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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between decision-making self-efficacy and task self-efficacy and subsequent decision-making and task performance. Sixty undergraduate students (30 males, 30 females) participated in this study, which involved infield defensive plays in softball. The physical task required participants to throw a ball at a target. The decision-making task required participants to watch video scenes depicting different infield defensive situations and decide where to throw the ball in each situation. Both tasks used manipulated failure. Self-efficacy was assessed before performance. Strength of decision-making and task self-efficacy predicted physical performance, but not decision-making performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between decision-making self-efficacy and task self-efficacy and subsequent decision-making and task performance. Sixty undergraduate students (30 males, 30 females) participated in this study, which involved infield defensive plays in softball. The physical task required participants to throw a ball at a target. The decision-making task required participants to watch video scenes depicting different infield defensive situations and decide where to throw the ball in each situation. Both tasks used manipulated failure. Self-efficacy was assessed before performance. Strength of decision-making and task self-efficacy predicted physical performance, but not decision-making performance.  相似文献   

The Feltz (1982) path analysis of the relationship between diving efficacy and performance showed that, over trials, past performance was a stronger predictor than self-efficacy of performance. Bandura (1997) criticized the study as statistically "overcontrolling" for past performance by using raw past performance scores along with self-efficacy as predictors of performance. He suggests residualizing past performance by regressing the raw scores on self-efficacy and entering them into the model to remove prior contributions of self-efficacy imbedded in past performance scores. To resolve this controversy, we reanalyzed the Feltz data using three statistical models: raw past performance, residual past performance, and a method that residualizes past performance and self-efficacy. Results revealed that self-efficacy was a stronger predictor of performance in both residualized models than in the raw past performance model. Furthermore, the influence of past performance on future performance was weaker when the residualized methods were conducted.  相似文献   

目的:考察《大学生生涯决策自我效能问卷》在我国体育院校大学生人群的适用性,比较该人群生涯决策自我效能水平在专业类别和年级上的差异。方法:运用上述工具对1,740名体育院校大学生施测,采用验证性因素分析及Cronbachα系数考察该工具使用的效度和信度,在检验测量恒等性基础上,进一步跨组比较分析专业类别和年级的差异,并对体育院校系毕业生、各年级学生与普通高校学生的生涯决策自我效能进行平均数差异性检验。结果:二阶因素模型的拟合指数良好,各条目的因素负载在0.44~0.69间,均达到显著性水平,各分量Cronbachα系数在0.80~0.85间。各单样本生涯决策自我效能结构形态恒等,跨母群因素恒等模型可以接受。体艺类专业与非体艺类专业大学生在生涯决策自我效能上无显著差异,大四毕业生的水平著低于其他年级学生。体育院校学生的生涯决策自我效能与当前普通高校学生无显著差异,但大四学生的水平显著低于九年前普通高校毕业生水平。结论:这一测量工具适用于测量我国体育院校大学生生涯决策自我效能的水平,专业类别并不影响体育院校系大学生的生涯决策自我效能,这进一步证明生涯决策自我效能是一个与专业类别关联不大的概念结构。与同时期其他普通高校大学生一样,体育院校系毕业生临近就业,生涯自我效能水平明显低于低年级学生,这一现状与过去、国外状况不同。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between role efficacy and role performance after controlling for the effects of task self-efficacy. Two hundred and ninety-five Spanish youth soccer players from 20 teams completed self-report measures of task self-efficacy, role efficacy and role performance at the mid-point of a competitive season. The 20 team coaches also provided ratings of each of their players' role performances at mid-season. Consistent with hypotheses, bivariate correlations showed task self-efficacy and role efficacy were positively related to role performance ratings. Hierarchical regression analyses revealed that role efficacy contributed significantly to the prediction of athletes' ratings of role performance after controlling for task self-efficacy. Role efficacy also explained significant variation in the prediction of coach ratings; however, the effects were less dramatic and inconsistent. Our results support self-efficacy theory and reinforce the value of assessing efficacy beliefs representing behaviours carried out both independently and interdependently for the prediction of role performance within team environments. Future research directions are proposed.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we manipulated the controllability and stability of causes of failure and explored the impact of these factors on self-efficacy and performance. In Experiment 1, participants (N=80; mean age 20.0 years, s=1.0) were provided with false negative feedback following performance on a blindfolded dart-throwing task. Consistent with theory and recent research, an induced belief that failure was beyond control and unlikely to change led to lower self-efficacy and poorer performance (all F1,754>5.49, all P<0.05, all η2=0.01). A second experiment (N=80; mean age 22.0 years, s=2.1) demonstrated that following an induced belief that failure was beyond control and unlikely to change, only new perceptions that a repeated failure was within one's control and likely to change resulted in higher self-efficacy and improved performance (all F1,75>4.53, all P<0.05, all η2>0.004). All effects were mediated by self-efficacy: Sobel's (1982) test, all z>1.97 (in absolute magnitude), all P<0.05, all r>0.22 (in absolute magnitude). These findings suggest that in novel circumstances individuals believe in the best for themselves unless possibilities to self-enhance are explicitly precluded, and only reinvest efforts when opportunities for self-enhancement become clearly admissible.  相似文献   


