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入学机会在香港虽早已普及,但这并不代表香港中小学教育是公平的。为了检视香港教育公平的实践,本文回顾了香港回归后与教育公平有关的教育政策争议,从学童的性别、贫穷家庭子女、特殊学习需要学童、少数族裔学童、新来港与跨境学童等几方面剖析了香港中小学在教育公平方面的实施情况,并就探讨香港教育公平课题提出了进一步的建议。  相似文献   

This paper attempts to argue that using market forces to raise education standards casts doubts to quality education, although this is seemingly an international trend, for such practice presents challenges to many issues such as equity. Using Hong Kong as a case, the paper analyses the practices of quality school education by focusing in particular on the difficulties that newly arrived children encounter. A multi-level framework is employed to critically examine the current government policy on quality education with reference to nine schools from five levels: individual student, institutional, government, societal and professional learning community. Discrepancies between policy goals and school practices are highlighted. The paper then addresses options for improvement and consideration if quality education is to be the hallmark of Hong Kong schooling.  相似文献   

This paper revisits and revisions Education for All (EFA) in the age of global migration with the aim of developing more inclusive approaches towards social justice and equity in education. Drawing on cases of internal and international migration in China and Canada, this paper compares and contrasts policies and practices in the education of migrants and their children to discern common issues and challenges in both country contexts. The findings reveal that despite China’s nine-year compulsory education law for all school-aged children, migrant children are often deprived of equitable learning opportunities, resulting in their being the most educationally marginalised in China. The case of Canada demonstrates some of the challenges facing immigrants in having their prior learning and work experience recognised. Lessons learned from this comparative analysis have important implications for the post-2015 EFA revisioning process in terms of developing a holistic, inclusive lifelong learning framework which ensures that the learning needs of both young and adult learners are met through access to equitable learning opportunities as well as recognition of their prior learning and experience.  相似文献   

The year 2015 marks the twentieth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, with a goal to contribute to gender equality globally. As scholars continue in their quest to ‘take stock’ of the ways in which gender and education work in tandem to achieve greater gender equality, we observe a revival in interest regarding conversations on gender and education. These conversations cover a gamut of related issues, including teaching and achievement as well as a number of intersecting issues such as gender-based violence. Within the conversation has been a continued focus on the role of equity primarily defined as access and opportunity. This paper explores the context of quality as it relates to equity in education and addresses the problems that are still left on the margins. Our goal is to take stock and assess the strength of evidence and to provide directions for future research.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the claims of current UK education policy, for children with special educational needs (SEN) toprovide excellence and equality of opportunity, are false. Critically examined are issues of social justice and equity in relation to the work of disability theorists and this critique is then applied to recent policy in education, in particular the Green Paper Excellence for All Children; Meeting Special Educational Needs, to demonstrate that as long as the organization of schooling, the curriculum, and assessment and testing procedures remain unchallenged, equal educational opportunity will remain amyth. In conclusion, having shown that the central energy in educational change seems to be devoted to perpetuating the status quo, thus reinforcing inequality and discrimination and precluding excellence for all children, this paper attempts toset anew agendafor the 21st century that might possibly offer agenuine entitlement for all children to an equal educational opportunity. Although the paper is centrally concerned with a critique of policy in the UK, it is believed that the implications have international relevance as they are fundamental issues relating to human rights and equity.  相似文献   

There is a strong rationale for people seeking asylum and refugees given temporary protection to be key beneficiaries of Australian higher education equity practices. However, despite the extreme precarity they face, this group remains among the most educationally disadvantaged populations in Australia. Here, we use critical discourse analysis to examine the publicly available statements of 38 Australian universities to identify discursive representations of equity practices and connections, with our analytic gaze focused through the lens of people seeking asylum. Using a three-part analytic heuristic examining ‘statements’, ‘practices’ and ‘connections’, we offer a critical discourse analysis of how each public university expresses its commitment to the equity agenda in powerful stakeholder-facing documents—such as annual reports, strategic plans and media releases—and we compare this analysis against institutional stated practices with regard to people seeking asylum. In identifying misalignments between equity statements and stated practices, we suggest that institutional equity narratives articulate ‘imagined worlds’, in which all marginalised groups can access higher education. We argue that now is the time to move beyond these ‘imagined worlds’, to enact stated commitments to universal education, by instituting real and effective practices to facilitate equitable access to Australian higher education for people seeking asylum.  相似文献   

