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解决棚户区改造回迁居民的就业与再就业问题,让他们住得进,住得起,住得稳,并逐渐提高他们的生活水平,是当前民生工程的一项紧迫任务。失业者就业问题,归根结底是失业者作为一个整体与政府之间的博弈。我们通过建立博弈模型并进行分析,试图探求政府与失业者在就业问题上的博弈规律。在考证抚顺市棚户区改造回迁居民就业与再就业工作的基础上,对如何进一步完善棚户区改造回迁居民就业长效机制提出建议。  相似文献   

This study narrates the role of education/training in the career success stories of twelve women on an Irish active labour market programme, Community Employment (CE). All from lower socio-economic groups, having early school-leaving backgrounds, and, prior to CE, were long-term unemployed. CE enhances the employability of the long-term unemployed by offering job opportunities and providing education/training. Using narrative inquiry, it understands how the women (re)construct their interpretations of their career success following critical moments of change in their lives. The study narrates the stories on a case-by-case basis according to the category of critical moment that each participant experienced and then views the chronicles via the lens of social class as mediated through the educational structure. It, therefore, specifically recognises the micro-individual and macro-social aspects of a person’s interpretation of his/her career and education/training experiences. To understand the change process inherent in the stories, a theoretical construct, Giddens’ (1991) fateful moment, is operationalised by examining how the critical moments evolve in to fateful moments facilitated by the structural influence of the education/training provided by the expert system of CE. The study concludes by proposing three categories of career success for this sample to take account of their altered career structures.  相似文献   

The impact of environmental forces and the interaction of occupational and family roles on career plans were explored in interviews with female vocational clients. Twenty unemployed women in career transitions were interviewed over a three-year period. The women were asked about their career plans at age 18, for the immediate, and the long-range future; the life events that happened and the effects these events have had on career directions. In addition, the women were asked whether they feel they are stuck or moving in their current job situation. Themes from the interviews affirm that role priorities for family and work have been shaped by socialization and changing opportunities. Many of the women, who felt unprepared previously to integrate occupational behavior in their lives, now report that the need for adaptability to work roles has become a priority.This research was partially supported by an award to the first author by the Canada Employment and Immigration Commission.  相似文献   

就业是最大的民生工程。少数民族毕业生高质量的充分就业对于社会稳定和经济社会发展有非常重要的意义。受新冠肺炎疫情及经济增速放缓的影响,高校少数民族毕业生就业压力加剧。文章以西部5所非民族高校为例,对2020届离校未就业少数民族毕业生就业状态进行统计分析,针对就业动态掌握困难、未就业原因复杂多样、就业促进帮扶不够系统、部分毕业生择业观不合理等问题,提出学校跟踪服务、政府政策帮扶、企业积极吸纳、家庭科学引导的"校、地、企、家"四维融合的就业促进策略,保障离校未就业高校少数民族毕业生"好就业""就好业"。  相似文献   

As universities transform into enterprises, academics are facing new challenges, especially in their teaching. This is because of the demands for student‐centred programmes that offer more flexibility, the use of Course Management Systems such as Blackboard, and the expectation that instructors will perform (more) efficiently and effectively. In this research, the focus is on teaching‐related activities to support instructors to stay in control, given these increasing pressures. A Personal Performance Model that shows key aspects of academics’ performance relating to teaching tasks was developed. A series of studies relating to gaps between expected and actual performance was carried out using the Human Performance Technology methodology. As an intervention based on these gaps, a Personal Performance Support Tool was developed to support instructors with their time and task management in relation to teaching, as well as to develop an elaborated insight on how to support instructors as they respond to changing expectations for their teaching performance. Key steps to guide universities in implementing such a support tool have been identified as a result of the research.  相似文献   


This case study looks at the experience of four adults participating in the Employment Training Scheme within a college of further education. Semi‐structured interviews were carried out based on a questionnaire, and followed up by classroom observation in some cases. Particular interest was taken in the special needs of the participants and how these were being met. The study is described in the context of contemporary thinking about provision for the unemployed, and the role of F.E. in this context.  相似文献   

中国远程学习者学习风格特征的三维模型   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
测量远程学习的学习风格,可以帮助学生选择适合自身学习风格的学习策略,进而提高远程学习的质量。该的研究目的在于建构符合我国远程学习学习风格特征的三维模型,以此作为测量和鉴别我国远程学习学习风格特征的理论基础。该研究以学习的信息加工理论、科尔布的经验学习理论、荣格的人格特征类型理论等三大学习风格理论模型为基础,综合了生理、社会、心理三层面上的学习风格特征。研究结果形成了中国远程学习学习风格的三维模型。该模型分三个维度:1)生理维度:从视觉、听觉、动觉三个角度描述远程学习在感觉通道偏好上的学习风格特征;2)经验维度:描述远程学习与其社会性有关的四种学习方式偏好。即原理型、经验型、实践型、思考型;3)心理维度:主要涵盖了与远程学习风格相关的人格心理特征类型,即内向与外向、现实与幻想、理性与感性、计划与随意。作希望该模型能全面概括我国远程学习的学习风格类型特点,并能作为我国远程学习学习风格测量工具开发的理论基础。  相似文献   