There is limited empirical evidence of the relationship between attributions following failure and subsequent task performance. Two studies manipulated the perceived controllability and stability of causes of initial task failure and explored the impact of these factors on perceptions of self-efficacy and follow-up performance. Consistent with previous attributional and social identity theorizing, an induced belief that failure was both beyond control and unlikely to change led to lower self-efficacy and worse performance, relative to conditions in which outcomes were believed to be controllable and/or unstable. These findings point to the resilience of beliefs in personal self-efficacy, but suggest that where opportunities for self-enhancement are precluded, personal self-belief will be compromised and performance will suffer.  相似文献   


The knee is a common site of injury in netball players. In this study, 10 high-performance netball players underwent a biomechanical assessment of their single leg landing technique whilst receiving a pass. Three-dimensional video and ground reaction force data were recorded using a motion analysis system. Net internal knee joint moments were calculated using a rigid body analysis and inverse dynamics. The kinematics of the support leg and front-on video footage was used to investigate whether players adhered to guidelines on safe and effective landing strategies. Results indicated that for most players the internal valgus moment was the largest frontal plane knee moment during the landing phase. This may reflect a relatively greater need to resist varus knee excursion or may be related to the kinematics of the hip. For 6 of the 10 players the rapid change to an internal knee valgus moment coincided with hip adduction. Since an increase in the magnitude of the internal valgus moment may increase the compressive forces in the medial compartment of the knee, further work should be undertaken to determine if a neuromuscular training intervention to improve the strength of the hip musculature may be beneficial for these players. A large relative excursion of the knee compared to the hip may indicate that these players had a greater reliance on the more distal segments of the lower extremity for the attenuation of the ground reaction forces. This information may be used to better understand potential knee injury mechanisms in netball players.  相似文献   

This study examined if a video decision-making task could discriminate talent-identified junior Australian football players from their non-talent-identified counterparts. Participants were recruited from the 2013 under 18 (U18) West Australian Football League competition and classified into two groups: talent-identified (State U18 Academy representatives; n = 25; 17.8 ± 0.5 years) and non-talent-identified (non-State U18 Academy selection; n = 25; 17.3 ± 0.6 years). Participants completed a video decision-making task consisting of 26 clips sourced from the Australian Football League game-day footage, recording responses on a sheet provided. A score of “1” was given for correct and “0” for incorrect responses, with the participants total score used as the criterion value. One-way analysis of variance tested the main effect of “status” on the task criterion, whilst a bootstrapped receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve assessed the discriminant ability of the task. An area under the curve (AUC) of 1 (100%) represented perfect discrimination. Between-group differences were evident (P < 0.05) and the ROC curve was maximised with a score of 15.5/26 (60%) (AUC = 89.0%), correctly classifying 92% and 76% of the talent-identified and non-talent-identified participants, respectively. Future research should investigate the mechanisms leading to the superior decision-making observed in the talent-identified group.  相似文献   


Baseball players exhibit a pattern of improvement and decline in performance; however, differing lengths of careers and changes in rules and characteristics of the game complicate assessments of age-related effects on performance. This study attempts to isolate the impact of age on several player skills while controlling for relevant outside factors using longitudinal data from 86 seasons of Major League Baseball. The results indicate that players age in different skills in accord with studies of ageing in other athletic contests. For overall performance, multiple-regression estimates indicate that hitters and pitchers peak around the age of 29 – later than previous estimates. Athletic skills such as hitting and running peak earlier than skills that rely heavily on experience and knowledge, such as issuing and drawing walks.  相似文献   