This article examines the various education policies in Southeast Asian countries, highlighting the underlining philosophies and current practices in the region. The conceptual framework of the presentation includes key concepts such as access and equity, unity and identity, quality and relevance, efficiency and effectiveness. Each of these key concepts will be analysed using a framework consisting of key questions, guiding philosophies, policy options as well as issues and challenges. The article reviews policies relating to questions such as “who get access to what kinds of education?”, “how to widen access?”, “how to ensure success?”, “what kinds of education for a multicultural society?”, “how to promote national integration and social cohesion through education?”, “how to improve quality of education?”, “how to manage and administer the school delivery system?”. It draws examples from different countries in the SEA region to illustrate the issues and challenges in formulating and implementing contemporary education policies.  相似文献   

Access to higher education is a key challenge of the 21st century state. The link between higher education and personal and socio-economic development has intensified the need for ensuring that greater numbers of citizens have expanded access to and have been provided with quality higher education. The article seeks to explore how initiatives for increased access to higher education are experienced in India, Brazil and South Africa. As signatories to the IBSA declaration in the spirit of South–South cooperation, the three countries have publicly declared their commitment to enhance equity by, for example, widening access to higher education. We review the way in which the three countries have implemented key equity initiatives and draw lessons from their practice. Notions of ‘effectiveness’ and ‘efficiency’ are used to understand the extent to which each of the individual systems is responsive to the equity agenda. We find that while there have been notable attempts to implement the equity agenda in the quest for making their systems more ‘socially effective’. This is countervailed by a more pervasive ‘efficiency’ doctrine, underpinned by a market-driven economic paradigm. It is concluded that the innovative practices in each of the countries suggest important strides in the equity agenda but also that much still remains to be done. While the article represents a starting point for the much-vaunted South-South collaboration, tentative findings suggest that a more deliberately articulated policy framework characterized by greater inclusion of those previously excluded is necessary in each of the countries if significant and sustainable development is to be achieved.  相似文献   


Transnational migration, especially the growth of forced migration is unsettling the literature on widening access to university education. Equity definitions and understandings that frame social inclusion have presumed stable domestic populations within nations and targeted redressing historic internal social inequalities. Refugees and people seeking asylum have high aspirations to access to university education to gain recognition or update qualifications. University access for refugees and people seeking asylum is hampered by restricted funding entitlements that privilege citizens and admissions criteria that position them in the international student market and favour language and cultural requirements that reflect the dominant national culture. A qualitative narrative-based case-study of the admissions practices in one university in Australia explored the opportunities and blockages experienced by those seeking access and the dilemmas recognised by the admissions’ gatekeepers. Employing organisational theory and Scott’s three pillars of a neo-institutional framework, the regulative, the normative and the cultural-cognitive pillars, the article argues that homogenised institutional policies and practices to assess applications construct norms of access and equity, which create new exclusions for forced migrants. In revealing how some gatekeepers sought to ‘workaround’ these practices of exclusion, the article provides hope that informal learning within organisations can lead to organisational change.  相似文献   

In this paper, I reflect on equity research in order to describe a perspective on the mathematics classroom as a non-neutral place where issues of power and identity play out in teaching and learning processes. This view of the mathematics classroom takes seriously issues of equity in the form of power and what becomes constituted as legitimate mathematics while attending to the out-of-school practices in which students engage. This orientation and its related issues are significant in that they provide an alternative perspective on investigating equity in mathematics classrooms that is in contrast to efforts that focus specifically on comparing standardized test scores of specific groups based solely upon racial classifications.Lynn Liao Hodge is an assistant professor in mathematics education. Her research interests include issues of equity and identity in mathematics education and how classroom practices create opportunities for students to develop both an appreciation and a deep understanding of mathematics. Additionally, she is interested in investigating experiences that support the increased participation of women and minorities in mathematics, science, and engineering related professions. Address correspondence to Lynn Liao Hodge, Department of Theory and Practice in Teacher Education, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-3442, USA; e-mail: lhodge4@utk.edu  相似文献   

本文基于对江苏省进城务工人员随迁子女教育现状的专题调研,分析了进城务工人员子女随迁就读存在的矛盾与问题,提出了当前做好农民工随迁子女教育工作。促进教育公平的对策与建议。  相似文献   

追求社会公平是人类社会的崇高理想。让每一个人享有公平的受教育机会,是宪法赋予公民的基本权利,也是中国教育改革发展不懈追求的重要目标。在构建社会主义和谐社会的历史进程中,促进教育公平的问题显得尤为重要和突出。党的十七大进一步强调,教育公平是社会公平的重要基础。促进教育公平是落实科学发展观的重要体现,是我国教育发展重要的价值取向。实现人人享有平等的受教育权是教育公平的重要内容,实现农民受教育权益有利于教育公平作用的发挥,并可以促进教育公平目的的实现。  相似文献   

