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重释"灌输"的内涵及实质   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
近年来,“灌输”成为我国教育领域关注的热点问题,对它的争论日益激烈。这主要源于人们对“灌输”的解读存在分歧。通过对西方教育界对灌输批判的历史考察,我们发现,西方所用“灌输”一词与我国有别,而且西方批判的“灌输”是强制性与封闭性相联的方法论意义上的使用,而不单纯是一种具体方法的使用。这对分析我国教育领域“灌输”争论的原因和澄清我们在真正批判意义上使用的“灌输”的内涵和实质提供了参考的依据。  相似文献   

In ‘Religious Upbringing Reconsidered’ Michael Hand revisits the debate on the right of parents to give their children a religious upbringing in a liberal context. According to him, the logical difficulty lies in the fact that parents cannot both impart religious beliefs and avoid indoctrination. While Peter Gardner and Jim Mackenzie have responded to Hand's paper and raised a number of pertinent issues, what is missing is a fuller treatment of indoctrination and belief inculcation for children. In this paper, I argue that Hand's fallacy lies in his flawed understanding of indoctrination and belief inculcation: the inculcation of non‐rational beliefs, far from being indoctrinatory, is in fact necessary for children in the process of growing up.  相似文献   

This is a reply to Rebecca Taylor's 2017 JOPE article ‘Indoctrination and Social Context: A System‐based Approach to Identifying the Threat of Indoctrination and the Responsibilities of Educators’. It agrees with her in going beyond the indoctrinatory role of the individual teacher to include that of whole educational systems, but differs in emphasizing indoctrinatory intention rather than outcome; and in allowing the possibility of indoctrination without individual teachers being indoctrinators at all.  相似文献   

灌输理论是我党进行思想政治教育的基本原理之一,坚持灌输理论是应对国内外形势发展变化的必然要求。灌输理论固然重要,但在其产生后很长一段时间内,人们把灌输与强制灌输混为一谈。灌输主体和客体应打破传统"强制灌输"的错误思想,既要发挥灌输主体的主导作用,又注重灌输客体的主体作用,增强双向互动,以提高思想政治教育的实效性。  相似文献   

灌输在中西方德育不同历史阶段扮演着不同角色。在西方德育实践中经历了宗教式灌输、进步主义教育反对灌输和灌输的再回复,在中国德育实践中经历了小农经济宗法等级制的灌输和市场经济条件下主体性德育兴起与灌输的矛盾。通过中西方德育历史的回顾与比较,可以明确灌输的价值所在与今后的发展方向。  相似文献   

The manner in which individuals hold various nonevidentiary beliefs is critical to making any evaluative claim regarding an individual's autonomy. In this essay, I argue that one may be both justified in holding nonrational beliefs of a nonevidentiary sort while also being capable of leading an autonomous life. I defend the idea that moral instruction, including that which concerns explicitly religious content, may justifiably constitute a set of commitments upon which rationality and autonomy are dependent. I situate this discussion against the backdrop of a minimalist notion of autonomy. I then consider the case for nonrational beliefs, examining the difference between those whose content is objectionable on evidentiary grounds and those that are immune to verification. Next, I consider the indoctrination/moral instruction distinction through examining the various ways in which indoctrination is defined. I also consider the role that value coherence plays in shaping our identities, paying particular attention to fundamental commitments as defined by our respective families, cultures, and communities. Finally, I argue that individual psychology is central to our ability to assess the outcome of an upbringing purported to be indoctrinatory, and I emphasize the important role that experience and agency play in enabling us to evaluate our beliefs.  相似文献   

针对有人提出的“灌输过时论”观点,以及人们对灌输理论的误解,详细地阐述马克思主义灌输理论的科学内涵和新时期坚持马克思主义灌输理论的必要性。为了提高灌输的效果,我们必须丰富灌输的内容,提高灌输主体的综合素质,全面分析灌输客体,创新灌输的方法。  相似文献   

目前,学界对"灌输论"论争颇多.以国外教育界的某些观点作为排斥"灌输论"的依据,是值得商榷的."灌输论"既不是"无用论"也不是"过时论";"灌输论"是强制性与非强制性的辩证统一,是马克思主义思想理论教育的重要原则;在经济全球化、政治多极化、文化多元化、信息网络化条件下,加强和改进思想理论教育工作,必须继续坚持和发展"灌输论".  相似文献   

灌输是正面地较为系统地传播马克思主义纲领的一种方式,是中国共产党取得战争与革命胜利的主要"法宝"。但随着时代主题的转换,传统的灌输出现了较大的不适,"否定论""过时论""阵地论"等声音无一不指向灌输的现代存在。回溯历史,灌输在战争与革命年代的科学性、合法性和价值性毋庸置疑,但也正因如此,建国后我们长期忽略了其发生的缘起与叙事的视域,因而造成了后期灌输视域扩大化、内容泛化、方式僵化等现象。思考现实,以时代主题转换和社会结构变迁为立论基点,可以肯定,灌输在其应在视界的价值与地位依然未变,但相较其他社会空间的生成和扩大,灌输的现代存在迫切需要重新定位。  相似文献   

Recently, it has been discussed how actors at universities perceive the Bologna Process. However, there is a lack of understanding about the determinants influencing attitudes towards the reform. In particular, the relation between education policy ideals and perceptions of the Bologna Process has gone unobserved. Based on a survey at three universities in North Rhine‐Westphalia in Germany, this article shows that a congruence of education policy ideals with the goals of the Bologna Process leads to a more positive perception of the reform. Ordinary least squares (OLS) regression models show that these findings are stable when controlled for socio‐demographic characteristics, changes of everyday work and involvement in the implementation of the Bologna Process. Thus, it is worthwhile to take into account the education policy ideals of involved actors when analysing perceptions of educational reforms.  相似文献   