Major League Baseball (MLB) has proposed rule changes to speed up baseball games. Reducing the time between pitches may impair recovery from fatigue. Fatigue is a known precursor to injury and may jeopardise joint stability. This study examined how fatigue accumulated during baseball games and how different pace of play initiatives may influence fatigue. Pitcher data were retrieved from a public database. A predictive model of muscle fatigue estimated muscle fatigue in 8 arm muscles. A self-selected pace (22.7 s), 12 s pace (Rule 8.04 from the MLB) and a 20 s rest (a pitch clock examined in the 2014 Arizona Fall League (AFL)) were examined. Significantly more muscle fatigue existed in both the AFL and Rule 8.04 conditions, when compared to the self-selected pace condition (5.01 ± 1.73%, 3.95 ± 1.20% and 3.70 ± 1.10% MVC force lost, respectively). Elevated levels of muscle fatigue are predicted in the flexor–pronator mass, which is responsible for providing elbow stability. Reduced effectiveness of the flexor–pronator mass may reduce the active contributions to joint rotational stiffness, increasing strain on the ulnar collateral ligament (UCL) and possibly increasing injury risk.  相似文献   

This research examined the relative effects of other-efficacy and self-efficacy beliefs in relation to individual performance within a cooperative dyadic setting. Pairs of female participants (M(age) = 20.08, SD = 1.93) performed three practice trials on a dyadic dance-based videogame. Other-efficacy and self-efficacy beliefs were then manipulated through the provision of bogus feedback regarding each pair member's coordination abilities. Following the administration of this feedback, pairs performed a final trial on this dance-based task. The results revealed a main effect for other-efficacy, such that participants in the enhanced other-efficacy conditions outperformed those in the inhibited other-efficacy conditions on this task. A main effect for self-efficacy was not observed. Furthermore, there was no evidence of an interaction between other-efficacy and self-efficacy. The results of this study suggest that other-efficacy may supersede the effects of self-efficacy in supporting personal performance within cooperative relational contexts.  相似文献   

The foundation of this study was based on an idiosyncratic concept, which uses probabilistic determinations (Kamata, Tenenbaum, & Hanin, 2002) to verify the utility and effectiveness of a biofeedback intervention by manipulating affective performance states in a race-car simulator. Nine males completed five separate time-trials of a simulated racing task and were then randomly assigned to one of three arousal regulation treatment conditions: (1) optimal, (2) poor, and (3) attention control. Following the biofeedback intervention, participants underwent another series of race trials to determine the effectiveness of the arousal regulation intervention. The results indicated that there were relative similarities in the strength and direction of the perceived and physiological states between the participants; however, the subtle details of the participants' unique performance zones and the probability of achieving each zone were revealed to be unique among the participants. The results also indicated that: (a) the biofeedback manipulation resulted in the expected changes for each participant, and (b) there were some large individual differences among the participants, necessitating the idiosyncratic approach. Limitations and future directions are also addressed.  相似文献   

Lower to upper extremity sequencing of energy and force is linked by virtue of the scapula. It was the purpose of this study to examine the relationship between passive hip rotational range of motion and scapular kinematics during baseball pitching. Nineteen youth baseball players (11.3 ± 0.6 years; 151.8 ± 8.8 cm; 45.9 ± 10.9 kg) with no history of injury participated. Bilateral hip passive rotational range of motion was measured pre and post pitching a simulated game. Scapular kinematics at the position of shoulder maximum external rotation during the pitching cycle were recorded in the first and last innings of the simulated game. Post simulated game, stance leg hip passive internal rotation revealed significant correlations (r = ?0.57, = 0.01) with scapula anterior/posterior tilt at the pitching event of maximum humeral external rotation. The current study reveals that pitching a simulated game results in alterations throughout the kinetic chain. Specifically, this study strengthens the notion that lumbopelvic-hip complex parameters play a significant role in shoulder motion. With this link identified, it is suggested that clinical focus be directed musculature about the lumbopelvic-hip complex as well as muscles that work to stabilise the scapula during dynamic movement.  相似文献   

