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The early phase of imitation was studied in children between 6 and 18 months by means of the presentations of 22 actions. Comparison groups were used to assess spontaneous production of actions modeled for the treatment samples. Aanalyses yielded 4 clusters of actions, with 1 cluster showing age and treatment versus comparison group effects and others failing to show both these effects. An important factor affecting imitation was the presence of objects. Actions with objects were imitated more than actions without objects. Measures of attention were found to correlate with imitation level, wheras latency was inversely related to imitation. The presence of sound as a variable that potentially influences imitation was studied, but results were inconclusive. Moreover, imitation and object concept performance were unrelated when the factor of age was controlled.  相似文献   

在西方文学论中,亚里士多德的模仿说一直都是很受重视的一个源。他的模仿说涉及到了艺术的起源以及艺术的构成,并阐述了艺术与现实之间的相互关系。众所周知,亚里士多德的《诗学》在文坛里有着重要的地位。更有着许多学者从模仿说的角度上其文论进行了研究。本文将简要阐述亚里士多德的模仿说的起源与意境。  相似文献   

模拟实践教学是一种极具实践性和可操作性的教学方法,采取模拟实践教学,迎合了管理学专业教学的特点及人才市场的需求,有利于实现理论与实践的有效结合。通过分析模拟实践教学应用现状,找到其在管理类专业教学应用过程中存在的不足,并有针对性地提出了模拟实践教学意识的建立、人才队伍的建设、资源的投入、课程体系的设计等措施,以确保模拟实践教学达到预期的效果。  相似文献   

舞蹈是用人体的动作和姿态来反映社会生活表达思想感情的一种艺术形式。它和音乐、文学、美术和戏剧有着密切的联系,因此,它又是一种综合性的艺术。各种不同的艺术创作领域都有着自身艺术门类所独特的表现手段和表现方法,如文学通过文字表现,美术通过色彩表现,音乐通过音响表现,而舞蹈则是通过人体动作来表现的。本文将针对舞蹈创编中如何进行形象模仿。  相似文献   

Social transmission of behavior can be realized through distinct mechanisms. Research on primate social learning typically distinguishes two forms of information that a learner can extract from a demonstrator: copying actions (defined as imitation) or copying only the consequential results (defined as emulation). We propose a decomposition of these learning mechanisms (plus pure individual learning) that incorporates the core idea that social learning can be represented as a search for an optimal behavior that is constrained by different kinds of information. We illustrate our approach with an individual-based model in which individuals solve tasks in abstract “spaces” that represent behavioral actions, results, and benefits of those results. Depending on the learning mechanisms at their disposal, individuals have differential access to the information conveyed in these spaces. We show how different classes of tasks may provide distinct advantages to individuals with different learning mechanisms and discuss how our approach contributes to current empirical and theoretical research on social learning and culture.  相似文献   

通过对现有的中国钢琴曲的分析,归纳总结出模拟中国民族乐曲的意境、奏法、音色、节奏四类模拟手法及其在中国钢琴音乐民族风格构建中的具体运用,为进一步探索中国钢琴音乐民族化提供经验。  相似文献   

张波 《生物学教学》2006,31(10):4-6
中国已记录到的野生鸡类有2科26属63(或64)种。本文对中国野生鸡类的分类、分布、经济价值、保护级别及人工饲养繁殖等情况作了介绍。  相似文献   

The article highlights the biological significance of songs and calls in birds. The structural diversity of songs and its relevance for social behaviour are described. Acoustic communication plays an important role in the life of birds and has proven useful in establishing phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships among species.  相似文献   

介绍了EWB软件的功能及实验方法,并结合具体实例探讨了其在电子技术实验教学中的应用.  相似文献   

写作作为一种技能始于模仿,由模仿到创新,是写作技能由初级到高级的发展规律。而针对当前作文教学中学生缺乏创新性、立意陈旧、材料老套,教师批改讲评不够精确等问题,笔者从实际入手,通过观察与实践,系统地分析介绍作文教学中的仿写及创新能力的培养方法,为学生提供更好的作文发展空间,挖掘学生自身的作文才华。  相似文献   