灌输式教育曾经是西方教育中最有影响的教育方式之一.20世纪以来,西方教育的最大变化就是对灌输式教育的彻底否定.这一过程极大地促进了现代西方教育观念的转变,推动了西方教育进入新的发展阶段.目前,中国教育仍然可以看到灌输式教育的影响.中国教育改革应当从西方教育家否定灌输式教育的历史过程中进行反思,实现真正的转变.  相似文献   

To understand the processes of reproduction in education one must not only take account of the resistances of subordinated groups, but also of the counter‐resistance which develops in response to these. Proponents of resistance theory have tended to ignore the responses of powerful groups to emerging resistances. Two major reasons are suggested for this, one being the failure of reproduction theorists to take cognisance of unique cultural and political contexts within which reproduction takes place, and the other being the lack of attention given to educational mediators. Taking the case of Irish second‐level education, it is shown how unique cultural, historical and political forces contribute to the development of counter‐resistance. In particular, it is suggested that the post‐colonial status of the country is central to understanding the reproduction processes within it. The paper also highlights the inadequacy of defining the parameters of the reproduction debate in terms of an interplay of interests between social classes and the State alone. While the State and social classes are key actors in the educational site, so are educational mediators, viz. those who manage and administer educational services on a day‐to‐day basis. It is proposed that educational mediators (whose character varies from one society to another) are often powerful agents of counter‐resistance.  相似文献   

Jordan insists that teachers should be free to exercise their professionalism and that respect for difference is integral to that professionalism. For Connor, this implies teachers who can critically consider the discourses available to them as practitioners. The authors draw upon the philosophising of Gilles Deleuze to develop an account of teaching and learning as an autonomous creative process in which teachers contribute to rather than strictly control outcomes. This account of teaching as processual following resonates with Jordan's vision of equity for autistic or neuro‐atypical pupils and compassionate professionalism. It rests less easily with intensive behaviourist‐training programmes and educational cultures premised on the assumption that outcomes can, and should, be pre‐determined and precisely engineered. From a Deleuzian perspective, ethical practice is the interplay of conceptual, perceptual and affective knowledge, and it is suggested that intuitive practice involves a similar interplay along with numerous contextual considerations. A Deleuzian theory of simulation is initially outlined and accords with the emphasis placed by Jordan on reimagining an educational system in which all pupils are valued and supported to develop their varied talents and teachers are free to assess the suitability of particular methods for individual pupils.  相似文献   

This paper takes as its starting point the Journal of Moral Education Special Issue (September, 2008, 37[3]) ‘Towards an integrated model of moral reasoning’. Although explicitly post‐Kohlbergian, the authors in this Special Issue do not, I argue, depart far enough from Kohlberg’s impoverished notion of the role of the affective in moral life—or when they do so depart, they incorporate emotions as mere intuitive thrusts in an essentially polarised two‐system view of the moral self. Prior to that complaint, I sketch an account of two contrasting self‐paradigms: a ‘dominant’ cognitive, anti‐realist (constructivist) paradigm and an ‘alternative’ realist and emotion‐based one. I explore the implications of the latter paradigm, which I endorse, for our understanding of the ‘emotional self’: a self imbued with and constituted by (potentially rationally grounded) emotions. I finally contrast that understanding with the one permeating the Special Issue and elicit some educational implications of the alternative paradigm.  相似文献   

对道德灌输的批判和对无灌输道德教育理论的构建,构成了20世纪西方道德教育的理论生态,移植与反思成为近年来国内对无灌输道德教育研究的主要观点。对无灌输道德教育的研究应坚持“两点论”,弃其局限性,扬其合理性,将之吸纳到道德灌输理论中,丰富灌输理论的内涵。  相似文献   

灌输与教育的关系问题是教育研究中的重要问题.历史上,灌输与教育的关系有一个从重合、分离到再重合的过程.在这一过程中,人们在批判灌输的消极作用的同时,也利用它为某些目的服务.西方学者对灌输与教育的关系的研究表明,应当辩证分析灌输的实际情况,消除教育中灌输的消极作用,为儿童的理智发展提供良好的条件.  相似文献   

论灌输在道德教育中的意义及其实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张宁娟 《教师教育研究》2004,16(1):68-70,56
灌输作为一种方法,其本身无所谓好坏。将灌输等同于“强制灌输”、简单化为“知识传授”以及对灌输一词理解的“西方化”倾向等错误是拒斥一切灌输的原因。在道德教育中,灌输作为一种方法依然发挥着作用,这是德育对象提高道德判断水平和道德教育自身发展的需求。在道德教育中,灌输作用的发挥必须是在理清灌输含义及正确实施的基础上进行。  相似文献   


This article introduces an account of moral education grounded in Zagzebski’s recent Exemplarist Moral Theory and discusses two problems that have to be solved for the account to become a realistic alternative to other educational models on the market, namely the limited-applicability problem and the problem of indoctrination. The first problem raises worries about the viability of the account in ordinary circumstances. The second charges the proposed educational model with indoctrinating students. The main goal of this article is to show how an exemplar-based account of moral education can handle both problems without compromising its structure and upshot.  相似文献   

灌输理论在大学生思想政治教育中的运用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
灌输理论是马克思主义思想政治教育理论的重要组成部分,灌输是马克思主义的一个原则,是马克思主义的理论教育,是实际的理论指导,是无产阶级的自我教育。新形势下,坚持灌输理论是十分必要和迫切的。要解决灌输理论在大学生思想政治教育中的实效问题,必须努力提高灌输主体的综合素质,丰富灌输的内容,创新灌输的方法。  相似文献   

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