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries commonly occur during jump-landing tasks when individuals’ attention is simultaneously allocated to other objects and tasks. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the effect of allocation of attention imposed by a secondary cognitive task on landing mechanics and jump performance. Thirty-eight recreational athletes performed a jump-landing task in three conditions: no counting, counting backward by 1 s from a randomly given number, and counting backward by 7 s from a randomly given number. Three-dimensional kinematics and ground reaction forces were collected and analysed. Participants demonstrated decreased knee flexion angles at initial contact (p = 0.001) for the counting by 1 s condition compared with the no counting condition. Participants also showed increased peak posterior and vertical ground reaction forces during the first 100 ms of landing (p ≤ 0.023) and decreased jump height (p < 0.001) for the counting by 1 s and counting by 7 s conditions compared with the no counting condition. Imposition of a simultaneous cognitive challenge resulted in landing mechanics associated with increased ACL loading and decreased jump performance. ACL injury risk screening protocols and injury prevention programmes may incorporate cognitive tasks into jump-landing tasks to better simulate sports environments.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the relationships between self-efficacy, pre-competition imagery use and performance. A modified version of the Sport Imagery Questionnaire was used to assess both the motivational and cognitive functions of imagery used by 51 varsity golfers during the hour before a Provincial University Golf Championship. In line with Martin and co-workers' model of imagery use in sport, we hypothesized that self-efficacy would be positively related to motivational general-mastery imagery use and motivational general-mastery imagery use would be predictive of golf performance. Also, consistent with theorizing by Bandura, we hypothesized that self-efficacy would predict golf performance, but that the relationship between self-efficacy and performance would be mediated by imagery use. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that pre-competition motivational general-mastery imagery accounted for significant variance in both self-efficacy (adjusted R2 = 0.26, P < 0.01) and performance (adjusted R2 = 0.31, P < 0.01). The results also indicated that self-efficacy was predictive of golf performance and that motivational general-mastery imagery use mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and performance. The results are discussed in relation to athletes' pre-competition preparation and intervention.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the relationships between self-efficacy, pre-competition imagery use and performance. A modified version of the Sport Imagery Questionnaire was used to assess both the motivational and cognitive functions of imagery used by 51 varsity golfers during the hour before a Provincial University Golf Championship. In line with Martin and co-workers' model of imagery use in sport, we hypothesized that self-efficacy would be positively related to motivational general-mastery imagery use and motivational generalmastery imagery use would be predictive of golf performance. Also, consistent with theorizing by Bandura, we hypothesized that self-efficacy would predict golf performance, but that the relationship between self-efficacy and performance would be mediated by imagery use. The results of hierarchical multiple regression analyses revealed that pre-competition motivational general-mastery imagery accounted for significant variance in both self-efficacy (adjusted R 2 = 0.26, P ? 0.01) and performance (adjusted R 2 = 0.31, P ? 0.01). The results also indicated that self-efficacy was predictive of golf performance and that motivational general-mastery imagery use mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and performance. The results are discussed in relation to athletes' pre-competition preparation and intervention.  相似文献   

This study reinvestigated and extended the findings of Landers and Landers (1973), which examined the influence of skilled and unskilled teacher and peer models on motor performance. Sixth grade females (N = 100) were randomly assigned to groups in a 2 x 2 (Model Type x Model Skill) factorial design or to a no-model group. In the treatment groups, subjects observed one of four unfamiliar models--(a) a skilled teacher, (b) an unskilled teacher, (c) a skilled peer, or (d) an unskilled peer--perform on the Bachman ladder task. Subjects performed 30 trials of the task and also completed self-efficacy questionnaires on three occasions. Results showed that subjects who watched a skilled model performed better than subjects who watched an unskilled model. Unlike the Landers and Landers study, no model type by model skill interaction was found. In addition, the skilled model group reported higher efficacy beliefs than the control group after performing and were more efficacious than the unskilled model subjects both after watching the model and after performing. These results suggest when students view unfamiliar models, the skill rather than the status of the model may be more salient.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to compare the decision-making performance of college soccer players on a soccer-specific, tachistoscopically presented test, at rest and while exercising at their adrenaline threshold and at their maximum power output. These were determined following an incremental test to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer. After the initial maximum power test, participants (n= 9) were allowed 10 habituation trials on the soccer decision-making test. Participants' decision-making performance was tested at rest, while cycling at a power output that had previously been determined to elicit their adrenaline threshold and while cycling at maximum power output. Accuracy and speed of decision were the dependent variables. A one-way repeated measures analysis of variance showed no significant effect of exercise on accuracy, and showed speed of decision to be significantly affected by exercise. Tukey post-hoc tests showed that speed of decision at rest was significantly slower than in the other two conditions, which did not differ significantly from one another. Based on allocatable resources theories of arousal and performance, we conclude that the adrenaline threshold may be indicative of increases in the resources available to the individual. Furthermore, we considered that exercise at maximum power output may only induce a moderate rather than a high level of arousal.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis examined the relationship between self-efficacy and performance in sport. Based on 45 studies (102 correlations), the average correlation between self-efficacy and sport performance was .38. Given the heterogeneity of findings, follow-up univariate and multivariate moderator analyses were conducted. Results indicated that the most important moderator was concordance, thereby highlighting the importance of matching the self-efficacy and performance measures. Additional moderators we examined included the types of self-efficacy measures, the types of performance measures, the nature of the task, and the time of assessments. These variables accounted for approximately 44% of the variance in the self-efficacy-performance relationship. Practical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

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