Exploring the presence of imitation during early infancy   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
2 investigations of early imitative ability were conducted with cross-sectional samples of infants between 4 and 21 weeks. Study 1 involved 2 rounds of modeling 5 gestures to infants. In Study 2, the number of modeled gestures was reduced to 3, but each one was modeled many more times--for the duration of the infant's attention over a 3-min period. When frequencies of reproduction of a modeled act were compared against baseline frequencies and against average frequencies of the act during periods when other actions were modeled, several main results were obtained. First, the most general finding was that imitative-like matching of modeled gestures was the exception, not the rule, at all ages. Second, even where significantly greater frequencies of a gesture occurred during modeling than during control periods, it was always a partial and incomplete version of the modeled act that was reproduced, not a well-formed copy of the adult's gesture. Finally, where results were consistent with an interpretation of imitation, as with responses to tongue protrusion modeling, the effect was restricted to the youngest ages: 4-6 weeks. Given the restricted evidence for imitation, and the fact that neither linear nor curvilinear growth trends were apparent, the most appropriate explanation for the reproduction of tongue protrusions at the youngest age is to be sought in terms of a reflexive or fixed action pattern type of response.  相似文献   

在美国英语被国内英语学习者广泛使用的背景下 ,文章描述了美国英语和英国英语发音的区别 ,旨在通过对大学内美国英语模仿者发音错误的分析 ,提出一些实际的美语模仿能力的方法 ,让其有效的掌握。  相似文献   

The ability of 9-month-old infants to imitate simple actions with novel objects was investigated. Both immediate and deferred imitation were tested, the latter by interposing a 24-hour delay between the stimulus-presentation and response periods. The results provide evidence for both immediate and deferred imitation; moreover, imitative responding was not significantly dampened by the 24-hour delay. The findings demonstrate that there exists some underlying capacity for deferring imitation of certain acts well under 1 year of age, and thus that this ability does not develop in a stagelike step function at about 18-24 months as commonly predicted. These findings also show that imitation in early infancy can span wide enough delays to be of potential service in social development; actions on novel objects that are observed one day can be stored by the child and repeated the next day. The study of deferred imitation provides a largely untapped method for investigating the nature and development of recall memory in the preverbal child.  相似文献   

Pspice软件在电力电子领域由于器件的特殊性和非线性状态下,仿真使用起来不太容易,介绍的二种方法使其能够方便地应用在三相可控整流电路和直流斩波电路中。  相似文献   

One of the most fascinating aspects in the life of birds is their breeding phase, which is intimately tied to the distribution and abundance of food resources in their environment. However, food is not evenly distributed in space and time, and this is thought to have been one of the factors affecting the evolution nesting strategies. To understand how birds have evolved different types of nesting patterns ornithologists have used a variety of approaches, the most useful of which have been to build simple models based on optimality principles.  相似文献   

玉台体因《玉台新咏》而得名,但并不能涵盖所有入选此集的作品风格。从后世拟玉台体诗的情况可以看出,拟作者几乎约定俗成的感受是,玉台体即官体。尊重概念的主观性,或许可以帮助我们摆脱试图严密界定所要面对的尴尬,从而更客观地认识文学史的实际。  相似文献   

Values in Action     
The focus of the Thirty-Second Dudley Allen Sargent Lecture is the role of values in kinesiology. As the options of what we can do in our personal and professional lives increase due to such forces as advancing technologies and globalization, the more vexing and pressing question is frequently: What should we do? With deference to the impact of Dudley Allen Sargent on the shaping of our field and with reference to his values as a case study, I will consider innovative curricular approaches to values in action for tomorrow's world.  相似文献   

学生对基因突变很难理解,为了能够理解和观察到基因突变可能带来的结果,并且对基因突变得到认可,知道发生突变后对生存者的作用.教师可以利用课后时间和学生一起做一个模仿基因突变带来结果的实验活动.  相似文献   

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