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Some philosophers of education have recently argued that educators can more or less ignore children's global self-esteem without failing them educationally in any important way. This paper draws on an attachment theoretic account of self-esteem to argue that this view is mistaken. I argue that understanding self-esteem's origins in attachment supports two controversial claims. First, self-esteem is a crucial element of the confidence and motivation children need in order to engage in and achieve educational pursuits, especially in certain domains of instruction such as physical education. Second, self-esteem can be facilitated socially, through an appropriate arrangement of school institutions, thus without hindering the pursuit of other high priority aims such as a challenging academic curriculum. Consequently I maintain that educators who ignore self-esteem overlook something educationally important.  相似文献   

教育如何为21世纪中叶的经济发展培养劳动力?本文从人力资本理论出发,探讨了教育如何提高以前未具体讨论过的工人能力.扩展的人力资本理论认为,受教育水平较高的工人之所以生产能力较高是因为其有能力在资源分配、适应新技术新组织形式方面做出复杂的决定,有能力对常规工作之外的不可预见的情况作出恰当的反应.而这些特征是不能被传统的学校考试所测量出来的.本文还回顾了有关内生增长理论和教育生产的外部性的研究进展.实证研究一致表明,更长的受教育年限具有独立于考试成绩之外的经济回报,即便教育年限是因义务教育年限的延长而延长的.最近的证据显示,在影响教育成就和劳动生产率的因素中,人际的、内省的技能是非常重要的;然而不同于认知能力,这些因素却被以往的研究所忽略.因此,本文建议大力提高劳动者的教育成就,尤其是那些边缘群体,重点培养劳动者的适应性,并提出了均衡发展适应性的几个具体维度.  相似文献   

It is one sign of the lack of understanding of the value of the humanities, to educational research and inquiry as well as to our world more widely, that such justifications of them as are offered frequently take a crudely instrumental form. The humanities (which in this essay are not distinguished from the arts) are welcomed insofar as they are beneficial to the economy, for example, or play a therapeutic role in people's physical or mental well‐being. In higher education in the UK, they are marginalized for similar reasons, on the grounds that they neither appeal to the lucrative overseas student market nor constitute a significant source of grant income from research councils, industry, or other funding sources. While their place in educational research is still defended in many quarters, the increasing demand that research should have “impact” can leave the humanities appearing ineffectual. Furthermore, the very idea of research is widely taken to mandate empiricist and “scientific” approaches. Although there are no easy solutions to this state of things, Richard Smith argues in this essay that those of us who value the humanities in and for themselves might adopt two approaches in particular: to pursue vigilant criticism of the rampant instrumentalism and scientism of our time, and to emphasize the importance of that distinctive feature of humane inquiry: interpretation.  相似文献   

言语习得是一个复杂的过程 ,是个体内部言语机能的成熟与外在环境刺激相互作用的结果。影响聋儿言语习得的外部环境有很多因素 ,集中于四个方面 :助听设备的利用程度 ;对语言环境的重视程度 ;能否建立聋儿正常交流心态 ;能否做好“聋健合一”。  相似文献   

化学教育期刊是宣传化学教师思想文化的舆论工具,是贮存教师教育理论研究成果的载体,是交流化学教师教育实践经验的园地,是传播化学教师教育信息的媒介,具有思想性、导向性、学术性和实践性的特点。本文从教育期刊的上述特点及其教师专业发展的新特点出发,在分析化学教师阅读中等化学教育期刊现状的同时,对如何促进化学教育期刊与教师教育研究的良性互动提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

客观地说,只要有社会不平等,就会有教育不平等,因为教育结构是社会结构的一种折射;但另一方面,努力克服社会不平等所带来的负面影响,又是教育的使命之一,亦即教育对个人发展的补偿性功能.  相似文献   

作为进步教育的倡导和实践,杜威的教育思想对美国乃至世界教育都产生了很大的影响。杜威同时又是名的实用主义哲学家,他的哲学思想,特别是“经验”概念,始终贯穿在其教育思想中。从教育的本质、目的到方法,无处不见“经验”概念的影子。章拟对这一问题作简要述评。  相似文献   

