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In recent decades, the work of teachers worldwide has undergone deep change. We have seen that teachers have encountered recent challenges differently and adapted to educational changes to a different extent depending on their personal disposition, but also school leadership and workplace support. This study focuses on the example of Estonian vocational teachers that serves as an interesting case for analysing how the interplay of the transitional context and neo-liberal policy trends adopted since Estonia regained its independence in 1991, after 50 years under Soviet rule, have affected the individual trajectories of teachers’ lives. This paper aims to understand how the interplay of the institutional context and individual (work) lives shapes Estonian vocational teachers’ understandings of their work and professionality. We suggest that certain periods of practice are visible in teachers’ narratives and those periods might be considered as enabling different degrees of agency. However, our interviews also revealed that different reform periods have been perceived and responded to differently. In the context of 25 years of the educational reform process, the policies and requirements introduced have been refracted at different levels (Goodson & Rudd, 2017), including that of the vocational field, the schools and individual teachers. Our results confirm that teachers individual, social, cultural and material resources such as competence, career stage, relations and networks, school leadership and prevailing culture at schools have their role in enabling or hindering the agency of teachers.  相似文献   


This paper examines the issue of secondary school vocational education reform in North America from a critical‐feminist perspective by linking directly to challenges that women face in pink and blue collar jobs. In the first part of the paper we review the research literature on pink and blue collar jobs in the clerical, sales, service, and manufacturing sectors. We explore how occupational sex segregation, job value and job security shape the working contexts of female employees in these jobs. In the second part of the paper we turn our attention to the implications of these challenges for vocational education reform. We focus on how curricular contexts such as traditional and non‐traditional vocational curricula, secondary school‐workplace linkages, and nonvocational courses could be reformed to become more responsive to the workplace challenges that current and future female workers face in pink and blue collar Jobs.  相似文献   

Innovations in the Regular School System: Official accounts list the following major results of the Italian school reform:

a) decentralization of responsibilities, especially for the encouragement of the disadvantaged and for vocational training;

b) de facto lengthening of compulsory schooling to eight years by the secondary school law of 1962;

c) standardization of the school system (standard secondary school; uniform standards of admission into higher education for all second-level secondary school graduates);

d) uniform staff structure in the educational system;

e) democratization of the school system. (1)  相似文献   


This article, based on a deep ethnography in schools located in a disadvantaged multicultural context in Geneva (Switzerland), questions the way in which the local school system and teachers comprehend the cultural diversity of students and their parents. Oscillating between recognition and assimilation, teachers publicly adhere to discourses that emphasise cultural diversity, while limiting its expression, especially when a student encounters school difficulties. Teachers’ meetings with parents are significantly influenced by the majority perspective, leaving the parents with little place to express their own needs. Nonetheless, within the conversation, some parents are able to assert practices that differ from those promoted by the host society. Ultimately, it seems that, in the absence of a multicultural position, teachers are limited to adopting hybrid practices that create unease and are evidence of limited understanding of multiculturality.  相似文献   

This research attempts to comprehend the traits and behaviors of vocational high school principals in implementing curriculum reform. In-depth interviews with experienced principals of three vocational high schools sought to identify the leadership roles and tasks that led to successful curriculum reform for vocational high school programs.  相似文献   


This study compared Montessori and day care compensatory programs for disadvantaged children. Ss in the treatment programs were compared to a disadvantaged control group and an advantaged middle-class control group on eight tests of cognitive skill and on a composite factor score derived from the eight tests as a single summary index. Analysis indicated that treatment differences existed on six of the nine analyses. Both preschool programs were effective in raising levels of performance beyond those of other disadvantaged Ss and both approached middle class levels of performance, yet the treatment groups did not differ from each other.  相似文献   


One of the current international trends in educational reform is the devolution of decision-making powers from central government to school level. This trend is related to a move towards institutional autonomy, the so-called site-based (i.e. school-based) management of institutions, which refers to the issue of self-management of the institution.

School-based management is no longer an option but, rather, a reality in South African education. Legislation and policy documents all point South Africa firmly towards a school-based system of education management. The new policy framework for decentralised decision-making is also embedded in the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996. This enables each school in South Africa to renew its management in a responsible and effective way.

