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美国皮尤研究中心日前针对受众态度和新闻媒体现状进行的一项问卷调查结果显示,美国新闻媒体的影响力正在下降。31%的受访者表示,他们不再对某种新闻媒体感兴趣.因为这些媒体要么不再提供他们所需要的信息.要么报道得并不详细。  相似文献   

新闻媒体网站的影响力从何而来   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

社会影响力,是媒体赖以生存、发展的基础,是实现新闻价值的终级目标。坚持新闻舆论的影响力标准,就是坚持实践第一、群众第一的唯物史观。在改革开放的新形势下,提高对新闻影响力重要性的认识,以扩大新闻舆论影响力来提高引导舆论的本领与水平,从而为构建社会主义和谐社会提供思想保证和舆论支持。  相似文献   

网络英语新闻媒体批评性报道的开展,能够体现出网络英语新闻媒体的社会责任感与职业嗅觉,同时也有利于网络英语新闻媒体公信力与影响力的打造.本文在对我国网络英语新闻媒体批评性报道面临的问题作出论述的基础上,对我国网络英语新闻媒体批评性报道的优化对策与可持续发展建议进行了研究与探讨.  相似文献   

张芳 《东南传播》2011,(7):147-148
随着新媒体的迅猛发展,收视群体逐渐分化.面对受众的流失,传统媒体是调整战术另辟蹊径,还是牵手结盟新媒体开始华丽转身,在竞争中开拓新的经济增长点.本文结合经济频道网站建设过程的体会,初步探讨如何借助互联网络提升专业频道影响力的一些有益尝试,旨在更好地提升电视频道影响力,凸显电视频道的文化与品牌价值.  相似文献   

陈晋 《新闻窗》2014,(6):45-46
中国的新闻媒体,从地域特点来分,大体可以分为中央、省市和地县级这么几个层次。作为县一级新闻媒体,从理论上来说在当今市场经济这样的大背景下,同样应该取得社会效益和经济效益的双赢。而从实际情况和实践来说,地县级新闻媒体无论是从经济效益还是社会效益来说,都相对要差一些,影响力自然就差。而影响力是传媒最宝贵的资产,是媒体保持持久竞争活力的不竭源泉。当今媒体影响力正在成为传媒在市场竞争中制胜的关键因素,它既能提高传媒的舆论导向水平,发挥社会效益,又能使传媒树立自身的良好形象,赢得受众,从而获得经济效益。  相似文献   

李明敏  苏磊  蔡斐 《编辑学报》2018,30(2):188-191
英文科技期刊国际化是一种发展趋势,而网络平台是提升期刊国际影响力的重要途径.通过总结英文期刊在健全网络平台、扩大网络出版体系以及加强电子刊推送方面的实践经验,对期刊借助网络平台提升国际影响力的举措进行了详细的阐述和实例分析,并提出了一些建议,希望有助于英文科技期刊的发展与进步.  相似文献   

<正>2013年9月2日,一篇"村支书性侵村民留守妻:村里一半都是我的娃"的文章在网上被大肆转载,在《南风窗》第十八期文章《村官腐败透视》也有报道,随后此事被证实为不实报道。《南风窗》把村支书私底下吹牛的话当成新闻事实写进报道,《南风窗》因虚假报道三门峡村官案而被称为新闻界的耻辱。在这个新闻事件中,《南风窗》把采访中捕风捉影的东西,根据读者偏好进行想象加工,以求吸引受众、引起轰动,这种风气长期以来  相似文献   

兵法云:攻心为上不战而屈人之兵,善之善者也。如何攻心?怎么才能不战而屈人之兵?在现代战争中,新闻媒体往往是个重要角色。新华社在解放战争中对国民党军队的宣传堪称一绝,它打破常规,连篇累牍地报道蒋军被俘军官名单,为其沟通信息;成年累月地广播蒋军被俘人员家书,为其报平安;还不断播发战死的蒋军高级将领的埋葬地点,通知其家属来领尸,为新闻史留下许多珍贵轶事。  相似文献   

