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Fire!Fire! kitchen 15室失火了!失火了!厨房失火了!你看那里!劫君热右胶黯能渗魏樱条醚翩艇画簇The Kitchen Is on Fire@佚名 @张立明$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

~~Add Fuel to the Fire@徐若耶$浙江省上虞市阳光学校六(1)班 @谢怡韵$浙江省上虞市阳光学校六(1)班~~  相似文献   

Ifmanusesfireproperly,itishisfriend,butifnot,itishisene-my.InsuchalargecountryasChina,therebreakoutalotoffireseveryyear.Bythefires,manypeoplewerekilled,andmanyhouseswereburneddown.Whydothosefiresbreakout?Acityortownisusuallycrowdedwithpeople,housesandtraffic.There,asweallknow,mostlikelyhappenfires.Andaccordingtonew-spapersactuallyalotoffiresbreakoutincitiesortowns.Andalmosthalfofthefireshappeningtherearecausedbycarelesssmokers.Chil-drensplayingwithmatchesorfireisconsideredtobethesecondreason…  相似文献   

2006年3月2日星期四阴爷爷今年六十三岁了,每天早上他都早早起来为我们烧饭。平时他总爱跟我开玩笑,非常幽(yōu)默(mò)。今天下午,我因为贪(tān)玩忘了做作业,被妈妈狠狠地骂了一顿,屁股也险(xiǎn)些遭(zāo)殃(yān),好在爷爷及时过来“搭(dā)救”,我才“免遭此劫(jié)”。可我的眼泪还是一串一串掉了下来,心情也随之糟(zāo)糕(āo)透了。爷爷劝(quàn)走了妈妈,走到我跟前,装出一本正经的样子说:“以后妈妈再生气,你只要往她头上倒一大盆冷水就行了。”我含着眼泪说:“那不是‘火上浇油’吗?”爷爷笑着说:“不会,不会,因为妈妈头上…  相似文献   

Fireissometimesagoodandhelpfulthing,butsome-timesitisdangerousforpeople.Everyyear,becauseoffire,agreatmanypeoplelosetheirhomesortheirparentsortheirownlives.Firemaybreakoutatanytime.Soyoushouldbecarefulwitheverythingthatmightbringaboutfire.Forexample,weshouldshuttheTVsetcompletelywhenweleaveourroomorgotobedatnight.Ifwedont,onceitrainsheavily,ourTVsetwillbedestroyed.Evenourwholehousewillcatchfire.Weshouldfollowthetipsbelowtostopafireandkeepourselvessafe.1.Dontuseourhandsthatarecoveredwithwat…  相似文献   

Fire can help people in many ways.But it can be very harmful(有害的).Fire can make water hot and the house warm,give light and cook food.Butfire can burn things,too.It can make trees,houses and other things catch fire(着火).If some people can’t run away from fire, it can kill them.This can be  相似文献   

①Smoking and'赫¨nking 、kare men~s hobbies([th3bi]业余爱好)③Stupid monkey do you。‘’。。②BIo Wl([blou]畋气)offit。 一 。 ④My god,lh?not inaltention([9。ten.[p)n]注意,关心).火上浇油(英文)@麦克  相似文献   

Almosteveryoneintheworldusesoil(石油)insomeway.Withoutoil,theworldwillstop,somenlookforiteverywhere.Oilmendrillforoilindeserts,inmountainsandunderthesea.Quiteoftentheyfindnoth-ing,butthesearchforoilalwaysgoeson.Oilisveryimportantbecausenoneofourmachinescanrunwithoutit.Bigshipscarryoileverywhere.Perhapstheoilinyourbikeorinyourfatherscarhascomefromsome-wherefaraway.PerhapsithascomefromRussiaorVenezuela(委内瑞拉).Carsandbikesneedoil,butsodomanyotherthings.Howmanythingscanyouname?(扬帆供稿)Oil…  相似文献   

Oil   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Almost everyone in the world uses oil(石油)1 some way. Without oil, the world will stop, so men 2 it everywhere. Oilmen drill(沙漠)foroil in deserts(钻探),in mountains and 3 thesea.Quite often they find 4 . but they search(寻找)for oil always 5 . Oil is very important  相似文献   