In spite of its widespread implementation, school-based management has locally received only moderate attention in terms of stakeholder participation and the impact of stakeholder values on the school-based management process. In response to this, this article is an attempt to incorporate a strategy to conceptualise stakeholder participation in school-based management and assess the impact of stakeholder values on the school-based management process. This philosophical review of the literature on school-based management also aims at raising and answering some of the questions about stakeholder participation and stakeholder values in school-based management in South Africa, where educational reform is the norm rather than the exception.  相似文献   

本研究旨在对中等职业学校农村家庭经济困难学生和涉农专业学生免学费政策的阶段性成效进行评估,并就2012年加大中等职业教育财政投入的举措提出建议。主要结论和建议是:中等职业学校的办学行为与办学质量存在诸多不尽如人意的现象,这影响了中等职业教育助学金和部分学生免学费政策效果的达成。在中等职业教育的学校布局和管理体系尚不成熟的情况下,目前加大中等职业教育的中央财政投入应以诱导地方政府完善学校布局、改革管理体系、提高办学质量为核心目标。换言之,不赞成近期内以实施全面免费为加大中等职业教育财政投入的优先选项。  相似文献   


This paper examines the nature of education reform in English‐speaking countries in an attempt to draw out its implications for other countries. The focus is on three main areas of reform: decentralization and local management of schools, markets and choice programs, and increased use of large‐scale student assessment. Other countries should be very cautious in borrowing these ideas about education reform for at least three reasons: these reforms embody problems of contradictory purposes; reforms with similar names actually end up looking quite different because of contextual differences; and such reforms are weakly connected to teaching and learning and hence to outcomes. A program of reform in any setting should be grounded in a clear sense of educational purpose that fits the particular social context.  相似文献   


Until the mid‐1970s, the politics of urban school desegregation concentrated almost exclusively on the attainment of some form of racial balance. The racial balance paradigm became the focal point for desegregation planners and for local, state and national dispute about ‘forced bussing’. However, in its 1977 Milliken II ruling, the Supreme Court added critical new elements to the urban school desegregation paradigm. By affirming a desegregation plan which included remedial education components in all‐minority schools, and which required state participation in financing these components, Milliken II heralded a new era of urban school desegregation. Resource issues and school effectiveness issues joined racial balance issues in the crucible of desegregation politics. In this chapter, the post‐Milliken politics of urban school desegregation are highlighted through examination of the St Louis and Kansas City cases. New goals, new issues, new alignments of interests and new political strategies are apparent, presenting new challenges to students of urban education policy and politics.  相似文献   


Little is known about the influence of isolation on the vocational choice processes of rural students except that such people often make very traditional career decisions. In remote areas of Australia vocational choice has to be considered at a comparatively early stage of a student's education because of the lack of full, locally available secondary education facilities. Students, in some cases accompanied by their families, migrate to urban centres to complete years 11 and 12 in order to matriculate. In the Western Australian community in which this study was located, the influence of family and school on the vocational decisions of 24 rural students was investigated. Family influence was found to be much stronger than that of the school, a matter that has implications for schools that are remote from vocational opportunities.  相似文献   


The premise of this article is that studies of distributed leadership could benefit from further incorporation of institutional approaches to better understand complex reform demands facing school leaders working for instructional improvement. We begin by articulating the core components of a distributed perspective on leadership and of an institutional perspective on organizational change. We next describe our methods for reviewing a purposeful sample of 28 highly cited empirical articles on distributed school leadership in K-12 settings. We argue that studies that fully integrate institutional and distributed perspectives can contribute important insights on how school leaders manage the pressures of complex policy environments and the role of collective structuration in defining and legitimating distributed leadership practice.  相似文献   


This article argues that listening to stories of community leaders and activists as well as writing a Eucharistic liturgy to practice together were effective elements of a pilgrimage that had the goal of educating Christian college students about racial justice. Together these practices helped students imagine new possibilities of building community across lines of difference, embrace unity between spirituality and bodily engagement in social justice, and sense forward movement in vocational discernment.  相似文献   