教育公平是全民教育中的一个重要问题。综观我国当前国情,要想在短时期内实现教育的绝对公平是不现实的,但有效而充分地利用现代信息技术可以在很大程度上促进教育和社会的公平。为此,本文提出要加大政府对农村教育的投资力度,尽快构建农村现代信息技术教育平台;改革农村办学层次结构和教育内容;加强农村师资队伍建设;改变农民教育观念和高校招生制度;保障农民工子女的受教育权;增加农村人口受教育机会等,尽快缩小城乡教育差距,促进城乡教育公平和社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

我国在新世纪建设和谐社会,教育公平是和谐教育的重要组成部分,也是和谐社会的重要基石。国际社会近年来非常重视从起点上保证教育公平,也就是为早期教育提供公共经费,并推动综合性的社会服务方案。本文通过分析美英两国的"开端计划"和"稳健起步计划",从起点——早期教育阶段建设和谐教育的国际经验,针对我国的现实提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

Whether or not disadvantaged students are realising the same benefits from higher education as their peers is of fundamental importance to equity practitioners and policymakers. Despite this, equity policy has focused on access to higher education and little attention has been paid to graduate outcomes. The Australian study reported here used national data to investigate relationships between disadvantage and graduate outcomes. The study provides critical insights into how access to higher education does, or does not, lead to improvements in post-graduation equity. The study reveals that outcomes are not equal for all students and that higher education disadvantage persists for many students after they have completed their studies. Whilst the specific findings relate to the Australian university sector the broader discussion of the article is relevant to higher education policy more generally, especially in terms of how governments align institutional processes to measure and scrutinise achievement in relation to public policy objectives.  相似文献   

王海林 《中学教育》2011,(3):110-113
教育公平是社会公平的基础,基础教育公平是社会公平基础之基础。基础教育的公平历来就是世界各国所共同追求的目标,亦是政府不可推卸的责任。本文选取印度这个和我国同为发展中大国的国家,分别从历史、法律政策、财政拨款等方面梳理其在基础教育公平方面做出的巨大努力,以期为解决我国基础教育公平问题提供借鉴。  相似文献   

This article examines the implications for access and equity of the Syrian government’s efforts to reform higher education in the country over the past decade. In the context of social and economic reforms that are moving the county from a state-controlled to a social market economy, it focuses on adequacy in financing higher education, as well as efficiency and equity. Significant progress has been made in access to higher education. The government has introduced a rich variety of options for accessing higher education, resulting in a doubling of enrolled students over the past 10 years. In terms of equity, the gender gaps in higher education enrollment and completion have all but disappeared nationally, although regional variations persist. The study raises concerns about the system’s internal and external efficiency: despite some improvements, the quality of the curricula and their relevance for the labour market remain serious issues.  相似文献   

This article examines social justice in teaching and teacher education with a focus on the experiences, pedagogies, and instructional practices of Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) teachers. We synthesized 37 peer-reviewed research publications on AAPI teachers’ experiences and contributions to diversity and social justice. The results show AAPI teachers disrupting Whiteness through beliefs, pedagogies, and practices that value multiple perspectives and marginalized voices. Policy implications include supporting cultural and linguistic diversity in teacher education programs and schools and providing opportunities for teachers to engage in critical praxis regarding their racial identities and issues of equity in education.  相似文献   

教育公平是一个独立的发展目标——辨析教育的公平与效率   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
教育公平从社会正义、平等、自由、人权的价值中产生,是一个独立的社会发展目标。我国教育理论界过于关注教育的公平与效率之争,是经济领域“效率优先、兼顾公平”的口号泛化的结果,也与我国“财政视角”的教育改革路径有关。教育的公平与效率问题应当具体分析,其冲突主要表现在教育资源的配置上。在义务教育阶段,公平与效率是高度一致的,但在入学机会问题上,主要是公平、公正的制度和政策设计问题,与效率无关。  相似文献   

改革开放30年来,具有中国特色的义务教育法律体系初步形成,同时在政策领域,采取了小学升初中免试就近入学、均衡发展政策,针对社会弱势儿童实施了"两免一补"政策、随班就读政策、"两为主"政策等,形成了相对全面的普及和救助政策体系,致力于更加公平的教育是改革开放30年来义务教育政策和法制建设的主旋律。尽管如此,还存在着义务教育发展尚不均衡、弱势儿童的受教育机会尚未得到全面保障等突出问题。为此,要强化政府的义务教育公平责任,建立和完善保护儿童受教育权利的政策和法律机制,实现教育公共服务均等化,以保障每一个儿童都能上好学。  相似文献   

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