Almost everyone in the World uses oil(石油)in some way.Without oil,the world willstop,so men look for it everywhere.Oilmen drillfor oil in deserts(沙漠),in mountains and underthe sea.Quite often they find nothing,but thesearch(寻找)for oil always goes on.Oil is veryimportant because none of our machines can runwithout it.Big ships carry oil everywhere.Per-haps the oil in your bicycle or in your father’scar has come from somewhere far away.Perhaps  相似文献   

Fire and Water     
Shundagarh is a village on India's east-facing coast.It is a village of simple mud and grass houses built on the beach just  相似文献   

The Fire Engine     
基本词汇:her,like,could,the,no,and,would,was,has,is  相似文献   

Fire and ice     
som。,咖e。orld叔“。ndi。触some sag in iee.乃℃mwhatl’vetas艺edofdesire Iholdwiththoseohofaoorfire,But ifit had to Perish twiee,1 thinkl无now enough ofhate TO sag tha亡for destruetion ice 15 also great Andw。“ld suffice.象沈资长甲赞牛气~一Fire and ice@R·Frost~~  相似文献   

除了爱和自由,我们还奢望什么。是的,上帝赐予我们投生的机会,给予我们健康的躯体,甚至不惜将天地间的最为透亮的智慧之光罩于我们周身,我们还有什么理由将自己拘缩于暗淡和叹息,藏匿于庸俗与聊赖,一任宝贵的生命在时光的阴影下渐次残缺不全呢?梁遇春通过对志摩的追念与哀悼向我们指示了这样的一种生活态度:冷静,沉着地面对生活的艰辛与非难,以超常的勇气与精神执着于自己的理念,  相似文献   

"辽宁队能够在本赛季重返强势,韩德君、李晓旭、杨鸣和郭艾伦们是基础所在,哈德森为他们实现了火上浇油的效果。"这是《体坛周报》总第2906期A02版《比分越冷,联赛越热》一文中的一句话。该句对"火上浇油"这一成语的使用,正确吗?我们先来看词典中的解释。刘占锋先生编著的《成语通检词典》(中华书局)对其释义为往燃烧的火上浇油。比  相似文献   

This paper describes the effects of fire on durability of reinforced concrete structures, and points out that fire not only damages the chemical composition and physical structure of concrete by high temperature, but also leads to an additional risk due to the generation ofpolyvinyl chloride (PVC) combustion gases. A mathematical model is proposed to calculate chloride ingress profiles in fire damaged concrete, so as to explore the service life prediction of the structure. Rapid Chloride Migration (RCM) test was carried out to determine the chloride diffusion coefficients for the application of the mathematical model. Finally, the detected results of a reported case testified to the validity of the mathematical model.  相似文献   


This reflective account describes the impact of different cultural conceptions of pedagogy on one person in the course of an academic career. It begins with the experience of pedagogy in a school in Taiwan and the way in which a lack of meaningful connection is overcome by memorising under the strictest discipline. It goes on to describe the culture shock of arriving at an ancient English University, which appears to represent the opposite pole of the pedagogic spectrum, with a failure to provide structured supervision on the grounds that postgraduates are mature. (It suggests also that there are 'microclimates' of pedagogic ethos within cultures and nations, which may be more salient than those between them.) Finally, it moves to assess the European experience on the basis of focus groups discussing different teaching styles, and meets with demands from students both for less discipline and, at the same time, for more, which appears paradoxical. This paradox is explained by the work of Sapochnik who views it in terms of the adolescent need for a well-disciplined and safe pedagogic structure within which they can have room for their experiments in self-realisation.  相似文献   

霍甜甜 《海外英语》2014,(4):162-164
With its uttermost innovate form and its puzzle content, Pale Fire has sustained Nabokov the most intensive scholarly attention ever since its publication. Despite a great deal of criticism on the novel Pale Fire the poem Pale Fire within it has been neglected. This essay commits to analyze this poem from four perspectives, namely its symmetrical structure, the counterpoint of the poem, its parody and intertextuality and its meta-poetic element. By doing the detailed examination this essay proves that this 999 line poem embodies the significant themes of this novel, which are the counterpoint and"a Web of Sense".  相似文献   

1 热值人们燃烧燃料时发现不同的燃料释放内能的本领不同,为了描述这种性质,引入了一个概念——热值. 1千克某种燃料完全燃烧时放出的热量叫这种燃料的热值。热值的单位是:焦/千克(J/kg).气体燃料的热值一般用“焦/米3(J/m3)”做单位. 热值反映的是燃料释放内能本领的一种特性,热值的大小只与燃料的种类有关,确定的燃  相似文献   

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