形象是一种生产力。在激烈的市场竞争中,良好的形象有助于一个产业加快发展的步伐。针对福建茉莉花茶的行业背景和企业规模普遍较小的特点,为尽快摆脱困境,福建茉莉花茶产业的突破口之一就是开发和导入产品形象识别(PIS)战略,对此,本文分析福建茉莉花茶产品形象识别设计面临的三道门槛,接着提出相应的措施,最后提出了为有效提升福建茉莉花茶产品形象,企业有必要遵循的五大设计原则。  相似文献   

This qualitative study illustrates how complex perceptions of identity influence the community college experience for student veterans who have been in combat, creating barriers to their overall persistence. The collective experiences of student combat veterans at two community colleges in northwestern Massachusetts are presented, and a Combat Veteran Conceptual Identity Model to illustrate the ongoing negotiation of identity combat veterans experience while in college is introduced. Notable implications for future research and practice in Student Affairs are discussed.  相似文献   

Old Friends and New Faces Home Alone? Applying Theories of Transition to Support Student Veterans' Success A Model for Supporting Student Veterans' Transition Conclusion Commentary from Nancy K. Schlossberg What Matters to Veterans? Peer Influences and the Campus Environment The Military Bond Inputs, Environment, and Outcomes Inputs, Environment, and Outcomes for Veterans Peer Group Supports and Influences Summary and Recommendations Commentary from Alexander W. Astin Transition 2.0: Using Tinto's Model to Understand Student Veterans' Persistence Transition and Preentry Attributes Goals and Commitments Initial Institutional Experiences Transition 2.0: Academic and Social Integration Transition 2.0: Academic and Social Integration with the Campus Community Career Services and the Student Veteran New Goals and Intent to Persist Critics of Academic and Social Integration Conclusion Commentary from John M. Braxton Crisis of Identity? Veteran, Civilian, Student Identity Development and Knowledge of Self Self and Others Multiple Roles and Intersecting Identities Crisis, Exploration, and Commitment Multiple Dimensions of Identity Typologies Conclusion Commentary from Linda Reisser Women Warriors: Supporting Female Student Veterans Enduring Effects of Male Turf: Gender and Assumptions Mothers and Warriors: Care and Justice Into a College Environment: Developing a Voice Help Seeking: Learning to Cope Marching Together: Summary Commentary from Margaret Baechtold Ideas for a Self-Authorship Curriculum for Students with Military Experience Classes for Veterans Meaning Making and Self-Authorship Concept Mapping for Curriculum Planning Conclusion Commentary from Marcia B. Baxter Magolda Institutional Response to an Emerging Population of Veterans EFA Factor One—Financial Matters EFA Factor Two—Administrative and Strategic Planning EFA Factor Three—Advising and Career Services EFA Factor Four—Psychological Counseling Services EFA Factor Five—Veterans Office on Campus Conclusion Concluding Thoughts Appendix A: A Veteran's Essay Appendix B: Example Syllabus References Name Index Subject Index About the Authors  相似文献   


Evidence from the field indicates that many good candidates are not applying for principalships in Australian Catholic schools. Research aimed at developing an instrument to assess their reasons for not applying was conducted in New South Wales, Australia. A sample of 977 assistant principals, religious education coordinators and other coordinators were used in the evolution of a survey instrument. Scale development procedures resulted in a 32-item questionnaire with 8 underlying scales (namely, Unsupportive External Environment, Systemic Accountability, Lack of Expertise, Personal and Family Impact, Explicit Religious Identity, Gender Bias, Interview Problems, Loss of Close Relationships). Validation data indicated that this instrument--the Impediments to Leadership Succession Inventory--has sound structural characteristics. Use of this instrument revealed that respondents who perceived clear disincentives and systemic and societal devaluing of the work of principals were less inclined to apply for a principalship.  相似文献   

As community college leaders strive for institutional efficacy, programs are needed to promote student success through the alignment of curricular objectives and community needs. To meet this objective, service learning (SL) is becoming increasingly popular in the community college. A new SL program called Drive to Employment (DTE) was developed as a means of preparing students for employment by serving unemployed and underemployed community clients. As a result, the curriculum was better connected to workplace competencies, students were prepared for employment, and the capacity of community-based partner organizations was expanded. An overview of DTE will familiarize stakeholders with SL, lessons learned, and the potential impact of similar programs on student, institutional, and community outcomes.  相似文献   