报刊的历史与历史的报刊   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
黄旦 《新闻大学》2007,(1):51-55
以报刊为合法性主体的历史,才是真正称得上报刊史。所谓主体,就是以报刊为中心和视野,并以此展开史实、分析报刊与社会关系,以及揭示评价其意义和价值。唯有如此,才能反映报刊历史的真相,从而起到历史为现实服务的作用。当下我国报刊史研究的问题,乃在于忽视了主体性问题,从而报刊的历史成了历史的报刊。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate factors that influence professors’ and students’ intentions to add each other as friends on Facebook. Participants were 160 professors and 249 students from different universities in the United States. Consistent with theory of reasoned action, intention was the strongest predictor of them adding each other as Facebook friends. However, among faculty members, a personal attitude was the most significant predictor of the intention to add students as friends. For students, subjective norm was the most significant predictor of the intention to friend professors.  相似文献   

Social media’s potential for political and social discussion provides great promise since deliberation is key for democracy. Unfortunately, there is a problematic presence of incivility in conversations on digital platforms. We conducted an experiment to examine the effects of this phenomenon, driven by the elaboration likelihood model. Each of our four conditions showed a media outlet’s Facebook post with a story about genetically modified organisms and a comment section beneath with one of the following: a civil discussion, an uncivil discussion, an uncivil conversation with metacommunication encouraging civility, and a control group. Results revealed a mediated relationship of exposure to civil and metacommunicative comments on willingness to engage in a discussion through mental elaboration. We also found evidence of modeling behavior for civility and metacommunication.  相似文献   

The 2009 “Boycott Whole Foods” campaign was born on Facebook in response to criticism by Whole Foods CEO John Mackey of the Obama administration's proposed health-care reforms. The boycott demonstrates volatile collective action through heterogeneous and heterarchic encounters, characterized by the formation of a collective across geographical distance, vibrant interaction across political distance, and temporary presence. These features suggest the possibility of further activism by the middle class on shared ethical issues, and of unintended yet forceful consequences of activism on social media. Despite widespread concern about group polarization in cyberspace, social media also offer a space in which enclaves encounter opponents and subject their ideas to scrutiny.  相似文献   

This paper, utilizing the method of case study, investigates the role of the Shanghai‐based World Economic Herald in China's political democratization in the 1980s, and analyses its relationship with the social changes of that period.

A prominent theme running through this study is that political democratization must be coupled with economic growth in order for the role of the press to change in China.

Results of the study suggest that the World Economic Herald, throughout its ten‐year existence, became more and more politically oriented and outspoken in its coverage of key political issues. The findings also reveal that in early 1989, the Herald waged an unprecedented struggle against the Party's tight control of the news media and for political democratization including press freedom. However, its role in promoting political change was restricted by the nature of China's reform movement, which was characterized by a separation of political reform from economic reform. The development and demise of the Herald provided a window through which it could be clearly seen how the press affected and was affected by the social changes in China in the historical period of the 1980s.  相似文献   

Social networks such as Facebook allow libraries to be proactive in reaching their users. While some libraries have popular Facebook pages, it remains unclear what attracts users to these pages. This study evaluates relationships between libraries' Facebook page content and popularity. An analysis of 72 academic health sciences libraries' Facebook pages showed positive correlations between number of library fans and number of tabs, photos, events, and wall posts on Facebook. Libraries posting videos had significantly more fans than libraries without them. This study contributes to an understanding of correlations between content and popularity on Facebook, with implications for library outreach.  相似文献   

本文通过阐述马哈蒂尔反对传媒过度自由化、促使华文传媒政党化、希望新闻报道有建设性三个内容 ,探讨马哈蒂尔实行比较严厉的新闻政策的原因与成效。  相似文献   

Considerable research over the years has been devoted to ascertaining the impact of media use on political cynicism. The impact of the Internet has been difficult to assess because it is not a single monolithic medium. For example, the 2008 presidential campaign was the first presidential campaign in which popular social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, and YouTube were widely available to voters. Therefore, the campaign offered the first opportunity to explore the influence of these social media on political cynicism. In this study, we examined whether the use of such social media influenced political cynicism. We also considered the influence of user background characteristics (e.g., self-efficacy, locus of control, political orientation, demographics, and influence of family and friends), motives for using social media for political information, and users’ elaboration on political content. Several individual differences were stronger predictors of political cynicism than was social media use. In fact, social networking use was a negative predictor of political cynicism. Results supported uses and gratifications’ notions that the influence of social media on political cynicism is more attributable to user background and media-use differences than to sheer use of these popular sites.  相似文献   

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