹实验和研究过程中,探索出了印取皮纹的类印台法、指套法、滚简法、手抚法和纸条法。结果表明:使用这些方法比传统方法更容易获得高质量的皮纹图形。  相似文献   

政治的实质在于权力,权力规训的出路在于法治。要想实现政治的法治化,就必须实现权力法治。传统的学说认为实现权力法治,就必须以权力制约权力,然而以权力制约权力解决的仅仅是权力与权力之间的外部边界问题,而对于权力本身的正当性问题,对于权力的内部的规范运作,以及对于作为权力系统的外部制约方面,则显得无能为力。实现权力法治化也有另外几种思路,即权力法定、权力分化、程序法治、以权利制约权力。  相似文献   

通常认为只要凭借对经验的探讨就能教好阅读课。然而,要科学地回答“为何阅读课要这样上或那样上?”的问题时,经验就无法给出一个明确的答复。作者认为:运用语言学理论知识,就能深化对语言的本质、语言的学习、语言的阅读以及语言的传授的认识,就能对阅读教学作出科学的评价,从而促进阅读教学。  相似文献   

在新世纪的政府改革中,控制行政成本、提高行政效能已是政府生存的内在需求。目前,我国政府的行政成本存在人力成本持续攀升、公务成本浪费严重及设施成本不断增加等主要问题,通过对其原因分析,从转变政府职能、改革公共财政预算机制、完善政府绩效评估制度等三方面提出了有效控制行政成本的的路径。  相似文献   

略论"教育研究方法"   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
上世纪80年代中期至90年代末,为实现“普九”工作目标,沅陵县和全国一样,按照分级办学的原则,各乡镇、村分别兴办了乡镇中学、村小和教学点,形成了村村办学的格局,但随着农村形势的深刻变化,特别是计划生育成效的显现,农村义务教育面临着小学适龄儿童急剧减少,教育资源分散,办学效益低下,教育质量不高等问题。2001年全县在校小学生为5.25万人,2004年降至3.65万人。2004年秋季农村小学适龄儿童只有4000多人,仅为峰值期的35%左右。而全县有村小和教学点620所,其中一师一校475所,占72.3%,5名学生以下村小102所,一生一校13所。这种“散、小、差”的办学格局,严重阻碍了农村义务教育发展。为解决这一问题,2005年以来,沅陵县按照中央关于中小学教育布局调整的精神和省委、省政府的要求。  相似文献   

农村经济文化状况、市场经济的发展、村民自治、县乡关系、城市化进程等因素所构成的农村社会环境,形成现实乡镇行政环境基本特质,对乡镇行政系统有着直接的、决定性的作用。根据农村社会环境的客观要求,乡镇政府应长期存在并以供给公共产品为基本职能,合理设定政府规模,提高行政效益。  相似文献   

广告设计是整个大众传播活动中的一个重要组成部分,更是一种文化的传播和展示,可愉悦大众的情趣,提高人们的欣赏水平.  相似文献   

Recent research in the areas of cognitive psychology and student learning involves changed conceptions of the natures of learning and of teaching, with promising implications for the enhancement of tertiary teaching. A model of learning is presented, proposing that the teaching context, students' approaches to learning, and the outcomes of learning, form a system in a state of equilibrium. Three approaches to enhancing teaching follow from the model: additive, interactive, and contextual. Additive approaches ignore both students' approaches to learning and the institutional context, and are relatively ineffective. Genuine improvements in student learning involve interactive and contextual approaches to teaching, which can be activated through appropriate staff development.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss evaluation of 'networked learning' and to ask some fundamental questions about the validity of, and the practicalities involved in, evaluating this new and unexplored mode of learning. Networked learning as understood here describes a learning activity involving the use of a web-based networked learning environment. The underlying assumption in this paper is that the involvement of such a tool changes the way the learning environment and the learning process are experienced. It will be argued that networked learning requires a definition of learning environments in order to appreciate the full impact of this type of innovation in learning and to enable appropriate and effective evaluation. The Extended Learning Environment Network project (ELEN) is presenting a model for evaluating learning environments and networked learning and the project hopes to encourage the application and discussion of this model by the wider academic community.  相似文献   

A short version of the Approaches to Studying Inventory (ASI), commended as a ‘quick and easy’ means of assessing student learning, was administered to two groups of students at the University of the South Pacific. Measures of its internal consistency and test‐retest reliability were comparable with those obtained in European research, but were not wholly satisfactory. Moreover, its factor structure was found to be qualitatively different in this context and constituted by different forms of motivation for studying in higher education. It is concluded that approaches to studying are culture‐specific and, in particular, that one should be cautious about using this version of the ASI in systems of higher education in non‐Western countries.  相似文献   

履行组织学习培训职能,推动教师自身素质的提升,是教研组建设的首要任务;实施教学科研相结合,带动“教“与“研“的相互促进,是教研组发展的基本途径.加强教研组的建设是当前学校课程改革取得成功的根本保障.  相似文献   

加强数学思想及方法的教学和注重学生思维品质的培养,是发展学生数学思维能力的主要 途径。探究性学习符合“主体性的教学原则”,通过探究性学习,可以培养学生的创新意识。  相似文献   

不等式证明的途径与方法很多,每种方法都具有一定的特点和适用性,通过典型题例,分析并总结了应用高等数学理论证明不等式的方法及其适应条件。  相似文献   

The Approaches to Teaching Inventory (ATI) is used to examine teachers’ teaching approaches in higher education. Analyses into the validity and reliability of the original English ATI yielded positive results. In this study, we examined the degree to which these positive results can also be found for the Dutch version that we developed. Data were gathered from 377 teachers at the University of Antwerp (Flanders, Belgium) and three Antwerp university colleges. Confirmatory factor analyses and principal factor analyses with oblique rotation support a model with sub-factors belonging to two main factors. Our research supports the reliability and validity of our current Dutch version of the ATI. Consequently, the instrument can be used in educational research or practice to obtain insights into the teaching approach of teachers. Further research into differences in the structure of the ATI when used in different cultures would be valuable.  相似文献   

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