Conclusion The perception of a person's value in society is, in large measure, determined by the individual's earning power and the status of the job which that person holds. Sadly, most autistic and other persons with severe handicaps are not only unemployed but also spend most of their lives in segregated settings, isolated from society's mainstream, and dependent upon others for their care.The employability of persons with severe handicaps, such as autism, is contingent on the adequacy of their career development programs. The READDY Program and other programs for persons with severe handicaps have clearly demonstrated that, with appropriate instruction, these students can become productively employed.Preparation of this article was supported in part by Grant No. G008430082 from the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, U.S. Department of Education.Dianne E. Berkell, Ph.D. is Associate Professor and Chairperson of the Department of Special Education and Reading, C. W. Post Campus, Long Island University. She is Director of Research for The Nassau Center for the Developmentally Disabled in Woodbury, New York, and is Director of Project READDY (Real Employment Alternatives for Developmentally Disabled Youth).  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》的实施将给大学生就业带来一些新的影响,既包括劳动者权益得到更好保障、"先就业、再择业"的条件更加有利等机遇,也包括可能进一步挤压大学生就业市场、对大学生诚信提出新要求等挑战。本文阐述了《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》对大学生就业的制衡,分析了教育部门应采取的措施,即加强对大学生的能力培养、专业设置与市场需求对接、加强就业指导和加强《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》的解读。  相似文献   


Over a period of three years this longitudinal study explored new approaches to consider student identity during the transition from university to employment. Students were followed through a new portfolio-based final year course and beyond university into the workplace. With universities increasingly recognising the employment aspirations of their students, facilitating self-awareness of graduate attributes and the development of employability skills are becoming integral to the higher education proposition; however the impact of employability initiatives is not well understood. The aim of the study was to examine changes in self-identification through the development of a portfolio of work using Holmes’ Claim Affirmation Model of Emergent Identity as the conceptual framework. Data were collected through student questionnaires and graduate interviews. The study uncovered the ways in which role models, developmental networks, and imaginings of a possible self were used in identity work. A fragile reconstruction of identity was observed as graduates faced the labour market, with this fragility continuing to be experienced while navigating an uncertain work landscape. We used these findings to allow us to refine Holmes’ Model by (a) adding a dynamic element and (b) grounding it on longitudinal data.  相似文献   

The Resourced Open Learning Facility (ROLF) has been developed by the UK Skills Training Agency (STA) as a means of delivering off-the-job skill training in the national network of 60 skillcentres. STA introduced ROLF as a pilot scheme in six skillcentres at a time when the government was introducing a new programme for the long-term unemployed (Employment Training). The authors evaluated the pilot scheme and concluded that ROLF was working well for low achieving adults. ROLF is also important because it is a systematic approach to open learning delivery in a chain of centres under the same management. Most educational technology literature about open learning features materials, rather than delivery.  相似文献   

随着讨论的网民不断增多,群体成员的平均反应在原有的偏向上继续偏移,比讨论前更为极端。文章在使用现有理论模型分析网络群体极化现象的基础上提出网络群体极化的动力模型,以从多动力模型角度分析网络群体极化现象。最后回顾已有研究,针对网络群体极化现有研究中的问题提出未来研究的启示,以期对深化网络群体极化研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

Executive Summary Foreword Acknowledgments The Development of Doctoral Students: Phases of Challenge and Support Why Do We Need to Understand Doctoral Students' Development? Why Have Doctoral Students Been Forgotten? How Do Doctoral Students Develop? A Model of Doctoral Student Development Organization of the Monograph Student Development Theory: A Primer Defining Student Development Psychosocial Development Social Identity Development Racial Identity Development Cognitive Development Conclusion Understanding Doctoral Education Doctoral Degrees and Their Purposes The Structure of the Doctoral Program Today's Doctoral Students Key Constituencies in the Doctoral Program Phase I: Entry Challenge: The Initial Transition Support: Orientation Challenge: Coursework Challenge: Changes in Thinking Challenge: The Transition from Undergraduate to Graduate School Expectations Support: Initial Relationships with Peers and Faculty Student Departure in Phase I Conclusion Phase II: Integration Challenge: Coursework Support: Peer Relationships Support: Advisor Relationship Challenge: Examinations Challenge: Changing Role Student Departure in Phase II Conclusion Phase III: Candidacy Challenge: Transition to Candidacy Challenge: The Dissertation Experience Challenge: Isolation Support: The Dissertation Advisor Challenge: The Job Search Challenge: Transition to Professional Role Student Departure in Phase III Conclusion Summary and Recommendations Implications for Phase I Implications for Phase II Implications for Phase III Implications for Future Research Conclusion Appendix: Details of Research Conducted to Construct the Model References Name Index Subject Index About the Author  相似文献   

基于零知识证明的身份识别体制探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
身份认证是信息安全的重要内容 ,文章介绍了零知识证明的基本思想 ,分析了基于零知识证明的身份识别体制 ,对基于零知识证明的身份识别体制的构建进行了探讨  相似文献   

聋人身份认同是聋人,包括重听人士对其群体文化以及自己聋人身份的承认,其发展受到教育背景、家庭环境、交流方式、听力损失的时间与程度等诸多因素的影响;研究发现,藏族聋人身份认同的发展还有另外一个重要的影响因素——藏传佛教的宗教价值观;文章从藏传佛教的人生观、生命观以及道德观三个方面入手,深入分析了这些宗教价值观对藏族聋人身份认同的影响。  相似文献   

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