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<正> 老师:澳大利亚和月球哪个离我们更远些? 博比:澳大利亚。老师:你为什么这么说呢?  相似文献   

This case study describes how an urban school system evolved to support an externally developed and externally introduced whole-school reform (WSR) effort. Based on interview data with school district staff and external partners, it analyzes a central office reorganization that placed all schools implementing a combination of Direct Instruction (DI) and Core Knowledge (CK) reforms into one administrative area under a single area executive officer (instead of within their geographic administrative areas). It addresses how the creation of a DI Area grouping all DI/CK schools together facilitated the continued implementation of the reform models, as well as problems perceived with the new central office arrangement. Although limited by reliance on qualitative school-level data from the early years of the reform's implementation, this study's conclusions contribute to the small but growing research literature on the role of school systems-and, in particular, central office administrators-in creating supportive structures for WSR to achieve the best possible student achievement results.  相似文献   

Assuming a coin is fair is common place in introductory statistical education. This article offers three approaches to test if a coin is fair. The approaches lend themselves to straightforward simulation studies that can enrich student understanding of joint probability and sample size requirements. Simulation studies comparing the relative merits of the three, or potential other, approaches are an example of problem‐based learning.  相似文献   

曾经的殷切和脉脉含情变成唠叨的时候,妻子的美丽就会隐去一层亮彩。默默的温柔和沉静,让太太的瑰丽,随着年龄,永不褪色。  相似文献   

21世纪的社会呼唤富有个性和创造性的人才,教育应该重视以全面发展学生个性为目的的个性化教学。教师在个性化教学要求下,存在"应为却难为"的状况。基于此,从教学理念的形成、教学目标的定位、教学过程的实施和教师的自我发展四个方面分析教师在个性化教学要求下的"难为"与"应为"。  相似文献   

在我国,小学阶段的音乐教学似乎还得到了应有的重视,从课时安排到教学内容均有一定的计划。但到了初中及高中阶段,音乐课几乎成为了一个摆设。据调查,在我国初中和高中时期的音乐课几乎成为了学生的作业课和自习课。其实,这一阶段正是青少年接受知识、提高认知及兴趣形成的最为关键的时期,也是青少年过渡到社会人、决定着社会音乐形态最为关键的一个环节,在我国却成为了接受音乐教育的一个断层。  相似文献   

This article discusses how integrating technology into microteaching exercises within teacher education programs can help develop reform-oriented and reflective teacher leaders.  相似文献   

杂文选刊2006年第3期(上半月版)登载一篇名叫《博士论文》的百字杂文,说在某次“博土论文竞赛”中,获奖的论文题目如下:《吃饭有益论》《论“回”字的第四十四种写法》《秦始皇焚书坑儒所用引火材料新考》《武大郎卖烧饼的吆喝技巧与WTO背景下的营销策略》《左手还是右手——关于曹雪芹用哪只手举杯喝酒的伦理学考察》。这是文学版的对我们一些以学术特长取胜,“把学问做深做透做细”的高水平博士的最新注解。而现实版的学者专家又如何呢?四川社科院研究员、中国《三国演义》学会常务副会长沈伯俊潜心研究20余年终于提出“张飞是曹操侄女…  相似文献   

Teacher education students sometimes question the value of educational psychology courses even though educational psychology textbooks are primarily concerned with understanding and improving classroom teaching and learning. A survey of current educational psychology textbooks and instructors reveals that (a) most texts cover a wide variety of topics, (b) instructors rate most of these topics as important, (c) there are large variations in depth of coverage among texts, and (d) all texts contain numerous classroom applications. The questionable reputation of the educational psychology course may stem from its broad coverage. A dozen or more topics in one semester may decrease the probability that most students will achieve a solid grasp of any one topic, leaving students uncertain about the course's meaning and applicability. A proposed solution is to offer the introductory course as a two-semester sequence, with the second course offered as an elective.  相似文献   

你对今日的成就感到不满意吗?今天的丰收源自昨日的播种。你是否梦想拥有一个金色的明天?一分耕耘,一分收获。我们从生活中所得到的,正是先前我们所付出的。  相似文献   

教育机制是教育现象各部分之间的相互关系及其运行方式,包括教育的层次机制、形式机制和功能机制三种基本类型。我国当前在层次机制上,要建立一种以中观和微观机制为主,以宏观机制为辅的层次机制的动态结构;在形式机制上,应建立一种以指导——服务式的机制为主,以行政——计划式的机制为辅的服务——监督式的机制;在功能机制上,要建立一种以激励机制和保障机制为主,以制约机制为辅的功能机制的动态结构。  相似文献   

Theory of mind (ToM) allows children to achieve success in the social world by understanding others' minds. A study with 3‐ to 12‐year‐olds, however, demonstrates that gains in ToM are linked to decreases in children's desire to engage in performative behaviors associated with health and well‐being, such as singing and dancing. One hundred and fifty‐nine middle‐class children from diverse backgrounds in a Northeastern U.S. metropolitan area completed the study in 2011. The development of ToM is associated with decreases in self‐esteem, which in turn predicts decreases in children's willingness to perform. This shift away from performance begins at age 4 (when ToM begins to develop), years before children enter puberty.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to uncover any differences in the early reading and spelling processes of children learning to read in a first language (L1) and children learning to read in a second language (L2). The reading and spelling development of native Dutch-speaking children and minority children in the first two grades of elementary school were compared. The children were given a number of tasks to test their vocabulary knowledge and the efficiency of their word decoding (including grapheme knowledge and word blending), word spelling (including cipher knowledge and phonemic segmentation), and reading comprehension processes. Analyses of variance were used to test for differences between the L1 and L2 learners. LISREL analyses were used to explore the components underlying the reading and spelling processes in the 2 groups of children. The results showed that the minority children kept up with the native Dutch-speaking children on word blending and word decoding tasks. On word spelling and reading comprehension, however, the minority children were found to be less efficient than their monolingual Dutch peers. The structural models for word decoding and word spelling were highly comparable for the 2 groups. For reading comprehension, vocabulary knowledge was found to have more of an impact on the L2 learners than on the L1 learners. This finding suggests that children learning to read in an L2 should be helped to build their lexical knowledge and that reading instruction should be matched to this knowledge.  相似文献   

People in different parts of the world have very different ideas about what is goodto eat.If you were an Eskimo near the North Pole,you would enjoy the raw meatfrom seals.If you were a nomad in the desert,you would prefer the roasted meat ofsheep and goats.Americans cook the meat of many different animals,but perhaps  相似文献   

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