During the last twenty years, increasing emphasis has been placed upon the provision of comprehensive vocational assessment to disabled and disadvantaged persons to assist them in obtaining employment. Vocational evaluation programs have proliferated in rehabilitation facilities, manpower programs, vocational-technical schools and public schools. An increasing body of literature and research has delineated service-delivery models and competencies needed by vocational evaluation specialists. Increasing numbers of universities have implemented graduate training programs in vocational evaluation; and a national professional certification process has been developed. Most of this activity has been centered at rehabilitation facilities at the same time that public schools are becoming the norm for educating disabled students. As vocational assessment for disabled students moves into this relatively new setting, it is being modified. This article explores models of vocational assessment for disabled students which incorporate modifications to suit the special needs of the public school setting.  相似文献   


Purpose: To analyze the Brazilian experience in designing and implementing a recent extension policy reform based on agroecology, and reflect on its wider theoretical implications for extension reform literature. Design/methodology/approach: Using a critical public analysis we characterize the evolution of Brazilian federal extension policy between 2004 and 2015, using political and legal documents as well as recent academic studies for policy frame characterization and implementation analysis. Findings: The case reveals the difficulty of implementing an agroecological extension approach as part of the endogenous development proposal expressed in 2004 PNATER. The agroecological proposal tended to be impaired by a more general demand for diverse public policy programs implementation, facing a series of institutional constraints. A policy reframing process led to a search for alternatives to make it compatible with a federal centralization trend and public administration rules, resulting in a contracting out emphasis. Theoretical implications: The study shows the political economy aspects of extension reform, and how original plans are influenced by path dependence and different and contrasting demands. Practical implications: The study points to the importance of considering political and institutional environments in extension reforms, and indicates a necessity for additional reflection about strategies for scaling up proposals for agroecological and sustainability oriented extension. Originality/value: Few studies are dedicated to understanding the political economy of extension reform, and reform of Brazilian rural extension systems.  相似文献   


This article explores the implications of the publication of the Green Paper on Every Child Matters, which proposes the most radical changes in services for children and their families since the Children's Act, 1988. The Green Paper focuses upon improving every level of professional support for children perceived to be vulnerable and in need. The legislation and subsequent changes will bring about a whole new agenda and philosophy that will directly or indirectly involve every school, teacher, paraprofessional and educational support service. It will also involve changes in supporting parents and carers, and lead to earlier intervention, more accountability and integration between services as well as enhancing workforce reform. In conjunction with the Anti-Social Behaviour Act, 2003, it will provide a new impetus for tackling truancy and disruptive conduct. It is also likely to lead to a rethink about the wider role of schools and aspects of pastoral care practice. Its implementation will require a reassessment of the continuing professional training needs of all teachers and senior professionals working in schools and in related activities such as education social work. The legislation will mean that schools are likely to become all-the-year-round community centres with amended opening hours in order to meet the needs of disadvantaged youngsters and their families.  相似文献   


In this paper, I argue that researcher reflexivity, a common qualitative practice, is a specific tool that institutional research professionals endeavoring to conduct qualitative research studies involving Students of Color can use to unpack issues of power and privilege that exist between the researcher and the researched. This may be particularly useful among institutional researchers working within community colleges that serve a disproportionate number of racially minoritized populations and other vulnerable student groups. I offer a reflexive account of various experiences related to race, gender, and social class that I encountered in a qualitative research study of Black and Latino males I conducted as an institutional researcher. The purpose of this reflexive account from the field is to support the argument for more qualitative approaches to institutional research, while also advancing the argument that critical qualitative research be leveraged with the explicit purpose of advancing racial equity from the context of IR not traditionally associated with equity, advocacy, and qualitative inquiry involving race.  相似文献   


This article explores the paradox of “race” and U.S. education reform in the 21st century. I consider how the invisible ontology of race and its entangled relationship with class divert our attention from economic inequality and undermine policies intended to redress racial inequality in schools. I conclude that the education research community must unpack its use of “race” and focus on the role of racism in the maintenance of racial caste in America's schools.  相似文献   

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