试析教育技术的深度发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了我国的教育技术现状及问题,对促进教育技术向更深、更广的方向发展,从而推动绩效技术快速在我国发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

裴斯泰洛齐是瑞士,也是西方教育史上一位重要的教育思想家,活动家。其思想核心是“要素教育”。裴斯泰洛齐第一个提出了“教育心理学化”的口号,也是第一位将教育与劳动相结合的教育理想付诸实践的教育家。今天的中国教育,把农村教育看作是教育体系中的重要一环。从他的思想和实践中我们可以得到一些启发,发现两者一定的内在联系。  相似文献   

《幻中游》国内不见藏本,现存最早的乾隆本不是《幻中游》的初本。《幻中游》写作的年代略迟于蒲松龄《聊斋志异·小谢秋容》的年代。小说有很强的现实批判性。作品紧紧地扣住魏忠贤专权这一社会背景来写人物命运的沉浮及其悲欢离合,深刻地揭示了晚明政治窳败、宦官专政的黑暗政治现实。在构思上,小说从“奇”、“幻”入手,以“奇奇幻幻,出人意表”的笔墨来加强批判现实的力度。  相似文献   

社区中的教育资源对于推行全纳教育的作用   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
全纳教育已经成为当今特殊教育发展的趋势 ,笔者认为在推行全纳教育的过程中 ,社区中蕴藏着的各种教育资源可以发挥出巨大的作用。本文首先对全纳教育的理念作简要的归纳 ,然后分析社区中蕴藏着哪些可能为全纳教育的推行提供帮助的教育资源 ,并从五个方面具体探讨这些资源所能够发挥的作用。最后对如何使这些作用得以充分的发挥提出建议。  相似文献   

研究教育技术及其学科定位问题之必要性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
本文主要针对教育技术研究和实践领域中出现的问题,提出当前研究教育技术及其学科定位问题的紧迫性及其理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

Wonder Giris     
想要无限就像她们带着新作品《Wonder Party》这次Wonder Giris是缤纷的回归了,不同于以前的音乐风格,显然她们是做足了准备。现在的Wonder Giris已经是成熟的,做着自己想要的音乐。  相似文献   


Through case study research critical leadership and management tasks are identified regarding the integration of educational technology in teaching at research universities. The institutions studied, regardless their different characteristics and approaches, face common difficulties in engaging’ second-wave’ faculty. Furthermore, the coordination of different support units such as edtech centres, IT support, teaching and learning labs or the libraries to offer well-rehearsed educational technology services is challenging. Strong leadership is critical to motivate faculty and to assist support units to overcome sub-cultural differences. Similarly, solid management practice is indispensable. Incentive, reward and support structures need to be adjusted to new realities and a well coordinated workflow needs to be designed.


Policymakers, researchers, educators, parents, and citizens alike recognize the need for quality programs that address the pressing developmental and learning needs of our youth, particularly those most at risk. Community-based youth programs are being viewed increasingly as a productive means to facilitate the successful physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of adolescents (Girod, Martineau, &; Zhao, 2004). To address the challenges of growing up in unhealthy environments where high-risk behaviors such as smoking, drinking, experimentation with drugs, physical violence, and unprotected sex can lead to profound negative outcomes, carefully organized and supervised after-school programs have been developed to provide a positive alternative to such problematic adolescent activity (Riggs &; Greenberg, 2004). Notwithstanding, research evidence of program effectiveness—academic and otherwise—is scant, which sets the stage for underresearched after-school programs to be eyed with greater fiscal scrutiny.  相似文献   

在加拿大和美国交界处,有五个大湖,这就是闻名世界的五大淡水湖,它们按大小分别为苏必利尔湖,休伦湖,密执安湖,伊利湖和安大略湖。  相似文献   

把转角和的概念与平面图形的拓扑性质联系起来.  相似文献   

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